Source code for pymatgen.core.structure

# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Pymatgen Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

This module provides classes used to define a non-periodic molecule and a
periodic structure.

import math
import os
import json
import collections
import itertools
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import random
import warnings
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import re
import functools
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Union, Iterator, Set, Sequence, Iterable
import numpy as np

from tabulate import tabulate

from import deprecated
from import zopen
from monty.json import MSONable

from pymatgen.core.operations import SymmOp
from pymatgen.core.lattice import Lattice, get_points_in_spheres
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element, Specie, get_el_sp, DummySpecie
from pymatgen.core.sites import Site, PeriodicSite
from pymatgen.core.bonds import CovalentBond, get_bond_length
from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition
from pymatgen.util.coord import get_angle, all_distances, \
from pymatgen.core.units import Mass, Length

__author__ = "Shyue Ping Ong"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2011, The Materials Project"
__version__ = "2.0"
__maintainer__ = "Shyue Ping Ong"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__date__ = "Sep 23, 2011"

[docs]class Neighbor(Site): """ Simple Site subclass to contain a neighboring atom that skips all the unnecessary checks for speed. Can be used as a fixed-length tuple of size 3 to retain backwards compatibility with past use cases. (site, nn_distance, index). In future, usage should be to call attributes, e.g., Neighbor.index, Neighbor.distance, etc. """ def __init__(self, species: Composition, coords: np.ndarray, properties: dict = None, nn_distance: float = 0.0, index: int = 0): """ :param species: Same as Site :param coords: Same as Site, but must be fractional. :param properties: Same as Site :param nn_distance: Distance to some other Site. :param index: Index within structure. """ self.coords = coords self._species = species = properties or {} self.nn_distance = nn_distance self.index = index def __len__(self): """ Make neighbor Tuple-like to retain backwards compatibility. """ return 3 def __getitem__(self, i: int): # type: ignore """ Make neighbor Tuple-like to retain backwards compatibility. :param i: :return: """ return (self, self.nn_distance, self.index)[i]
[docs]class PeriodicNeighbor(PeriodicSite): """ Simple PeriodicSite subclass to contain a neighboring atom that skips all the unnecessary checks for speed. Can be used as a fixed-length tuple of size 4 to retain backwards compatibility with past use cases. (site, distance, index, image). In future, usage should be to call attributes, e.g., PeriodicNeighbor.index, PeriodicNeighbor.distance, etc. """ def __init__(self, species: Composition, coords: np.ndarray, lattice: Lattice, properties: dict = None, nn_distance: float = 0.0, index: int = 0, image: tuple = (0, 0, 0)): """ :param species: Same as PeriodicSite :param coords: Same as PeriodicSite, but must be fractional. :param lattice: Same as PeriodicSite :param properties: Same as PeriodicSite :param nn_distance: Distance to some other Site. :param index: Index within structure. :param image: PeriodicImage """ self._lattice = lattice self._frac_coords = coords self._species = species = properties or {} self.nn_distance = nn_distance self.index = index self.image = image @property # type: ignore def coords(self): """ :return: Cartesian coords. """ return self._lattice.get_cartesian_coords(self._frac_coords) def __len__(self): """ Make neighbor Tuple-like to retain backwards compatibility. """ return 4 def __getitem__(self, i: int): # type: ignore """ Make neighbor Tuple-like to retain backwards compatibility. :param i: :return: """ return (self, self.nn_distance, self.index, self.image)[i]
