HPACKContextTests.cpp File Reference

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class  HPACKContextTests
class  TestContext


 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, GetIndex)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, IsStatic)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, StaticTable)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, StaticTableHeaderNamesAreCommon)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, static_table_is_header_code_in_table_with_non_empty_value)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, StaticIndex)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, EncoderMultipleValues)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, DecoderLargeHeader)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, DecoderInvalidPeek)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, DecoderInvalidLiteralPeek)
void checkError (const IOBuf *buf, const HPACK::DecodeError err)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, DecodeErrors)
 TEST_F (HPACKContextTests, ExcludeHeadersLargerThanTable)
 TEST_P (HPACKContextTests, ContextUpdate)
 INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P (Context, HPACKContextTests,::testing::Values(true, false))

Function Documentation

void checkError ( const IOBuf buf,
const HPACK::DecodeError  err 

testing various error cases in HPACKDecoder::decodeLiterHeader()

Definition at line 187 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References proxygen::hpack::decode(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, proxygen::HPACKDecoderBase::getError(), and proxygen::HPACKDecoderBase::hasError().

Referenced by TEST_F().

187  {
188  HPACKDecoder decoder;
189  auto decoded = proxygen::hpack::decode(decoder, buf);
190  EXPECT_TRUE(decoder.hasError());
191  EXPECT_EQ(decoder.getError(), err);
192 }
HPACK::DecodeError getError() const
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
unique_ptr< HPACKDecoder::headers_t > decode(HPACKDecoder &decoder, const IOBuf *buffer)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:95
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
HPACKContextTests  ,
::testing::Values(true, false)   

Referenced by TEST_P().

TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 41 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References context, proxygen::HPACKContext::getIndex(), and proxygen::HPACK::kTableSize.

41  {
43  HPACKHeader method(":method", "POST");
45  // this will get it from the static table
46  CHECK_EQ(context.getIndex(method), 3);
47 }
const uint32_t kTableSize
Definition: CMakeCache.txt:563
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 49 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References TestContext::add(), context, EXPECT_EQ, proxygen::HPACKContext::getTable(), i, proxygen::HPACKContext::isStatic(), proxygen::HPACK::kTableSize, folly::gen::move, and proxygen::HeaderTable::size().

49  {
51  // add 10 headers to the table
52  for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
53  HPACKHeader header("name" + folly::to<string>(i),
54  "value" + folly::to<string>(i));
55  context.add(std::move(header));
56  }
57  EXPECT_EQ(context.getTable().size(), 10);
60  EXPECT_EQ(context.isStatic(1), true);
61  EXPECT_EQ(context.isStatic(10), true);
62  EXPECT_EQ(context.isStatic(40), true);
63  EXPECT_EQ(context.isStatic(60), true);
64  EXPECT_EQ(context.isStatic(69), false);
65 }
const uint32_t kTableSize
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
Definition: CMakeCache.txt:563
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 67 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References folly::gen::first, proxygen::HPACKHeaderName::get(), folly::pushmi::operators::get, and proxygen::HPACKHeader::name.

67  {
68  auto& table = StaticHeaderTable::get();
69  const HPACKHeader& first = table.getHeader(1);
70  const HPACKHeader& methodPost = table.getHeader(3);
71  const HPACKHeader& last = table.getHeader(table.size());
73  // there are 61 entries in the spec
74  CHECK_EQ(table.size(), 61);
75  CHECK_EQ(methodPost, HPACKHeader(":method", "POST"));
76  CHECK_EQ(, ":authority");
77  CHECK_EQ(, "www-authenticate");
78 }
HPACKHeaderName name
Definition: HPACKHeader.h:82
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr detail::get_fn< T > get
Definition: submit.h:391
constexpr detail::First first
Definition: Base-inl.h:2553
const std::string & get() const
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 80 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References EXPECT_TRUE, and folly::pushmi::operators::get.

80  {
81  auto& table = StaticHeaderTable::get();
82  for (std::pair<HPACKHeaderName, std::list<uint32_t>> entry : table.names()) {
83  EXPECT_TRUE(entry.first.isCommonHeader());
84  }
85 }
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr detail::get_fn< T > get
Definition: submit.h:391
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 87 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References folly::basic_fbstring< E, T, A, Storage >::empty(), EXPECT_TRUE, folly::pushmi::operators::get, proxygen::HPACKHeaderName::getHeaderCode(), i, proxygen::HPACKHeader::name, uint32_t, and proxygen::HPACKHeader::value.

88  {
89  auto& table = StaticHeaderTable::get();
90  for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= table.size(); ++i) {
91  const HPACKHeader& staticTableHeader = table.getHeader(i);
93  staticTableHeader.value.empty() !=
94  StaticHeaderTable::isHeaderCodeInTableWithNonEmptyValue(
96  }
97 }
bool empty() const
Definition: FBString.h:1372
HTTPHeaderCode getHeaderCode() const
HPACKHeaderName name
Definition: HPACKHeader.h:82
folly::fbstring value
Definition: HPACKHeader.h:83
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr detail::get_fn< T > get
Definition: submit.h:391
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 99 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References context, EXPECT_EQ, proxygen::HPACKContext::getHeader(), and proxygen::HPACK::kTableSize.

99  {
101  HPACKHeader authority(":authority", "");
102  EXPECT_EQ(context.getHeader(1), authority);
104  HPACKHeader post(":method", "POST");
105  EXPECT_EQ(context.getHeader(3), post);
107  HPACKHeader contentLength("content-length", "");
108  EXPECT_EQ(context.getHeader(28), contentLength);
109 }
const uint32_t kTableSize
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
Definition: CMakeCache.txt:563
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 111 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References folly::IOBuf::computeChainDataLength(), proxygen::HPACKEncoder::encode(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_GT, EXPECT_LT, EXPECT_TRUE, proxygen::HPACKContext::getTable(), folly::IOBuf::length(), and proxygen::HeaderTable::size().

111  {
112  HPACKEncoder encoder(true);
113  vector<HPACKHeader> req;
114  req.push_back(HPACKHeader("accept-encoding", "gzip"));
115  req.push_back(HPACKHeader("accept-encoding", "sdch,gzip"));
116  unique_ptr<IOBuf> encoded = encoder.encode(req);
117  EXPECT_TRUE(encoded->length() > 0);
118  EXPECT_EQ(encoder.getTable().size(), 2);
119  // sending the same request again should lead to a smaller but non
120  // empty buffer
121  unique_ptr<IOBuf> encoded2 = encoder.encode(req);
122  EXPECT_LT(encoded2->computeChainDataLength(),
123  encoded->computeChainDataLength());
124  EXPECT_GT(encoded2->computeChainDataLength(), 0);
125 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
std::size_t length() const
Definition: IOBuf.h:533
std::size_t computeChainDataLength() const
Definition: IOBuf.cpp:501
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
#define EXPECT_LT(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1930
#define EXPECT_GT(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1934
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 127 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References proxygen::hpack::decode(), proxygen::HPACKEncoder::encode(), EXPECT_EQ, proxygen::HPACKContext::getTable(), folly::size(), proxygen::HeaderTable::size(), and uint32_t.

127  {
128  // with this size basically the table will not be able to store any entry
129  uint32_t size = 32;
130  HPACKHeader header;
131  HPACKEncoder encoder(true, size);
132  HPACKDecoder decoder(size);
133  vector<HPACKHeader> headers;
134  headers.push_back(HPACKHeader(":path", "verylargeheader"));
135  // add a static entry
136  headers.push_back(HPACKHeader(":method", "GET"));
137  auto buf = encoder.encode(headers);
138  auto decoded = proxygen::hpack::decode(decoder, buf.get());
139  EXPECT_EQ(encoder.getTable().size(), 0);
140  EXPECT_EQ(decoder.getTable().size(), 0);
141 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
constexpr auto size(C const &c) -> decltype(c.size())
Definition: Access.h:45
unique_ptr< HPACKDecoder::headers_t > decode(HPACKDecoder &decoder, const IOBuf *buffer)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:95
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

testing invalid memory access in the decoder; it has to always call peek()

Definition at line 146 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References folly::IOBuf::appendChain(), proxygen::HPACK::Instruction::code, folly::IOBuf::create(), proxygen::hpack::decode(), proxygen::HPACKEncoder::encode(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, folly::gen::first, proxygen::HPACKDecoderBase::hasError(), proxygen::HPACK::INDEX_REF, folly::gen::move, and folly::IOBuf::writableData().

