Hazptr-fwd.h File Reference
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>

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class  folly::hazptr_rec< Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_obj< Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_obj_list< Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_deleter< T, D >
class  folly::hazptr_obj_base< T, Atom, D >
class  folly::hazptr_root< T, Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_obj_linked< Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_obj_base_linked< T, Atom, D >
class  folly::hazptr_tc_entry< Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_tc< Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_priv< Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_domain< Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_holder< Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_array< M, Atom >
class  folly::hazptr_local< M, Atom >


 —— Concurrent Priority Queue Implementation ——




template<template< typename > class Atom = std::atomic>
hazptr_tc< Atom > & folly::hazptr_tc_tls ()
template<template< typename > class Atom = std::atomic>
hazptr_priv< Atom > & folly::hazptr_priv_tls ()
template<template< typename > class Atom = std::atomic>
hazptr_domain< Atom > & folly::default_hazptr_domain ()
template<template< typename > class Atom = std::atomic>
void folly::hazptr_domain_push_retired (hazptr_obj_list< Atom > &l, bool check=true, hazptr_domain< Atom > &domain=default_hazptr_domain< Atom >()) noexcept
template<template< typename > class Atom = std::atomic, typename T , typename D = std::default_delete<T>>
void folly::hazptr_retire (T *obj, D reclaim={})
template<template< typename > class Atom = std::atomic>
void folly::hazptr_cleanup (hazptr_domain< Atom > &domain=default_hazptr_domain< Atom >()) noexcept
template<template< typename > class Atom = std::atomic>
void folly::swap (hazptr_holder< Atom > &, hazptr_holder< Atom > &) noexcept


hazptr_domain< std::atomic > folly::default_domain

Macro Definition Documentation


Forward declatations and implicit documentation of all hazptr top-level classes, functions, macros, default values, and globals.FOLYY_HAZPTR_THR_LOCAL

Definition at line 30 of file Hazptr-fwd.h.