TypeList.h File Reference
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include <folly/Traits.h>
#include <folly/Utility.h>

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struct  folly::detail::TypeList< Ts >
struct  folly::detail::Type< T >
struct  folly::detail::Empty
class  folly::detail::MetaDefer< C, Ts >
struct  folly::detail::MetaDefer< C, Ts >::Result
struct  folly::detail::MetaCompose< P, Q >
struct  folly::detail::MetaIdentity
struct  folly::detail::MetaQuote< C >
struct  folly::detail::MetaBindFront< Fn, Ts >
struct  folly::detail::MetaBindBack< Fn, Ts >
struct  folly::detail::MetaFlip< Fn >
struct  folly::detail::impl::Inherit_< List >
struct  folly::detail::impl::Inherit_< TypeList< Ts... > >


 —— Concurrent Priority Queue Implementation ——


template<bool B>
using folly::detail::Bool = bool_constant< B >
using folly::detail::True = std::true_type
using folly::detail::False = std::false_type
template<class Fn , class... Ts>
using folly::detail::MetaApply = typename Fn::template apply< Ts... >
template<bool If_, class Then , class Else >
using folly::detail::If = MetaApply< impl::If_< If_ >, Then, Else >
template<template< class... > class C>
using folly::detail::MetaQuoteTrait = MetaCompose< MetaQuote< _t >, MetaQuote< C >>
template<class Fn >
using folly::detail::MetaCurry = MetaCompose< Fn, MetaQuote< TypeList >>
template<class Fn >
using folly::detail::MetaUncurry = MetaBindBack< MetaQuote< MetaApply >, Fn >
template<class List , class... Ts>
using folly::detail::TypePushBack = MetaApply< List, MetaBindBack< MetaQuote< TypeList >, Ts... >>
template<class List , class... Ts>
using folly::detail::TypePushFront = MetaApply< List, MetaBindFront< MetaQuote< TypeList >, Ts... >>
template<class Fn , class List >
using folly::detail::MetaUnpack = MetaApply< List, Fn >
template<class List , class Fn >
using folly::detail::TypeTransform = MetaApply< List, impl::TypeTransform_< Fn >>
template<class List , class State , class Fn >
using folly::detail::TypeFold = MetaApply< MetaApply< List, impl::FoldR_< Fn >>, State >
template<class List , class State , class Fn >
using folly::detail::TypeReverseFold = MetaApply< MetaApply< List, impl::FoldL_< Fn >>, State >
template<class List >
using folly::detail::Inherit = impl::Inherit_< List >
template<class List >
using folly::detail::TypeUnique = TypeFold< List, TypeList<>, impl::Unique_ >
template<class List >
using folly::detail::TypeReverseUnique = TypeReverseFold< List, TypeList<>, MetaFlip< impl::Unique_ >>
template<class T >
using folly::detail::AsTypeList = _t< impl::AsTypeList_< T >>
template<class List >
using folly::detail::TypeJoin = MetaApply< TypeFold< List, MetaQuote< TypeList >, impl::Join_ >>
template<class... Ts>
using folly::detail::TypeConcat = TypeJoin< TypeList< Ts... >>

Detailed Description

Eric Niebler

The file contains facilities for manipulating lists of types, and for defining and composing operations over types.

The type-operations behave like compile-time functions: they accept types as input and produce types as output. A simple example is a template alias, like std::add_pointer_t. However, templates are not themselves first class citizens of the language; they cannot be easily "returned" from a metafunction, and passing them to a metafunction is awkward and often requires the user to help the C++ parser by adding hints like typename and template to disambiguate the syntax. That makes higher-ordered metaprogramming difficult. (There is no simple way to e.g., compose two template aliases and pass the result as an argument to another template.)

Instead, we wrap template aliases in a ordinary class, which can be passed and returned simply from metafunctions. This is like Boost.MPL's notion of a "metafunction class"[1], and we adopt that terminology here.

For the Folly.TypeList library, a metafunction class is a protocol that all the components of Folly.TypeList expect and agree upon. It is a class type that has a nested template alias called Apply. So for instance, std::add_pointer_t as a Folly metafunction class would look like this:

struct AddPointer {
  template <class T>
  using apply = T*;

Folly.TypeList gives a simple way to "lift" an ordinary template alias into a metafunction class: MetaQuote. The above AddPointer could instead be written as:

using AddPointer = folly::MetaQuote<std::add_pointer_t>;

A word about naming. Components in Folly.TypeList fall into two buckets: utilities for manipulating lists of types, and utilities for manipulating metafunction classes. The former have names that start with Type, as in TypeList and TypeTransform. The latter have names that start with Meta, as in MetaQuote and MetaApply.

[1] Boost.MPL Metafunction Class:

Definition in file TypeList.h.