proxygen::RFC1867Codec::Callback Class Referenceabstract

#include <RFC1867.h>

Inheritance diagram for proxygen::RFC1867Codec::Callback:
proxygen::Mock1867Callback testing::StrictMock< proxygen::Mock1867Callback > testing::StrictMock< proxygen::Mock1867Callback > testing::StrictMock< proxygen::Mock1867Callback >

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Callback ()
virtual int onFieldStart (const std::string &name, folly::Optional< std::string > filename, std::unique_ptr< HTTPMessage > msg, uint64_t postBytesProcessed)=0
virtual int onFieldData (std::unique_ptr< folly::IOBuf >, uint64_t postBytesProcessed)=0
virtual void onFieldEnd (bool endedOnBoundary, uint64_t postBytesProcessed)=0
virtual void onError ()=0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 27 of file RFC1867.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual proxygen::RFC1867Codec::Callback::~Callback ( )

Definition at line 29 of file RFC1867.h.

References name, onError(), onFieldData(), onFieldEnd(), onFieldStart(), string, and uint64_t.

29 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual void proxygen::RFC1867Codec::Callback::onError ( )
pure virtual

Referenced by ~Callback().

virtual int proxygen::RFC1867Codec::Callback::onFieldData ( std::unique_ptr< folly::IOBuf ,
uint64_t  postBytesProcessed 
pure virtual

Implemented in proxygen::Mock1867Callback.

Referenced by ~Callback().

virtual void proxygen::RFC1867Codec::Callback::onFieldEnd ( bool  endedOnBoundary,
uint64_t  postBytesProcessed 
pure virtual

On reading to end of a part indicated by boundary

endedOnBoundaryindicate successful part end

Referenced by ~Callback().

virtual int proxygen::RFC1867Codec::Callback::onFieldStart ( const std::string name,
folly::Optional< std::string filename,
std::unique_ptr< HTTPMessage msg,
uint64_t  postBytesProcessed 
pure virtual

Implemented in proxygen::Mock1867Callback.

Referenced by ~Callback().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: