folly::pushmi Namespace Reference




struct  _pipeable_sender_
struct  abortEF
struct  any_constrained_executor
struct  any_constrained_executor_ref
class  any_constrained_single_sender
struct  any_executor
struct  any_executor_ref
class  any_flow_many_sender
class  any_flow_receiver
class  any_flow_single_sender
class  any_many_sender
class  any_receiver
class  any_single_sender
struct  any_time_executor
struct  any_time_executor_ref
class  any_time_single_sender
struct  blocking_category
struct  cardinality_category
struct  category_query
class  constrained_single_sender
class  constrained_single_sender< Data, DSF, DZF, DEXF >
class  constrained_single_sender< SF, ZF, EXF >
class  constrained_single_sender<>
struct  construct
struct  construct_deduced
struct  construct_deduced< constrained_single_sender >
struct  construct_deduced< flow_many_sender >
struct  construct_deduced< flow_receiver >
struct  construct_deduced< flow_single_sender >
struct  construct_deduced< many_sender >
struct  construct_deduced< receiver >
struct  construct_deduced< single_sender >
struct  construct_deduced< time_single_sender >
struct  entangled
struct  executor_category
struct  flow_category
class  flow_many_sender
class  flow_many_sender< Data, DSF, DEXF >
class  flow_many_sender< SF, EXF >
class  flow_many_sender<>
class  flow_receiver
class  flow_receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStrtF >
class  flow_receiver< VF, EF, DF, StrtF >
class  flow_receiver<>
class  flow_single_sender
class  flow_single_sender< Data, DSF, DEXF >
class  flow_single_sender< SF, EXF >
class  flow_single_sender<>
struct  for_each_fn
struct  has_cardinality
struct  ignoreDF
struct  ignoreNF
struct  ignoreSF
struct  ignoreStrtF
struct  ignoreVF
class  inline_constrained_executor_t
class  inline_executor_t
class  inline_time_executor_t
struct  inlineConstrainedEXF
struct  inlineEXF
struct  inlineTimeEXF
struct  invoke_fn
struct  is_always_blocking
struct  is_always_blocking< PS >
struct  is_always_blocking<>
struct  is_concurrent_sequence
struct  is_concurrent_sequence< PS >
struct  is_concurrent_sequence<>
struct  is_constrained
struct  is_constrained< PS >
struct  is_constrained<>
struct  is_executor
struct  is_executor< PS >
struct  is_executor<>
struct  is_fifo_sequence
struct  is_fifo_sequence< PS >
struct  is_fifo_sequence<>
struct  is_flow
struct  is_flow< PS >
struct  is_flow<>
struct  is_many
struct  is_many< PS >
struct  is_many<>
struct  is_maybe_blocking
struct  is_maybe_blocking< PS >
struct  is_maybe_blocking<>
struct  is_never_blocking
struct  is_never_blocking< PS >
struct  is_never_blocking<>
struct  is_receiver
struct  is_receiver< PS >
struct  is_receiver<>
struct  is_sender
struct  is_sender< PS >
struct  is_sender<>
struct  is_single
struct  is_single< PS >
struct  is_single<>
struct  is_time
struct  is_time< PS >
struct  is_time<>
struct  locked_entangled_pair
struct  locked_shared_entangled_pair
struct  make_constrained_single_sender_fn
struct  make_flow_many_sender_fn
struct  make_flow_receiver_fn
struct  make_flow_single_sender_fn
struct  make_many_sender_fn
struct  make_receiver_fn
struct  make_single_sender_fn
struct  make_time_single_sender_fn
class  many_sender
class  many_sender< Data, DSF, DEXF >
class  many_sender< SF, EXF >
class  many_sender<>
struct  new_thread_executor
struct  on_done_fn
struct  on_error_fn
struct  on_executor_fn
struct  on_now_fn
struct  on_starting_fn
struct  on_submit_fn
struct  on_value_fn
struct  overload_fn
struct  overload_fn< Fn >
struct  overload_fn< Fn, Fns... >
struct  passDDF
struct  passDEF
struct  passDEXF
struct  passDNF
struct  passDSF
struct  passDStrtF
struct  passDVF
struct  passDZF
struct  pipe_fn
class  pool
struct  pool_executor
struct  priorityZeroF
struct  property_query
struct  property_set
struct  property_set_traits
struct  property_set_traits< std::promise< T > >
struct  property_set_traits< std::promise< void > >
struct  property_set_traits< T, std::enable_if_t< Valid< std::decay_t< T >, __properties_t > > >
struct  property_set_traits< T, std::enable_if_t<(bool) Invocable< T & > &&not Valid< T &, __properties_t > > >
struct  property_traits
struct  property_traits< T, std::enable_if_t< Valid< std::decay_t< T >, __property_category_t > > >
class  receiver
class  receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF >
class  receiver< VF, EF, DF >
class  receiver<>
struct  receiver_category
struct  recurse_t
struct  reduce_fn
class  same_executor_factory_fn
struct  send_via
struct  sender_category
struct  sequence_category
struct  shared_entangled
class  single_sender
class  single_sender< Data, DSF, DEXF >
class  single_sender< SF, EXF >
class  single_sender<>
class  strand_executor
class  strand_executor_factory_fn
class  strand_item
class  strand_queue
class  strand_queue_base
struct  strand_queue_receiver
struct  subject
struct  subject< PS, TN... >
struct  systemNowF
class  time_heap_item
class  time_item_process_pred_fn
class  time_queue_dispatch_pred_fn
class  time_single_sender
class  time_single_sender< SF, NF, EXF >
class  time_single_sender<>
class  time_source
class  time_source_executor
class  time_source_executor_factory_fn
class  time_source_queue
class  time_source_queue_base
struct  time_source_queue_receiver
class  time_source_shared
class  time_source_shared_base
struct  trampolineEXF
struct  typelist


template<template< class... > class T, class... AN>
using deduced_type_t = ::folly::pushmi::invoke_result_t< construct_deduced< T >, AN... >
template<bool B>
using bool_ = std::integral_constant< bool, B >
template<class F , class... As>
using invoke_result_t = decltype(folly::pushmi::invoke(std::declval< F >(), std::declval< As >()...))
template<class First , class Second >
using entangled_pair = std::pair< entangled< First, Second >, entangled< Second, First >>
template<class First , class Second >
using shared_entangled_pair = std::pair< shared_entangled< First, Second >, shared_entangled< Second, First >>
template<class T >
using __property_category_t = typename T::property_category
template<class T >
using property_category_t = __property_category_t< property_traits< T >>
template<class T >
using __properties_t = typename T::properties
template<class T >
using properties_t = std::enable_if_t< PropertySet< __properties_t< property_set_traits< T >>>, __properties_t< property_set_traits< T >>>
template<class PS , class P >
using property_set_index_t = std::enable_if_t< PropertySet< PS > &&Property< P >, decltype(detail::__property_set_index_fn< P >(PS{}))>
template<class PS0 , class PS1 >
using property_set_insert_t = typename std::enable_if_t< PropertySet< PS0 > &&PropertySet< PS1 >, detail::property_set_insert< PS0, PS1 >>::type
template<class... >
using void_t = void
template<class T >
using remove_cvref_t = std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< T >>


