fizz::server::State Class Reference

#include <State.h>

Public Member Functions

StateEnum state () const
folly::Executorexecutor () const
const FizzServerContextcontext () const
std::shared_ptr< const CertserverCert () const
const std::shared_ptr< const Cert > & clientCert () const
folly::Optional< ProtocolVersionversion () const
folly::Optional< CipherSuitecipher () const
folly::Optional< NamedGroupgroup () const
folly::Optional< SignatureSchemesigScheme () const
folly::Optional< PskTypepskType () const
folly::Optional< PskKeyExchangeModepskMode () const
folly::Optional< KeyExchangeTypekeyExchangeType () const
folly::Optional< EarlyDataTypeearlyDataType () const
folly::Optional< ReplayCacheResultreplayCacheResult () const
const folly::Optional< std::string > & alpn () const
folly::Optional< std::chrono::milliseconds > clientClockSkew () const
const AppTokenValidatorappTokenValidator () const
HandshakeLogginghandshakeLogging () const
KeySchedulerkeyScheduler () const
ReadRecordLayerreadRecordLayer () const
const WriteRecordLayerwriteRecordLayer () const
const BufclientHandshakeSecret () const
ServerExtensionsextensions () const
const std::vector< uint8_t > & resumptionMasterSecret () const
const folly::Optional< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const PeerCert > > > & unverifiedCertChain () const
const folly::Optional< CertificateCompressionAlgorithm > & serverCertCompAlgo () const
const folly::Optional< Buf > & earlyExporterMasterSecret () const
const folly::Optional< Buf > & exporterMasterSecret () const
auto & state ()
auto & executor ()
auto & context ()
auto & keyScheduler ()
auto & readRecordLayer ()
auto & writeRecordLayer ()
auto & handshakeReadRecordLayer () const
auto & handshakeContext () const
auto & serverCert ()
auto & clientCert ()
auto & serverCertCompAlgo ()
auto & unverifiedCertChain ()
auto & version ()
auto & cipher ()
auto & group ()
auto & sigScheme ()
auto & pskType ()
auto & pskMode ()
auto & keyExchangeType ()
auto & earlyDataType ()
auto & replayCacheResult ()
auto & clientHandshakeSecret ()
auto & alpn ()
auto & clientClockSkew ()
auto & appTokenValidator ()
auto & handshakeLogging ()
auto & extensions ()
auto & resumptionMasterSecret ()
auto & earlyExporterMasterSecret ()
auto & exporterMasterSecret ()

Private Attributes

StateEnum state_ {StateEnum::Uninitialized}
std::shared_ptr< const FizzServerContextcontext_
std::unique_ptr< KeySchedulerkeyScheduler_
std::unique_ptr< ReadRecordLayerreadRecordLayer_
std::unique_ptr< WriteRecordLayerwriteRecordLayer_
std::unique_ptr< EncryptedReadRecordLayerhandshakeReadRecordLayer_
std::unique_ptr< HandshakeContexthandshakeContext_
std::shared_ptr< const CertserverCert_
std::shared_ptr< const CertclientCert_
folly::Optional< CertificateCompressionAlgorithmserverCertCompAlgo_
folly::Optional< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const PeerCert > > > unverifiedCertChain_
folly::Optional< ProtocolVersionversion_
folly::Optional< CipherSuitecipher_
folly::Optional< NamedGroupgroup_
folly::Optional< SignatureSchemesigScheme_
folly::Optional< PskTypepskType_
folly::Optional< PskKeyExchangeModepskMode_
folly::Optional< KeyExchangeTypekeyExchangeType_
folly::Optional< EarlyDataTypeearlyDataType_
folly::Optional< ReplayCacheResultreplayCacheResult_
folly::Optional< BufclientHandshakeSecret_
folly::Optional< std::stringalpn_
folly::Optional< std::chrono::milliseconds > clientClockSkew_
std::unique_ptr< AppTokenValidatorappTokenValidator_
std::shared_ptr< ServerExtensionsextensions_
std::vector< uint8_tresumptionMasterSecret_
std::unique_ptr< HandshakeLogginghandshakeLogging_
folly::Optional< BufearlyExporterMasterSecret_
folly::Optional< BufexporterMasterSecret_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 64 of file State.h.

Member Function Documentation

const folly::Optional<std::string>& fizz::server::State::alpn ( ) const

Application protocol negotiated on this connection.

Definition at line 168 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket(), and fizz::server::AsyncFizzServerT< SM >::getApplicationProtocol().

168  {
169  return alpn_;
170  }
folly::Optional< std::string > alpn_
Definition: State.h:413
auto& fizz::server::State::alpn ( )

Definition at line 355 of file State.h.