[docs]class SiteCollection(, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Basic SiteCollection. Essentially a sequence of Sites or PeriodicSites. This serves as a base class for Molecule (a collection of Site, i.e., no periodicity) and Structure (a collection of PeriodicSites, i.e., periodicity). Not meant to be instantiated directly. """ # Tolerance in Angstrom for determining if sites are too close. DISTANCE_TOLERANCE = 0.5 @property @abstractmethod def sites(self) -> Tuple[Union[Site, PeriodicSite]]: """ Returns a tuple of sites. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_distance(self, i: int, j: int) -> float: """ Returns distance between sites at index i and j. Args: i: Index of first site j: Index of second site Returns: Distance between sites at index i and index j. """
@property def distance_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the distance matrix between all sites in the structure. For periodic structures, this is overwritten to return the nearest image distance. """ return all_distances(self.cart_coords, self.cart_coords) @property def species(self) -> List[Composition]: """ Only works for ordered structures. Disordered structures will raise an AttributeError. Returns: ([Specie]) List of species at each site of the structure. """ return [site.specie for site in self] @property def species_and_occu(self) -> List[Composition]: """ List of species and occupancies at each site of the structure. """ return [site.species for site in self] @property def ntypesp(self) -> int: """Number of types of atoms.""" return len(self.types_of_specie) @property def types_of_specie(self) -> Tuple[Union[Element, Specie, DummySpecie]]: """ List of types of specie. """ # Cannot use set since we want a deterministic algorithm. types = [] # type: List[Union[Element, Specie, DummySpecie]] for site in self: for sp, v in site.species.items(): if v != 0: types.append(sp) return tuple(set(types)) # type: ignore
[docs] def group_by_types(self) -> Iterator[Union[Site, PeriodicSite]]: """Iterate over species grouped by type""" for t in self.types_of_specie: for site in self: if site.specie == t: yield site
[docs] def indices_from_symbol(self, symbol: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Returns a tuple with the sequential indices of the sites that contain an element with the given chemical symbol. """ return tuple((i for i, specie in enumerate(self.species) if specie.symbol == symbol))
@property def symbol_set(self) -> Tuple[str]: """ Tuple with the set of chemical symbols. Note that len(symbol_set) == len(types_of_specie) """ return tuple(sorted(specie.symbol for specie in self.types_of_specie)) # type: ignore @property # type: ignore def atomic_numbers(self) -> Tuple[int]: """List of atomic numbers.""" return tuple(site.specie.Z for site in self) # type: ignore @property def site_properties(self) -> Dict[str, List]: """ Returns the site properties as a dict of sequences. E.g., {"magmom": (5,-5), "charge": (-4,4)}. """ props = {} # type: Dict[str, List] prop_keys = set() # type: Set[str] for site in self: prop_keys.update( for k in prop_keys: props[k] = [, None) for site in self] return props def __contains__(self, site): return site in self.sites def __iter__(self): return self.sites.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, ind): return self.sites[ind] def __len__(self): return len(self.sites) def __hash__(self): # for now, just use the composition hash code. return self.composition.__hash__() @property def num_sites(self) -> int: """ Number of sites. """ return len(self) @property def cart_coords(self): """ Returns a np.array of the cartesian coordinates of sites in the structure. """ return np.array([site.coords for site in self]) @property def formula(self) -> str: """ (str) Returns the formula. """ return self.composition.formula @property def composition(self) -> Composition: """ (Composition) Returns the composition """ elmap = collections.defaultdict(float) # type: Dict[Specie, float] for site in self: for species, occu in site.species.items(): elmap[species] += occu return Composition(elmap) @property def charge(self) -> float: """ Returns the net charge of the structure based on oxidation states. If Elements are found, a charge of 0 is assumed. """ charge = 0 for site in self: for specie, amt in site.species.items(): charge += getattr(specie, "oxi_state", 0) * amt return charge @property def is_ordered(self) -> bool: """ Checks if structure is ordered, meaning no partial occupancies in any of the sites. """ return all((site.is_ordered for site in self))
[docs] def get_angle(self, i: int, j: int, k: int) -> float: """ Returns angle specified by three sites. Args: i: Index of first site. j: Index of second site. k: Index of third site. Returns: Angle in degrees. """ v1 = self[i].coords - self[j].coords v2 = self[k].coords - self[j].coords return get_angle(v1, v2, units="degrees")
[docs] def get_dihedral(self, i: int, j: int, k: int, l: int) -> float: """ Returns dihedral angle specified by four sites. Args: i: Index of first site j: Index of second site k: Index of third site l: Index of fourth site Returns: Dihedral angle in degrees. """ v1 = self[k].coords - self[l].coords v2 = self[j].coords - self[k].coords v3 = self[i].coords - self[j].coords v23 = np.cross(v2, v3) v12 = np.cross(v1, v2) return math.degrees(math.atan2(np.linalg.norm(v2) *, v23),, v23)))
[docs] def is_valid(self, tol: float = DISTANCE_TOLERANCE) -> bool: """ True if SiteCollection does not contain atoms that are too close together. Note that the distance definition is based on type of SiteCollection. Cartesian distances are used for non-periodic Molecules, while PBC is taken into account for periodic structures. Args: tol (float): Distance tolerance. Default is 0.5A. Returns: (bool) True if SiteCollection does not contain atoms that are too close together. """ if len(self.sites) == 1: return True all_dists = self.distance_matrix[np.triu_indices(len(self), 1)] return bool(np.min(all_dists) > tol)
[docs] @abstractmethod def to(self, fmt: str = None, filename: str = None): """ Generates well-known string representations of SiteCollections (e.g., molecules / structures). Should return a string type or write to a file. """
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_str(cls, input_string: str, fmt: str): """ Reads in SiteCollection from a string. """
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_file(cls, filename: str): """ Reads in SiteCollection from a filename. """
[docs] def add_site_property(self, property_name: str, values: List): """ Adds a property to a site. Args: property_name (str): The name of the property to add. values (list): A sequence of values. Must be same length as number of sites. """ if len(values) != len(self.sites): raise ValueError("Values must be same length as sites.") for site, val in zip(self.sites, values):[property_name] = val
[docs] def remove_site_property(self, property_name): """ Adds a property to a site. Args: property_name (str): The name of the property to add. """ for site in self.sites: del[property_name]
[docs] def replace_species(self, species_mapping: Dict[str, str]): """ Swap species. Args: species_mapping (dict): dict of species to swap. Species can be elements too. E.g., {Element("Li"): Element("Na")} performs a Li for Na substitution. The second species can be a sp_and_occu dict. For example, a site with 0.5 Si that is passed the mapping {Element('Si): {Element('Ge'):0.75, Element('C'):0.25} } will have .375 Ge and .125 C. """ species_mapping = {get_el_sp(k): v for k, v in species_mapping.items()} sp_to_replace = set(species_mapping.keys()) sp_in_structure = set(self.composition.keys()) if not sp_in_structure.issuperset(sp_to_replace): warnings.warn( "Some species to be substituted are not present in " "structure. Pls check your input. Species to be " "substituted = %s; Species in structure = %s" % (sp_to_replace, sp_in_structure)) for site in self.sites: if sp_to_replace.intersection(site.species): c = Composition() for sp, amt in site.species.items(): new_sp = species_mapping.get(sp, sp) try: c += Composition(new_sp) * amt except Exception: c += {new_sp: amt} site.species = c
[docs] def add_oxidation_state_by_element(self, oxidation_states: Dict[str, float]): """ Add oxidation states. Args: oxidation_states (dict): Dict of oxidation states. E.g., {"Li":1, "Fe":2, "P":5, "O":-2} """ try: for site in self.sites: new_sp = {} for el, occu in site.species.items(): sym = el.symbol new_sp[Specie(sym, oxidation_states[sym])] = occu site.species = Composition(new_sp) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Oxidation state of all elements must be " "specified in the dictionary.")
