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  • Test filter configurations

The Filter Testing feature enables you to test the configuration of a single filter as you configure it. Using this feature, you can:

  • Create tests to send test messages through a filter.
  • View test results.
  • Save tests with the filter configuration, so they can be used again the next time you want to run a test, or change the filter configuration.

Filter tests consist of user-defined input messages and corresponding expected output messages. Running a test compares the actual output messages with the expected output messages, and provides you with a result and enables you to examine the differences between the actual and expected output messages.

Refer to the following sections for details:

In order to manage your tests across your configuration, use the Test Manager.

Filter Testing Backwards Compatibility

As of Rhapsody 6.2.3, Rhapsody's test framework operates on the basis of tests rather than input test messages as in the case of its predecessors. Consequently, there are a number of behavioral differences when testing using Rhapsody version 6.2.3 or later, particularly when using older RLCs and engines.

Pre-Rhapsody 6.2.3 RLCs on Rhapsody Version 6.2.3 or Later

When loading an RLC created by a pre-Rhapsody 6.2.3 version onto Rhapsody version 6.2.3 or later, or upgrading from a pre-Rhapsody 6.2.3 version to Rhapsody version 6.2.3 or later, Rhapsody converts input test messages into individual tests. For filter testing in pre-Rhapsody 6.2.3 RLC that is configured to send multiple messages through a filter simulating a Message Collector, or in a specific order, Rhapsody 6.2.3 converts them into individual tests with no discernible run order.

To reproduce the pre-Rhapsody 6.2.3 message collector functionality on Rhapsody version 6.2.3 or later, you must manually create a test and add the multiple test messages using Message Collection Test Mode. To do so, you can use the test framework's copy-paste functionality to copy messages from one test to another.

Rhapsody IDE Version 6.2.3 or Later Connecting to Older Engines

You can use an instance of Rhapsody IDE version 6.2.3 or later to test your configuration running on older Rhapsody 6.x engines using the pre-Rhapsody 6.2.3 test framework. Refer to the Rhapsody documentation specific to the version of the engine you are using.

However, an instance of Rhapsody IDE version 6.2.3 or later connecting to a pre-Rhapsody 6.2.3 engine does not support filter testing simulating a Message Collector.