sorted_vector_types.h File Reference
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <folly/Traits.h>
#include <folly/Utility.h>
#include <folly/lang/Exception.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  folly::detail::sorted_vector_enable_if_is_transparent< typename, Compare, Key, T >
struct  folly::detail::sorted_vector_enable_if_is_transparent< void_t< typename Compare::is_transparent >, Compare, Key, T >
struct  folly::detail::growth_policy_wrapper< Policy >
struct  folly::detail::growth_policy_wrapper< void >
class  folly::sorted_vector_set< T, Compare, Allocator, GrowthPolicy, Container >
struct  folly::sorted_vector_set< T, Compare, Allocator, GrowthPolicy, Container >::EBO
class  folly::sorted_vector_map< Key, Value, Compare, Allocator, GrowthPolicy, Container >
struct  folly::sorted_vector_map< Key, Value, Compare, Allocator, GrowthPolicy, Container >::value_compare
struct  folly::sorted_vector_map< Key, Value, Compare, Allocator, GrowthPolicy, Container >::EBO


 —— Concurrent Priority Queue Implementation ——


template<class Iterator >
int folly::detail::distance_if_multipass (Iterator first, Iterator last)
template<class OurContainer , class Vector , class GrowthPolicy >
OurContainer::iterator folly::detail::insert_with_hint (OurContainer &sorted, Vector &cont, typename OurContainer::iterator hint, typename OurContainer::value_type &&value, GrowthPolicy &po)
template<class OurContainer , class Vector , class InputIterator >
void folly::detail::bulk_insert (OurContainer &sorted, Vector &cont, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
template<typename Container , typename Compare >
Container && folly::detail::as_sorted (Container &&container, Compare const &comp)
template<class T , class C , class A , class G >
void folly::swap (sorted_vector_set< T, C, A, G > &a, sorted_vector_set< T, C, A, G > &b)
template<class K , class V , class C , class A , class G >
void folly::swap (sorted_vector_map< K, V, C, A, G > &a, sorted_vector_map< K, V, C, A, G > &b)