355  {
356  return alpn_;
357  }
folly::Optional< std::string > alpn_
Definition: State.h:413
const AppTokenValidator* fizz::server::State::appTokenValidator ( ) const

Callback to application that validates appToken from ResumptionState. If this function returns false, early data should be rejected.

Definition at line 184 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

184  {
185  return appTokenValidator_.get();
186  }
std::unique_ptr< AppTokenValidator > appTokenValidator_
Definition: State.h:415
auto& fizz::server::State::appTokenValidator ( )

Definition at line 361 of file State.h.

361  {
362  return appTokenValidator_;
363  }
std::unique_ptr< AppTokenValidator > appTokenValidator_
Definition: State.h:415
folly::Optional<CipherSuite> fizz::server::State::cipher ( ) const

Cipher suite nogotiated on this connection.

Definition at line 111 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket(), fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest(), and fizz::server::AsyncFizzServerT< SM >::getCipher().

111  {
112  return cipher_;
113  }
folly::Optional< CipherSuite > cipher_
Definition: State.h:404
auto& fizz::server::State::cipher ( )

Definition at line 328 of file State.h.

328  {
329  return cipher_;
330  }
folly::Optional< CipherSuite > cipher_
Definition: State.h:404
const std::shared_ptr<const Cert>& fizz::server::State::clientCert ( ) const

The certificate used by the client for authentication. May be null.

Definition at line 97 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket(), and fizz::server::AsyncFizzServerT< SM >::getPeerCertificate().

97  {
98  return clientCert_;
99  }
std::shared_ptr< const Cert > clientCert_
Definition: State.h:397
auto& fizz::server::State::clientCert ( )

Definition at line 316 of file State.h.

316  {
317  return clientCert_;
318  }
std::shared_ptr< const Cert > clientCert_
Definition: State.h:397
folly::Optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> fizz::server::State::clientClockSkew ( ) const

How much the client ticket age was off (on a PSK connection). Negative if the client was behind.

Definition at line 176 of file State.h.

176  {
177  return clientClockSkew_;
178  }
folly::Optional< std::chrono::milliseconds > clientClockSkew_
Definition: State.h:414
auto& fizz::server::State::clientClockSkew ( )

Definition at line 358 of file State.h.

358  {
359  return clientClockSkew_;
360  }
folly::Optional< std::chrono::milliseconds > clientClockSkew_
Definition: State.h:414
const Buf& fizz::server::State::clientHandshakeSecret ( ) const

Client handshake secret.

Should not be used outside of the state machine.

Definition at line 232 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket().

232  {
233  return *clientHandshakeSecret_;
234  }
folly::Optional< Buf > clientHandshakeSecret_
Definition: State.h:412
auto& fizz::server::State::clientHandshakeSecret ( )

Definition at line 352 of file State.h.

352  {
353  return clientHandshakeSecret_;
354  }
folly::Optional< Buf > clientHandshakeSecret_
Definition: State.h:412
const FizzServerContext* fizz::server::State::context ( ) const

The FizzServerContext used on this connection.

Definition at line 83 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket(), fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest(), and fizz::server::AsyncFizzServerT< SM >::getSupportedSigSchemes().

83  {
84  return context_.get();
85  }
std::shared_ptr< const FizzServerContext > context_
Definition: State.h:385
auto& fizz::server::State::context ( )

Definition at line 295 of file State.h.

295  {
296  return context_;
297  }
std::shared_ptr< const FizzServerContext > context_
Definition: State.h:385
folly::Optional<EarlyDataType> fizz::server::State::earlyDataType ( ) const

Whether early data was used on this connection.

Definition at line 154 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

154  {
155  return earlyDataType_;
156  }
folly::Optional< EarlyDataType > earlyDataType_
Definition: State.h:410
auto& fizz::server::State::earlyDataType ( )

Definition at line 346 of file State.h.

346  {
347  return earlyDataType_;
348  }
folly::Optional< EarlyDataType > earlyDataType_
Definition: State.h:410
const folly::Optional<Buf>& fizz::server::State::earlyExporterMasterSecret ( ) const

Get the early exporter master secret. Only available if early data was accepted.

Definition at line 275 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

275  {
277  }
folly::Optional< Buf > earlyExporterMasterSecret_
Definition: State.h:421
auto& fizz::server::State::earlyExporterMasterSecret ( )

Definition at line 373 of file State.h.

373  {
375  }
folly::Optional< Buf > earlyExporterMasterSecret_
Definition: State.h:421
folly::Executor* fizz::server::State::executor ( ) const

The executor this conenction is running on.

Definition at line 76 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::server::AsyncFizzServerT< SM >::attachEventBase(), fizz::sm::generateTicket(), and fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

76  {
77  return executor_;
78  }
folly::Executor * executor_
Definition: State.h:383
auto& fizz::server::State::executor ( )

Definition at line 292 of file State.h.

292  {
293  return executor_;
294  }
folly::Executor * executor_
Definition: State.h:383
const folly::Optional<Buf>& fizz::server::State::exporterMasterSecret ( ) const

Get the exporter master secret.

Definition at line 282 of file State.h.

282  {
283  return exporterMasterSecret_;
284  }
folly::Optional< Buf > exporterMasterSecret_
Definition: State.h:422
auto& fizz::server::State::exporterMasterSecret ( )

Definition at line 376 of file State.h.

376  {
377  return exporterMasterSecret_;
378  }
folly::Optional< Buf > exporterMasterSecret_
Definition: State.h:422
ServerExtensions* fizz::server::State::extensions ( ) const

Get the extensions interface in order to parse extensions on ClientHello

Should not be used outside of the state machine.

Definition at line 241 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

241  {
242  return extensions_.get();
243  }
std::shared_ptr< ServerExtensions > extensions_
Definition: State.h:416
auto& fizz::server::State::extensions ( )

Definition at line 367 of file State.h.

367  {
368  return extensions_;
369  }
std::shared_ptr< ServerExtensions > extensions_
Definition: State.h:416
folly::Optional<NamedGroup> fizz::server::State::group ( ) const

The named group used if (EC)DH key exchange was used.

Definition at line 118 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

118  {
119  return group_;
120  }
folly::Optional< NamedGroup > group_
Definition: State.h:405
auto& fizz::server::State::group ( )

Definition at line 331 of file State.h.

331  {
332  return group_;
333  }
folly::Optional< NamedGroup > group_
Definition: State.h:405
auto& fizz::server::State::handshakeContext ( ) const

Definition at line 310 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket(), and fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

310  {
311  return handshakeContext_;
312  }
std::unique_ptr< HandshakeContext > handshakeContext_
Definition: State.h:394
HandshakeLogging* fizz::server::State::handshakeLogging ( ) const

Handshake logging struct containing information on the client hello, etc. This data should only be used for logging and is not guaranteed to be present.

Definition at line 193 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::addHandshakeLogging().

193  {
194  return handshakeLogging_.get();
195  }
std::unique_ptr< HandshakeLogging > handshakeLogging_
Definition: State.h:419
auto& fizz::server::State::handshakeLogging ( )

Definition at line 364 of file State.h.

364  {
365  return handshakeLogging_;
366  }
std::unique_ptr< HandshakeLogging > handshakeLogging_
Definition: State.h:419
auto& fizz::server::State::handshakeReadRecordLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 307 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

307  {
309  }
std::unique_ptr< EncryptedReadRecordLayer > handshakeReadRecordLayer_
Definition: State.h:393
folly::Optional<KeyExchangeType> fizz::server::State::keyExchangeType ( ) const

Key exchange flow used on this connection (none, normal, or hello retry).

Definition at line 147 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

147  {
148  return keyExchangeType_;
149  }
folly::Optional< KeyExchangeType > keyExchangeType_
Definition: State.h:409
auto& fizz::server::State::keyExchangeType ( )

Definition at line 343 of file State.h.

343  {
344  return keyExchangeType_;
345  }
folly::Optional< KeyExchangeType > keyExchangeType_
Definition: State.h:409
KeyScheduler* fizz::server::State::keyScheduler ( ) const

Key scheduler used on this connection.

The state of the key scheduler may change outside of state mutators. Should not be used outside of the state machine.

Definition at line 203 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket().

203  {
204  return keyScheduler_.get();
205  }
std::unique_ptr< KeyScheduler > keyScheduler_
Definition: State.h:387
auto& fizz::server::State::keyScheduler ( )

Definition at line 298 of file State.h.

298  {
299  return keyScheduler_;
300  }
std::unique_ptr< KeyScheduler > keyScheduler_
Definition: State.h:387
folly::Optional<PskKeyExchangeMode> fizz::server::State::pskMode ( ) const

Psk key exchange mode used on this connection, if a psk was accepted.

Definition at line 140 of file State.h.

140  {
141  return pskMode_;
142  }
folly::Optional< PskKeyExchangeMode > pskMode_
Definition: State.h:408
auto& fizz::server::State::pskMode ( )

Definition at line 340 of file State.h.