template<class... Fns>
auto overload (Fns...fns) -> overload_fn< Fns... >
template<class... Fns>
auto on_value (Fns...fns) -> on_value_fn< Fns... >
template<class... Fns>
auto on_error (Fns...fns) -> on_error_fn< Fns... >
template<class Fn >
auto on_done (Fn fn) -> on_done_fn< Fn >
template<class... Fns>
auto on_starting (Fns...fns) -> on_starting_fn< Fns... >
template<class Fn >
auto on_executor (Fn fn) -> on_executor_fn< Fn >
template<class... Fns>
auto on_submit (Fns...fns) -> on_submit_fn< Fns... >
template<class Fn >
auto on_now (Fn fn) -> on_now_fn< Fn >
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept Cardinality, has_cardinality_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept Single, is_single_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept Many, is_many_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept Flow, is_flow_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept Executor, is_executor_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS > &&is_single_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept Constrained, is_constrained_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept Time, is_time_v< PS > &&is_constrained_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept AlwaysBlocking, is_always_blocking_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept NeverBlocking, is_never_blocking_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept MaybeBlocking, is_maybe_blocking_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept FifoSequence, is_fifo_sequence_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class PS) concept ConcurrentSequence, is_concurrent_sequence_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class R, class...PropertyN)(concept Receiver)(R, PropertyN...), requires(R &r)(set_done(r), set_error(r, std::exception_ptr{}))&&SemiMovable< R > &&property_query_v< R, PropertyN... > &&is_receiver_v< R > &&!is_sender_v< R >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class R, class...VN)(concept ReceiveValue)(R, VN...), requires(R &r)(set_value(r, std::declval< VN && >()...))&&Receiver< R > &&True<>)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class R, class E=std::exception_ptr)(concept ReceiveError)(R, E), requires(R &r, E &&e)(set_error(r,(E &&) e))&&Receiver< R > &&SemiMovable< E >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class D, class...PropertyN)(concept Sender)(D, PropertyN...), requires(D &d)(executor(d), requires_< Executor< decltype(executor(d))>>)&&SemiMovable< D > &&Cardinality< D > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... > &&is_sender_v< D > &&!is_receiver_v< D >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class D, class S, class...PropertyN)(concept SenderTo)(D, S, PropertyN...), requires(D &d, S &&s)(submit(d,(S &&) s))&&Sender< D > &&Receiver< S > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... >)
template<class D >
 PUSHMI_PP_CONSTRAINED_USING (Sender< D >, executor_t=, decltype(executor(std::declval< D & >())))
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class S, class...PropertyN)(concept FlowReceiver)(S, PropertyN...), Receiver< S > &&property_query_v< S, PropertyN... > &&Flow< S >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class R, class...VN)(concept FlowReceiveValue)(R, VN...), Flow< R > &&ReceiveValue< R, VN... >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class R, class E=std::exception_ptr)(concept FlowReceiveError)(R, E), Flow< R > &&ReceiveError< R, E >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class R, class Up)(concept FlowUpTo)(R, Up), requires(R &r, Up &&up)(set_starting(r,(Up &&) up))&&Flow< R >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class S, class...PropertyN)(concept FlowSender)(S, PropertyN...), Sender< S > &&property_query_v< S, PropertyN... > &&Flow< S >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class D, class S, class...PropertyN)(concept FlowSenderTo)(D, S, PropertyN...), FlowSender< D > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... > &&FlowReceiver< S >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class D, class...PropertyN)(concept ConstrainedSender)(D, PropertyN...), requires(D &d)(top(d), requires_< Regular< decltype(top(d))>>)&&Sender< D > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... > &&Constrained< D >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class D, class S, class...PropertyN)(concept ConstrainedSenderTo)(D, S, PropertyN...), requires(D &d, S &&s)(submit(d, top(d),(S &&) s))&&ConstrainedSender< D > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... > &&Receiver< S >)
template<class D >
 PUSHMI_PP_CONSTRAINED_USING (ConstrainedSender< D >, constraint_t=, decltype(top(std::declval< D & >())))
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class D, class...PropertyN)(concept TimeSender)(D, PropertyN...), requires(D &d)(now(d), requires_< Regular< decltype(now(d)+std::chrono::seconds(1))>>)&&ConstrainedSender< D, PropertyN... > &&Time< D >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class D, class S, class...PropertyN)(concept TimeSenderTo)(D, S, PropertyN...), ConstrainedSenderTo< D, S, PropertyN... > &&TimeSender< D >)
template<class D >
 PUSHMI_PP_CONSTRAINED_USING (TimeSender< D >, time_point_t=, decltype(now(std::declval< D & >())))
template<class... TN>
constexpr auto expAnd (TN &&
template<class T >
constexpr bool implicitly_convertible_to (T)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class F, class...Args)(concept Invocable)(F, Args...), requires(F &&f)(::folly::pushmi::invoke((F &&) f, std::declval< Args >()...)))
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class F, class...Args)(concept NothrowInvocable)(F, Args...), requires(F &&f)(requires_< noexcept(::folly::pushmi::invoke((F &&) f, std::declval< Args >()...))>)&&Invocable< F, Args... >)
template<class First , class Second >
auto entangle (First f, Second s) -> entangled_pair< First, Second >
template<class T , class Dual >
locked_entangled_pair< T, Dual > lock_both (entangled< T, Dual > &e)
template<class First , class Second >
auto shared_entangle (First f, Second s) -> shared_entangled_pair< First, Second >
template<class T , class Dual >
locked_shared_entangled_pair< T, Dual > lock_both (shared_entangled< T, Dual > &e)
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
auto make_any_executor_ref ()
 PUSHMI_TEMPLATE (class E=std::exception_ptr, class Wrapped)(requires Sender< detail
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
auto make_any_executor () -> any_executor< E >
template<class E = std::exception_ptr, class CV = std::ptrdiff_t>
auto make_any_constrained_executor_ref ()
template<class E = std::exception_ptr, class CV = std::ptrdiff_t>
auto make_any_constrained_executor () -> any_constrained_executor< E, CV >
template<class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
auto make_any_time_executor_ref ()
template<class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
auto make_any_time_executor () -> any_time_executor< E, TP >
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept FlowReceiverDataArg, Receiver< T, is_flow<>> &&not Invocable< T & >)
inline_constrained_executor_t inline_constrained_executor ()
inline_time_executor_t inline_time_executor ()
inline_executor_t inline_executor ()
new_thread_executor new_thread ()
requires requires (detail::apply_impl(std::declval< F >(), std::declval< Tuple >(), detail::tupidxs< Tuple >{}))) const expr decltype(auto) apply(F &&f
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class R) concept Range, requires(R &&r)(implicitly_convertible_to< bool >(std::begin(r)==std::end(r))))
requires Same< To, is_sender<> > &&Sender< In > auto via_cast (In in)
requires Same< To, is_sender<> > auto via_cast (send_via< In > ss)
requires lazy::Sender< std::decay_t< In > > &&decltype(auto) lazy::Invocable< Op &, In > operator| (In &&in, Op op)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Property, Valid< T, property_category_t >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, class...Set)(concept FoundExactlyOnce)(T, Set...), sum_v<(PUSHMI_PP_IS_SAME(T, Set)?1:0)... >==1)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class...PropertyN)(concept UniqueCategory)(PropertyN...), And< FoundExactlyOnce< property_category_t< PropertyN >, property_category_t< PropertyN >... >... > &&And< Property< PropertyN >... >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept PropertySet, detail::is_v< T, property_set >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Properties, Valid< T, properties_t >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept ReceiverDataArg, Receiver< T > &&not Invocable< T & >)
requires SenderTo< In, std::promise< T >, is_single<> > std::future< Tfuture_from (In in)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator< (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator> (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator== (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator!= (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator<= (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator>= (const strand_item< E > &l, const strand_item< E > &r)
requires Invocable< ExecutorFactory & > &&Executor< invoke_result_t< ExecutorFactory & > > &&ConcurrentSequence< invoke_result_t< ExecutorFactory & > > auto strands (ExecutorFactory ef)
requires Executor< Exec > &&ConcurrentSequence< Exec > auto strands (Exec ex)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator< (const time_heap_item< E, TP > &l, const time_heap_item< E, TP > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator> (const time_heap_item< E, TP > &l, const time_heap_item< E, TP > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator== (const time_heap_item< E, TP > &l, const time_heap_item< E, TP > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator!= (const time_heap_item< E, TP > &l, const time_heap_item< E, TP > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator<= (const time_heap_item< E, TP > &l, const time_heap_item< E, TP > &r)
template<class E , class TP >
bool operator>= (const time_heap_item< E, TP > &l, const time_heap_item< E, TP > &r)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class...Args)(concept True)(Args...), true)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, template< class... > class C)(concept Valid)(T, C), True< C< T > >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, template< class... > class Trait, class...Args)(concept Satisfies)(T, Trait, Args...), static_cast< bool >(Trait< T >::type::value))
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, class U) concept Same, PUSHMI_PP_IS_SAME(T, U)&&PUSHMI_PP_IS_SAME(U, T))
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(bool...Bs)(concept And)(Bs...), and_v< Bs... >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(bool...Bs)(concept Or)(Bs...), or_v< Bs... >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Object, requires(T *p)(*p, implicitly_convertible_to< const volatile void * >(p)))
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, class...Args)(concept Constructible)(T, Args...),)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept MoveConstructible, Constructible< T, T >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class From, class To) concept ConvertibleTo, requires(From(&f)())(static_cast< To >(f()))&&std::is_convertible< From, To >::value)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class A, class B) concept DerivedFrom, __is_base_of(B, A))
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class A) concept Decayed, Same< A, std::decay_t< A >>)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T, class U) concept Assignable, requires(T t, U &&u)(t=(U &&) u, requires_< Same< decltype(t=(U &&) u), T >>)&&Same< T, T & >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept EqualityComparable, requires(remove_cvref_t< T > const &t)(implicitly_convertible_to< bool >(t==t), implicitly_convertible_to< bool >(t!=t)))
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept SemiMovable, Object< T > &&Constructible< T, T > &&ConvertibleTo< T, T >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Movable, SemiMovable< T > &&Assignable< T &, T >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Copyable, Movable< T > &&Assignable< T &, const T & > &&ConvertibleTo< const T &, T >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Semiregular, Copyable< T > &&Constructible< T >)
 PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF (template(class T) concept Regular, Semiregular< T > &&EqualityComparable< T >)
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
detail::trampoline_id get_trampoline_id ()
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
bool owned_by_trampoline ()
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
detail::delegator< Etrampoline ()
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
detail::nester< Enested_trampoline ()
auto repeat ()


