Classes | |
class | AClass |
class | AllArgsHelper |
struct | AStruct |
class | BacktrackingBPMTest |
class | Base |
class | BipartiteNonSquareTest |
class | BipartiteRandomTest |
class | BipartiteTest |
class | ConstPropagatingPtr |
struct | ConvertibleFromAny |
class | ConvertibleToBool |
class | Derived |
class | DerivedClass |
struct | DerivedStruct |
class | DivisibleByImpl |
class | EvenMatcherImpl |
class | FloatingPointNearTest |
class | FloatingPointTest |
struct | Functor |
class | GreaterThanMatcher |
struct | IntReferenceWrapper |
class | IntValue |
class | IsGreaterThan |
class | IsHalfOfMatcher |
class | NewEvenMatcherImpl |
class | NotCopyable |
class | OtherDerived |
struct | PolymorphicFunctor |
class | PolymorphicIsEvenImpl |
class | ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl |
struct | ReferencingFunctor |
class | Streamlike |
struct | Type |
class | Uncopyable |
class | UnorderedElementsAreTest |
class | Unprintable |
Typedefs | |
typedef ::testing::tuple< long, int > | Tuple2 |
typedef FloatingPointTest< float > | FloatTest |
typedef FloatingPointNearTest< float > | FloatNearTest |
typedef FloatingPointTest< double > | DoubleTest |
typedef FloatingPointNearTest< double > | DoubleNearTest |
Functions | |
Matcher< int > | GreaterThan (int n) |
string | OfType (const string &type_name) |
template<typename T > | |
string | Describe (const Matcher< T > &m) |
template<typename T > | |
string | DescribeNegation (const Matcher< T > &m) |
template<typename MatcherType , typename Value > | |
string | Explain (const MatcherType &m, const Value &x) |
TEST (MatchResultListenerTest, StreamingWorks) | |
TEST (MatchResultListenerTest, CanAccessUnderlyingStream) | |
TEST (MatchResultListenerTest, IsInterestedWorks) | |
TEST (MatcherInterfaceTest, CanBeImplementedUsingPublishedAPI) | |
TEST (MatcherInterfaceTest, CanBeImplementedUsingNewAPI) | |
TEST (MatcherTest, CanBeDefaultConstructed) | |
TEST (MatcherTest, CanBeConstructedFromMatcherInterface) | |
TEST (MatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromValue) | |
TEST (MatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromNULL) | |
TEST (MatcherTest, IsCopyable) | |
TEST (MatcherTest, CanDescribeItself) | |
TEST (MatcherTest, MatchAndExplain) | |
TEST (StringMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromCStringLiteral) | |
TEST (StringMatcherTest, CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromString) | |
TEST (MakeMatcherTest, ConstructsMatcherFromMatcherInterface) | |
PolymorphicMatcher< ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl > | ReferencesBarOrIsZero () |
TEST (MakePolymorphicMatcherTest, ConstructsMatcherUsingOldAPI) | |
PolymorphicMatcher< PolymorphicIsEvenImpl > | PolymorphicIsEven () |
TEST (MakePolymorphicMatcherTest, ConstructsMatcherUsingNewAPI) | |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, FromPolymorphicMatcher) | |
bool | IsPositiveIntValue (const IntValue &foo) |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, FromCompatibleType) | |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, FromConstReferenceToNonReference) | |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, FromReferenceToNonReference) | |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToConstReference) | |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToReference) | |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, FromSameType) | |
bool | operator== (const ConvertibleFromAny &a, const ConvertibleFromAny &b) |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, const ConvertibleFromAny &a) |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, ConversionConstructorIsUsed) | |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, FromConvertibleFromAny) | |
bool | operator== (const IntReferenceWrapper &a, const IntReferenceWrapper &b) |
TEST (MatcherCastTest, ValueIsNotCopied) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, FromPolymorphicMatcher) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, FromLosslesslyConvertibleArithmeticType) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, FromBaseClass) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, FromConstReferenceToReference) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToConstReference) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, FromNonReferenceToReference) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, FromSameType) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, ConversionConstructorIsUsed) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, FromConvertibleFromAny) | |
TEST (SafeMatcherCastTest, ValueIsNotCopied) | |
TEST (ExpectThat, TakesLiterals) | |
TEST (ExpectThat, TakesFunctions) | |
TEST (ATest, MatchesAnyValue) | |
TEST (ATest, WorksForDerivedClass) | |
TEST (ATest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (AnTest, MatchesAnyValue) | |
TEST (AnTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (UnderscoreTest, MatchesAnyValue) | |
TEST (UnderscoreTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (EqTest, MatchesEqualValue) | |
bool | operator== (const Unprintable &, const Unprintable &) |
TEST (EqTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (EqTest, IsPolymorphic) | |
TEST (TypedEqTest, ChecksEqualityForGivenType) | |
TEST (TypedEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (TypedEqTest, HasSpecifiedType) | |
TEST (GeTest, ImplementsGreaterThanOrEqual) | |
TEST (GeTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (GtTest, ImplementsGreaterThan) | |
TEST (GtTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (LeTest, ImplementsLessThanOrEqual) | |
TEST (LeTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (LtTest, ImplementsLessThan) | |
TEST (LtTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (NeTest, ImplementsNotEqual) | |
TEST (NeTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (IsNullTest, MatchesNullPointer) | |
TEST (IsNullTest, LinkedPtr) | |
TEST (IsNullTest, ReferenceToConstLinkedPtr) | |
TEST (IsNullTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (NotNullTest, MatchesNonNullPointer) | |
TEST (NotNullTest, LinkedPtr) | |
TEST (NotNullTest, ReferenceToConstLinkedPtr) | |
TEST (NotNullTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (RefTest, MatchesSameVariable) | |
TEST (RefTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (RefTest, CanBeUsedAsMatcherForConstReference) | |
TEST (RefTest, IsCovariant) | |
TEST (RefTest, ExplainsResult) | |
TEST (StrEqTest, MatchesEqualString) | |
TEST (StrEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (StrNeTest, MatchesUnequalString) | |
TEST (StrNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (StrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringIgnoringCase) | |
TEST (StrCaseEqTest, MatchesEqualStringWith0IgnoringCase) | |
TEST (StrCaseEqTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (StrCaseNeTest, MatchesUnequalStringIgnoringCase) | |
TEST (StrCaseNeTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (HasSubstrTest, WorksForStringClasses) | |
TEST (HasSubstrTest, WorksForCStrings) | |
TEST (HasSubstrTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (KeyTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (KeyTest, ExplainsResult) | |
TEST (KeyTest, MatchesCorrectly) | |
TEST (KeyTest, SafelyCastsInnerMatcher) | |
TEST (KeyTest, InsideContainsUsingMap) | |
TEST (KeyTest, InsideContainsUsingMultimap) | |
TEST (PairTest, Typing) | |
TEST (PairTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (PairTest, CanExplainMatchResultTo) | |
TEST (PairTest, MatchesCorrectly) | |
TEST (PairTest, SafelyCastsInnerMatchers) | |
TEST (PairTest, InsideContainsUsingMap) | |
TEST (StartsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenPrefix) | |
TEST (StartsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (EndsWithTest, MatchesStringWithGivenSuffix) | |
TEST (EndsWithTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (MatchesRegexTest, MatchesStringMatchingGivenRegex) | |
TEST (MatchesRegexTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (ContainsRegexTest, MatchesStringContainingGivenRegex) | |
TEST (ContainsRegexTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (Eq2Test, MatchesEqualArguments) | |
TEST (Eq2Test, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (Ge2Test, MatchesGreaterThanOrEqualArguments) | |
TEST (Ge2Test, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (Gt2Test, MatchesGreaterThanArguments) | |
TEST (Gt2Test, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (Le2Test, MatchesLessThanOrEqualArguments) | |
TEST (Le2Test, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (Lt2Test, MatchesLessThanArguments) | |
TEST (Lt2Test, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (Ne2Test, MatchesUnequalArguments) | |
TEST (Ne2Test, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (NotTest, NegatesMatcher) | |
TEST (NotTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (NotTest, NotMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers) | |
void | AllOfMatches (int num, const Matcher< int > &m) |
TEST (AllOfTest, MatchesWhenAllMatch) | |
TEST (AllOfTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (AllOfTest, CanDescribeNegation) | |
TEST (AllOfTest, AllOfMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers) | |
TEST (AllOfTest, ExplainsResult) | |
void | AnyOfMatches (int num, const Matcher< int > &m) |
TEST (AnyOfTest, MatchesWhenAnyMatches) | |
TEST (AnyOfTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (AnyOfTest, CanDescribeNegation) | |
TEST (AnyOfTest, AnyOfMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers) | |
TEST (AnyOfTest, ExplainsResult) | |
int | IsPositive (double x) |
bool | ReferencesFooAndIsZero (const int &n) |
TEST (TrulyTest, MatchesWhatSatisfiesThePredicate) | |
TEST (TrulyTest, CanBeUsedWithFunctor) | |
ConvertibleToBool | IsNotZero (int number) |
TEST (TrulyTest, PredicateCanReturnAClassConvertibleToBool) | |
TEST (TrulyTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (TrulyTest, WorksForByRefArguments) | |
TEST (MatchesTest, IsSatisfiedByWhatMatchesTheMatcher) | |
TEST (MatchesTest, WorksOnByRefArguments) | |
TEST (MatchesTest, WorksWithMatcherOnNonRefType) | |
TEST (ValueTest, WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher) | |
TEST (ValueTest, WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher) | |
TEST (ExplainMatchResultTest, WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher) | |
TEST (ExplainMatchResultTest, WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher) | |
MATCHER_P (Really, inner_matcher,"") | |
TEST (ExplainMatchResultTest, WorksInsideMATCHER) | |
TEST (AllArgsTest, WorksForTuple) | |
TEST (AllArgsTest, WorksForNonTuple) | |
TEST (AllArgsTest, WorksInWithClause) | |
TEST (MatcherAssertionTest, WorksWhenMatcherIsSatisfied) | |
TEST (MatcherAssertionTest, WorksWhenMatcherIsNotSatisfied) | |
TEST (MatcherAssertionTest, WorksForByRefArguments) | |
TEST (MatcherAssertionTest, WorksForMonomorphicMatcher) | |
TEST_F (FloatTest, FloatEqApproximatelyMatchesFloats) | |
TEST_F (FloatTest, NanSensitiveFloatEqApproximatelyMatchesFloats) | |
TEST_F (FloatTest, FloatEqCannotMatchNaN) | |
TEST_F (FloatTest, NanSensitiveFloatEqCanMatchNaN) | |
TEST_F (FloatTest, FloatEqCanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST_F (FloatTest, NanSensitiveFloatEqCanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST_F (FloatNearTest, FloatNearMatches) | |
TEST_F (FloatNearTest, NanSensitiveFloatNearApproximatelyMatchesFloats) | |
TEST_F (FloatNearTest, FloatNearCanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST_F (FloatNearTest, NanSensitiveFloatNearCanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST_F (FloatNearTest, FloatNearCannotMatchNaN) | |
TEST_F (FloatNearTest, NanSensitiveFloatNearCanMatchNaN) | |
TEST_F (DoubleTest, DoubleEqApproximatelyMatchesDoubles) | |
TEST_F (DoubleTest, NanSensitiveDoubleEqApproximatelyMatchesDoubles) | |
TEST_F (DoubleTest, DoubleEqCannotMatchNaN) | |
TEST_F (DoubleTest, NanSensitiveDoubleEqCanMatchNaN) | |
TEST_F (DoubleTest, DoubleEqCanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST_F (DoubleTest, NanSensitiveDoubleEqCanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST_F (DoubleNearTest, DoubleNearMatches) | |
TEST_F (DoubleNearTest, NanSensitiveDoubleNearApproximatelyMatchesDoubles) | |
TEST_F (DoubleNearTest, DoubleNearCanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST_F (DoubleNearTest, ExplainsResultWhenMatchFails) | |
TEST_F (DoubleNearTest, NanSensitiveDoubleNearCanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST_F (DoubleNearTest, DoubleNearCannotMatchNaN) | |
TEST_F (DoubleNearTest, NanSensitiveDoubleNearCanMatchNaN) | |
TEST (PointeeTest, RawPointer) | |
TEST (PointeeTest, RawPointerToConst) | |
TEST (PointeeTest, ReferenceToConstRawPointer) | |
TEST (PointeeTest, ReferenceToNonConstRawPointer) | |
MATCHER_P (FieldIIs, inner_matcher,"") | |
TEST (PointeeTest, WorksWithConstPropagatingPointers) | |
TEST (PointeeTest, NeverMatchesNull) | |
TEST (PointeeTest, MatchesAgainstAValue) | |
TEST (PointeeTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (PointeeTest, CanExplainMatchResult) | |
TEST (PointeeTest, AlwaysExplainsPointee) | |
bool | ValueIsPositive (const Uncopyable &x) |
MATCHER_P (UncopyableIs, inner_matcher,"") | |
TEST (FieldTest, WorksForNonConstField) | |
TEST (FieldTest, WorksForConstField) | |
TEST (FieldTest, WorksForUncopyableField) | |
TEST (FieldTest, WorksForPointerField) | |
TEST (FieldTest, WorksForByRefArgument) | |
TEST (FieldTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) | |
TEST (FieldTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherType) | |
TEST (FieldTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (FieldTest, CanExplainMatchResult) | |
TEST (FieldForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToConst) | |
TEST (FieldForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToNonConst) | |
TEST (FieldForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToConstPointer) | |
TEST (FieldForPointerTest, DoesNotMatchNull) | |
TEST (FieldForPointerTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) | |
TEST (FieldForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (FieldForPointerTest, CanExplainMatchResult) | |
TEST (PropertyTest, WorksForNonReferenceProperty) | |
TEST (PropertyTest, WorksForReferenceToConstProperty) | |
TEST (PropertyTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty) | |
TEST (PropertyTest, WorksForByValueArgument) | |
TEST (PropertyTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) | |
TEST (PropertyTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherType) | |
TEST (PropertyTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (PropertyTest, CanExplainMatchResult) | |
TEST (PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToConst) | |
TEST (PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForPointerToNonConst) | |
TEST (PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToConstPointer) | |
TEST (PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty) | |
TEST (PropertyForPointerTest, WorksForArgumentOfSubType) | |
TEST (PropertyForPointerTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (PropertyForPointerTest, CanExplainMatchResult) | |
string | IntToStringFunction (int input) |
TEST (ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctionPointers) | |
TEST (ResultOfTest, CanDescribeItself) | |
int | IntFunction (int input) |
TEST (ResultOfTest, CanExplainMatchResult) | |
TEST (ResultOfTest, WorksForNonReferenceResults) | |
double & | DoubleFunction (double &input) |
Uncopyable & | RefUncopyableFunction (Uncopyable &obj) |
TEST (ResultOfTest, WorksForReferenceToNonConstResults) | |
const string & | StringFunction (const string &input) |
TEST (ResultOfTest, WorksForReferenceToConstResults) | |
TEST (ResultOfTest, WorksForCompatibleMatcherTypes) | |
TEST (ResultOfDeathTest, DiesOnNullFunctionPointers) | |
TEST (ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctionReferences) | |
TEST (ResultOfTest, WorksForFunctors) | |
TEST (ResultOfTest, WorksForPolymorphicFunctors) | |
const int * | ReferencingFunction (const int &n) |
TEST (ResultOfTest, WorksForReferencingCallables) | |
PolymorphicMatcher< DivisibleByImpl > | DivisibleBy (int n) |
TEST (ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_False_False) | |
TEST (ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_False_True) | |
TEST (ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_True_False) | |
TEST (ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_True_True) | |
TEST (ExplainMatchResultTest, AllOf_True_True_2) | |
TEST (ExplainmatcherResultTest, MonomorphicMatcher) | |
TEST (ByRefTest, AllowsNotCopyableConstValueInMatchers) | |
TEST (ByRefTest, AllowsNotCopyableValueInMatchers) | |
TEST (IsEmptyTest, ImplementsIsEmpty) | |
TEST (IsEmptyTest, WorksWithString) | |
TEST (IsEmptyTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (IsEmptyTest, ExplainsResult) | |
TEST (SizeIsTest, ImplementsSizeIs) | |
TEST (SizeIsTest, WorksWithMap) | |
TEST (SizeIsTest, WorksWithReferences) | |
TEST (SizeIsTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (SizeIsTest, ExplainsResult) | |
TEST (ContainerEqExtraTest, MultipleValuesMissing) | |
TEST (ContainerEqExtraTest, MultipleValuesAdded) | |
TEST (ContainerEqExtraTest, MultipleValuesAddedAndRemoved) | |
TEST (ContainerEqExtraTest, MultiSetOfIntDuplicateDifference) | |
TEST (ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForMaps) | |
TEST (ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForNativeArray) | |
TEST (ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForTwoDimensionalNativeArray) | |
TEST (ContainerEqExtraTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) | |
TEST (ContainerEqExtraTest, CopiesNativeArrayParameter) | |
TEST (WhenSortedByTest, WorksForEmptyContainer) | |
TEST (WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNonEmptyContainer) | |
TEST (WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNonVectorContainer) | |
TEST (WhenSortedByTest, WorksForNativeArray) | |
TEST (WhenSortedByTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (WhenSortedByTest, ExplainsMatchResult) | |
TEST (WhenSortedTest, WorksForEmptyContainer) | |
TEST (WhenSortedTest, WorksForNonEmptyContainer) | |
TEST (WhenSortedTest, WorksForMapTypes) | |
TEST (WhenSortedTest, WorksForMultiMapTypes) | |
TEST (WhenSortedTest, WorksForPolymorphicMatcher) | |
TEST (WhenSortedTest, WorksForVectorConstRefMatcher) | |
TEST (StreamlikeTest, Iteration) | |
TEST (BeginEndDistanceIsTest, WorksWithNonStdList) | |
TEST (BeginEndDistanceIsTest, CanDescribeSelf) | |
TEST (BeginEndDistanceIsTest, ExplainsResult) | |
TEST (WhenSortedTest, WorksForStreamlike) | |
TEST (WhenSortedTest, WorksForVectorConstRefMatcherOnStreamlike) | |
TEST (ElemensAreStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) | |
TEST (ElemensAreArrayStreamTest, WorksForStreamlike) | |
TEST (ElementsAreTest, WorksWithUncopyable) | |
TEST (ElementsAreTest, TakesStlContainer) | |
TEST (UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, SucceedsWhenExpected) | |
TEST (UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, VectorBool) | |
TEST (UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, WorksForStreamlike) | |
TEST (UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest, TakesStlContainer) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksWithUncopyable) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, SucceedsWhenExpected) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailsWhenAnElementMatchesNoMatcher) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, WorksForStreamlike) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, Performance) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, PerformanceHalfStrict) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageCountWrong) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageCountWrongZero) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedMatchers) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedElements) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageUnmatchedMatcherAndElement) | |
static string | EMString (int element, int matcher) |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, FailMessageImperfectMatchOnly) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, Describe) | |
TEST_F (UnorderedElementsAreTest, DescribeNegation) | |
template<typename Graph > | |
ElementMatcherPairs | FindBacktrackingMaxBPM (const Graph &g) |
TEST_P (BipartiteTest, Exhaustive) | |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P (AllGraphs, BipartiteTest,::testing::Range(0, 5)) | |
TEST_F (BipartiteNonSquareTest, SimpleBacktracking) | |
TEST_P (BipartiteNonSquareTest, Exhaustive) | |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P (AllGraphs, BipartiteNonSquareTest, testing::Values(std::make_pair(1, 2), std::make_pair(2, 1), std::make_pair(3, 2), std::make_pair(2, 3), std::make_pair(4, 1), std::make_pair(1, 4), std::make_pair(4, 3), std::make_pair(3, 4))) | |
TEST_P (BipartiteRandomTest, LargerNets) | |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P (Samples, BipartiteRandomTest, testing::Values(std::make_pair(5, 10000), std::make_pair(6, 5000), std::make_pair(7, 2000), std::make_pair(8, 500), std::make_pair(9, 100))) | |
TEST (IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsTrueForShortNames) | |
TEST (IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsTrueForLongNonTemplateNonFunctionNames) | |
TEST (IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsFalseForLongTemplateNames) | |
TEST (IsReadableTypeNameTest, ReturnsFalseForLongFunctionTypeNames) | |
TEST (JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsEmptyTuple) | |
TEST (JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsOneTuple) | |
TEST (JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsTwoTuple) | |
TEST (JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsTenTuple) | |
TEST (FormatMatcherDescriptionTest, WorksForEmptyDescription) | |
TEST (PolymorphicMatcherTest, CanAccessMutableImpl) | |
TEST (PolymorphicMatcherTest, CanAccessImpl) | |
TEST (MatcherTupleTest, ExplainsMatchFailure) | |
TEST (EachTest, ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly) | |
TEST (EachTest, DescribesItselfCorrectly) | |
TEST (EachTest, MatchesVectorWhenAllElementsMatch) | |
TEST (EachTest, MatchesMapWhenAllElementsMatch) | |
TEST (EachTest, AcceptsMatcher) | |
TEST (EachTest, WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple) | |
PolymorphicMatcher< IsHalfOfMatcher > | IsHalfOf () |
TEST (PointwiseTest, DescribesSelf) | |
TEST (PointwiseTest, MakesCopyOfRhs) | |
TEST (PointwiseTest, WorksForLhsNativeArray) | |
TEST (PointwiseTest, WorksForRhsNativeArray) | |
TEST (PointwiseTest, RejectsWrongSize) | |
TEST (PointwiseTest, RejectsWrongContent) | |
TEST (PointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContent) | |
TEST (PointwiseTest, AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher) | |
TEST (UnorderedPointwiseTest, DescribesSelf) | |
TEST (UnorderedPointwiseTest, MakesCopyOfRhs) | |
TEST (UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForLhsNativeArray) | |
TEST (UnorderedPointwiseTest, WorksForRhsNativeArray) | |
TEST (UnorderedPointwiseTest, RejectsWrongSize) | |
TEST (UnorderedPointwiseTest, RejectsWrongContent) | |
TEST (UnorderedPointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContentInSameOrder) | |
TEST (UnorderedPointwiseTest, AcceptsCorrectContentInDifferentOrder) | |
TEST (UnorderedPointwiseTest, AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher) | |
static string | EMString (int element, int matcher) |
static string | EMString (int element, int matcher) |
Variables | |
const int | g_bar = 1 |
const int | foo = 0 |
typedef FloatingPointNearTest< double > testing::gmock_matchers_test::DoubleNearTest |
Definition at line 3071 of file
typedef FloatingPointTest< double > testing::gmock_matchers_test::DoubleTest |
Definition at line 3015 of file
typedef FloatingPointNearTest< float > testing::gmock_matchers_test::FloatNearTest |
Definition at line 2956 of file
typedef FloatingPointTest< float > testing::gmock_matchers_test::FloatTest |
Definition at line 2900 of file
typedef::testing::tuple< long, int > testing::gmock_matchers_test::Tuple2 |
Definition at line 1930 of file
void testing::gmock_matchers_test::AllOfMatches | ( | int | num, |
const Matcher< int > & | m | ||
) |
Definition at line 2046 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, i, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and SCOPED_TRACE.
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::Type< T >::IsTypeOf(), and TEST().
void testing::gmock_matchers_test::AnyOfMatches | ( | int | num, |
const Matcher< int > & | m | ||
) |
Definition at line 2244 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, i, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and SCOPED_TRACE.
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::Type< T >::IsTypeOf(), and TEST().
Definition at line 202 of file
References testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::DescribeTo().
Referenced by AllOfMatches(), AnyOfMatches(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::AStruct(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Derived::Derived(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl::DescribeNegationTo(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsHalfOfMatcher::DescribeNegationTo(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::NewEvenMatcherImpl::DescribeTo(), EMString(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Type< T >::IsTypeOf(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::GreaterThanMatcher::MatchAndExplain(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::PolymorphicIsEvenImpl::MatchAndExplain(), MATCHER_P(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConvertibleToBool::operator bool(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConstPropagatingPtr< T >::operator*(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::NotCopyable::operator>=(), TEST(), TEST_F(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::FloatingPointNearTest< RawType >::TestNearMatches(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::Unprintable::Unprintable().
string testing::gmock_matchers_test::DescribeNegation | ( | const Matcher< T > & | m | ) |
Definition at line 210 of file
References testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::DescribeNegationTo().
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::AStruct(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsHalfOfMatcher::DescribeNegationTo(), EMString(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Type< T >::IsTypeOf(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::GreaterThanMatcher::MatchAndExplain(), MATCHER_P(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConstPropagatingPtr< T >::operator*(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::NotCopyable::operator>=(), TEST(), TEST_F(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::FloatingPointNearTest< RawType >::TestNearMatches().
PolymorphicMatcher< DivisibleByImpl > testing::gmock_matchers_test::DivisibleBy | ( | int | n | ) |
Definition at line 3990 of file
References testing::MakePolymorphicMatcher().
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::DivisibleByImpl::divider(), and TEST().
double & testing::gmock_matchers_test::DoubleFunction | ( | double & | input | ) |
Definition at line 3845 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), and TEST().
static |
Definition at line 4940 of file
static |
Definition at line 4940 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), best_so_far_, Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EMString(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), g(), graph_, kUnused, lhs_used_, matches_, prefix(), rhs_used_, testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), testing::internal::TEST_F(), testing::UnorderedElementsAre(), and v.
static |
Definition at line 4940 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), best_so_far_, Describe(), DescribeNegation(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), g(), graph_, kUnused, lhs_used_, matches_, prefix(), rhs_used_, testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), testing::internal::TEST_F(), testing::UnorderedElementsAre(), and v.
Referenced by EMString(), and TEST_F().
string testing::gmock_matchers_test::Explain | ( | const MatcherType & | m, |
const Value & | x | ||
) |
Definition at line 218 of file
References testing::ExplainMatchResult(), and testing::StringMatchResultListener::str().
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::AStruct(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsHalfOfMatcher::DescribeNegationTo(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::NewEvenMatcherImpl::DescribeTo(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::DivisibleByImpl::divider(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Type< T >::IsTypeOf(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::GreaterThanMatcher::MatchAndExplain(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::PolymorphicIsEvenImpl::MatchAndExplain(), MATCHER_P(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConstPropagatingPtr< T >::operator*(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::NotCopyable::operator>=(), TEST(), TEST_F(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::FloatingPointNearTest< RawType >::TestNearMatches().
ElementMatcherPairs testing::gmock_matchers_test::FindBacktrackingMaxBPM | ( | const Graph & | g | ) |
Definition at line 5091 of file
References g().
Referenced by TEST_F(), and TEST_P().
Matcher< int > testing::gmock_matchers_test::GreaterThan | ( | int | n | ) |
Definition at line 188 of file
References testing::MakeMatcher().
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::AStruct(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::NewEvenMatcherImpl::DescribeTo(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::DivisibleByImpl::divider(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Type< T >::IsTypeOf(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::GreaterThanMatcher::MatchAndExplain(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConstPropagatingPtr< T >::operator*(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::NotCopyable::operator>=(), and TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P | ( | AllGraphs | , |
BipartiteTest | , | ||
::testing::Range(0, 5) | |||
) |
testing::gmock_matchers_test::INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P | ( | AllGraphs | , |
BipartiteNonSquareTest | , | ||
testing::Values(std::make_pair(1, 2), std::make_pair(2, 1), std::make_pair(3, 2), std::make_pair(2, 3), std::make_pair(4, 1), std::make_pair(1, 4), std::make_pair(4, 3), std::make_pair(3, 4)) | |||
) |
testing::gmock_matchers_test::INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P | ( | Samples | , |
BipartiteRandomTest | , | ||
testing::Values(std::make_pair(5, 10000), std::make_pair(6, 5000), std::make_pair(7, 2000), std::make_pair(8, 500), std::make_pair(9, 100)) | |||
) |
int testing::gmock_matchers_test::IntFunction | ( | int | input | ) |
Definition at line 3822 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), and TEST().
string testing::gmock_matchers_test::IntToStringFunction | ( | int | input | ) |
Definition at line 3802 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Functor::operator()(), and TEST().
PolymorphicMatcher< IsHalfOfMatcher > testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsHalfOf | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5433 of file
References testing::MakePolymorphicMatcher().
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsHalfOfMatcher::DescribeNegationTo(), and TEST().
