Format-inl.h File Reference
#include <array>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <folly/Exception.h>
#include <folly/FormatTraits.h>
#include <folly/MapUtil.h>
#include <folly/Traits.h>
#include <folly/lang/Exception.h>
#include <folly/portability/Windows.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  folly::FormatValue< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, bool >::value >::type >
class  folly::FormatValue< bool >
class  folly::FormatValue< double >
class  folly::FormatValue< float >


 —— Concurrent Priority Queue Implementation ——


void folly::detail::insertThousandsGroupingUnsafe (char *start_buffer, char **end_buffer)
template<class Uint >
size_t folly::detail::uintToHex (char *buffer, size_t bufLen, Uint v, std::array< std::array< char, 2 >, 256 > const &repr)
template<class Uint >
size_t folly::detail::uintToHexLower (char *buffer, size_t bufLen, Uint v)
template<class Uint >
size_t folly::detail::uintToHexUpper (char *buffer, size_t bufLen, Uint v)
template<class Uint >
size_t folly::detail::uintToOctal (char *buffer, size_t bufLen, Uint v)
template<class Uint >
size_t folly::detail::uintToBinary (char *buffer, size_t bufLen, Uint v)
template<class Derived , bool containerMode, class... Args>
void folly::writeTo (FILE *fp, const BaseFormatter< Derived, containerMode, Args... > &formatter)
template<class FormatCallback >
void folly::format_value::formatString (StringPiece val, FormatArg &arg, FormatCallback &cb)
template<class FormatCallback >
void folly::format_value::formatNumber (StringPiece val, int prefixLen, FormatArg &arg, FormatCallback &cb)
template<class FormatCallback , class Derived , bool containerMode, class... Args>
void folly::format_value::formatFormatter (const BaseFormatter< Derived, containerMode, Args... > &formatter, FormatArg &arg, FormatCallback &cb)


const std::array< std::array< char, 2 >, 256 > folly::detail::formatHexUpper
const std::array< std::array< char, 2 >, 256 > folly::detail::formatHexLower
const std::array< std::array< char, 3 >, 512 > folly::detail::formatOctal
const std::array< std::array< char, 8 >, 256 > folly::detail::formatBinary
const size_t folly::detail::kMaxHexLength = 2 * sizeof(uintmax_t)
const size_t folly::detail::kMaxOctalLength = 3 * sizeof(uintmax_t)
const size_t folly::detail::kMaxBinaryLength = 8 * sizeof(uintmax_t)