template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool has_cardinality_v = has_cardinality<PS>::value
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_single_v = is_single<PS>::value
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_many_v = is_many<PS>::value
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_flow_v = is_flow<PS>::value
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_receiver_v = is_receiver<PS>::value
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_sender_v = is_sender<PS>::value
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_executor_v = is_executor<PS>::value
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_constrained_v = is_constrained<PS>::value
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_time_v = is_time<PS>::value
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_always_blocking_v
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_never_blocking_v
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_maybe_blocking_v
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_fifo_sequence_v
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_concurrent_sequence_v
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::make_constrained_single_sender_fn make_constrained_single_sender
template<bool B>
constexpr std::enable_if_t< B, int > requires_ = 0
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::invoke_fn invoke
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::for_each_fn for_each
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::reduce_fn reduce
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::set_done_fn set_done {}
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::set_error_fn set_error {}
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::set_value_fn set_value {}
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::set_starting_fn set_starting {}
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::get_executor_fn executor {}
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::do_submit_fn submit {}
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::get_top_fn now {}
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::get_top_fn top {}
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::make_flow_many_sender_fn make_flow_many_sender
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::make_flow_receiver_fn make_flow_receiver
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::make_flow_single_sender_fn make_flow_single_sender
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::make_many_sender_fn make_many_sender
requires Tuple && t
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::pipe_fn pipe
template<class PS , class... ExpectedN>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool property_query_v
template<class PS , class... ExpectedN>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool category_query_v
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::make_receiver_fn make_receiver
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::make_single_sender_fn make_single_sender
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::make_time_single_sender_fn make_time_single_sender
template<bool... Bs>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool and_v
template<bool... Bs>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool or_v
template<int... Is>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr int sum_v = detail::sum_impl<Is...>()
constexpr const recurse_t recurse {}

Typedef Documentation

template<class T >
using folly::pushmi::__properties_t = typedef typename T::properties

Definition at line 90 of file properties.h.

template<class T >
using folly::pushmi::__property_category_t = typedef typename T::property_category

Definition at line 29 of file properties.h.

template<bool B>
using folly::pushmi::bool_ = typedef std::integral_constant<bool, B>

Definition at line 443 of file concept_def.h.

template<template< class... > class T, class... AN>
using folly::pushmi::deduced_type_t = typedef ::folly::pushmi::invoke_result_t<construct_deduced<T>, AN...>

Definition at line 70 of file boosters.h.

template<class First , class Second >
using folly::pushmi::entangled_pair = typedef std::pair<entangled<First, Second>, entangled<Second, First>>

Definition at line 216 of file entangle.h.

template<class F , class... As>
using folly::pushmi::invoke_result_t = typedef decltype(folly::pushmi::invoke(std::declval<F>(), std::declval<As>()...))

Definition at line 47 of file functional.h.

template<class T >
using folly::pushmi::properties_t = typedef std::enable_if_t< PropertySet<__properties_t<property_set_traits<T>>>, __properties_t<property_set_traits<T>>>

Definition at line 105 of file properties.h.

Definition at line 42 of file properties.h.

template<class PS , class P >
using folly::pushmi::property_set_index_t = typedef std::enable_if_t< PropertySet<PS> && Property<P>, decltype(detail::__property_set_index_fn<P>(PS{}))>

Definition at line 148 of file properties.h.

template<class PS0 , class PS1 >
using folly::pushmi::property_set_insert_t = typedef typename std::enable_if_t< PropertySet<PS0> && PropertySet<PS1>, detail::property_set_insert<PS0, PS1>>::type

Definition at line 153 of file properties.h.

template<class T >
using folly::pushmi::remove_cvref_t = typedef std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>

Definition at line 81 of file traits.h.

template<class First , class Second >
using folly::pushmi::shared_entangled_pair = typedef std::pair<shared_entangled<First, Second>, shared_entangled<Second, First>>

Definition at line 276 of file entangle.h.

template<class... >
using folly::pushmi::void_t = typedef void

Definition at line 78 of file traits.h.