340  {
341  return pskMode_;
342  }
folly::Optional< PskKeyExchangeMode > pskMode_
Definition: State.h:408
folly::Optional<PskType> fizz::server::State::pskType ( ) const

Psk handshake flow used on this connection (psk not sent, psk rejected, psk accepted, etc.).

Definition at line 133 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket().

133  {
134  return pskType_;
135  }
folly::Optional< PskType > pskType_
Definition: State.h:407
auto& fizz::server::State::pskType ( )

Definition at line 337 of file State.h.

337  {
338  return pskType_;
339  }
folly::Optional< PskType > pskType_
Definition: State.h:407
ReadRecordLayer* fizz::server::State::readRecordLayer ( ) const

Current read record layer. May be null.

The state of the read record layer may change outside of state mutators. Should not be used outside of the state machine.

Definition at line 213 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::addHandshakeLogging(), fizz::sm::generateTicket(), fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest(), and fizz::server::ServerStateMachine::processSocketData().

213  {
214  return readRecordLayer_.get();
215  }
std::unique_ptr< ReadRecordLayer > readRecordLayer_
Definition: State.h:389
auto& fizz::server::State::readRecordLayer ( )

Definition at line 301 of file State.h.

301  {
302  return readRecordLayer_;
303  }
std::unique_ptr< ReadRecordLayer > readRecordLayer_
Definition: State.h:389
folly::Optional<ReplayCacheResult> fizz::server::State::replayCacheResult ( ) const

What the replay cache replied with (if checked).

Definition at line 161 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

161  {
162  return replayCacheResult_;
163  }
folly::Optional< ReplayCacheResult > replayCacheResult_
Definition: State.h:411
auto& fizz::server::State::replayCacheResult ( )

Definition at line 349 of file State.h.

349  {
350  return replayCacheResult_;
351  }
folly::Optional< ReplayCacheResult > replayCacheResult_
Definition: State.h:411
const std::vector<uint8_t>& fizz::server::State::resumptionMasterSecret ( ) const

Resumption master secret.

Definition at line 248 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket().

248  {
250  }
std::vector< uint8_t > resumptionMasterSecret_
Definition: State.h:417
auto& fizz::server::State::resumptionMasterSecret ( )

Definition at line 370 of file State.h.

370  {
372  }
std::vector< uint8_t > resumptionMasterSecret_
Definition: State.h:417
std::shared_ptr<const Cert> fizz::server::State::serverCert ( ) const

The certificate used to authenticate the server. May be null.

Definition at line 90 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket(), and fizz::server::AsyncFizzServerT< SM >::getSelfCertificate().

90  {
91  return serverCert_;
92  }
std::shared_ptr< const Cert > serverCert_
Definition: State.h:396
auto& fizz::server::State::serverCert ( )

Definition at line 313 of file State.h.

313  {
314  return serverCert_;
315  }
std::shared_ptr< const Cert > serverCert_
Definition: State.h:396
const folly::Optional<CertificateCompressionAlgorithm>& fizz::server::State::serverCertCompAlgo ( ) const

Get the certificate compression algorithm used for the sent certificate (if any).

Definition at line 266 of file State.h.

267  {
268  return serverCertCompAlgo_;
269  }
folly::Optional< CertificateCompressionAlgorithm > serverCertCompAlgo_
Definition: State.h:398
auto& fizz::server::State::serverCertCompAlgo ( )

Definition at line 319 of file State.h.

319  {
320  return serverCertCompAlgo_;
321  }
folly::Optional< CertificateCompressionAlgorithm > serverCertCompAlgo_
Definition: State.h:398
folly::Optional<SignatureScheme> fizz::server::State::sigScheme ( ) const

The signature scheme used if server authentication was used.

Definition at line 125 of file State.h.

125  {
126  return sigScheme_;
127  }
folly::Optional< SignatureScheme > sigScheme_
Definition: State.h:406
auto& fizz::server::State::sigScheme ( )

Definition at line 334 of file State.h.

334  {
335  return sigScheme_;
336  }
folly::Optional< SignatureScheme > sigScheme_
Definition: State.h:406
auto& fizz::server::State::state ( )

Definition at line 289 of file State.h.

289  {
290  return state_;
291  }
StateEnum state_
Definition: State.h:381
const folly::Optional<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const PeerCert> > >& fizz::server::State::unverifiedCertChain ( ) const

The certificate chain sent by the client pre-verification

Should not be used outside of the state machine.

Definition at line 258 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket().

258  {
259  return unverifiedCertChain_;
260  }
folly::Optional< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const PeerCert > > > unverifiedCertChain_
Definition: State.h:401
auto& fizz::server::State::unverifiedCertChain ( )

Definition at line 322 of file State.h.

