wangle Namespace Reference




class  Acceptor
class  AcceptorException
class  AcceptorFactory
class  AcceptorHandshakeHelper
class  AcceptorHandshakeManager
class  AcceptorTest
class  AcceptPipelineFactory
class  AcceptRoutingHandler
class  AcceptRoutingPipelineFactory
class  AppendFilter
class  AsyncServerSocketFactory
class  AsyncSocketHandler
class  AsyncUDPServerSocketFactory
class  BaseClientBootstrap
class  BaseClientBootstrapFactory
class  BaseWithOptional
class  BaseWithoutOptional
class  BroadcastHandler
class  BroadcastPipelineFactory
class  BroadcastPool
class  ByteToMessageDecoder
struct  CacheLockGuard
struct  CacheLockGuard< folly::SharedMutex >
struct  CacheLockGuard< std::mutex >
class  CachePersistence
class  ChangeTypeFilter
class  ClientBootstrap
class  ClientBootstrapFactory
class  ClientDispatcherBase
class  ClientHelloExtStats
class  ClientPipelineFactory
class  ClientServiceFactory
class  CloseOnReleaseFilter
class  ConnectionCountFilter
class  ConnectionManager
struct  ConnInfo
class  ConstFactory
class  ContextImpl
class  ContextImplBase
struct  ContextType
class  DefaultAcceptPipelineFactory
class  DefaultToFizzPeekingCallback
class  DefaultToSSLPeekingCallback
struct  dn_char_traits
class  EchoIntService
class  EchoService
class  EvbHandshakeHelper
class  EventBaseHandler
class  ExecutorFilter
class  ExpiringFilter
class  FactoryToService
class  FilePersistenceLayer
class  FilePersistentCache
class  FilePoller
class  FixedLengthFrameDecoder
class  FizzAcceptorHandshakeHelper
struct  FizzClientConfig
struct  FizzConfig
class  FizzConfigUtil
class  FizzHandshakeException
struct  FunctionObserver
class  Handler
class  HandlerAdapter
class  HandlerBase
class  HandlerContext
struct  HTTPHeaderSize
class  IConnectionCounter
class  InboundContextImpl
class  InboundHandler
class  InboundHandlerContext
class  InboundLink
class  IntToStringFilter
class  LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder
class  LengthFieldPrepender
class  LineBasedFrameDecoder
class  LoadShedConfiguration
class  LocalSSLSessionCache
class  LRUInMemoryCache
class  LRUPersistentCache
class  ManagedConnection
class  MessageToByteEncoder
class  MockAcceptPipelineFactory
class  MockAcceptRoutingHandler
class  MockBroadcastHandler
class  MockBroadcastPipelineFactory
class  MockBroadcastPool
class  MockBytesToBytesHandler
class  MockByteToMessageDecoder
class  MockDownstreamPipelineFactory
class  MockHandler
class  MockMessageToByteEncoder
class  MockObservingHandler
class  MockObservingPipelineFactory
class  MockPersistentCache
class  MockPipelineManager
class  MockRoutingDataHandler
class  MockRoutingDataHandlerFactory
class  MockServerPool
class  MockSSLSessionCallbacks
class  MockSubscriber
class  MockTimeUtil
class  MultiFilePoller
class  MultiplexServerDispatcher
class  NetworkAddress
class  Observable
struct  Observer
class  ObservingHandler
class  ObservingPipelineFactory
class  OutboundContextImpl
class  OutboundHandler
class  OutboundHandlerContext
class  OutboundLink
class  OutputBufferingHandler
class  PeekingAcceptorHandshakeHelper
class  PeekingAcceptorHandshakeManager
struct  PendingLookup
class  PersistentCache
class  Pipeline
class  PipelineBase
class  PipelineContext
class  PipelinedClientDispatcher
class  PipelinedServerDispatcher
class  PipelineFactory
class  PipelineManager
struct  ProtocolInfo
class  RoutingDataHandler
class  RoutingDataHandlerFactory
class  RoutingDataPipelineFactory
class  SecurityProtocolContextManager
class  SerialClientDispatcher
class  SerialServerDispatcher
class  ServerAcceptor
class  ServerAcceptorFactory
class  ServerBootstrap
class  ServerPipelineFactory
class  ServerPool
struct  ServerSocketConfig
class  ServerSocketFactory
class  ServerSSLContext
class  ServerWorkerPool
class  Service
class  ServiceFactory
class  ServiceFactoryFilter
class  ServiceFilter
class  SessionDestructor
class  ShardedLocalSSLSessionCache
class  SimpleConnectionCounter
class  SimpleConnectionCounterForTest
class  SimpleDecode
class  SocketPeeker
class  SSLAcceptorHandshakeHelper
struct  SSLCacheOptions
class  SSLCacheProvider
struct  SSLContextConfig
struct  SSLContextKey
struct  SSLContextKeyHash
class  SSLContextManager
class  SSLContextManagerForTest
class  SSLException
struct  SSLSessionCacheData
class  SSLSessionCacheManager
class  SSLSessionCallbacks
class  SSLSessionEstablishedCallback
class  SSLSessionPersistentCache
class  SSLSessionPersistentCacheBase
class  SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest
class  SSLStats
class  SSLUtil
class  StaticPipeline
class  StaticPipeline< R, W >
class  StaticPipeline< R, W, Handler, Handlers... >
class  StringCodec
struct  Subject
class  Subscriber
class  Subscription
class  TestableAcceptor
class  ThreadSafeSSLSessionCache
class  TimekeeperTester
class  TLSCredProcessor
class  TLSPlaintextPeekingCallback
class  TLSTicketKeyManager
struct  TLSTicketKeySeeds
struct  TokenBindingConfig
struct  TransportInfo
class  UnencryptedAcceptorHandshakeHelper


using PeekingCallbackPtr = PeekingAcceptorHandshakeHelper::PeekCallback *
typedef std::basic_string< char, dn_char_traitsDNString
using SSLSessionEstablishedCallbackUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< SSLSessionEstablishedCallback >
template<typename T >
using ObservingPipeline = Pipeline< folly::IOBufQueue &, T >
typedef HandlerAdapter< folly::IOBufQueue &, std::unique_ptr< folly::IOBuf > > BytesToBytesHandler
typedef InboundHandler< folly::IOBufQueue &, std::unique_ptr< folly::IOBuf > > InboundBytesToBytesHandler
typedef OutboundHandler< std::unique_ptr< folly::IOBuf > > OutboundBytesToBytesHandler
using DefaultPipeline = Pipeline< folly::IOBufQueue &, std::unique_ptr< folly::IOBuf >>
typedef boost::variant< folly::IOBuf *, folly::AsyncTransportWrapper *, ConnInfo &, ConnEvent, std::tuple< folly::IOBuf *, std::shared_ptr< folly::AsyncUDPSocket >, folly::SocketAddress > > AcceptPipelineType
typedef Pipeline< AcceptPipelineTypeAcceptPipeline
template<class R , class W = R>
using MockHandlerAdapter = MockHandler< R, R, W, W >
using CacheDataVersion = uint64_t
typedef std::unique_ptr< SSL_SESSION, SessionDestructorSSLSessionPtr
typedef ByteToMessageDecoder< std::unique_ptr< folly::IOBuf > > ByteToByteDecoder
typedef folly::exception_wrapper Error
typedef std::shared_ptr< folly::ExecutorSchedulerPtr
template<class T >
using ObservablePtr = std::shared_ptr< Observable< T >>
template<class T >
using ObserverPtr = std::shared_ptr< Observer< T >>
template<class T >
using SubjectPtr = std::shared_ptr< Subject< T >>
typedef Pipeline< IOBufQueue &, std::stringServicePipeline
typedef folly::EvictingCacheMap< std::string, SSL_SESSION * > SSLSessionCacheMap
typedef std::pair< folly::AsyncSSLSocket *, std::unique_ptr< folly::DelayedDestruction::DestructorGuard > > AttachedLookup
typedef std::map< std::string, PendingLookupPendingLookupMap


enum  SecureTransportType { SecureTransportType::NONE, SecureTransportType::TLS, SecureTransportType::ZERO }
enum  CertCrypto { CertCrypto::BEST_AVAILABLE, CertCrypto::SHA1_SIGNATURE }
enum  HandlerDir { HandlerDir::IN, HandlerDir::OUT, HandlerDir::BOTH }
enum  ConnEvent { ConnEvent::CONN_ADDED, ConnEvent::CONN_REMOVED }
enum  SSLResumeEnum : uint8_t { SSLResumeEnum::HANDSHAKE = 0, SSLResumeEnum::RESUME_SESSION_ID = 1, SSLResumeEnum::RESUME_TICKET = 3, SSLResumeEnum::NA = 2 }
enum  SSLErrorEnum { SSLErrorEnum::NO_ERROR, SSLErrorEnum::TIMEOUT, SSLErrorEnum::DROPPED }


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ManagedConnection &conn)
std::string getSecureTransportName (const SecureTransportType &type)
AsyncSocket::OptionMap filterIPSocketOptions (const AsyncSocket::OptionMap &allOptions, const int addrFamily)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWithNoConnectionCounter)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWithMaxConnectionsZero)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWithCurrentConnsLessThanMax)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWithCurrentConnsGreaterThanMax)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWhiteListedAddress)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWithNoLoadShed)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWithMaxActiveConnectionsNotSet)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWithActiveConnectionsBreachingThreshold)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWithTotalConnectionsBreachingThreshold)
 TEST_F (AcceptorTest, TestCanAcceptWithBothConnectionCountsBreachingThresholds)
std::string getPersistentCacheFilename ()
template<typename K , typename V , typename MutexT = std::mutex>
void testSimplePutGet (const std::vector< K > &keys, const std::vector< V > &values)
bool setSessionServiceIdentity (SSL_SESSION *session, const std::string &str)
folly::Optional< std::stringgetSessionServiceIdentity (SSL_SESSION *session)
folly::Optional< SSLSessionCacheDatagetCacheDataForSession (SSL_SESSION *sess)
SSL_SESSION * getSessionFromCacheData (const SSLSessionCacheData &data)
SSL_SESSION * cloneSSLSession (SSL_SESSION *toClone)
 TEST_F (SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest, Basic)
 TEST_F (SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest, BadSession)
 TEST_F (SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest, Overwrite)
 TEST_F (SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest, SessionTicketTimeout)
std::vector< std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > > getSessions ()
std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > getSessionWithTicket ()
SSLSessionPtr createPersistentTestSession (std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > session)
std::string getSessionData (SSL_SESSION *s, size_t expectedLength)
bool isSameSession (std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > lhs, std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > rhs)
 TEST (Wangle, ClientServerTest)
 TEST (Wangle, FilterTest)
 TEST (Wangle, ComplexFilterTest)
 TEST (Wangle, SuperComplexFilterTest)
 TEST (Wangle, ServiceFactoryFilter)
 TEST (Wangle, FactoryToService)
 TEST (ServiceFilter, ExpiringMax)
 TEST (ServiceFilter, ExpiringIdle)
 TEST (ServiceFilter, NoIdleDuringRequests)
 TEST (SSLContextManagerTest, Test1)
 TEST (SSLContextManagerTest, DISABLED_TestSessionContextIfSupplied)
 TEST (SSLContextManagerTest, DISABLED_TestSessionContextIfSessionCacheAbsent)


static const std::string empty_string
static const std::string empty_string
const size_t kNumSessions = 3
const size_t kSessionDataLen = 1060
const unsigned char kSessionData [kNumSessions][kSessionDataLen]
const unsigned char kSessionDataWithTicket []

Detailed Description

SSLContextConfig helps to describe the configs/options for a SSL_CTX. For example:

  1. Filename of X509, private key and its password.
  2. ciphers list
  3. NPN list
  4. Is session cache enabled?
  5. Is it the default X509 in SNI operation?
  6. .... and a few more

SSLContextManager helps to create and manage all SSL_CTX, SSLSessionCacheManager and TLSTicketManager for a listening VIP:PORT. (Note, in SNI, a listening VIP:PORT can have >1 SSL_CTX(s)).

Other responsibilities:

  1. It also handles the SSL_CTX selection after getting the tlsext_hostname in the client hello message.


  1. Each listening VIP:PORT serving SSL should have one SSLContextManager. It maps to Acceptor in the wangle vocabulary.
  2. Create a SSLContextConfig object (e.g. by parsing the JSON config).
  3. Call SSLContextManager::addSSLContextConfig() which will then create and configure the SSL_CTX

Note: Each Acceptor, with SSL support, should have one SSLContextManager to manage all SSL_CTX for the VIP:PORT.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 278 of file Pipeline.h.

Definition at line 277 of file Pipeline.h.

Definition at line 85 of file SSLSessionCacheManager.h.

Definition at line 173 of file Handler.h.

Definition at line 82 of file ByteToMessageDecoder.h.

A counter that represents a "version" of the data. This is used to determine if two components have been synced to the same version. A valid version is 1 or higher. A version of 0 implies no version.

Definition at line 40 of file PersistentCacheCommon.h.

using wangle::DefaultPipeline = typedef Pipeline<folly::IOBufQueue&, std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf>>

Definition at line 241 of file Pipeline.h.

typedef std::basic_string<char, dn_char_traits> wangle::DNString

Definition at line 70 of file SSLContextSelectionMisc.h.

Definition at line 24 of file types.h.

Definition at line 176 of file Handler.h.

template<class R , class W = R>
using wangle::MockHandlerAdapter = typedef MockHandler<R, R, W, W>

Definition at line 71 of file MockHandler.h.

template<class T >
using wangle::ObservablePtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Observable<T>>

Definition at line 33 of file types.h.

template<class T >
using wangle::ObserverPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Observer<T>>

Definition at line 34 of file types.h.

template<typename T >
using wangle::ObservingPipeline = typedef Pipeline<folly::IOBufQueue&, T>

Definition at line 71 of file ObservingHandler.h.