Function Documentation

template<class First , class Second >
auto folly::pushmi::entangle ( First  f,
Second  s 
) -> entangled_pair<First, Second>

Definition at line 219 of file entangle.h.

References folly::pushmi::entangled< T, Dual >::dual, f, folly::gen::move, and s.

Referenced by entangled_cancellation_factory::operator()(), and TEST_F().

219  {
220  entangled<First, Second> ef(std::move(f));
221  entangled<Second, First> es(std::move(s));
222  ef.dual = std::addressof(es);
223  es.dual = std::addressof(ef);
224  return {std::move(ef), std::move(es)};
225 }
auto f
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
static set< string > s
template<class... TN>
constexpr auto folly::pushmi::expAnd ( TN &&...  tn)

Definition at line 541 of file concept_def.h.

References folly::pushmi::isolated::expAnd().

Referenced by folly::pushmi::isolated::expAnd().

544  {
requires SenderTo< In, std::promise< void >, is_single<> > std::future< void > folly::pushmi::future_from ( In  in)

Definition at line 500 of file receiver.h.

References folly::gen::move, PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(), requires(), and submit.

Referenced by TEST().

500  {
501  std::promise<T> p;
502  auto result = p.get_future();
503  submit(in, std::move(p));
504  return result;
505 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
detail::trampoline_id folly::pushmi::get_trampoline_id ( )

Definition at line 248 of file trampoline.h.

References folly::pushmi::detail::trampoline< E >::get_id().

248  {
249  if (!detail::trampoline<E>::is_owned()) {
250  std::abort();
251  }
252  return detail::trampoline<E>::get_id();
253 }
template<class T >
constexpr bool folly::pushmi::implicitly_convertible_to ( T  )

Definition at line 546 of file concept_def.h.

549  {
inline_constrained_executor_t folly::pushmi::inline_constrained_executor ( )

Definition at line 51 of file inline.h.

Referenced by constrained_single_sender_test().

51  {
52  return {};
53 }
inline_executor_t folly::pushmi::inline_executor ( )

Definition at line 113 of file inline.h.

Referenced by TEST_F().

113  {
114  return {};
115 }
inline_time_executor_t folly::pushmi::inline_time_executor ( )

Definition at line 84 of file inline.h.

Referenced by time_single_sender_test().

84  {
85  return {};
86 }
template<class T , class Dual >
locked_entangled_pair<T, Dual> folly::pushmi::lock_both ( entangled< T, Dual > &  e)

Definition at line 257 of file entangle.h.

Referenced by ConcurrentFlowSingleSender::cancellation_test(), ImmediateFlowSingleSender::make_producer(), and inline_executor_flow_single< CancellationFactory >::submit().

257  {
258  return locked_entangled_pair<T, Dual>{e};
259 }
template<class T , class Dual >
locked_shared_entangled_pair<T, Dual> folly::pushmi::lock_both ( shared_entangled< T, Dual > &  e)

Definition at line 312 of file entangle.h.

312  {
313  return locked_shared_entangled_pair<T, Dual>{e};
314 }
template<class E = std::exception_ptr, class CV = std::ptrdiff_t>
auto folly::pushmi::make_any_constrained_executor ( ) -> any_constrained_executor<E, CV>

Definition at line 308 of file executor.h.

References folly::gen::move, folly::pushmi::detail::PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(), and folly::pushmi::detail::requires().

308  {
309  return any_constrained_executor<E, CV>{};
310 }
template<class E = std::exception_ptr, class CV = std::ptrdiff_t>
auto folly::pushmi::make_any_constrained_executor_ref ( )

Definition at line 256 of file executor.h.

References folly::pushmi::detail::PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(), and folly::pushmi::detail::requires().

256  {
257  return any_constrained_executor_ref<E, CV>{};
258 }
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
auto folly::pushmi::make_any_executor ( ) -> any_executor<E>

Definition at line 147 of file executor.h.

References folly::gen::move, folly::pushmi::detail::PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(), and folly::pushmi::detail::requires().

147  {
148  return any_executor<E>{};
149 }
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
auto folly::pushmi::make_any_executor_ref ( )

Definition at line 98 of file executor.h.

98  {
99  return any_executor_ref<E>{};
100 }
template<class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
auto folly::pushmi::make_any_time_executor ( ) -> any_time_executor<E, TP>

Definition at line 472 of file executor.h.

References folly::gen::move, folly::pushmi::detail::PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(), and folly::pushmi::detail::requires().

472  {
473  return any_time_executor<E, TP>{};
474 }
template<class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
auto folly::pushmi::make_any_time_executor_ref ( )

Definition at line 420 of file executor.h.

References folly::pushmi::detail::PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(), and folly::pushmi::detail::requires().

420  {
421  return any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>{};
422 }
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
detail::nester<E> folly::pushmi::nested_trampoline ( )

Definition at line 265 of file trampoline.h.

265  {
266  return {};
267 }
new_thread_executor folly::pushmi::new_thread ( )

Definition at line 50 of file new_thread.h.

50  {
51  return {};
52 }
template<class Fn >
auto folly::pushmi::on_executor ( Fn  fn) -> on_executor_fn<Fn>

Definition at line 307 of file boosters.h.

References folly::gen::move.

Referenced by folly::pushmi::detail::via_fn::in_impl< ExecutorFactory >::operator()().

307  {
308  return on_executor_fn<Fn>{std::move(fn)};
309 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class Fn >
auto folly::pushmi::on_now ( Fn  fn) -> on_now_fn<Fn>

Definition at line 329 of file boosters.h.

References folly::gen::move.

329  {
330  return on_now_fn<Fn>{std::move(fn)};
331 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class... Fns>
auto folly::pushmi::on_starting ( Fns...  fns) -> on_starting_fn<Fns...>

Definition at line 296 of file boosters.h.

References folly::gen::move.

Referenced by ConcurrentFlowManySender::cancellation_test(), ConcurrentFlowSingleSender::cancellation_test(), ImmediateFlowManySender::make_consumer(), and ImmediateFlowSingleSender::make_consumer().

296  {
297  return on_starting_fn<Fns...>{std::move(fns)...};
298 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class... Fns>
auto folly::pushmi::on_submit ( Fns...  fns) -> on_submit_fn<Fns...>

Definition at line 318 of file boosters.h.

References folly::gen::move.

Referenced by folly::pushmi::detail::submit_transform_out().

318  {
319  return on_submit_fn<Fns...>{std::move(fns)...};
320 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator!= ( const strand_item< E > &  l,
const strand_item< E > &  r 

Definition at line 53 of file strand.h.

53  {
54  return !(l == r);
55 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator!= ( const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  l,
const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  r 

Definition at line 64 of file time_source.h.

66  {
67  return !(l == r);
68 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator< ( const strand_item< E > &  l,
const strand_item< E > &  r 

Definition at line 41 of file strand.h.

41  {
42  return l.when < r.when;
43 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator< ( const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  l,
const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  r 

Definition at line 50 of file time_source.h.

References folly::pushmi::time_heap_item< E, TP >::when.

50  {
51  return l.when < r.when;
52 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator<= ( const strand_item< E > &  l,
const strand_item< E > &  r 

Definition at line 57 of file strand.h.

57  {
58  return !(l > r);
59 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator<= ( const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  l,
const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  r 

Definition at line 70 of file time_source.h.