146  {
147  HPACKEncoder encoder(true);
148  HPACKDecoder decoder;
149  vector<HPACKHeader> headers;
150  headers.push_back(HPACKHeader("x-fb-debug", "test"));
152  unique_ptr<IOBuf> encoded = encoder.encode(headers);
153  unique_ptr<IOBuf> first = IOBuf::create(128);
154  // set a trap for indexed header and don't call append
155  first->writableData()[0] = HPACK::INDEX_REF.code;
157  first->appendChain(std::move(encoded));
158  auto decoded = proxygen::hpack::decode(decoder, first.get());
160  EXPECT_FALSE(decoder.hasError());
161  EXPECT_EQ(*decoded, headers);
162 }
const Instruction INDEX_REF
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
void appendChain(std::unique_ptr< IOBuf > &&iobuf)
Definition: IOBuf.h:827
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
unique_ptr< HPACKDecoder::headers_t > decode(HPACKDecoder &decoder, const IOBuf *buffer)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:95
uint8_t * writableData()
Definition: IOBuf.h:509
#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1862
constexpr detail::First first
Definition: Base-inl.h:2553
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

similar with the one above, but slightly different code paths

Definition at line 167 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References folly::IOBuf::appendChain(), folly::IOBuf::create(), proxygen::hpack::decode(), proxygen::HPACKEncoder::encode(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, folly::gen::first, proxygen::HPACKDecoderBase::hasError(), folly::gen::move, and folly::IOBuf::writableData().

167  {
168  HPACKEncoder encoder(true);
169  HPACKDecoder decoder;
170  vector<HPACKHeader> headers;
171  headers.push_back(HPACKHeader("x-fb-random", "bla"));
172  unique_ptr<IOBuf> encoded = encoder.encode(headers);
174  unique_ptr<IOBuf> first = IOBuf::create(128);
175  first->writableData()[0] = 0x3F;
177  first->appendChain(std::move(encoded));
178  auto decoded = proxygen::hpack::decode(decoder, first.get());
180  EXPECT_FALSE(decoder.hasError());
181  EXPECT_EQ(*decoded, headers);
182 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
void appendChain(std::unique_ptr< IOBuf > &&iobuf)
Definition: IOBuf.h:827
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
unique_ptr< HPACKDecoder::headers_t > decode(HPACKDecoder &decoder, const IOBuf *buffer)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:95
uint8_t * writableData()
Definition: IOBuf.h:509
#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1862
constexpr detail::First first
Definition: Base-inl.h:2553
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 194 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References folly::IOBuf::append(), checkError(), folly::IOBuf::create(), and folly::IOBuf::writableData().

194  {
195  unique_ptr<IOBuf> buf = IOBuf::create(128);
197  // 1. simulate an error decoding the index for an indexed header name
198  // we try to encode index 65
199  buf->writableData()[0] = 0x3F;
200  buf->append(1); // intentionally omit the second byte
201  checkError(buf.get(), HPACK::DecodeError::BUFFER_UNDERFLOW);
203  // 2. invalid index for indexed header name
204  buf->writableData()[0] = 0x7F;
205  buf->writableData()[1] = 0xFF;
206  buf->writableData()[2] = 0x7F;
207  buf->append(2);
208  checkError(buf.get(), HPACK::DecodeError::INVALID_INDEX);
210  // 2a. invalid integer for indexed header name
211  buf->writableData()[0] = 0x7F;
212  buf->writableData()[1] = 0xFF;
213  buf->writableData()[2] = 0xFF;
214  checkError(buf.get(), HPACK::DecodeError::BUFFER_UNDERFLOW);
216  // 3. buffer overflow when decoding literal header name
217  buf->writableData()[0] = 0x00; // this will activate the non-indexed branch
218  checkError(buf.get(), HPACK::DecodeError::BUFFER_UNDERFLOW);
220  // 4. buffer overflow when decoding a header value
221  // size for header name size and the actual header name
222  buf->writableData()[1] = 0x01;
223  buf->writableData()[2] = 'h';
224  checkError(buf.get(), HPACK::DecodeError::BUFFER_UNDERFLOW);
226  // 5. buffer overflow decoding the index of an indexed header
227  buf->writableData()[0] = 0xFF; // first bit is 1 to mark indexed header
228  buf->writableData()[1] = 0x80; // first bit is 1 to continue the
229  // variable-length encoding
230  buf->writableData()[2] = 0x80;
231  checkError(buf.get(), HPACK::DecodeError::BUFFER_UNDERFLOW);
233  // 6. Increase the table size
234  buf->writableData()[0] = 0x3F;
235  buf->writableData()[1] = 0xFF;
236  buf->writableData()[2] = 0x7F;
237  checkError(buf.get(), HPACK::DecodeError::INVALID_TABLE_SIZE);
239  // 7. integer overflow decoding the index of an indexed header
240  buf->writableData()[0] = 0xFF; // first bit is 1 to mark indexed header
241  buf->writableData()[1] = 0xFF;
242  buf->writableData()[2] = 0xFF;
243  buf->writableData()[3] = 0xFF;
244  buf->writableData()[4] = 0xFF;
245  buf->writableData()[5] = 0xFF;
246  buf->writableData()[6] = 0xFF;
247  buf->writableData()[7] = 0xFF;
248  buf->writableData()[8] = 0xFF;
249  buf->writableData()[9] = 0xFF;
250  buf->writableData()[10] = 0x7F;
251  buf->append(8);
252  checkError(buf.get(), HPACK::DecodeError::INTEGER_OVERFLOW);
253 }
uint8_t * writableData()
Definition: IOBuf.h:509
void checkError(const IOBuf *buf, const HPACK::DecodeError err)
void append(std::size_t amount)
Definition: IOBuf.h:689
TEST_F ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 255 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References proxygen::HPACKHeader::bytes(), folly::gen::move, and string.

255  {
256  HPACKEncoder encoder{true, 128};
257  std::string longer = std::string(150, '.');
258  HPACKHeader header1(longer, "header");
259  HPACKHeader header2("Short", "header");
261  CHECK_GT(header1.bytes(), 128);
262  CHECK_LT(header2.bytes(), 128);
264  vector<HPACKHeader> headers;
265  headers.push_back(std::move(header2));
266  headers.push_back(std::move(header1));
268  encoder.encode(headers);
270  CHECK_EQ(encoder.getIndex(headers[1]), 0);
271  CHECK_EQ(encoder.getIndex(headers[0]), 62);
272 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
TEST_P ( HPACKContextTests  ,

Definition at line 274 of file HPACKContextTests.cpp.

References folly::IOBuf::appendChain(), folly::IOBuf::create(), proxygen::hpack::decode(), proxygen::HPACKEncoder::encode(), EXPECT_EQ, folly::gen::first, proxygen::HPACKDecoderBase::getError(), proxygen::HPACKDecoderBase::hasError(), INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(), folly::gen::move, proxygen::HPACKDecoderBase::setHeaderTableMaxSize(), and proxygen::HPACKEncoder::setHeaderTableSize().

274  {
275  HPACKEncoder encoder(true);
276  HPACKDecoder decoder;
277  vector<HPACKHeader> headers;
278  bool setDecoderSize = GetParam();
279  encoder.setHeaderTableSize(8192);
280  if (setDecoderSize) {
281  decoder.setHeaderTableMaxSize(8192);
282  }
283  headers.push_back(HPACKHeader("x-fb-random", "bla"));
284  unique_ptr<IOBuf> encoded = encoder.encode(headers);
286  unique_ptr<IOBuf> first = IOBuf::create(128);
288  first->appendChain(std::move(encoded));
289  auto decoded = proxygen::hpack::decode(decoder, first.get());
292  EXPECT_EQ(decoder.hasError(), !setDecoderSize);
293  if (setDecoderSize) {
294  EXPECT_EQ(*decoded, headers);
295  } else {
296  EXPECT_EQ(decoder.getError(), HPACK::DecodeError::INVALID_TABLE_SIZE);
297  }
298 }
HPACK::DecodeError getError() const
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
void appendChain(std::unique_ptr< IOBuf > &&iobuf)
Definition: IOBuf.h:827
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
unique_ptr< HPACKDecoder::headers_t > decode(HPACKDecoder &decoder, const IOBuf *buffer)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:95
void setHeaderTableMaxSize(uint32_t maxSize)
constexpr detail::First first
Definition: Base-inl.h:2553