ConvertibleToBool testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsNotZero | ( | int | number | ) |
Definition at line 2485 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConvertibleToBool::operator bool(), and TEST().
int testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsPositive | ( | double | x | ) |
Definition at line 2435 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::Type< T >::IsTypeOf(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConvertibleToBool::operator bool(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsGreaterThan::operator()(), operator<<(), and TEST().
bool testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsPositiveIntValue | ( | const IntValue & | foo | ) |
Definition at line 549 of file
References testing::gmock_matchers_test::IntValue::value().
Referenced by TEST(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::IntValue::value().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::MATCHER_P | ( | Really | , |
inner_matcher | , | ||
"" | |||
) |
Definition at line 2578 of file
References testing::ExplainMatchResult().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::MATCHER_P | ( | FieldIIs | , |
inner_matcher | , | ||
"" | |||
) |
Definition at line 3184 of file
References testing::_, Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_THAT, EXPECT_TRUE, Explain(), testing::ExplainMatchResult(), testing::HasSubstr(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Derived::i, testing::internal::IsNull(), testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Not(), testing::Pointee(), prefix(), and testing::internal::TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::MATCHER_P | ( | UncopyableIs | , |
inner_matcher | , | ||
"" | |||
) |
Definition at line 3373 of file
References testing::ExplainMatchResult().
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConvertibleToBool::operator bool(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Uncopyable::set_value(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::FloatingPointNearTest< RawType >::TestNearMatches().
Definition at line 192 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::AllArgsHelper::AllArgsHelper(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::AStruct(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::GreaterThanMatcher::MatchAndExplain(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConstPropagatingPtr< T >::operator*(), and TEST().
ostream & testing::gmock_matchers_test::operator<< | ( | ostream & | os, |
const ConvertibleFromAny & | a | ||
) |
Definition at line 626 of file
References testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConvertibleFromAny::value.
bool testing::gmock_matchers_test::operator== | ( | const ConvertibleFromAny & | a, |
const ConvertibleFromAny & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 622 of file
References testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConvertibleFromAny::value.
bool testing::gmock_matchers_test::operator== | ( | const IntReferenceWrapper & | a, |
const IntReferenceWrapper & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 648 of file
References testing::gmock_matchers_test::IntReferenceWrapper::value.
inline |
Definition at line 874 of file
PolymorphicMatcher< PolymorphicIsEvenImpl > testing::gmock_matchers_test::PolymorphicIsEven | ( | ) |
Definition at line 501 of file
References testing::MakePolymorphicMatcher().
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::PolymorphicIsEvenImpl::MatchAndExplain(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConvertibleToBool::operator bool(), and TEST().
PolymorphicMatcher< ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl > testing::gmock_matchers_test::ReferencesBarOrIsZero | ( | ) |
Definition at line 458 of file
References testing::MakePolymorphicMatcher().
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::ReferencesBarOrIsZeroImpl::DescribeNegationTo(), and TEST().
bool testing::gmock_matchers_test::ReferencesFooAndIsZero | ( | const int & | n | ) |
Definition at line 2456 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::ConvertibleToBool::operator bool(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::IsGreaterThan::operator()(), and TEST().
const int * testing::gmock_matchers_test::ReferencingFunction | ( | const int & | n | ) |
Definition at line 3944 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::PolymorphicFunctor::operator()(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::ReferencingFunctor::operator()(), and TEST().
Uncopyable & testing::gmock_matchers_test::RefUncopyableFunction | ( | Uncopyable & | obj | ) |
Definition at line 3847 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), and TEST().
Definition at line 3871 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::DerivedClass::k(), and TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatchResultListenerTest | , |
StreamingWorks | |||
) |
Definition at line 224 of file
References testing::StringMatchResultListener::Clear(), dummy(), EXPECT_EQ, and testing::StringMatchResultListener::str().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatchResultListenerTest | , |
CanAccessUnderlyingStream | |||
) |
Definition at line 240 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, and stream.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatchResultListenerTest | , |
IsInterestedWorks | |||
) |
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherInterfaceTest | , |
CanBeImplementedUsingPublishedAPI | |||
) |
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherInterfaceTest | , |
CanBeImplementedUsingNewAPI | |||
) |
Definition at line 299 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, Explain(), m, testing::MakeMatcher(), and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherTest | , |
CanBeDefaultConstructed | |||
) |
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherTest | , |
CanBeConstructedFromMatcherInterface | |||
) |
Definition at line 313 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherTest | , |
CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromValue | |||
) |
Definition at line 321 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherTest | , |
CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromNULL | |||
) |
Definition at line 328 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherTest | , |
IsCopyable | |||
) |
Definition at line 336 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherTest | , |
CanDescribeItself | |||
) |
Definition at line 350 of file
References Describe(), and EXPECT_EQ.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherTest | , |
MatchAndExplain | |||
) |
Definition at line 356 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, GreaterThan(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::MatchAndExplain(), and testing::StringMatchResultListener::str().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StringMatcherTest | , |
CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromCStringLiteral | |||
) |
Definition at line 369 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StringMatcherTest | , |
CanBeImplicitlyConstructedFromString | |||
) |
Definition at line 381 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::internal::TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MakeMatcherTest | , |
ConstructsMatcherFromMatcherInterface | |||
) |
Definition at line 432 of file
References m, and testing::MakeMatcher().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MakePolymorphicMatcherTest | , |
ConstructsMatcherUsingOldAPI | |||
) |
Definition at line 462 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and ReferencesBarOrIsZero().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MakePolymorphicMatcherTest | , |
ConstructsMatcherUsingNewAPI | |||
) |
Definition at line 505 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, Explain(), testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Not(), and PolymorphicIsEven().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
FromPolymorphicMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 530 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
FromCompatibleType | |||
) |
Definition at line 555 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, IsPositiveIntValue(), testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Truly().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
FromConstReferenceToNonReference | |||
) |
Definition at line 571 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
FromReferenceToNonReference | |||
) |
Definition at line 579 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
FromNonReferenceToConstReference | |||
) |
Definition at line 587 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
FromNonReferenceToReference | |||
) |
Definition at line 595 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
FromSameType | |||
) |
Definition at line 605 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
ConversionConstructorIsUsed | |||
) |
Definition at line 630 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
FromConvertibleFromAny | |||
) |
Definition at line 636 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherCastTest | , |
ValueIsNotCopied | |||
) |
Definition at line 652 of file
References EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
FromPolymorphicMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 676 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
FromLosslesslyConvertibleArithmeticType | |||
) |
Definition at line 685 of file
References testing::DoubleEq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
FromBaseClass | |||
) |
Definition at line 698 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Ref().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
FromConstReferenceToReference | |||
) |
Definition at line 712 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Ref().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
FromNonReferenceToConstReference | |||
) |
Definition at line 722 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
FromNonReferenceToReference | |||
) |
Definition at line 730 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
FromSameType | |||
) |
Definition at line 740 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
ConversionConstructorIsUsed | |||
) |
Definition at line 747 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
FromConvertibleFromAny | |||
) |
Definition at line 753 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SafeMatcherCastTest | , |
ValueIsNotCopied | |||
) |
Definition at line 760 of file
References EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExpectThat | , |
TakesLiterals | |||
) |
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExpectThat | , |
TakesFunctions | |||
) |
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ATest | , |
MatchesAnyValue | |||
) |
Definition at line 783 of file
References a, b, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ATest | , |
WorksForDerivedClass | |||
) |
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ATest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 807 of file
References Describe(), and EXPECT_EQ.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AnTest | , |
MatchesAnyValue | |||
) |
Definition at line 812 of file
References a, b, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AnTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 827 of file
References Describe(), and EXPECT_EQ.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnderscoreTest | , |
MatchesAnyValue | |||
) |
Definition at line 833 of file
References testing::_, a, b, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnderscoreTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 848 of file
References testing::_, Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EqTest | , |
MatchesEqualValue | |||
) |
Definition at line 854 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EqTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 879 of file
References Describe(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_EQ, and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EqTest | , |
IsPolymorphic | |||
) |
Definition at line 886 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | TypedEqTest | , |
ChecksEqualityForGivenType | |||
) |
Definition at line 897 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | TypedEqTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 908 of file
References Describe(), and EXPECT_EQ.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | TypedEqTest | , |
HasSpecifiedType | |||
) |
Definition at line 926 of file
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | GeTest | , |
ImplementsGreaterThanOrEqual | |||
) |
Definition at line 933 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | GeTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 941 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Ge(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | GtTest | , |
ImplementsGreaterThan | |||
) |
Definition at line 947 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Gt(), and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | GtTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 955 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Gt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | LeTest | , |
ImplementsLessThanOrEqual | |||
) |
Definition at line 961 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Le(), and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | LeTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 969 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Le(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | LtTest | , |
ImplementsLessThan | |||
) |
Definition at line 975 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Lt(), and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | LtTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 983 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Lt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | NeTest | , |
ImplementsNotEqual | |||
) |
Definition at line 989 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Ne().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | NeTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 997 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::Ne().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsNullTest | , |
MatchesNullPointer | |||
) |
Definition at line 1003 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::IsNull(), and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsNullTest | , |
LinkedPtr | |||
) |
Definition at line 1031 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::IsNull(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsNullTest | , |
ReferenceToConstLinkedPtr | |||
) |
Definition at line 1040 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::IsNull(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::internal::TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsNullTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1059 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::internal::IsNull(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | NotNullTest | , |
MatchesNonNullPointer | |||
) |
Definition at line 1066 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::NotNull().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | NotNullTest | , |
LinkedPtr | |||
) |
Definition at line 1079 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::NotNull().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | NotNullTest | , |
ReferenceToConstLinkedPtr | |||
) |
Definition at line 1088 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::NotNull(), and testing::internal::TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | NotNullTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1107 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::NotNull().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | RefTest | , |
MatchesSameVariable | |||
) |
Definition at line 1114 of file
References a, b, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Ref().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | RefTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1123 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::Ref().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | RefTest | , |
CanBeUsedAsMatcherForConstReference | |||
) |
Definition at line 1133 of file
References a, b, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Ref().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | RefTest | , |
IsCovariant | |||
) |
Definition at line 1145 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Ref().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | RefTest | , |
ExplainsResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 1159 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, Explain(), m, testing::Ref(), and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StrEqTest | , |
MatchesEqualString | |||
) |
Definition at line 1171 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::StrEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StrEqTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1182 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::StrEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StrNeTest | , |
MatchesUnequalString | |||
) |
Definition at line 1196 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::StrNe().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StrNeTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1207 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::StrNe().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StrCaseEqTest | , |
MatchesEqualStringIgnoringCase | |||
) |
Definition at line 1212 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::StrCaseEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StrCaseEqTest | , |
MatchesEqualStringWith0IgnoringCase | |||
) |
Definition at line 1224 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::StrCaseEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StrCaseEqTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1249 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::StrCaseEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StrCaseNeTest | , |
MatchesUnequalStringIgnoringCase | |||
) |
Definition at line 1254 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::StrCaseNe().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StrCaseNeTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1266 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::StrCaseNe().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | HasSubstrTest | , |
WorksForStringClasses | |||
) |
Definition at line 1272 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::HasSubstr(), testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and string.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | HasSubstrTest | , |
WorksForCStrings | |||
) |
Definition at line 1283 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::HasSubstr(), and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | HasSubstrTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1296 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::HasSubstr(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | KeyTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1301 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Key(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | KeyTest | , |
ExplainsResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 1307 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), GreaterThan(), testing::Key(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | KeyTest | , |
MatchesCorrectly | |||
) |
Definition at line 1315 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::Ge(), testing::Key(), testing::Lt(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | KeyTest | , |
SafelyCastsInnerMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 1323 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), folly::is_negative(), folly::is_positive(), testing::Key(), testing::Lt(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | KeyTest | , |
InsideContainsUsingMap | |||
) |
Definition at line 1331 of file
References testing::Contains(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Key(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | KeyTest | , |
InsideContainsUsingMultimap | |||
) |
Definition at line 1340 of file
References testing::Contains(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Key(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PairTest | , |
Typing | |||
) |
Definition at line 1356 of file
References testing::Pair().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PairTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1366 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Not(), and testing::Pair().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PairTest | , |
CanExplainMatchResultTo | |||
) |
Definition at line 1381 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), GreaterThan(), m, and testing::Pair().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PairTest | , |
MatchesCorrectly | |||
) |
Definition at line 1419 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::Ge(), testing::HasSubstr(), testing::Lt(), testing::Not(), and testing::Pair().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PairTest | , |
SafelyCastsInnerMatchers | |||
) |
Definition at line 1439 of file
References testing::_, EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), folly::is_negative(), folly::is_positive(), testing::Lt(), testing::Not(), and testing::Pair().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PairTest | , |
InsideContainsUsingMap | |||
) |
Definition at line 1449 of file
References testing::_, testing::Contains(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::Pair().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StartsWithTest | , |
MatchesStringWithGivenPrefix | |||
) |
Definition at line 1462 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StartsWithTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1476 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EndsWithTest | , |
MatchesStringWithGivenSuffix | |||
) |
Definition at line 1483 of file
References testing::EndsWith(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EndsWithTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1497 of file
References Describe(), testing::EndsWith(), EXPECT_EQ, and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatchesRegexTest | , |
MatchesStringMatchingGivenRegex | |||
) |
Definition at line 1504 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::MatchesRegex().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatchesRegexTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1516 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, and testing::MatchesRegex().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainsRegexTest | , |
MatchesStringContainingGivenRegex | |||
) |
Definition at line 1526 of file
References testing::ContainsRegex(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainsRegexTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1538 of file
References testing::ContainsRegex(), Describe(), testing::EndsWith(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::HasSubstr(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::StartsWith(), testing::StrCaseEq(), testing::StrCaseNe(), testing::StrEq(), testing::StrNe(), and testing::internal::TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Eq2Test | , |
MatchesEqualArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 1934 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Eq2Test | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1941 of file
References Describe(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_EQ, and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Ge2Test | , |
MatchesGreaterThanOrEqualArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 1948 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Ge2Test | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1956 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Ge(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Gt2Test | , |
MatchesGreaterThanArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 1963 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Gt(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Gt2Test | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1971 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Gt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Le2Test | , |
MatchesLessThanOrEqualArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 1978 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Le(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Le2Test | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 1986 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Le(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Lt2Test | , |
MatchesLessThanArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 1993 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Lt(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Lt2Test | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2001 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Lt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Ne2Test | , |
MatchesUnequalArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 2008 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Ne().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | Ne2Test | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2016 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::Ne().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | NotTest | , |
NegatesMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 2022 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | NotTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2030 of file
References Describe(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | NotTest | , |
NotMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers | |||
) |
Definition at line 2036 of file
References testing::Gt(), m, and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AllOfTest | , |
MatchesWhenAllMatch | |||
) |
Definition at line 2057 of file
References testing::AllOf(), AllOfMatches(), Describe(), testing::EndsWith(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), testing::Gt(), testing::Le(), testing::Lt(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Ne(), and testing::internal::TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AllOfTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2124 of file
References testing::AllOf(), Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Ge(), testing::Gt(), testing::Le(), testing::Lt(), m, and testing::Ne().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AllOfTest | , |
CanDescribeNegation | |||
) |
Definition at line 2154 of file
References testing::AllOf(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Ge(), testing::Gt(), testing::Le(), testing::Lt(), m, and testing::Ne().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AllOfTest | , |
AllOfMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers | |||
) |
Definition at line 2186 of file
References testing::AllOf(), testing::Gt(), testing::Lt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AllOfTest | , |
ExplainsResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 2200 of file
References testing::AllOf(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), GreaterThan(), testing::Lt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AnyOfTest | , |
MatchesWhenAnyMatches | |||
) |
Definition at line 2255 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), AnyOfMatches(), Describe(), testing::EndsWith(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), testing::Gt(), testing::Le(), testing::Lt(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::internal::TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AnyOfTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2315 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), Describe(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Ge(), testing::Gt(), testing::Le(), testing::Lt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AnyOfTest | , |
CanDescribeNegation | |||
) |
Definition at line 2343 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), DescribeNegation(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Ge(), testing::Gt(), testing::Le(), testing::Lt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AnyOfTest | , |
AnyOfMatcherSafelyCastsMonomorphicMatchers | |||
) |
Definition at line 2371 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), testing::Gt(), testing::Lt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AnyOfTest | , |
ExplainsResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 2385 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), GreaterThan(), testing::Gt(), testing::Lt(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | TrulyTest | , |
MatchesWhatSatisfiesThePredicate | |||
) |
Definition at line 2462 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, IsPositive(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Truly().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | TrulyTest | , |
CanBeUsedWithFunctor | |||
) |
Definition at line 2469 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Truly().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | TrulyTest | , |
PredicateCanReturnAClassConvertibleToBool | |||
) |
Definition at line 2492 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, IsNotZero(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Truly().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | TrulyTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2499 of file
References Describe(), EXPECT_EQ, IsPositive(), m, and testing::Truly().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | TrulyTest | , |
WorksForByRefArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 2507 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), ReferencesFooAndIsZero(), and testing::Truly().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatchesTest | , |
IsSatisfiedByWhatMatchesTheMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 2516 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), and testing::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatchesTest | , |
WorksOnByRefArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 2523 of file
References testing::AllOf(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::Matches(), and testing::Ref().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatchesTest | , |
WorksWithMatcherOnNonRefType | |||
) |
Definition at line 2531 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ValueTest | , |
WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 2540 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Gt(), testing::StartsWith(), and testing::Value().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ValueTest | , |
WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 2545 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ref(), and testing::Value().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExplainMatchResultTest | , |
WorksWithPolymorphicMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 2556 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), testing::Ge(), PolymorphicIsEven(), and testing::StringMatchResultListener::str().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExplainMatchResultTest | , |
WorksWithMonomorphicMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 2566 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), PolymorphicIsEven(), and testing::StringMatchResultListener::str().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExplainMatchResultTest | , |
WorksInsideMATCHER | |||
) |
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AllArgsTest | , |
WorksForTuple | |||
) |
Definition at line 2586 of file
References testing::AllArgs(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Lt(), std::tr1::make_tuple(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AllArgsTest | , |
WorksForNonTuple | |||
) |
Definition at line 2591 of file
References testing::AllArgs(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | AllArgsTest | , |
WorksInWithClause | |||
) |
Definition at line 2606 of file
References testing::_, testing::AllArgs(), EXPECT_CALL, EXPECT_EQ, testing::Gt(), testing::Lt(), ON_CALL, and testing::Return().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherAssertionTest | , |
WorksWhenMatcherIsSatisfied | |||
) |
Definition at line 2622 of file
References testing::AllOf(), ASSERT_THAT, testing::EndsWith(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Ge(), testing::Le(), and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherAssertionTest | , |
WorksWhenMatcherIsNotSatisfied | |||
) |
Definition at line 2631 of file
References testing::AllOf(), ASSERT_THAT, EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE, EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::Ge(), testing::Gt(), testing::Le(), and OfType().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherAssertionTest | , |
WorksForByRefArguments | |||
) |
Definition at line 2656 of file
References testing::AllOf(), ASSERT_THAT, EXPECT_FATAL_FAILURE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::Le(), testing::Not(), OfType(), and testing::Ref().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherAssertionTest | , |
WorksForMonomorphicMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 2684 of file
References ASSERT_THAT, testing::EndsWith(), EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), OfType(), and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
RawPointer | |||
) |
Definition at line 3142 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Pointee().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
RawPointerToConst | |||
) |
Definition at line 3152 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Pointee().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
ReferenceToConstRawPointer | |||
) |
Definition at line 3162 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Pointee().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
ReferenceToNonConstRawPointer | |||
) |
Definition at line 3172 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Pointee(), and x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
WorksWithConstPropagatingPointers | |||
) |
Definition at line 3304 of file
References GCC61971::co, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Lt(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Pointee().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
NeverMatchesNull | |||
) |
Definition at line 3316 of file
References testing::_, EXPECT_FALSE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Pointee().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
MatchesAgainstAValue | |||
) |
Definition at line 3322 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::Pointee().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 3332 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Gt(), m, and testing::Pointee().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
CanExplainMatchResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 3339 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), GreaterThan(), m, OfType(), testing::Pointee(), and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointeeTest | , |
AlwaysExplainsPointee | |||
) |
Definition at line 3350 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), m, OfType(), and testing::Pointee().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldTest | , |
WorksForNonConstField | |||
) |
Definition at line 3401 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldTest | , |
WorksForConstField | |||
) |
Definition at line 3411 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), testing::Le(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldTest | , |
WorksForUncopyableField | |||
) |
Definition at line 3421 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Not(), testing::Truly(), and ValueIsPositive().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldTest | , |
WorksForPointerField | |||
) |
Definition at line 3431 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::p, and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldTest | , |
WorksForByRefArgument | |||
) |
Definition at line 3448 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldTest | , |
WorksForArgumentOfSubType | |||
) |
Definition at line 3459 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldTest | , |
WorksForCompatibleMatcherType | |||
) |
Definition at line 3472 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 3484 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, and x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldTest | , |
CanExplainMatchResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 3492 of file
References a, EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), GreaterThan(), m, OfType(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldForPointerTest | , |
WorksForPointerToConst | |||
) |
Definition at line 3506 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldForPointerTest | , |
WorksForPointerToNonConst | |||
) |
Definition at line 3516 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldForPointerTest | , |
WorksForReferenceToConstPointer | |||
) |
Definition at line 3526 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldForPointerTest | , |
DoesNotMatchNull | |||
) |
Definition at line 3536 of file
References testing::_, EXPECT_FALSE, testing::Field(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldForPointerTest | , |
WorksForArgumentOfSubType | |||
) |
Definition at line 3543 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldForPointerTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 3555 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), m, and x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FieldForPointerTest | , |
CanExplainMatchResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 3563 of file
References a, EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), testing::Field(), testing::Ge(), GreaterThan(), m, OfType(), x, and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyTest | , |
WorksForNonReferenceProperty | |||
) |
Definition at line 3613 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_n().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyTest | , |
WorksForReferenceToConstProperty | |||
) |
Definition at line 3626 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), s, testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_s(), and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyTest | , |
WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty | |||
) |
Definition at line 3639 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Not(), testing::Property(), testing::Ref(), and x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyTest | , |
WorksForByValueArgument | |||
) |
Definition at line 3652 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), s, testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_s(), and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyTest | , |
WorksForArgumentOfSubType | |||
) |
Definition at line 3665 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_n().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyTest | , |
WorksForCompatibleMatcherType | |||
) |
Definition at line 3680 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_n().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 3692 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Ge(), m, and testing::Property().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyTest | , |
CanExplainMatchResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 3701 of file
References a, EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), testing::Ge(), GreaterThan(), m, OfType(), testing::Property(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_n().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyForPointerTest | , |
WorksForPointerToConst | |||
) |
Definition at line 3715 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_n().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyForPointerTest | , |
WorksForPointerToNonConst | |||
) |
Definition at line 3727 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), s, testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_s(), and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyForPointerTest | , |
WorksForReferenceToConstPointer | |||
) |
Definition at line 3740 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), s, testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_s(), and testing::StartsWith().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyForPointerTest | , |
WorksForReferenceToNonConstProperty | |||
) |
Definition at line 3752 of file
References testing::_, EXPECT_FALSE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), and x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyForPointerTest | , |
WorksForArgumentOfSubType | |||
) |
Definition at line 3759 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Property(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_n().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyForPointerTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 3773 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::Ge(), m, and testing::Property().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PropertyForPointerTest | , |
CanExplainMatchResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 3782 of file
References a, EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), testing::Ge(), GreaterThan(), m, OfType(), testing::Property(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::AClass::set_n().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
WorksForFunctionPointers | |||
) |
Definition at line 3804 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, IntToStringFunction(), testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::ResultOf().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
CanDescribeItself | |||
) |
Definition at line 3812 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, IntToStringFunction(), testing::ResultOf(), and testing::StrEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
CanExplainMatchResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 3824 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), testing::Ge(), GreaterThan(), IntFunction(), OfType(), and testing::ResultOf().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
WorksForNonReferenceResults | |||
) |
Definition at line 3836 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, IntFunction(), testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::ResultOf().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
WorksForReferenceToNonConstResults | |||
) |
Definition at line 3851 of file
References DoubleFunction(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Ref(), RefUncopyableFunction(), testing::ResultOf(), and x.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
WorksForReferenceToConstResults | |||
) |
Definition at line 3873 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::Ref(), testing::ResultOf(), s, and StringFunction().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
WorksForCompatibleMatcherTypes | |||
) |
Definition at line 3884 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), IntFunction(), testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::ResultOf().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfDeathTest | , |
DiesOnNullFunctionPointers | |||
) |
Definition at line 3894 of file
References dummy(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED, and testing::ResultOf().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
WorksForFunctionReferences | |||
) |
Definition at line 3902 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, IntToStringFunction(), testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::ResultOf(), and testing::StrEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
WorksForFunctors | |||
) |
Definition at line 3916 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::ResultOf().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
WorksForPolymorphicFunctors | |||
) |
Definition at line 3932 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::ResultOf().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ResultOfTest | , |
WorksForReferencingCallables | |||
) |
Definition at line 3951 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), ReferencingFunction(), and testing::ResultOf().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExplainMatchResultTest | , |
AllOf_False_False | |||
) |
Definition at line 3996 of file
References testing::AllOf(), DivisibleBy(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExplainMatchResultTest | , |
AllOf_False_True | |||
) |
Definition at line 4003 of file
References testing::AllOf(), DivisibleBy(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExplainMatchResultTest | , |
AllOf_True_False | |||
) |
Definition at line 4010 of file
References testing::AllOf(), DivisibleBy(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), testing::Ge(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExplainMatchResultTest | , |
AllOf_True_True | |||
) |
Definition at line 4017 of file
References testing::AllOf(), DivisibleBy(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExplainMatchResultTest | , |
AllOf_True_True_2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 4022 of file
References testing::AllOf(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), testing::Ge(), testing::Le(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ExplainmatcherResultTest | , |
MonomorphicMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 4027 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), GreaterThan(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ByRefTest | , |
AllowsNotCopyableConstValueInMatchers | |||
) |
Definition at line 4055 of file
References testing::ByRef(), testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ByRefTest | , |
AllowsNotCopyableValueInMatchers | |||
) |
Definition at line 4064 of file
References testing::ByRef(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::Ge(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsEmptyTest | , |
ImplementsIsEmpty | |||
) |
Definition at line 4073 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsEmptyTest | , |
WorksWithString | |||
) |
Definition at line 4082 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsEmptyTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 4091 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsEmptyTest | , |
ExplainsResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 4097 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SizeIsTest | , |
ImplementsSizeIs | |||
) |
Definition at line 4105 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::SizeIs().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SizeIsTest | , |
WorksWithMap | |||
) |
Definition at line 4117 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::SizeIs().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SizeIsTest | , |
WorksWithReferences | |||
) |
Definition at line 4129 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, m, testing::Not(), and testing::SizeIs().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SizeIsTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 4137 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::SizeIs().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | SizeIsTest | , |
ExplainsResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 4143 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), testing::ContainerEq(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, Explain(), GreaterThan(), testing::Lt(), m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), testing::SizeIs(), testing::TYPED_TEST(), and testing::TYPED_TEST_CASE().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainerEqExtraTest | , |
MultipleValuesMissing | |||
) |
Definition at line 4239 of file
References testing::ContainerEq(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, Explain(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainerEqExtraTest | , |
MultipleValuesAdded | |||
) |
Definition at line 4252 of file
References testing::ContainerEq(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, Explain(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainerEqExtraTest | , |
MultipleValuesAddedAndRemoved | |||
) |
Definition at line 4264 of file
References testing::ContainerEq(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, Explain(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainerEqExtraTest | , |
MultiSetOfIntDuplicateDifference | |||
) |
Definition at line 4278 of file
References testing::ContainerEq(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, Explain(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainerEqExtraTest | , |
WorksForMaps | |||
) |
Definition at line 4292 of file
References testing::ContainerEq(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, Explain(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainerEqExtraTest | , |
WorksForNativeArray | |||
) |
Definition at line 4310 of file
References b, testing::ContainerEq(), EXPECT_THAT, and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainerEqExtraTest | , |
WorksForTwoDimensionalNativeArray | |||
) |
Definition at line 4319 of file
References b, testing::ContainerEq(), testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainerEqExtraTest | , |
WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple | |||
) |
Definition at line 4333 of file
References b, c, testing::ContainerEq(), EXPECT_THAT, std::tr1::make_tuple(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ContainerEqExtraTest | , |
CopiesNativeArrayParameter | |||
) |
Definition at line 4346 of file
References testing::ContainerEq(), EXPECT_THAT, m, and string.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedByTest | , |
WorksForEmptyContainer | |||
) |
Definition at line 4364 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::WhenSortedBy().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedByTest | , |
WorksForNonEmptyContainer | |||
) |
Definition at line 4370 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::WhenSortedBy().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedByTest | , |
WorksForNonVectorContainer | |||
) |
Definition at line 4382 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::WhenSortedBy().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedByTest | , |
WorksForNativeArray | |||
) |
Definition at line 4393 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), testing::ElementsAreArray(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::WhenSortedBy().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedByTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 4402 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::WhenSortedBy().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedByTest | , |
ExplainsMatchResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 4414 of file
References a, testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), and testing::WhenSortedBy().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedTest | , |
WorksForEmptyContainer | |||
) |
Definition at line 4425 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::WhenSorted().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedTest | , |
WorksForNonEmptyContainer | |||
) |
Definition at line 4431 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::WhenSorted().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedTest | , |
WorksForMapTypes | |||
) |
Definition at line 4441 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), testing::Pair(), and testing::WhenSorted().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedTest | , |
WorksForMultiMapTypes | |||
) |
Definition at line 4452 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), testing::Pair(), and testing::WhenSorted().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedTest | , |
WorksForPolymorphicMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 4474 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::WhenSorted().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedTest | , |
WorksForVectorConstRefMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 4482 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), and testing::WhenSorted().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | StreamlikeTest | , |
Iteration | |||
) |
Definition at line 4572 of file
References a, testing::gmock_matchers_test::Streamlike< T >::begin(), testing::BeginEndDistanceIs(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Streamlike< T >::end(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_THAT, testing::Not(), s, SCOPED_TRACE, and testing::internal::TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | BeginEndDistanceIsTest | , |
WorksWithNonStdList | |||
) |
Definition at line 4597 of file
References a, testing::BeginEndDistanceIs(), EXPECT_THAT, and s.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | BeginEndDistanceIsTest | , |
CanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 4603 of file
References testing::BeginEndDistanceIs(), Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | BeginEndDistanceIsTest | , |
ExplainsResult | |||
) |
Definition at line 4610 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), testing::BeginEndDistanceIs(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), GreaterThan(), and testing::Lt().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedTest | , |
WorksForStreamlike | |||
) |
Definition at line 4640 of file
References a, testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, testing::Not(), s, and testing::WhenSorted().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | WhenSortedTest | , |
WorksForVectorConstRefMatcherOnStreamlike | |||
) |
Definition at line 4649 of file
References a, testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, testing::Not(), s, and testing::WhenSorted().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ElemensAreStreamTest | , |
WorksForStreamlike | |||
) |
Definition at line 4660 of file
References a, testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, testing::Not(), and s.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ElemensAreArrayStreamTest | , |
WorksForStreamlike | |||
) |
Definition at line 4667 of file
References a, testing::ElementsAreArray(), EXPECT_THAT, GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, testing::Not(), and s.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ElementsAreTest | , |
WorksWithUncopyable | |||
) |
Definition at line 4683 of file
References testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::gmock_matchers_test::Uncopyable::set_value(), testing::Truly(), and ValueIsPositive().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | ElementsAreTest | , |
TakesStlContainer | |||
) |
Definition at line 4690 of file
References testing::ElementsAreArray(), EXPECT_THAT, and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest | , |
SucceedsWhenExpected | |||
) |
Definition at line 4705 of file
References a, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, s, testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), and testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest | , |
VectorBool | |||
) |
Definition at line 4715 of file
References a, b, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), and testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest | , |
WorksForStreamlike | |||
) |
Definition at line 4725 of file
References a, EXPECT_THAT, GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, testing::Not(), s, and testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedElementsAreArrayTest | , |
TakesStlContainer | |||
) |
Definition at line 4744 of file
References a, testing::Eq(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Ge(), testing::Le(), testing::Ne(), testing::Not(), testing::internal::TEST(), and testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsReadableTypeNameTest | , |
ReturnsTrueForShortNames | |||
) |
Definition at line 5218 of file
References EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::IsReadableTypeName().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsReadableTypeNameTest | , |
ReturnsTrueForLongNonTemplateNonFunctionNames | |||
) |
Definition at line 5225 of file
References EXPECT_TRUE, and testing::internal::IsReadableTypeName().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsReadableTypeNameTest | , |
ReturnsFalseForLongTemplateNames | |||
) |
Definition at line 5231 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, and testing::internal::IsReadableTypeName().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | IsReadableTypeNameTest | , |
ReturnsFalseForLongFunctionTypeNames | |||
) |
Definition at line 5237 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, and testing::internal::IsReadableTypeName().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | JoinAsTupleTest | , |
JoinsEmptyTuple | |||
) |
Definition at line 5243 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, and testing::internal::JoinAsTuple().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | JoinAsTupleTest | , |
JoinsOneTuple | |||
) |
Definition at line 5247 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, and testing::internal::JoinAsTuple().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | JoinAsTupleTest | , |
JoinsTwoTuple | |||
) |
Definition at line 5252 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, and testing::internal::JoinAsTuple().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | JoinAsTupleTest | , |
JoinsTenTuple | |||
) |
Definition at line 5257 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, and testing::internal::JoinAsTuple().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | FormatMatcherDescriptionTest | , |
WorksForEmptyDescription | |||
) |
Definition at line 5265 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, testing::internal::FormatMatcherDescription(), and params.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PolymorphicMatcherTest | , |
CanAccessMutableImpl | |||
) |
Definition at line 5283 of file
References testing::gmock_matchers_test::DivisibleByImpl::divider(), EXPECT_EQ, m, testing::PolymorphicMatcher< Impl >::mutable_impl(), and testing::gmock_matchers_test::DivisibleByImpl::set_divider().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PolymorphicMatcherTest | , |
CanAccessImpl | |||
) |
Definition at line 5293 of file
References testing::gmock_matchers_test::DivisibleByImpl::divider(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::PolymorphicMatcher< Impl >::impl(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | MatcherTupleTest | , |
ExplainsMatchFailure | |||
) |
Definition at line 5299 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_EQ, testing::internal::ExplainMatchFailureTupleTo(), GreaterThan(), and std::tr1::make_tuple().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EachTest | , |
ExplainsMatchResultCorrectly | |||
) |
Definition at line 5325 of file
References a, b, testing::Each(), EXPECT_EQ, Explain(), GreaterThan(), and m.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EachTest | , |
DescribesItselfCorrectly | |||
) |
Definition at line 5350 of file
References Describe(), testing::Each(), EXPECT_EQ, m, and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EachTest | , |
MatchesVectorWhenAllElementsMatch | |||
) |
Definition at line 5358 of file
References testing::Each(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Lt(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EachTest | , |
MatchesMapWhenAllElementsMatch | |||
) |
Definition at line 5378 of file
References testing::_, bar, testing::Each(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), testing::Not(), and testing::Pair().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EachTest | , |
AcceptsMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 5396 of file
References a, testing::Each(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | EachTest | , |
WorksForNativeArrayAsTuple | |||
) |
Definition at line 5402 of file
References a, testing::Each(), EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), std::tr1::make_tuple(), and testing::Not().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointwiseTest | , |
DescribesSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 5437 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, IsHalfOf(), m, testing::Pointwise(), and folly::detail::rhs.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointwiseTest | , |
MakesCopyOfRhs | |||
) |
Definition at line 5452 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, IsHalfOf(), m, testing::Pointwise(), and folly::detail::rhs.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointwiseTest | , |
WorksForLhsNativeArray | |||
) |
Definition at line 5466 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), testing::Lt(), testing::Not(), testing::Pointwise(), and folly::detail::rhs.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointwiseTest | , |
WorksForRhsNativeArray | |||
) |