72  {
73  return !(l > r);
74 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator== ( const strand_item< E > &  l,
const strand_item< E > &  r 

Definition at line 49 of file strand.h.

49  {
50  return l.when == r.when;
51 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator== ( const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  l,
const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  r 

Definition at line 58 of file time_source.h.

References folly::pushmi::time_heap_item< E, TP >::when.

60  {
61  return l.when == r.when;
62 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator> ( const strand_item< E > &  l,
const strand_item< E > &  r 

Definition at line 45 of file strand.h.

45  {
46  return l.when > r.when;
47 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator> ( const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  l,
const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  r 

Definition at line 54 of file time_source.h.

References folly::pushmi::time_heap_item< E, TP >::when.

54  {
55  return l.when > r.when;
56 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator>= ( const strand_item< E > &  l,
const strand_item< E > &  r 

Definition at line 61 of file strand.h.

61  {
62  return !(l < r);
63 }
template<class E , class TP >
bool folly::pushmi::operator>= ( const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  l,
const time_heap_item< E, TP > &  r 

Definition at line 76 of file time_source.h.

78  {
79  return !(l < r);
80 }
requires lazy::Sender<std::decay_t<In> >&&decltype(auto) lazy::Invocable<Op&, In> folly::pushmi::operator| ( In &&  in,
Op  op 

Definition at line 25 of file piping.h.

25  {
26  return op((In &&) in);
27 }
template<class... Fns>
auto folly::pushmi::overload ( Fns...  fns) -> overload_fn<Fns...>

Definition at line 251 of file boosters.h.

References folly::gen::move.

Referenced by folly::pushmi::detail::transform_fn::operator()().

251  {
252  return overload_fn<Fns...>{std::move(fns)...};
253 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
template<class E = std::exception_ptr>
bool folly::pushmi::owned_by_trampoline ( )

Definition at line 256 of file trampoline.h.

References folly::pushmi::detail::trampoline< E >::is_owned().

256  {
257  return detail::trampoline<E>::is_owned();
258 }
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class R) concept  Range,
requires(R &&r)(implicitly_convertible_to< bool >(std::begin(r)==std::end(r)))   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  Cardinality,
has_cardinality_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  Property,
Valid< T, property_category_t  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class F, class...Args)(concept Invocable)(F, Args...)  ,
requires(F &&f)(::folly::pushmi::invoke((F &&) f, std::declval< Args >()...))   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T, class...Set)(concept FoundExactlyOnce)(T, Set...)  ,
sum_v<(PUSHMI_PP_IS_SAME(T, Set)?1:0)... >  = =1 
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class...PropertyN)(concept UniqueCategory)(PropertyN...)  ,
And< FoundExactlyOnce< property_category_t< PropertyN >, property_category_t< PropertyN >... >... > &&And< Property< PropertyN >... >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class F, class...Args)(concept NothrowInvocable)(F, Args...)  ,
requires(F &&f)(requires_< noexcept(::folly::pushmi::invoke((F &&) f, std::declval< Args >()...))>)&&Invocable< F, Args... >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  Single,
is_single_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  PropertySet,
detail::is_v< T, property_set  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class...Args)(concept True)(Args...)  ,
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T, template< class... > class C)(concept Valid)(T, C ,
True< C< T > >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  Many,
is_many_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T, template< class... > class Trait, class...Args)(concept Satisfies)(T, Trait, Args...)  ,
static_cast< bool >  Trait< T >::type::value 
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T, class U) concept  Same,
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  Properties,
Valid< T, properties_t  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(bool...Bs)(concept And)(Bs...)  ,
and_v< Bs... >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  Flow,
is_flow_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(bool...Bs)(concept Or)(Bs...)  ,
or_v< Bs... >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  Object,
requires(T *p)(*,< * >  p 
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T, class...Args)(concept Constructible)(T, Args...)  )
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  MoveConstructible,
Constructible< T, T  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class From, class To) concept  ConvertibleTo,
requires(From(&f)())(static_cast< To >(f()))&&std::is_convertible< From, To >::value   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class A, class B) concept  DerivedFrom,
__is_base_of(B, A  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class A) concept  Decayed,
Same< A, std::decay_t< A >>   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T, class U) concept  Assignable,
requires(T t, U &&u)(t=(U &&) u, requires_< Same< decltype(t=(U &&) u), T >>)&&Same< T, T & >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  Executor,
is_executor_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS > &&is_single_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  EqualityComparable,
requires(remove_cvref_t< T > const &t)(implicitly_convertible_to< bool >(t==t), implicitly_convertible_to< bool >(t!=t))   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  Constrained,
is_constrained_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  SemiMovable,
Object< T > &&Constructible< T, T > &&ConvertibleTo< T, T  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  Movable,
SemiMovable< T > &&Assignable< T &, T  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  Copyable,
Movable< T > &&Assignable< T &, const T & > &&ConvertibleTo< const T &, T  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  Time,
is_time_v< PS > &&is_constrained_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  Semiregular,
Copyable< T > &&Constructible< T  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  Regular,
Semiregular< T > &&EqualityComparable< T  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  AlwaysBlocking,
is_always_blocking_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  NeverBlocking,
is_never_blocking_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  MaybeBlocking,
is_maybe_blocking_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  FifoSequence,
is_fifo_sequence_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class PS) concept  ConcurrentSequence,
is_concurrent_sequence_v< PS > &&is_sender_v< PS >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class R, class...PropertyN)(concept Receiver)(R, PropertyN...)  ,
requires(R &r)(set_done(r), set_error(r, std::exception_ptr{}))&&SemiMovable< R > &&property_query_v< R, PropertyN... > &&is_receiver_v< R > &&!is_sender_v< R >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class R, class...VN)(concept ReceiveValue)(R, VN...)  ,
requires(R &r)(set_value(r, std::declval< VN && >()...))&&Receiver< R > &&True<>   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class R, class E=std::exception_ptr)(concept ReceiveError)(R, E ,
requires(R &r, E &&e)(set_error(r,(E &&) e))&&Receiver< R > &&SemiMovable< E  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  ReceiverDataArg,
Receiver< T > &&not Invocable< T & >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class D, class...PropertyN)(concept Sender)(D, PropertyN...)  ,
requires(D &d)(executor(d), requires_< Executor< decltype(executor(d))>>)&&SemiMovable< D > &&Cardinality< D > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... > &&is_sender_v< D > &&!is_receiver_v< D  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class T) concept  FlowReceiverDataArg,
Receiver< T, is_flow<>> &&not Invocable< T & >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class D, class S, class...PropertyN)(concept SenderTo)(D, S, PropertyN...)  ,
requires(D &d, S &&s)(submit(d,(S &&) s))&&Sender< D > &&Receiver< S > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class S, class...PropertyN)(concept FlowReceiver)(S, PropertyN...)  ,
Receiver< S > &&property_query_v< S, PropertyN... > &&Flow< S  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class R, class...VN)(concept FlowReceiveValue)(R, VN...)  ,
Flow< R > &&ReceiveValue< R, VN... >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class R, class E=std::exception_ptr)(concept FlowReceiveError)(R, E ,
Flow< R > &&ReceiveError< R, E  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class R, class Up)(concept FlowUpTo)(R, Up)  ,
requires(R &r, Up &&up)(set_starting(r,(Up &&) up))&&Flow< R >   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class S, class...PropertyN)(concept FlowSender)(S, PropertyN...)  ,
Sender< S > &&property_query_v< S, PropertyN... > &&Flow< S  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class D, class S, class...PropertyN)(concept FlowSenderTo)(D, S, PropertyN...)  ,
FlowSender< D > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... > &&FlowReceiver< S  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class D, class...PropertyN)(concept ConstrainedSender)(D, PropertyN...)  ,
requires(D &d)(top(d), requires_< Regular< decltype(top(d))>>)&&Sender< D > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... > &&Constrained< D  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class D, class S, class...PropertyN)(concept ConstrainedSenderTo)(D, S, PropertyN...)  ,
requires(D &d, S &&s)(submit(d, top(d),(S &&) s))&&ConstrainedSender< D > &&property_query_v< D, PropertyN... > &&Receiver< S  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class D, class...PropertyN)(concept TimeSender)(D, PropertyN...)  ,
requires(D &d)(now(d), requires_< Regular< decltype(now(d)+std::chrono::seconds(1))>>)&&ConstrainedSender< D, PropertyN... > &&Time< D  
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_CONCEPT_DEF ( template(class D, class S, class...PropertyN)(concept TimeSenderTo)(D, S, PropertyN...)  ,
ConstrainedSenderTo< D, S, PropertyN... > &&TimeSender< D  
template<class D >
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_PP_CONSTRAINED_USING ( Sender< D ,
executor_t  ,
decltype(executor(std::declval< D & >()))   
template<class D >
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_PP_CONSTRAINED_USING ( ConstrainedSender< D ,
constraint_t  ,
decltype(top(std::declval< D & >()))   
template<class D >
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_PP_CONSTRAINED_USING ( TimeSender< D ,
time_point_t  ,
decltype(now(std::declval< D & >()))   
folly::pushmi::PUSHMI_TEMPLATE ( class E  = std::exception_ptr,
class Wrapped   

Definition at line 102 of file executor.h.

References folly::pushmi::detail::PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(), and folly::pushmi::detail::requires().

Referenced by folly::pushmi::any_constrained_single_sender< E, TP, VN... >::any_constrained_single_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_flow_many_sender< PE, PV, E, VN >::any_flow_many_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_flow_receiver< PE, PV, E, VN >::any_flow_receiver(), folly::pushmi::any_flow_single_sender< PE, E, VN >::any_flow_single_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_many_sender< E, VN >::any_many_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_receiver< E, folly::pushmi::any_executor_ref< E > >::any_receiver(), folly::pushmi::any_single_sender< E, VN >::any_single_sender(), folly::pushmi::receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF >::data(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStrtF >::data(), countdown< R >::done(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< VF, EF, DF, StrtF >::done(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStrtF >::done(), folly::pushmi::inline_constrained_executor_t::executor(), folly::pushmi::new_thread_executor::executor(), folly::pushmi::pool_executor< Executor >::executor(), folly::pushmi::detail::delegator< E >::executor(), folly::pushmi::inline_time_executor_t::executor(), folly::pushmi::detail::nester< E >::executor(), folly::pushmi::inline_executor_t::executor(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::executor(), folly::pushmi::flow_many_sender< SF, EXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::many_sender< SF, EXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::single_sender< SF, EXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::flow_single_sender< SF, EXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::constrained_single_sender< SF, ZF, EXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::flow_many_sender< Data, DSF, DEXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::many_sender< Data, DSF, DEXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::flow_single_sender< Data, DSF, DEXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::single_sender< Data, DSF, DEXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::strand_executor< E, Executor >::executor(), folly::pushmi::constrained_single_sender< Data, DSF, DZF, DEXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::time_source_executor< E, TP, NF, Executor >::executor(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< VF, EF, DF, StrtF >::flow_receiver(), future_from(), folly::pushmi::__adl::noexcept(), folly::pushmi::__adl::do_submit_fn::noexcept(), folly::pushmi::concepts::detail::Not< T >::operator bool(), folly::pushmi::operators::defer_fn::impl< F >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::just_fn::impl< VN >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::from_fn::out_impl< I, S >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::from_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_time_single_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::flow_from_fn::out_impl< I, S, Exec >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::flow_from_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_flow_many_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_many_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_flow_single_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_single_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_constrained_single_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::same_executor_factory_fn< Exec >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::trampolineEXF::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_receiver_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_flow_receiver_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_receiver_fn::PUSHMI_EXP(), folly::pushmi::make_flow_receiver_fn::PUSHMI_EXP(), folly::pushmi::receiver< VF, EF, DF >::receiver(), folly::pushmi::__adl::requires(), folly::pushmi::__adl::set_done(), folly::pushmi::__adl::set_error(), folly::pushmi::__adl::set_value(), countdown< R >::starting(), strands(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_shared::submit(), folly::pushmi::detail::trampoline< E >::submit(), folly::pushmi::time_source< E, TP >::time_source(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_shared::value(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_receiver::value(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< VF, EF, DF, StrtF >::value(), folly::pushmi::receiver< VF, EF, DF >::value(), folly::pushmi::receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF >::value(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStrtF >::value(), and via_cast().

106  {
107  return any_executor_ref<E>{w};
108 }
auto folly::pushmi::repeat ( )

Definition at line 290 of file trampoline.h.

References folly::pushmi::detail::repeat().

Referenced by folly::pushmi::detail::trampoline< E >::submit().

290  {
291  return [](auto& exec) { detail::repeat(exec); };
292 }
void repeat(F const &func)
requires folly::pushmi::requires ( detail::apply_impl(std::declval< F >(),std::declval< Tuple >(),detail::tupidxs< Tuple >{})  ) const

Referenced by folly::pushmi::any_constrained_single_sender< E, TP, VN... >::any_constrained_single_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_flow_many_sender< PE, PV, E, VN >::any_flow_many_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_flow_receiver< PE, PV, E, VN >::any_flow_receiver(), folly::pushmi::any_flow_single_sender< PE, E, VN >::any_flow_single_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_many_sender< E, VN >::any_many_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_receiver< E, folly::pushmi::any_executor_ref< E > >::any_receiver(), folly::pushmi::any_single_sender< E, VN >::any_single_sender(), folly::pushmi::receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF >::data(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStrtF >::data(), countdown< R >::done(), folly::pushmi::any_receiver< E, folly::pushmi::any_executor_ref< E > >::done(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< VF, EF, DF, StrtF >::done(), folly::pushmi::receiver< VF, EF, DF >::done(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStrtF >::done(), folly::pushmi::new_thread_executor::executor(), folly::pushmi::pool_executor< Executor >::executor(), folly::pushmi::detail::delegator< E >::executor(), folly::pushmi::detail::nester< E >::executor(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::executor(), folly::pushmi::flow_many_sender< SF, EXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::flow_single_sender< SF, EXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::constrained_single_sender< SF, ZF, EXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::strand_executor< E, Executor >::executor(), folly::pushmi::constrained_single_sender< Data, DSF, DZF, DEXF >::executor(), folly::pushmi::time_source_executor< E, TP, NF, Executor >::executor(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< VF, EF, DF, StrtF >::flow_receiver(), future_from(), folly::pushmi::operators::defer_fn::impl< F >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::just_fn::impl< VN >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::from_fn::out_impl< I, S >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::from_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_time_single_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::flow_from_fn::out_impl< I, S, Exec >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::flow_from_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::passDZF::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_flow_many_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_many_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_flow_single_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_single_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_constrained_single_sender_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::same_executor_factory_fn< Exec >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::trampolineEXF::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_receiver_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_flow_receiver_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::make_receiver_fn::PUSHMI_EXP(), folly::pushmi::make_flow_receiver_fn::PUSHMI_EXP(), folly::pushmi::receiver< VF, EF, DF >::receiver(), countdown< R >::starting(), folly::pushmi::any_flow_receiver< PE, PV, E, VN >::starting(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< VF, EF, DF, StrtF >::starting(), strands(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_shared::submit(), folly::pushmi::detail::trampoline< E >::submit(), folly::pushmi::constrained_single_sender< SF, ZF, EXF >::submit(), folly::pushmi::time_source< E, TP >::time_source(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_shared::value(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_receiver::value(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< VF, EF, DF, StrtF >::value(), folly::pushmi::receiver< VF, EF, DF >::value(), folly::pushmi::receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF >::value(), folly::pushmi::flow_receiver< Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStrtF >::value(), and via_cast().

