
About the website

In this website, you will find out about me and who I am. Where I come from and what I do currently. I'll share my likes and dislikes with you. You can also find my resume and previous works. You'll see pictures as well as ways to contact me.


I am a current student in the Road2Hire Tech Cohort 5. Road2Hire is a nonprofit organization that focuses on sales, leadership, and technology. It promotes economic mobility in young adults aged 18-25.

My Story

I was born on February 18, 1999 in Morelos, Mexico. My parents immigrated to the USA in search of a better life. Now that I am 19 years old, it is up to me to start making my own life.

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My Career

I graduated from high school back in June of 2017. I got right to work after that. I worked as a warehouse worker, as a special events porter, and now I'm in the tech academy of Road2Hire.

My Resume

Contact Me

If you are looking to get in contact with me, click on the button below. I am always available to answer any sort of questions. My office hours are Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 6 PM.

Contact Info