GLog.h File Reference
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <glog/logging.h>

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#define FB_LOG_EVERY_MS(severity, milli_interval)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define FB_LOG_EVERY_MS (   severity,
for (decltype(milli_interval) FB_LEM_once = 1, \
FB_LEM_interval = (milli_interval); \
FB_LEM_once;) \
for (::std::chrono::milliseconds::rep FB_LEM_prev, \
FB_LEM_now = FB_LEM_interval <= 0 \
? 0 \
: ::std::chrono::duration_cast<::std::chrono::milliseconds>( \
::std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) \
.count(); \
FB_LEM_once;) \
for (static ::std::atomic<::std::chrono::milliseconds::rep> FB_LEM_hist; \
FB_LEM_once; \
FB_LEM_once = 0) \
if (FB_LEM_interval > 0 && \
(FB_LEM_now - \
(FB_LEM_prev = \
FB_LEM_hist.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) < \
FB_LEM_interval || \
!FB_LEM_hist.compare_exchange_strong(FB_LEM_prev, FB_LEM_now))) { \
} else \
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now()
int * count

Issues a LOG(severity) no more often than every milliseconds. Example:

FB_LOG_EVERY_MS(INFO, 10000) << "At least ten seconds passed" " since you last saw this.";

The implementation uses for statements to introduce variables in a nice way that doesn't mess surrounding statements. It is thread safe. Non-positive intervals will always log.

Definition at line 36 of file GLog.h.

Referenced by BENCHMARK(), folly::detail::MemoryIdler::flushLocalMallocCaches(), and TEST().