322  {
323  return unverifiedCertChain_;
324  }
folly::Optional< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const PeerCert > > > unverifiedCertChain_
Definition: State.h:401
folly::Optional<ProtocolVersion> fizz::server::State::version ( ) const

Protocol version negotiated on this connection.

Definition at line 104 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket(), and fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest().

104  {
105  return version_;
106  }
folly::Optional< ProtocolVersion > version_
Definition: State.h:403
auto& fizz::server::State::version ( )

Definition at line 325 of file State.h.

325  {
326  return version_;
327  }
folly::Optional< ProtocolVersion > version_
Definition: State.h:403
const WriteRecordLayer* fizz::server::State::writeRecordLayer ( ) const

Current write record layer. May be null.

The state of the write record layer may change outside of state mutators. Should not be used outside of the state machine.

Definition at line 223 of file State.h.

Referenced by fizz::sm::generateTicket(), fizz::sm::getCertificateRequest(), fizz::server::detail::handleAppClose(), and fizz::server::detail::handleError().

223  {
224  return writeRecordLayer_.get();
225  }
std::unique_ptr< WriteRecordLayer > writeRecordLayer_
Definition: State.h:390
auto& fizz::server::State::writeRecordLayer ( )

Definition at line 304 of file State.h.

304  {
305  return writeRecordLayer_;
306  }
std::unique_ptr< WriteRecordLayer > writeRecordLayer_
Definition: State.h:390

Member Data Documentation

folly::Optional<std::string> fizz::server::State::alpn_

Definition at line 413 of file State.h.

std::unique_ptr<AppTokenValidator> fizz::server::State::appTokenValidator_

Definition at line 415 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<CipherSuite> fizz::server::State::cipher_

Definition at line 404 of file State.h.

std::shared_ptr<const Cert> fizz::server::State::clientCert_

Definition at line 397 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> fizz::server::State::clientClockSkew_

Definition at line 414 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<Buf> fizz::server::State::clientHandshakeSecret_

Definition at line 412 of file State.h.

std::shared_ptr<const FizzServerContext> fizz::server::State::context_

Definition at line 385 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<EarlyDataType> fizz::server::State::earlyDataType_

Definition at line 410 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<Buf> fizz::server::State::earlyExporterMasterSecret_

Definition at line 421 of file State.h.

folly::Executor* fizz::server::State::executor_

Definition at line 383 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<Buf> fizz::server::State::exporterMasterSecret_

Definition at line 422 of file State.h.

std::shared_ptr<ServerExtensions> fizz::server::State::extensions_

Definition at line 416 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<NamedGroup> fizz::server::State::group_

Definition at line 405 of file State.h.

std::unique_ptr<HandshakeContext> fizz::server::State::handshakeContext_

Definition at line 394 of file State.h.

std::unique_ptr<HandshakeLogging> fizz::server::State::handshakeLogging_

Definition at line 419 of file State.h.

std::unique_ptr<EncryptedReadRecordLayer> fizz::server::State::handshakeReadRecordLayer_

Definition at line 393 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<KeyExchangeType> fizz::server::State::keyExchangeType_

Definition at line 409 of file State.h.

std::unique_ptr<KeyScheduler> fizz::server::State::keyScheduler_

Definition at line 387 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<PskKeyExchangeMode> fizz::server::State::pskMode_

Definition at line 408 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<PskType> fizz::server::State::pskType_

Definition at line 407 of file State.h.

std::unique_ptr<ReadRecordLayer> fizz::server::State::readRecordLayer_

Definition at line 389 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<ReplayCacheResult> fizz::server::State::replayCacheResult_

Definition at line 411 of file State.h.

std::vector<uint8_t> fizz::server::State::resumptionMasterSecret_

Definition at line 417 of file State.h.

std::shared_ptr<const Cert> fizz::server::State::serverCert_

Definition at line 396 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<CertificateCompressionAlgorithm> fizz::server::State::serverCertCompAlgo_

Definition at line 398 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<SignatureScheme> fizz::server::State::sigScheme_

Definition at line 406 of file State.h.

StateEnum fizz::server::State::state_ {StateEnum::Uninitialized}

Definition at line 381 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const PeerCert> > > fizz::server::State::unverifiedCertChain_

Definition at line 401 of file State.h.

folly::Optional<ProtocolVersion> fizz::server::State::version_

Definition at line 403 of file State.h.

std::unique_ptr<WriteRecordLayer> fizz::server::State::writeRecordLayer_

Definition at line 390 of file State.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: