folly::try_detail Namespace Reference


struct  RemoveTry
struct  RemoveTry< TupleType< folly::Try< Types >... > >


template<std::size_t... Indices, typename Tuple >
auto unwrapTryTupleImpl (folly::index_sequence< Indices... >, Tuple &&instance)

Function Documentation

template<std::size_t... Indices, typename Tuple >
auto folly::try_detail::unwrapTryTupleImpl ( folly::index_sequence< Indices... >  ,
Tuple &&  instance 

Definition at line 312 of file Try-inl.h.

References folly::pushmi::operators::get, and type.

Referenced by folly::unwrapTryTuple().

312  {
313  using std::get;
314  using ReturnType = typename RemoveTry<typename std::decay<Tuple>::type>::type;
315  return ReturnType{(get<Indices>(std::forward<Tuple>(instance)).value())...};
316 }
PskType type
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr detail::get_fn< T > get
Definition: submit.h:391