Definition at line 179 of file Handler.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<folly::Executor> wangle::SchedulerPtr

Definition at line 27 of file types.h.

Definition at line 32 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

Basic SSL session cache map: Maps session id -> session

Definition at line 28 of file SSLSessionCacheManager.h.

Definition at line 36 of file BaseClientBootstrap.h.

typedef std::unique_ptr<SSL_SESSION, SessionDestructor> wangle::SSLSessionPtr

Definition at line 32 of file SSLSession.h.

template<class T >
using wangle::SubjectPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Subject<T>>

Definition at line 35 of file types.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum wangle::CertCrypto

Definition at line 24 of file SSLContextSelectionMisc.h.

enum wangle::ConnEvent

Definition at line 266 of file Pipeline.h.

enum wangle::HandlerDir

Definition at line 117 of file HandlerContext.h.

An enum representing different kinds of secure transports we can negotiate.


Definition at line 26 of file SecureTransportType.h.

26  {
27  NONE, // Transport is not secure.
28  TLS, // Transport is based on TLS
29  ZERO, // Transport is based on zero protocol
30 };
enum wangle::SSLErrorEnum

Definition at line 42 of file SSLUtil.h.

SSL session establish/resume status

changing these values will break logging pipelines


Definition at line 35 of file SSLUtil.h.

Function Documentation

SSL_SESSION * wangle::cloneSSLSession ( SSL_SESSION *  toClone)

Definition at line 131 of file SSLSessionCacheUtils.cpp.

References getSessionServiceIdentity(), folly::gen::move, and setSessionServiceIdentity().

Referenced by TEST_F().

131  {
132  if (!toClone) {
133  return nullptr;
134  }
137  return SSL_SESSION_dup(toClone);
138 #else
139  auto sessionData = sessionToFbString(toClone);
140  if (!sessionData) {
141  return nullptr;
142  }
143  auto clone = fbStringToSession(std::move(*sessionData));
145  if (!clone) {
146  return nullptr;
147  }
148  auto serviceIdentity = getSessionServiceIdentity(toClone);
149  if (serviceIdentity) {
150  setSessionServiceIdentity(clone, serviceIdentity.value());
151  }
152  return clone;
153 #endif
154 }
bool setSessionServiceIdentity(SSL_SESSION *session, const std::string &str)
folly::Optional< std::string > getSessionServiceIdentity(SSL_SESSION *session)
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
SSLSessionPtr wangle::createPersistentTestSession ( std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t >  session)

Definition at line 350 of file TestUtil.cpp.

Referenced by TEST_F(), and TEST_F().

351  {
352  if (session.first) {
353  // This simulates what openssl does before handing control to the cache.
354  SSL_SESSION_up_ref(session.first);
355  }
356  return SSLSessionPtr(session.first);
357 }
std::unique_ptr< SSL_SESSION, SessionDestructor > SSLSessionPtr
Definition: SSLSession.h:32
folly::AsyncSocket::OptionMap wangle::filterIPSocketOptions ( const folly::AsyncSocket::OptionMap allOptions,
const int  addrFamily 

Returns a copy of the socket options excluding options with the given level.

Definition at line 24 of file SocketOptions.cpp.

References folly::FATAL.

Referenced by wangle::ServerSocketConfig::setSocketOptions().

26  {
27  AsyncSocket::OptionMap opts;
28  int exclude;
29  if (addrFamily == AF_INET) {
30  exclude = IPPROTO_IPV6;
31  } else if (addrFamily == AF_INET6) {
32  exclude = IPPROTO_IP;
33  } else {
34  LOG(FATAL) << "Address family " << addrFamily << " was not IPv4 or IPv6";
35  }
36  for (const auto& opt: allOptions) {
37  if (opt.first.level != exclude) {
38  opts[opt.first] = opt.second;
39  }
40  }
41  return opts;
42 }
folly::Optional< SSLSessionCacheData > wangle::getCacheDataForSession ( SSL_SESSION *  sess)

Definition at line 99 of file SSLSessionCacheUtils.cpp.

References getSessionServiceIdentity(), and folly::gen::move.

Referenced by wangle::SSLSessionPersistentCacheBase< K >::setSSLSession(), and TEST_F().

99  {
100  auto sessionData = sessionToFbString(sess);
101  if (!sessionData) {
103  }
104  SSLSessionCacheData result;
105  result.sessionData = std::move(*sessionData);
106  auto serviceIdentity = getSessionServiceIdentity(sess);
107  if (serviceIdentity) {
108  result.serviceIdentity = std::move(*serviceIdentity);
109  }
111  result.sessionDuplicateTemplate =
112  std::shared_ptr<SSL_SESSION>(SSL_SESSION_dup(sess), SessionDestructor{});
113 #endif
114  return result;
115 }
folly::Optional< std::string > getSessionServiceIdentity(SSL_SESSION *session)
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
std::string wangle::getPersistentCacheFilename ( )

Definition at line 22 of file TestUtil.cpp.

References folly::test::TemporaryFile::path().

Referenced by testEmptyFile(), testInvalidFile(), testSimplePutGet(), testValidFile(), and TYPED_TEST().

22  {
23  folly::test::TemporaryFile file("fbtls");
24  return file.path().string();
25 }
std::string wangle::getSecureTransportName ( const SecureTransportType type)

Definition at line 20 of file SecureTransportType.cpp.

References TLS, and ZERO.

20  {
21  switch (type) {
22  case SecureTransportType::TLS:
23  return "TLS";
24  case SecureTransportType::ZERO:
25  return "Zero";
26  default:
27  return "";
28  }
29 }
PskType type
std::string wangle::getSessionData ( SSL_SESSION *  s,
size_t  expectedLength 

Definition at line 359 of file TestUtil.cpp.

References string.

Referenced by isSameSession().

359  {
360  std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>
361  sessionData(new unsigned char[expectedLength]);
362  auto p = sessionData.get();
363  auto len = (size_t)i2d_SSL_SESSION(s, &p);
364  CHECK(expectedLength == len);
365  return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sessionData.get()), len);
366 }
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
static set< string > s
SSL_SESSION * wangle::getSessionFromCacheData ( const SSLSessionCacheData data)

Definition at line 117 of file SSLSessionCacheUtils.cpp.

References wangle::SSLSessionCacheData::serviceIdentity, wangle::SSLSessionCacheData::sessionData, wangle::SSLSessionCacheData::sessionDuplicateTemplate, setSessionServiceIdentity(), and folly::basic_fbstring< E, T, A, Storage >::toStdString().

Referenced by wangle::SSLSessionPersistentCacheBase< K >::getSSLSession(), and TEST_F().

117  {
119  if (data.sessionDuplicateTemplate) {
120  return SSL_SESSION_dup(data.sessionDuplicateTemplate.get());
121  }
122 #endif
123  auto result = fbStringToSession(data.sessionData);
124  if (!result) {
125  return nullptr;
126  }
127  setSessionServiceIdentity(result, data.serviceIdentity.toStdString());
128  return result;
129 }
bool setSessionServiceIdentity(SSL_SESSION *session, const std::string &str)
static constexpr uint64_t data[1]
Definition: Fingerprint.cpp:43
std::vector< std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > > wangle::getSessions ( )

Definition at line 320 of file TestUtil.cpp.

References i, isSameSession(), kNumSessions, and s.

Referenced by SSLSessionCacheDataTest::SetUp(), wangle::SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest::SetUp(), and ThreadSafeSSLSessionCacheTest::SetUp().

320  {
321  std::vector<std::pair<SSL_SESSION*, size_t>> sessions;
323  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumSessions; ++i) {
324  const unsigned char* p = kSessionData[i];
325  auto s = d2i_SSL_SESSION(nullptr, &p, kSessionDataLen);
326  CHECK(s) << "Invalid session " << i;
327  sessions.emplace_back(s, kSessionDataLen);
329  // Make sure the same session compares same to itself.
330  CHECK(isSameSession(sessions[i], sessions[i]));
331  }
332  // Make sure all sessions are different from each other
333  CHECK(!isSameSession(sessions[0], sessions[1]));
334  CHECK(!isSameSession(sessions[1], sessions[2]));
335  CHECK(!isSameSession(sessions[2], sessions[0]));
337  return sessions;
338 }
const size_t kNumSessions
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:20
const size_t kSessionDataLen
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:21
bool isSameSession(std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > lhs, std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > rhs)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:368
const unsigned char kSessionData[kNumSessions][kSessionDataLen]
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:24
static set< string > s
folly::Optional< std::string > wangle::getSessionServiceIdentity ( SSL_SESSION *  session)

Definition at line 88 of file SSLSessionCacheUtils.cpp.

References data, and string.

Referenced by cloneSSLSession(), getCacheDataForSession(), wangle::SSLSessionCallbacks::removeSessionCallback(), and TEST_F().

88  {
89  if (!session) {
91  }
92  auto data = SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data(session, getSessionServiceIdentityIdx());
93  if (!data) {
95  }
96  return *(reinterpret_cast<std::string*>(data));
97 }
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
static constexpr uint64_t data[1]
Definition: Fingerprint.cpp:43
std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > wangle::getSessionWithTicket ( )

Definition at line 340 of file TestUtil.cpp.

References isSameSession(), kSessionDataWithTicket, and s.

Referenced by wangle::SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest::SetUp().

340  {
341  const unsigned char* p = kSessionDataWithTicket;
342  size_t sessionDataWithTicketLen = sizeof(kSessionDataWithTicket);
343  auto s = d2i_SSL_SESSION(nullptr, &p, sessionDataWithTicketLen);
344  CHECK(isSameSession(
345  std::make_pair(s, sessionDataWithTicketLen),
346  std::make_pair(s, sessionDataWithTicketLen)));
347  return std::make_pair(s, sessionDataWithTicketLen);
348 }
bool isSameSession(std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > lhs, std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > rhs)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:368
const unsigned char kSessionDataWithTicket[]
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:218
static set< string > s
bool wangle::isSameSession ( std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t >  lhs,
std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t >  rhs 

Definition at line 368 of file TestUtil.cpp.

References getSessionData().

Referenced by getSessions(), getSessionWithTicket(), and wangle::SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest::verifyEntryInCache().

370  {
371  return getSessionData(lhs.first, lhs.second) ==
372  getSessionData(rhs.first, rhs.second);
373 }
Definition: Traits.h:649
std::string getSessionData(SSL_SESSION *s, size_t expectedLength)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:359
std::ostream & wangle::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ManagedConnection conn 

Definition at line 59 of file ManagedConnection.cpp.

References wangle::ManagedConnection::describe().

59  {
60  conn.describe(os);
61  return os;
62 }
bool wangle::setSessionServiceIdentity ( SSL_SESSION *  session,
const std::string str 

Definition at line 78 of file SSLSessionCacheUtils.cpp.

References string.

Referenced by cloneSSLSession(), getSessionFromCacheData(), wangle::SSLSessionCallbacks::newSessionCallback(), and TEST_F().

78  {
79  if (!session || str.empty()) {
80  return false;
81  }
82  auto serviceExData = new std::string(str);
83  return SSL_SESSION_set_ex_data(
84  session, getSessionServiceIdentityIdx(), serviceExData) > 0;
85 }
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
wangle::TEST ( SSLContextManagerTest  ,

Definition at line 35 of file SSLContextManagerTest.cpp.

References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, wangle::SSLContextManager::getSSLCtxByExactDomain(), wangle::SSLContextManager::getSSLCtxBySuffix(), wangle::SSLContextManager::insertSSLCtxByDomainName(), and folly::EventBase::loop().

36 {
37  EventBase eventBase;
38  SSLContextManagerForTest sslCtxMgr(&eventBase,
39  "vip_ssl_context_manager_test_",
40  true,
41  nullptr);
42  auto www_facebook_com_ctx = std::make_shared<SSLContext>();
43  auto start_facebook_com_ctx = std::make_shared<SSLContext>();
44  auto start_abc_facebook_com_ctx = std::make_shared<SSLContext>();
45  auto www_facebook_com_ctx_sha1 = std::make_shared<SSLContext>();
46  auto start_facebook_com_ctx_sha1 = std::make_shared<SSLContext>();
47  auto www_bookface_com_ctx_sha1 = std::make_shared<SSLContext>();
49  sslCtxMgr.insertSSLCtxByDomainName(
50  "*",
51  strlen("*"),
52  start_facebook_com_ctx_sha1,
53  CertCrypto::SHA1_SIGNATURE);
54  sslCtxMgr.insertSSLCtxByDomainName(
55  "",
56  strlen(""),
57  www_facebook_com_ctx);
58  sslCtxMgr.insertSSLCtxByDomainName(
59  "",
60  strlen(""),
61  www_facebook_com_ctx);
62  sslCtxMgr.insertSSLCtxByDomainName(
63  "*",
64  strlen("*"),
65  start_facebook_com_ctx);
66  sslCtxMgr.insertSSLCtxByDomainName(
67  "*",
68  strlen("*"),
69  start_abc_facebook_com_ctx);
70  sslCtxMgr.insertSSLCtxByDomainName(
71  "",
72  strlen(""),
73  www_facebook_com_ctx_sha1,
74  CertCrypto::SHA1_SIGNATURE);
75  sslCtxMgr.insertSSLCtxByDomainName(
76  "",
77  strlen(""),
78  www_bookface_com_ctx_sha1,
79  CertCrypto::SHA1_SIGNATURE);
82  shared_ptr<SSLContext> retCtx;
83  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxByExactDomain(SSLContextKey(""));
84  EXPECT_EQ(retCtx, www_facebook_com_ctx);
85  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxByExactDomain(SSLContextKey(""));
86  EXPECT_EQ(retCtx, www_facebook_com_ctx);
88  sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxByExactDomain(SSLContextKey("")));
90  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxBySuffix(SSLContextKey(""));
91  EXPECT_EQ(retCtx, start_facebook_com_ctx);
92  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxBySuffix(SSLContextKey(""));
93  EXPECT_EQ(retCtx, start_facebook_com_ctx);
95  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxBySuffix(SSLContextKey(""));
96  EXPECT_EQ(retCtx, start_abc_facebook_com_ctx);
98  // ensure "" does not match "*"
99  EXPECT_FALSE(sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxBySuffix(SSLContextKey("")));
100  // ensure "" does not match "*"
101  EXPECT_FALSE(sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxBySuffix(SSLContextKey("")));
102  // ensure wildcard name only matches one domain up
103  EXPECT_FALSE(sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxBySuffix(
104  SSLContextKey("")));
106  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxByExactDomain(SSLContextKey("",
107  CertCrypto::SHA1_SIGNATURE));
108  EXPECT_EQ(retCtx, www_facebook_com_ctx_sha1);
109  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxBySuffix(SSLContextKey("",
110  CertCrypto::SHA1_SIGNATURE));
111  EXPECT_EQ(retCtx, start_facebook_com_ctx_sha1);
112  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxBySuffix(SSLContextKey("",
113  CertCrypto::SHA1_SIGNATURE));
114  EXPECT_FALSE(retCtx);
116  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxByExactDomain(SSLContextKey("",
117  CertCrypto::SHA1_SIGNATURE));
118  EXPECT_EQ(retCtx, www_bookface_com_ctx_sha1);
119  retCtx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtxByExactDomain(SSLContextKey(""));
120  EXPECT_EQ(retCtx, www_bookface_com_ctx_sha1);
123  eventBase.loop(); // Clean up events before SSLContextManager is destructed
124 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1862
wangle::TEST ( Wangle  ,

Definition at line 114 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

References addr, wangle::ServerBootstrap< Pipeline >::bind(), wangle::ServerBootstrap< Pipeline >::childPipeline(), EXPECT_EQ, folly::EventBaseManager::get(), folly::EventBaseManager::getEventBase(), folly::getEventBase(), wangle::ServerBootstrap< Pipeline >::getSockets(), folly::EventBase::loopForever(), folly::gen::move, wangle::ServerBootstrap< Pipeline >::stop(), string, folly::EventBase::terminateLoopSoon(), and value.

114  {
115  // server
117  server.childPipeline(
119  server.bind(0);
121  // client
122  auto client = std::make_shared<ClientBootstrap<ServicePipeline>>();
124  client->pipelineFactory(
127  server.getSockets()[0]->getAddress(&addr);
128  client->connect(addr).waitVia(EventBaseManager::get()->getEventBase());
130  auto service = serviceFactory(client).value();
131  auto rep = (*service)("test");
133  std::move(rep).thenValue([&](std::string value) {
134  EXPECT_EQ("test", value);
135  EventBaseManager::get()->getEventBase()->terminateLoopSoon();
136  });
137  EventBaseManager::get()->getEventBase()->loopForever();
138  server.stop();
139 }
void bind(folly::AsyncServerSocket::UniquePtr s)
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
EventBase * getEventBase()
ServerBootstrap * childPipeline(std::shared_ptr< PipelineFactory< Pipeline >> factory)
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< folly::AsyncSocketBase > > & getSockets() const
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr detail::get_fn< T > get
Definition: submit.h:391
ThreadPoolListHook * addr
wangle::TEST ( SSLContextManagerTest  ,

Definition at line 129 of file SSLContextManagerTest.cpp.

References wangle::SSLContextConfig::addCertificate(), addr, wangle::SSLContextManager::addSSLContextConfig(), ASSERT_NE, EXPECT_EQ, wangle::SSLContextManager::getSSLCtx(), folly::EventBase::loop(), wangle::SSLContextConfig::sessionContext, and string.

130 {
131  EventBase eventBase;
132  SSLContextManagerForTest sslCtxMgr(&eventBase,
133  "vip_ssl_context_manager_test_",
134  true,
135  nullptr);
136  SSLContextConfig ctxConfig;
137  ctxConfig.sessionContext = "test";
138  ctxConfig.addCertificate(
139  "wangle/ssl/test/certs/test.cert.pem",
140  "wangle/ssl/test/certs/test.key.pem",
141  "");
143  SSLCacheOptions cacheOptions;
146  sslCtxMgr.addSSLContextConfig(
147  ctxConfig, cacheOptions, nullptr, addr, nullptr);
149  SSLContextKey key("", CertCrypto::BEST_AVAILABLE);
150  auto ctx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtx(key);
151  ASSERT_NE(ctx, nullptr);
152  auto sessCtxFromCtx = std::string(
153  reinterpret_cast<char*>(ctx->getSSLCtx()->sid_ctx),
154  ctx->getSSLCtx()->sid_ctx_length);
155  EXPECT_EQ(*ctxConfig.sessionContext, sessCtxFromCtx);
156  eventBase.loop();
157 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
#define ASSERT_NE(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1960
ThreadPoolListHook * addr
wangle::TEST ( SSLContextManagerTest  ,

Definition at line 160 of file SSLContextManagerTest.cpp.

References wangle::SSLContextConfig::addCertificate(), addr, wangle::SSLContextManager::addSSLContextConfig(), ASSERT_NE, EXPECT_EQ, wangle::SSLContextManager::getSSLCtx(), folly::EventBase::loop(), wangle::SSLContextConfig::sessionCacheEnabled, wangle::SSLContextConfig::sessionContext, and string.

161 {
162  EventBase eventBase;
163  SSLContextManagerForTest sslCtxMgr(&eventBase,
164  "vip_ssl_context_manager_test_",
165  true,
166  nullptr);
167  SSLContextConfig ctxConfig;
168  ctxConfig.sessionContext = "test";
169  ctxConfig.sessionCacheEnabled = false;
170  ctxConfig.addCertificate(
171  "wangle/ssl/test/certs/test.cert.pem",
172  "wangle/ssl/test/certs/test.key.pem",
173  "");
175  SSLCacheOptions cacheOptions;
178  sslCtxMgr.addSSLContextConfig(
179  ctxConfig, cacheOptions, nullptr, addr, nullptr);
181  SSLContextKey key("", CertCrypto::BEST_AVAILABLE);
182  auto ctx = sslCtxMgr.getSSLCtx(key);
183  ASSERT_NE(ctx, nullptr);
184  auto sessCtxFromCtx = std::string(
185  reinterpret_cast<char*>(ctx->getSSLCtx()->sid_ctx),
186  ctx->getSSLCtx()->sid_ctx_length);
187  EXPECT_EQ(*ctxConfig.sessionContext, sessCtxFromCtx);
188  eventBase.loop();
189 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
#define ASSERT_NE(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1960
ThreadPoolListHook * addr
wangle::TEST ( Wangle  ,

Definition at line 165 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

References EXPECT_EQ, and folly::pushmi::operators::filter.

165  {
166  auto service = std::make_shared<EchoService>();
167  auto filter = std::make_shared<AppendFilter>(service);
168  auto result = (*filter)("test");
169  EXPECT_EQ(result.value(), "test\n");
170 }
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr detail::filter_fn filter
Definition: filter.h:75
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
wangle::TEST ( Wangle  ,

Definition at line 172 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

References EXPECT_EQ, and folly::pushmi::operators::filter.

172  {
173  auto service = std::make_shared<EchoService>();
174  auto filter = std::make_shared<IntToStringFilter>(service);
175  auto result = (*filter)(1);
176  EXPECT_EQ(result.value(), 1);
177 }
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr detail::filter_fn filter
Definition: filter.h:75
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
wangle::TEST ( Wangle  ,

Definition at line 193 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

References EXPECT_EQ, and folly::pushmi::operators::filter.

193  {
194  auto service = std::make_shared<EchoIntService>();
195  auto filter = std::make_shared<ChangeTypeFilter>(service);
196  auto result = (*filter)(1);
197  EXPECT_EQ(result.value(), "1");
198 }
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr detail::filter_fn filter
Definition: filter.h:75
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
wangle::TEST ( Wangle  ,

Definition at line 216 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

References addr, wangle::ServerBootstrap< Pipeline >::bind(), wangle::ServerBootstrap< Pipeline >::childPipeline(), EXPECT_EQ, folly::EventBaseManager::get(), folly::getEventBase(), wangle::ServerBootstrap< Pipeline >::getSockets(), wangle::ServerBootstrap< Pipeline >::stop(), and value.

216  {
217  // server
219  server.childPipeline(
221  server.bind(0);
223  // client
224  auto clientFactory =
225  std::make_shared<
227  auto countingFactory =
228  std::make_shared<
230  clientFactory);
232  auto client = std::make_shared<ClientBootstrap<ServicePipeline>>();
233  client->pipelineFactory(
236  server.getSockets()[0]->getAddress(&addr);
237  client->connect(addr).waitVia(EventBaseManager::get()->getEventBase());
239  auto service = (*countingFactory)(client).value();
241  // After the first service goes away, the client can be reused
242  service = (*countingFactory)(client).value();
243  EXPECT_EQ(2, countingFactory->connectionCount);
245  server.stop();
246 }
void bind(folly::AsyncServerSocket::UniquePtr s)
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
EventBase * getEventBase()
ServerBootstrap * childPipeline(std::shared_ptr< PipelineFactory< Pipeline >> factory)
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< folly::AsyncSocketBase > > & getSockets() const
PUSHMI_INLINE_VAR constexpr detail::get_fn< T > get
Definition: submit.h:391
ThreadPoolListHook * addr
wangle::TEST ( Wangle  ,

Definition at line 248 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

References EXPECT_EQ, and value.

248  {
249  auto constfactory =
250  std::make_shared<ConstFactory<ServicePipeline, std::string, std::string>>(
251  std::make_shared<EchoService>());
253  constfactory);
255  EXPECT_EQ("test", service("test").value());
256 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
static const char *const value
Definition: Conv.cpp:50
wangle::TEST ( ServiceFilter  ,

Definition at line 276 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, and wangle::TimekeeperTester::promises_.

276  {
277  TimekeeperTester timekeeper;
279  std::shared_ptr<Service<std::string, std::string>> service =
280  std::make_shared<EchoService>();
281  std::shared_ptr<Service<std::string, std::string>> closeOnReleaseService =
282  std::make_shared<CloseOnReleaseFilter<std::string, std::string>>(service);
283  std::shared_ptr<Service<std::string, std::string>> expiringService =
284  std::make_shared<ExpiringFilter<std::string, std::string>>(
285  closeOnReleaseService,
286  std::chrono::milliseconds(0),
287  std::chrono::milliseconds(400),
288  &timekeeper);
290  EXPECT_EQ("test", (*expiringService)("test").get());
291  timekeeper.promises_[0].setValue();
292  EXPECT_TRUE((*expiringService)("test").getTry().hasException());
293 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
std::vector< Promise< Unit > > promises_
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
wangle::TEST ( ServiceFilter  ,

Definition at line 295 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

References EXPECT_EQ, and wangle::TimekeeperTester::promises_.

295  {
296  TimekeeperTester timekeeper;
298  std::shared_ptr<Service<std::string, std::string>> service =
299  std::make_shared<EchoService>();
300  std::shared_ptr<Service<std::string, std::string>> closeOnReleaseService =
301  std::make_shared<CloseOnReleaseFilter<std::string, std::string>>(service);
302  std::shared_ptr<Service<std::string, std::string>> expiringService =
303  std::make_shared<ExpiringFilter<std::string, std::string>>(
304  closeOnReleaseService,
305  std::chrono::milliseconds(100),
306  std::chrono::milliseconds(0),
307  &timekeeper);
309  EXPECT_EQ(1, timekeeper.promises_.size());
310 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
std::vector< Promise< Unit > > promises_
wangle::TEST ( ServiceFilter  ,

Definition at line 312 of file ServiceTest.cpp.

References EXPECT_EQ, f, folly::gen::move, and wangle::TimekeeperTester::promises_.

312  {
313  TimekeeperTester timekeeper;
315  std::shared_ptr<Service<std::string, std::string>> service =
316  std::make_shared<EchoService>();
317  std::shared_ptr<Service<std::string, std::string>> closeOnReleaseService =
318  std::make_shared<CloseOnReleaseFilter<std::string, std::string>>(service);
319  std::shared_ptr<Service<std::string, std::string>> expiringService =
320  std::make_shared<ExpiringFilter<std::string, std::string>>(
321  closeOnReleaseService,
322  std::chrono::milliseconds(1),
323  std::chrono::milliseconds(0),
324  &timekeeper);
326  auto f = (*expiringService)("2000");
327  EXPECT_EQ(2, timekeeper.promises_.size());
328  std::move(f).get();
329  EXPECT_EQ("2000", (*expiringService)("2000").get());
330  EXPECT_EQ(3, timekeeper.promises_.size());
331 }
auto f
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
constexpr detail::Map< Move > move
Definition: Base-inl.h:2567
std::vector< Promise< Unit > > promises_
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 78 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_TRUE.

78  {
79  acceptor_.setLoadShedConfig(loadShedConfig_, nullptr);
80  // Should accept if there is no IConnectionCounter set
81  EXPECT_TRUE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
82 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 84 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_TRUE.