template<class First , class Second >
auto folly::pushmi::shared_entangle ( First  f,
Second  s 
) -> shared_entangled_pair<First, Second>

Definition at line 279 of file entangle.h.

References f, folly::lock(), folly::gen::move, mutex, and s.

Referenced by ImmediateFlowSingleSender::make_producer(), shared_cancellation_factory::operator()(), and TEST_F().

280  {
281  struct storage {
282  storage(First&& f, Second&& s) : p((First &&) f, (Second &&) s) {}
283  std::tuple<First, Second> p;
285  };
286  auto p = std::make_shared<storage>(std::move(f), std::move(s));
287  shared_entangled<First, Second> ef(
288  p, std::get<0>(p->p), std::get<1>(p->p), p->lock);
289  shared_entangled<Second, First> es(
290  p, std::get<1>(p->p), std::get<0>(p->p), p->lock);
291  return {std::move(ef), std::move(es)};
292 }
auto f
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
auto lock(SynchronizedLocker...lockersIn) -> std::tuple< typename SynchronizedLocker::LockedPtr... >
Definition: Synchronized.h:871
std::mutex mutex
static set< string > s
requires Invocable<ExecutorFactory&>&& Executor<invoke_result_t<ExecutorFactory&> >&& ConcurrentSequence< invoke_result_t<ExecutorFactory&> > auto folly::pushmi::strands ( ExecutorFactory  ef)

Definition at line 246 of file strand.h.

References folly::gen::move, PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(), and requires().

Referenced by lisp(), main(), pipe(), sugar(), TEST_F(), and p1055::then_execute().

246  {
247  return strand_executor_factory_fn<E, ExecutorFactory>{std::move(ef)};
248 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
requires Executor<Exec>&& ConcurrentSequence<Exec> auto folly::pushmi::strands ( Exec  ex)

Definition at line 251 of file strand.h.

References folly::gen::move.

251  {
252  return strand_executor_factory_fn<E, same_executor_factory_fn<Exec>>{
253  same_executor_factory_fn<Exec>{std::move(ex)}};
254 }
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
requires Same<To, is_sender<> >&& Sender<In> auto folly::pushmi::via_cast ( In  in)

Definition at line 67 of file request_via.h.

References folly::pushmi::send_via< In >::in, PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(), and requires().

Referenced by main().

67  {
68  return in;
69 }
requires Same<To, is_sender<> > auto folly::pushmi::via_cast ( send_via< In >  ss)

Definition at line 73 of file request_via.h.

References folly::pushmi::send_via< In >::in.

73  {
74  return;
75 }

Variable Documentation

template<bool... Bs>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::and_v
Initial value:
PUSHMI_PP_IS_SAME(detail::bools<Bs..., true>, detail::bools<true, Bs...>)
#define PUSHMI_PP_IS_SAME(...)
Definition: concept_def.h:68

Definition at line 62 of file traits.h.

template<class PS , class... ExpectedN>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::category_query_v
Initial value:
category_query<PS, ExpectedN...>::value
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50

Definition at line 199 of file properties.h.

PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::get_executor_fn folly::pushmi::executor {}

Definition at line 359 of file extension_points.h.

Referenced by folly::FutureDAG::add(), folly::DefaultKeepAliveExecutor::WeakRef::add(), folly::DefaultKeepAliveExecutor::WeakRef::addWithPriority(), folly::pushmi::any_constrained_single_sender< E, TP, VN... >::any_constrained_single_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_flow_many_sender< PE, PV, E, VN >::any_flow_many_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_flow_single_sender< PE, E, VN >::any_flow_single_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_many_sender< E, VN >::any_many_sender(), folly::pushmi::any_single_sender< E, VN >::any_single_sender(), folly::gen::detail::Parallel< Ops >::Generator< Input, Source, InputDecayed, Composed, Output, OutputDecayed >::apply(), folly::coro::co_viaIfAsync(), folly::SerialExecutor::createUnique(), folly::pushmi::detail::blocking_submit_fn::nested_executor_impl::executor(), folly::gen::detail::Parallel< Ops >::Generator< Input, Source, InputDecayed, Composed, Output, OutputDecayed >::foreach(), folly::SemiFuture< T >::getDeferredExecutor(), folly::Executor::getKeepAliveToken(), folly::FutureDAG::go(), fizz::server::detail::handleInvalidEvent(), keepAliveTest(), folly::Executor::makeKeepAlive(), folly::Executor::makeKeepAliveDummy(), folly::futures::map(), wangle::SSLSessionPersistentCacheBase< K >::TimeUtil::now(), folly::pushmi::passDEXF::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::executor_fn::impl::operator()(), fizz::server::ServerStateMachine::processAccept(), RecursiveAddTest(), folly::SemiFuture< T >::releaseDeferredExecutor(), folly::pushmi::__adl::requires(), folly::pushmi::__adl::get_executor_fn::requires(), folly::Executor::KeepAlive< folly::VirtualEventBase >::reset(), folly::coro::Task< T >::scheduleOn(), folly::SemiFuture< T >::SemiFuture(), SimpleTest(), folly::SemiFuture< T >::stealDeferredExecutor(), folly::futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutors(), folly::futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutorsVariadic(), folly::TEST(), TEST(), TEST_F(), folly::SemiFuture< T >::via(), folly::Future< T >::via(), folly::window(), and folly::VirtualExecutor::wrapFunc().

PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::for_each_fn folly::pushmi::for_each
template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::has_cardinality_v = has_cardinality<PS>::value

Definition at line 35 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_always_blocking_v
Initial value:
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50

Definition at line 207 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_concurrent_sequence_v
Initial value:
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50

Definition at line 280 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_constrained_v = is_constrained<PS>::value

Definition at line 175 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_executor_v = is_executor<PS>::value

Definition at line 160 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_fifo_sequence_v
Initial value:
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50

Definition at line 261 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_flow_v = is_flow<PS>::value

Definition at line 107 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_many_v = is_many<PS>::value

Definition at line 92 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_maybe_blocking_v
Initial value:
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50

Definition at line 243 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_never_blocking_v
Initial value:
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50

Definition at line 225 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_receiver_v = is_receiver<PS>::value

Definition at line 122 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_sender_v = is_sender<PS>::value

Definition at line 141 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_single_v = is_single<PS>::value

Definition at line 77 of file concepts.h.

template<class PS >
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::is_time_v = is_time<PS>::value

Definition at line 190 of file concepts.h.

template<bool... Bs>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::or_v
Initial value:
detail::bools<Bs..., false>,
detail::bools<false, Bs...>)
#define PUSHMI_PP_IS_SAME(...)
Definition: concept_def.h:68

Definition at line 66 of file traits.h.

PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::pipe_fn folly::pushmi::pipe
template<class PS , class... ExpectedN>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool folly::pushmi::property_query_v
Initial value:
property_query<PS, ExpectedN...>::value
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50

Definition at line 176 of file properties.h.

Referenced by folly::pushmi::detail::transform_fn::impl< F >::operator()().

constexpr const recurse_t folly::pushmi::recurse {}

Definition at line 28 of file trampoline.h.

Referenced by folly::pushmi::detail::repeat().

PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr struct folly::pushmi::reduce_fn folly::pushmi::reduce
template<bool B>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<B, int> folly::pushmi::requires_ = 0

Definition at line 554 of file concept_def.h.

PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::set_done_fn folly::pushmi::set_done {}

Definition at line 355 of file extension_points.h.

Referenced by folly::pushmi::any_flow_receiver< PE, PV, E, VN >::any_flow_receiver(), folly::pushmi::any_receiver< E, folly::pushmi::any_executor_ref< E > >::any_receiver(), ConcurrentFlowManySender::cancellation_test(), ConcurrentFlowSingleSender::cancellation_test(), folly::pushmi::detail::for_each_fn::Pull< In, Out >::done(), folly::pushmi::detail::tap_::done(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_shared::done(), folly::pushmi::operators::flow_from_up< Producer >::done(), folly::pushmi::detail::blocking_submit_fn::nested_receiver_impl< Out >::done(), folly::pushmi::operators::flow_from_up< Producer >::error(), ImmediateFlowSingleSender::make_producer(), ImmediateFlowManySender::make_producer(), folly::pushmi::detail::single_empty_impl< VN >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::just_fn::impl< VN >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::from_fn::out_impl< I, S >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::via_fn::on_done_impl< Out >::impl::operator()(), folly::pushmi::passDDF::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::blocking_submit_fn::on_done_impl::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::set_done_fn::impl::operator()(), folly::pushmi::inline_constrained_executor_t::submit(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_shared::submit(), folly::pushmi::inline_time_executor_t::submit(), folly::pushmi::inline_executor_t::submit(), inline_executor_flow_single< CancellationFactory >::submit(), folly::pushmi::detail::trampoline< E >::submit(), inline_executor_flow_many::submit(), inline_executor_flow_many_ignore::submit(), inline_executor_many::submit(), TEST_F(), folly::pushmi::strand_queue< E, Executor >::value(), and folly::pushmi::time_source_queue< E, TP, NF, Executor >::value().

PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::set_value_fn folly::pushmi::set_value {}

Definition at line 357 of file extension_points.h.

Referenced by folly::pushmi::any_flow_receiver< PE, PV, E, VN >::any_flow_receiver(), folly::pushmi::any_receiver< E, folly::pushmi::any_executor_ref< E > >::any_receiver(), ConcurrentFlowManySender::cancellation_test(), constrained_single_sender_test(), countdown< R >::done(), flow_many_sender_test(), flow_receiver_1_test(), flow_receiver_n_test(), flow_single_sender_test(), inline_bulk_target(), ImmediateFlowSingleSender::make_producer(), ImmediateFlowManySender::make_producer(), many_sender_test(), naive_executor_bulk_target(), folly::pushmi::detail::filter_fn::on_value_impl< In, Predicate >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::just_fn::impl< VN >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::transform_on< F, is_single<> >::value_fn::operator()(), folly::pushmi::operators::from_fn::out_impl< I, S >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::via_fn::on_value_impl< Out >::impl< V >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::transform_on< F, is_single<>, true >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::transform_on< F, is_many<> >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::transform_on< F, is_many<>, true >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::blocking_submit_fn::on_value_impl::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::set_value_fn::impl< VN >::operator()(), receiver_1_test(), receiver_n_test(), single_sender_test(), folly::pushmi::detail::for_each_fn::Pull< In, Out >::starting(), countdown< R >::starting(), folly::pushmi::inline_constrained_executor_t::submit(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_shared::submit(), folly::pushmi::pool_executor< Executor >::submit(), folly::pushmi::inline_time_executor_t::submit(), inline_time_executor::submit(), folly::pushmi::inline_executor_t::submit(), inline_executor::submit(), inline_executor_flow_single< CancellationFactory >::submit(), folly::pushmi::detail::trampoline< E >::submit(), inline_executor_flow_single_ignore::submit(), inline_executor_flow_many::submit(), inline_executor_flow_many_ignore::submit(), inline_executor_many::submit(), TEST_F(), time_single_sender_test(), folly::pushmi::detail::for_each_fn::Pull< In, Out >::value(), folly::pushmi::detail::tap_::value(), folly::pushmi::subject< PS, TN... >::subject_shared::value(), folly::pushmi::strand_queue< E, Executor >::value(), folly::pushmi::time_source_queue< E, TP, NF, Executor >::value(), and folly::pushmi::detail::blocking_submit_fn::nested_receiver_impl< Out >::value().

PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr __adl::do_submit_fn folly::pushmi::submit {}

Definition at line 360 of file extension_points.h.

Referenced by folly::pushmi::any_constrained_executor_ref< E, CV >::any_constrained_executor_ref(), folly::pushmi::any_executor_ref< E >::any_executor_ref(), folly::pushmi::any_time_executor_ref< E, TP >::any_time_executor_ref(), folly::pushmi::strand_queue< E, Executor >::dispatch(), folly::pushmi::time_source_queue< E, TP, NF, Executor >::dispatch(), folly::pushmi::strand_queue< E, Executor >::done(), future_from(), folly::pushmi::__adl::do_submit_fn::noexcept(), folly::pushmi::detail::on_fn::on_value_impl< In, Out >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::switch_on_error_fn::on_error_impl< ErrorSelector >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::share_fn< TN >::impl::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::on_fn::out_impl< In, ExecutorFactory >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::on_fn::time_on_value_impl< In, TP, Out >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::via_fn::on_value_impl< Out >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::on_fn::time_out_impl< In, ExecutorFactory >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::via_fn::on_error_impl< Out >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::via_fn::on_done_impl< Out >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::submit_transform_out_1< In, FN >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::submit_transform_out_2< In, FN >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::passDSF::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::blocking_submit_fn::fn< AN >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::do_submit_fn::impl< Out >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::do_submit_fn::time_impl< TP, Out >::operator()(), folly::pushmi::detail::repeat(), and folly::pushmi::__adl::requires().

template<int... Is>
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr int folly::pushmi::sum_v = detail::sum_impl<Is...>()

Definition at line 71 of file traits.h.

requires Tuple&& folly::pushmi::t
Initial value:
return detail::apply_impl((F &&) f, (Tuple &&) t, detail::tupidxs<Tuple>{})
auto f
requires Tuple && t

Definition at line 60 of file extension_operators.h.

Referenced by folly::pushmi::for_each_fn::identity::operator()(), folly::pushmi::reduce_fn::identity::operator()(), folly::pushmi::__adl::set_value(), and folly::pushmi::new_thread_executor::submit().