proxygen/wangle/_build/gtest/src/gtest/googlemock/CMakeLists.txt File Reference


 option (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS"Build shared libraries (DLLs)."OFF) option(gmock_build_tests"Build all of Google Mock's own tests."OFF) if(EXISTS"$
gtest CMakeLists txt set (gtest_dir gtest) else() set(gtest_dir../googletest) endif() include("$

Function Documentation

option ( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS"Build shared libraries (DLLs)."  OFF)

Definition at line 10 of file CMakeLists.txt.

15  {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gtest/CMakeLists.txt")
gtest CMakeLists txt set ( gtest_dir  gtest)

Definition at line 16 of file CMakeLists.txt.

References folly::gen::all(), and fuse_gmock_files::gtest.

22  {gtest_dir}/cmake/hermetic_build.cmake" OPTIONAL)