84  {
85  // Should accept if maxConnections is zero
86  connectionCounter_.setMaxConnections(0);
87  EXPECT_TRUE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
88 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 90 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_TRUE.

90  {
91  // Should accept if currentConnections is less than maxConnections
92  connectionCounter_.setNumConnections(100);
93  connectionCounter_.setMaxConnections(200);
94  EXPECT_TRUE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
95 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 97 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_FALSE.

97  {
98  // Should not accept if currentConnections is larger than maxConnections
99  connectionCounter_.setNumConnections(300);
100  connectionCounter_.setMaxConnections(200);
101  acceptor_.setConnectionCountForLoadShedding(300);
102  loadShedConfig_->setMaxConnections(200);
103  acceptor_.setLoadShedConfig(loadShedConfig_, &connectionCounter_);
104  EXPECT_FALSE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
105 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1862
wangle::TEST_F ( SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest  ,

Definition at line 103 of file SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest.cpp.

References ASSERT_EQ, ASSERT_FALSE, createPersistentTestSession(), i, and folly::sformat().

103  {
104  for (size_t i = 0; i < sessions_.size(); ++i) {
105  auto hostname = folly::sformat("host{}", i);
107  // The session data does not exist before set.
108  ASSERT_EQ(i, cache_->size());
109  ASSERT_FALSE(cache_->getSSLSession(hostname));
111  cache_->setSSLSession(hostname, createPersistentTestSession(sessions_[i]));
113  // The session data should exist before set.
114  ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, cache_->size());
115  verifyEntryInCache(hostname, sessions_[i]);
116  }
118  // The previously inserted sessions shouldn't have changed. Then remove them
119  // one by one and verify they are not in cache after the removal.
120  for (size_t i = 0; i < sessions_.size(); ++i) {
121  auto hostname = folly::sformat("host{}", i);
122  verifyEntryInCache(hostname, sessions_[i]);
123  cache_->removeSSLSession(hostname);
124  verifyEntryInCache(hostname, sessions_[i], false);
125  }
126 }
#define ASSERT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1956
SSLSessionPtr createPersistentTestSession(std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > session)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:350
std::string sformat(StringPiece fmt, Args &&...args)
Definition: Format.h:280
#define ASSERT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1868
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 107 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_TRUE.

107  {
108  // Should accept if currentConnections is larger than maxConnections
109  // but the address is whitelisted
110  connectionCounter_.setNumConnections(300);
111  connectionCounter_.setMaxConnections(200);
112  LoadShedConfiguration::AddressSet addrs = { address_ };
113  loadShedConfig_->setWhitelistAddrs(addrs);
114  acceptor_.setLoadShedConfig(loadShedConfig_, &connectionCounter_);
115  EXPECT_TRUE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
116 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 118 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_TRUE.

118  {
119  // Should accept if currentConnections is larger than maxConnections,
120  // the address is not whitelisted and the current active and total connections
121  // counts are below the corresponding thresholds
122  connectionCounter_.setNumConnections(300);
123  connectionCounter_.setMaxConnections(200);
124  loadShedConfig_->setMaxActiveConnections(100);
125  loadShedConfig_->setMaxConnections(200);
126  acceptor_.setLoadShedConfig(loadShedConfig_, &connectionCounter_);
127  EXPECT_TRUE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
128 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
wangle::TEST_F ( SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest  ,

Definition at line 128 of file SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest.cpp.

References ASSERT_EQ, ASSERT_FALSE, createPersistentTestSession(), and string.

128  {
129  std::string badHost = "bad";
131  // Insert bad session to an empty cache.
132  cache_->setSSLSession(badHost, SSLSessionPtr(nullptr));
133  ASSERT_FALSE(cache_->getSSLSession(badHost));
134  ASSERT_EQ(0, cache_->size());
136  cache_->setSSLSession("host0", createPersistentTestSession(sessions_[0]));
137  cache_->setSSLSession("host1", createPersistentTestSession(sessions_[1]));
139  // Insert bad session to non-empty cache
140  cache_->setSSLSession(badHost, SSLSessionPtr(nullptr));
141  ASSERT_FALSE(cache_->getSSLSession(badHost));
142  ASSERT_EQ(2, cache_->size());
144  verifyEntryInCache("host0", sessions_[0]);
145  verifyEntryInCache("host1", sessions_[1]);
146 }
#define ASSERT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1956
SSLSessionPtr createPersistentTestSession(std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > session)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:350
std::unique_ptr< SSL_SESSION, SessionDestructor > SSLSessionPtr
Definition: SSLSession.h:32
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
#define ASSERT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1868
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 130 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_TRUE.

130  {
131  // Should accept if max active connections threshold is not set and
132  // total connections is within the overall max connections limit
133  connectionCounter_.setNumConnections(300);
134  connectionCounter_.setMaxConnections(200);
135  loadShedConfig_->setMaxConnections(400);
136  acceptor_.setLoadShedConfig(loadShedConfig_, &connectionCounter_);
137  acceptor_.setActiveConnectionCountForLoadShedding(300);
138  acceptor_.setConnectionCountForLoadShedding(300);
139  EXPECT_TRUE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
140 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 142 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_FALSE.

142  {
143  // Should not accept if currentConnections is larger than maxConnections,
144  // the address is not whitelisted and the current active connection is larger
145  // than the threshold
146  connectionCounter_.setNumConnections(300);
147  connectionCounter_.setMaxConnections(200);
148  loadShedConfig_->setMaxActiveConnections(100);
149  loadShedConfig_->setMaxConnections(200);
150  acceptor_.setLoadShedConfig(loadShedConfig_, &connectionCounter_);
151  acceptor_.setActiveConnectionCountForLoadShedding(110);
152  EXPECT_FALSE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
153 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1862
wangle::TEST_F ( SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest  ,

Definition at line 148 of file SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest.cpp.

References createPersistentTestSession().

148  {
149  cache_->setSSLSession("host0", createPersistentTestSession(sessions_[0]));
150  cache_->setSSLSession("host1", createPersistentTestSession(sessions_[1]));
152  {
153  // Overwrite host1 with a nullptr, the cache shouldn't have changed.
154  cache_->setSSLSession("host1", SSLSessionPtr(nullptr));
155  verifyEntryInCache("host0", sessions_[0]);
156  verifyEntryInCache("host1", sessions_[1]);
157  }
159  {
160  // Valid overwrite.
161  cache_->setSSLSession("host1", createPersistentTestSession(sessions_[3]));
162  verifyEntryInCache("host0", sessions_[0]);
163  verifyEntryInCache("host1", sessions_[3]);
164  }
166 }
SSLSessionPtr createPersistentTestSession(std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > session)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:350
std::unique_ptr< SSL_SESSION, SessionDestructor > SSLSessionPtr
Definition: SSLSession.h:32
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 155 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_FALSE.

155  {
156  // Should not accept if currentConnections is larger than maxConnections,
157  // the address is not whitelisted and the current connection is larger
158  // than the threshold
159  connectionCounter_.setNumConnections(300);
160  connectionCounter_.setMaxConnections(200);
161  loadShedConfig_->setMaxActiveConnections(100);
162  loadShedConfig_->setMaxConnections(200);
163  acceptor_.setLoadShedConfig(loadShedConfig_, &connectionCounter_);
164  acceptor_.setConnectionCountForLoadShedding(210);
165  EXPECT_FALSE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
166 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1862
wangle::TEST_F ( AcceptorTest  ,

Definition at line 168 of file AcceptorTest.cpp.

References acceptor_, and EXPECT_FALSE.

168  {
169  // Should not accept if currentConnections is larger than maxConnections,
170  // the address is not whitelisted and the both current active and total
171  // connections counts are larger than the corresponding thresholds
172  connectionCounter_.setNumConnections(300);
173  connectionCounter_.setMaxConnections(200);
174  loadShedConfig_->setMaxActiveConnections(100);
175  loadShedConfig_->setMaxConnections(200);
176  acceptor_.setLoadShedConfig(loadShedConfig_, &connectionCounter_);
177  acceptor_.setActiveConnectionCountForLoadShedding(110);
178  acceptor_.setConnectionCountForLoadShedding(210);
179  EXPECT_FALSE(acceptor_.canAccept(address_));
180 }
FizzServerAcceptor * acceptor_
#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1862
wangle::TEST_F ( SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest  ,

Definition at line 168 of file SSLSessionPersistentCacheTest.cpp.

References ASSERT_FALSE, ASSERT_NE, ASSERT_TRUE, createPersistentTestSession(), s, folly::portability::ssl::SSL_SESSION_get_ticket_lifetime_hint(), folly::portability::ssl::SSL_SESSION_has_ticket(), and string.

168  {
169  std::string myhost("host3");
170  cache_->setSSLSession(
171  myhost,
172  createPersistentTestSession(sessionWithTicket_));
174  // First verify element is successfully added to the cache
175  auto s = cache_->getSSLSession(myhost);
176  ASSERT_TRUE(s != nullptr);
178  verifyEntryInCache(myhost, sessions_[3]);
180  // Verify that if element is added to cache within
181  // tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint seconds ago, we can retrieve it
183  // advance current time by slightly less than tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint
184  // Ticket should still be in cache
185  long lifetime_seconds = SSL_SESSION_get_ticket_lifetime_hint(s.get());
186  mockTimeUtil_->advance(
187  duration_cast<milliseconds>(seconds(lifetime_seconds - 10)));
189  verifyEntryInCache(myhost, sessions_[3]);
191  // advance current time to >= tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint
192  // Ticket should not be in cache
193  mockTimeUtil_->advance(duration_cast<milliseconds>(seconds(15)));
194  ASSERT_FALSE(cache_->getSSLSession(myhost));
195 }
SSLSessionPtr createPersistentTestSession(std::pair< SSL_SESSION *, size_t > session)
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:350
int SSL_SESSION_has_ticket(const SSL_SESSION *s)
Definition: OpenSSL.cpp:203
unsigned long SSL_SESSION_get_ticket_lifetime_hint(const SSL_SESSION *s)
Definition: OpenSSL.cpp:207
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
static set< string > s
#define ASSERT_NE(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1960
#define ASSERT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1868
#define ASSERT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1865
template<typename K , typename V , typename MutexT = std::mutex>
void wangle::testSimplePutGet ( const std::vector< K > &  keys,
const std::vector< V > &  values 

Definition at line 32 of file TestUtil.h.

References EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, getPersistentCacheFilename(), and string.

34  {
36  typedef FilePersistentCache<K, V, MutexT> CacheType;
37  size_t cacheCapacity = 10;
38  {
39  CacheType cache(filename, cacheCapacity, std::chrono::seconds(150));
40  EXPECT_FALSE(cache.get(keys[0]).hasValue());
41  EXPECT_FALSE(cache.get(keys[1]).hasValue());
42  cache.put(keys[0], values[0]);
43  cache.put(keys[1], values[1]);
44  EXPECT_EQ(cache.size(), 2);
45  EXPECT_EQ(cache.get(keys[0]).value(), values[0]);
46  EXPECT_EQ(cache.get(keys[1]).value(), values[1]);
47  }
48  {
49  CacheType cache(filename, cacheCapacity, std::chrono::seconds(150));
50  EXPECT_EQ(cache.size(), 2);
51  EXPECT_EQ(cache.get(keys[0]).value(), values[0]);
52  EXPECT_EQ(cache.get(keys[1]).value(), values[1]);
53  EXPECT_TRUE(cache.remove(keys[1]));
54  EXPECT_FALSE(cache.remove(keys[1]));
55  EXPECT_EQ(cache.size(), 1);
56  EXPECT_EQ(cache.get(keys[0]).value(), values[0]);
57  EXPECT_FALSE(cache.get(keys[1]).hasValue());
58  }
59  {
60  CacheType cache(filename, cacheCapacity, std::chrono::seconds(150));
61  EXPECT_EQ(cache.size(), 1);
62  EXPECT_EQ(cache.get(keys[0]).value(), values[0]);
63  EXPECT_FALSE(cache.get(keys[1]).hasValue());
64  cache.clear();
65  EXPECT_EQ(cache.size(), 0);
66  EXPECT_FALSE(cache.get(keys[0]).hasValue());
67  EXPECT_FALSE(cache.get(keys[1]).hasValue());
68  }
69  {
70  CacheType cache(filename, cacheCapacity, std::chrono::seconds(150));
71  EXPECT_EQ(cache.size(), 0);
72  EXPECT_FALSE(cache.get(keys[0]).hasValue());
73  EXPECT_FALSE(cache.get(keys[1]).hasValue());
74  }
75  EXPECT_TRUE(unlink(filename.c_str()) != -1);
76 }
#define EXPECT_EQ(val1, val2)
Definition: gtest.h:1922
#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1859
const char * string
Definition: Conv.cpp:212
#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
Definition: gtest.h:1862
std::string getPersistentCacheFilename()
Definition: TestUtil.cpp:22

Variable Documentation

const std::string wangle::empty_string

Definition at line 24 of file SSLAcceptorHandshakeHelper.cpp.

const std::string wangle::empty_string

Definition at line 51 of file Acceptor.cpp.

Referenced by wangle::SSLAcceptorHandshakeHelper::handshakeSuc().

const size_t wangle::kNumSessions = 3

Definition at line 20 of file TestUtil.cpp.

Referenced by getSessions().

const unsigned char wangle::kSessionData[kNumSessions][kSessionDataLen]

Definition at line 24 of file TestUtil.cpp.

const size_t wangle::kSessionDataLen = 1060

Definition at line 21 of file TestUtil.cpp.

const unsigned char wangle::kSessionDataWithTicket[]

Definition at line 218 of file TestUtil.cpp.

Referenced by getSessionWithTicket().