Definition at line 5476 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), testing::Lt(), testing::Not(), testing::Pointwise(), folly::detail::rhs, and testing::internal::TEST().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointwiseTest | , |
RejectsWrongSize | |||
) |
Definition at line 5496 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_THAT, Explain(), testing::Gt(), testing::Not(), testing::Pointwise(), and folly::detail::rhs.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointwiseTest | , |
RejectsWrongContent | |||
) |
Definition at line 5507 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_THAT, Explain(), IsHalfOf(), testing::Not(), testing::Pointwise(), and folly::detail::rhs.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointwiseTest | , |
AcceptsCorrectContent | |||
) |
Definition at line 5516 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_THAT, Explain(), IsHalfOf(), testing::Pointwise(), and folly::detail::rhs.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | PointwiseTest | , |
AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 5523 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_THAT, Explain(), IsHalfOf(), testing::Pointwise(), and folly::detail::rhs.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedPointwiseTest | , |
DescribesSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 5537 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, IsHalfOf(), m, folly::detail::rhs, and testing::UnorderedPointwise().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedPointwiseTest | , |
MakesCopyOfRhs | |||
) |
Definition at line 5563 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, IsHalfOf(), m, folly::detail::rhs, and testing::UnorderedPointwise().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedPointwiseTest | , |
WorksForLhsNativeArray | |||
) |
Definition at line 5577 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), testing::Lt(), testing::Not(), folly::detail::rhs, and testing::UnorderedPointwise().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedPointwiseTest | , |
WorksForRhsNativeArray | |||
) |
Definition at line 5587 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::Gt(), testing::Lt(), testing::Not(), folly::detail::rhs, testing::internal::TEST(), and testing::UnorderedPointwise().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedPointwiseTest | , |
RejectsWrongSize | |||
) |
Definition at line 5607 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_THAT, Explain(), testing::Gt(), testing::Not(), folly::detail::rhs, and testing::UnorderedPointwise().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedPointwiseTest | , |
RejectsWrongContent | |||
) |
Definition at line 5618 of file
References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_THAT, Explain(), IsHalfOf(), testing::Not(), folly::detail::rhs, and testing::UnorderedPointwise().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedPointwiseTest | , |
AcceptsCorrectContentInSameOrder | |||
) |
Definition at line 5627 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, IsHalfOf(), folly::detail::rhs, and testing::UnorderedPointwise().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedPointwiseTest | , |
AcceptsCorrectContentInDifferentOrder | |||
) |
Definition at line 5633 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, IsHalfOf(), folly::detail::rhs, and testing::UnorderedPointwise().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST | ( | UnorderedPointwiseTest | , |
AllowsMonomorphicInnerMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 5639 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, IsHalfOf(), folly::detail::rhs, and testing::UnorderedPointwise().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatTest | , |
FloatEqApproximatelyMatchesFloats | |||
) |
Definition at line 2902 of file
References testing::FloatEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatTest | , |
NanSensitiveFloatEqApproximatelyMatchesFloats | |||
) |
Definition at line 2906 of file
References testing::NanSensitiveFloatEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatTest | , |
FloatEqCannotMatchNaN | |||
) |
Definition at line 2910 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, testing::FloatEq(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatTest | , |
NanSensitiveFloatEqCanMatchNaN | |||
) |
Definition at line 2918 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::NanSensitiveFloatEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatTest | , |
FloatEqCanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2926 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, f, and testing::FloatEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatTest | , |
NanSensitiveFloatEqCanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2940 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, f, and testing::NanSensitiveFloatEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatNearTest | , |
FloatNearMatches | |||
) |
Definition at line 2958 of file
References testing::FloatNear().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatNearTest | , |
NanSensitiveFloatNearApproximatelyMatchesFloats | |||
) |
Definition at line 2962 of file
References testing::NanSensitiveFloatNear().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatNearTest | , |
FloatNearCanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2966 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, f, and testing::FloatNear().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatNearTest | , |
NanSensitiveFloatNearCanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 2982 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, f, and testing::NanSensitiveFloatNear().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatNearTest | , |
FloatNearCannotMatchNaN | |||
) |
Definition at line 2998 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, f, testing::FloatNear(), m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | FloatNearTest | , |
NanSensitiveFloatNearCanMatchNaN | |||
) |
Definition at line 3006 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, f, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::NanSensitiveFloatNear().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleTest | , |
DoubleEqApproximatelyMatchesDoubles | |||
) |
Definition at line 3017 of file
References testing::DoubleEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleTest | , |
NanSensitiveDoubleEqApproximatelyMatchesDoubles | |||
) |
Definition at line 3021 of file
References testing::NanSensitiveDoubleEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleTest | , |
DoubleEqCannotMatchNaN | |||
) |
Definition at line 3025 of file
References testing::DoubleEq(), EXPECT_FALSE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleTest | , |
NanSensitiveDoubleEqCanMatchNaN | |||
) |
Definition at line 3033 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::NanSensitiveDoubleEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleTest | , |
DoubleEqCanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 3041 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), testing::DoubleEq(), and EXPECT_EQ.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleTest | , |
NanSensitiveDoubleEqCanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 3055 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, and testing::NanSensitiveDoubleEq().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleNearTest | , |
DoubleNearMatches | |||
) |
Definition at line 3073 of file
References testing::DoubleNear().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleNearTest | , |
NanSensitiveDoubleNearApproximatelyMatchesDoubles | |||
) |
Definition at line 3077 of file
References testing::NanSensitiveDoubleNear().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleNearTest | , |
DoubleNearCanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 3081 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), testing::DoubleNear(), and EXPECT_EQ.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleNearTest | , |
ExplainsResultWhenMatchFails | |||
) |
Definition at line 3097 of file
References testing::DoubleNear(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, and Explain().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleNearTest | , |
NanSensitiveDoubleNearCanDescribeSelf | |||
) |
Definition at line 3110 of file
References Describe(), DescribeNegation(), EXPECT_EQ, and testing::NanSensitiveDoubleNear().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleNearTest | , |
DoubleNearCannotMatchNaN | |||
) |
Definition at line 3126 of file
References testing::DoubleNear(), EXPECT_FALSE, m, and testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | DoubleNearTest | , |
NanSensitiveDoubleNearCanMatchNaN | |||
) |
Definition at line 3134 of file
References EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, m, testing::internal::MatcherBase< T >::Matches(), and testing::NanSensitiveDoubleNear().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
WorksWithUncopyable | |||
) |
Definition at line 4798 of file
References EXPECT_THAT, testing::gmock_matchers_test::Uncopyable::set_value(), testing::Truly(), testing::UnorderedElementsAre(), and ValueIsPositive().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
SucceedsWhenExpected | |||
) |
Definition at line 4806 of file
References a, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, s, testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), and testing::UnorderedElementsAre().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
FailsWhenAnElementMatchesNoMatcher | |||
) |
Definition at line 4816 of file
References a, EXPECT_FALSE, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, s, testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), and testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
WorksForStreamlike | |||
) |
Definition at line 4829 of file
References a, EXPECT_THAT, GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, testing::Not(), s, and testing::UnorderedElementsAre().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
Performance | |||
) |
Definition at line 4846 of file
References testing::_, testing::Eq(), EXPECT_TRUE, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), i, s, testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), and testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
PerformanceHalfStrict | |||
) |
Definition at line 4862 of file
References testing::_, EXPECT_TRUE, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), i, s, testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), and testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
FailMessageCountWrong | |||
) |
Definition at line 4878 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), testing::UnorderedElementsAre(), and v.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
FailMessageCountWrongZero | |||
) |
Definition at line 4887 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), testing::UnorderedElementsAre(), and v.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
FailMessageUnmatchedMatchers | |||
) |
Definition at line 4895 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), testing::UnorderedElementsAre(), and v.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
FailMessageUnmatchedElements | |||
) |
Definition at line 4908 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), testing::UnorderedElementsAre(), and v.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
FailMessageUnmatchedMatcherAndElement | |||
) |
Definition at line 4921 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), testing::UnorderedElementsAre(), and v.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
FailMessageImperfectMatchOnly | |||
) |
Definition at line 4946 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), EMString(), EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_THAT, testing::ExplainMatchResult(), prefix(), testing::StringMatchResultListener::str(), testing::UnorderedElementsAre(), and v.
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
Describe | |||
) |
Definition at line 4976 of file
References testing::Eq(), EXPECT_THAT, and testing::UnorderedElementsAre().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | UnorderedElementsAreTest | , |
DescribeNegation | |||
) |
Definition at line 4991 of file
References best_so_far_, testing::Eq(), EXPECT_THAT, g(), graph_, kUnused, lhs_used_, matches_, rhs_used_, and testing::UnorderedElementsAre().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_F | ( | BipartiteNonSquareTest | , |
SimpleBacktracking | |||
) |
Definition at line 5135 of file
References testing::AnyOf(), testing::internal::MatchMatrix::DebugString(), testing::ElementsAre(), EXPECT_THAT, FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(), g(), GTEST_ARRAY_SIZE_, i, testing::Pair(), and testing::internal::MatchMatrix::SetEdge().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_P | ( | BipartiteTest | , |
Exhaustive | |||
) |
Definition at line 5102 of file
References testing::internal::MatchMatrix::DebugString(), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(), testing::internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(), testing::internal::MatchMatrix::HasEdge(), i, testing::INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(), testing::internal::MatchMatrix::LhsSize(), testing::internal::MatchMatrix::NextGraph(), testing::PrintToString(), testing::internal::MatchMatrix::RhsSize(), SCOPED_TRACE, and folly::size().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_P | ( | BipartiteNonSquareTest | , |
Exhaustive | |||
) |
Definition at line 5155 of file
References testing::internal::MatchMatrix::DebugString(), EXPECT_EQ, FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(), testing::internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(), testing::INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(), testing::internal::MatchMatrix::NextGraph(), testing::PrintToString(), and folly::size().
testing::gmock_matchers_test::TEST_P | ( | BipartiteRandomTest | , |
LargerNets | |||
) |
Definition at line 5186 of file
References testing::internal::MatchMatrix::DebugString(), EXPECT_EQ, FindBacktrackingMaxBPM(), testing::internal::FindMaxBipartiteMatching(), GTEST_FLAG, GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_, testing::INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(), testing::internal::MatchMatrix::Randomize(), seed, folly::size(), and folly::detail::distributed_mutex::time().
bool testing::gmock_matchers_test::ValueIsPositive | ( | const Uncopyable & | x | ) |
Definition at line 3371 of file
References testing::gmock_matchers_test::Uncopyable::value().
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::AStruct::AStruct(), testing::gmock_matchers_test::Uncopyable::set_value(), TEST(), and TEST_F().
const int testing::gmock_matchers_test::foo = 0 |
Definition at line 2452 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_more_actions_test::Foo::Concat10(), free_function_retire_test(), testing::gmock_generated_function_mockers_test::MockOverloadedOnConstness::MockOverloadedOnConstness(), testing::gmock_more_actions_test::TEST(), testing::gmock_generated_function_mockers_test::TEST(), TEST(), testing::TEST(), and proxygen::TEST_F().
const int testing::gmock_matchers_test::g_bar = 1 |
Definition at line 439 of file
Referenced by testing::gmock_matchers_test::NewEvenMatcherImpl::DescribeTo().