[docs] def add_oxidation_state_by_site(self, oxidation_states: List[float]): """ Add oxidation states to a structure by site. Args: oxidation_states (list): List of oxidation states. E.g., [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, -2, -2, -2, -2] """ if len(oxidation_states) != len(self.sites): raise ValueError("Oxidation states of all sites must be " "specified.") for site, ox in zip(self.sites, oxidation_states): new_sp = {} for el, occu in site.species.items(): sym = el.symbol new_sp[Specie(sym, ox)] = occu site.species = Composition(new_sp)
[docs] def remove_oxidation_states(self): """ Removes oxidation states from a structure. """ for site in self.sites: new_sp = collections.defaultdict(float) for el, occu in site.species.items(): sym = el.symbol new_sp[Element(sym)] += occu site.species = Composition(new_sp)
[docs] def add_oxidation_state_by_guess(self, **kwargs): """ Decorates the structure with oxidation state, guessing using Composition.oxi_state_guesses() Args: **kwargs: parameters to pass into oxi_state_guesses() """ oxid_guess = self.composition.oxi_state_guesses(**kwargs) oxid_guess = oxid_guess or [{e.symbol: 0 for e in self.composition}] self.add_oxidation_state_by_element(oxid_guess[0])
[docs] def add_spin_by_element(self, spins: Dict[str, float]): """ Add spin states to a structure. Args: spins (dict): Dict of spins associated with elements or species, e.g. {"Ni":+5} or {"Ni2+":5} """ for site in self.sites: new_sp = {} for sp, occu in site.species.items(): sym = sp.symbol oxi_state = getattr(sp, "oxi_state", None) new_sp[Specie(sym, oxidation_state=oxi_state, properties={'spin': spins.get(str(sp), spins.get(sym, None))})] = occu site.species = Composition(new_sp)
[docs] def add_spin_by_site(self, spins: List[float]): """ Add spin states to a structure by site. Args: spins (list): List of spins E.g., [+5, -5, 0, 0] """ if len(spins) != len(self.sites): raise ValueError("Spin of all sites must be " "specified in the dictionary.") for site, spin in zip(self.sites, spins): new_sp = {} for sp, occu in site.species.items(): sym = sp.symbol oxi_state = getattr(sp, "oxi_state", None) new_sp[Specie(sym, oxidation_state=oxi_state, properties={'spin': spin})] = occu site.species = Composition(new_sp)
[docs] def remove_spin(self): """ Removes spin states from a structure. """ for site in self.sites: new_sp = collections.defaultdict(float) for sp, occu in site.species.items(): oxi_state = getattr(sp, "oxi_state", None) new_sp[Specie(sp.symbol, oxidation_state=oxi_state)] += occu site.species = new_sp
[docs] def extract_cluster(self, target_sites: List[Site], **kwargs): r""" Extracts a cluster of atoms based on bond lengths Args: target_sites ([Site]): List of initial sites to nucleate cluster. **kwargs: kwargs passed through to CovalentBond.is_bonded. Returns: [Site/PeriodicSite] Cluster of atoms. """ cluster = list(target_sites) others = [site for site in self if site not in cluster] size = 0 while len(cluster) > size: size = len(cluster) new_others = [] for site in others: for site2 in cluster: if CovalentBond.is_bonded(site, site2, **kwargs): cluster.append(site) break else: new_others.append(site) others = new_others return cluster
[docs]class IStructure(SiteCollection, MSONable): """ Basic immutable Structure object with periodicity. Essentially a sequence of PeriodicSites having a common lattice. IStructure is made to be (somewhat) immutable so that they can function as keys in a dict. To make modifications, use the standard Structure object instead. Structure extends Sequence and Hashable, which means that in many cases, it can be used like any Python sequence. Iterating through a structure is equivalent to going through the sites in sequence. """ def __init__(self, lattice: Union[List, np.ndarray, Lattice], species: Sequence[Union[str, Element, Specie, DummySpecie, Composition]], coords: Sequence[Sequence[float]], charge: float = None, validate_proximity: bool = False, to_unit_cell: bool = False, coords_are_cartesian: bool = False, site_properties: dict = None): """ Create a periodic structure. Args: lattice (Lattice/3x3 array): The lattice, either as a :class:`pymatgen.core.lattice.Lattice` or simply as any 2D array. Each row should correspond to a lattice vector. E.g., [[10,0,0], [20,10,0], [0,0,30]] specifies a lattice with lattice vectors [10,0,0], [20,10,0] and [0,0,30]. species ([Specie]): Sequence of species on each site. Can take in flexible input, including: i. A sequence of element / specie specified either as string symbols, e.g. ["Li", "Fe2+", "P", ...] or atomic numbers, e.g., (3, 56, ...) or actual Element or Specie objects. ii. List of dict of elements/species and occupancies, e.g., [{"Fe" : 0.5, "Mn":0.5}, ...]. This allows the setup of disordered structures. coords (Nx3 array): list of fractional/cartesian coordinates of each species. charge (int): overall charge of the structure. Defaults to behavior in SiteCollection where total charge is the sum of the oxidation states. validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check if there are sites that are less than 0.01 Ang apart. Defaults to False. to_unit_cell (bool): Whether to map all sites into the unit cell, i.e., fractional coords between 0 and 1. Defaults to False. coords_are_cartesian (bool): Set to True if you are providing coordinates in cartesian coordinates. Defaults to False. site_properties (dict): Properties associated with the sites as a dict of sequences, e.g., {"magmom":[5,5,5,5]}. The sequences have to be the same length as the atomic species and fractional_coords. Defaults to None for no properties. """ if len(species) != len(coords): raise StructureError("The list of atomic species must be of the" " same length as the list of fractional" " coordinates.") if isinstance(lattice, Lattice): self._lattice = lattice else: self._lattice = Lattice(lattice) sites = [] for i, sp in enumerate(species): prop = None if site_properties: prop = {k: v[i] for k, v in site_properties.items()} sites.append( PeriodicSite(sp, coords[i], self._lattice, to_unit_cell, coords_are_cartesian=coords_are_cartesian, properties=prop)) self._sites = tuple(sites) if validate_proximity and not self.is_valid(): raise StructureError(("Structure contains sites that are ", "less than 0.01 Angstrom apart!")) self._charge = charge
[docs] @classmethod def from_sites(cls, sites: List[PeriodicSite], charge: float = None, validate_proximity: bool = False, to_unit_cell: bool = False): """ Convenience constructor to make a Structure from a list of sites. Args: sites: Sequence of PeriodicSites. Sites must have the same lattice. charge: Charge of structure. validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check if there are sites that are less than 0.01 Ang apart. Defaults to False. to_unit_cell (bool): Whether to translate sites into the unit cell. Returns: (Structure) Note that missing properties are set as None. """ if len(sites) < 1: raise ValueError("You need at least one site to construct a %s" % cls) prop_keys = [] # type: List[str] props = {} lattice = sites[0].lattice for i, site in enumerate(sites): if site.lattice != lattice: raise ValueError("Sites must belong to the same lattice") for k, v in if k not in prop_keys: prop_keys.append(k) props[k] = [None] * len(sites) props[k][i] = v for k, v in props.items(): if any((vv is None for vv in v)): warnings.warn("Not all sites have property %s. Missing values " "are set to None." % k) return cls(lattice, [site.species for site in sites], [site.frac_coords for site in sites], charge=charge, site_properties=props, validate_proximity=validate_proximity, to_unit_cell=to_unit_cell)
[docs] @classmethod def from_spacegroup(cls, sg: str, lattice: Union[List, np.ndarray, Lattice], species: Sequence[Union[str, Element, Specie, DummySpecie, Composition]], coords: Sequence[Sequence[float]], site_properties: Dict[str, Sequence] = None, coords_are_cartesian: bool = False, tol: float = 1e-5): """ Generate a structure using a spacegroup. Note that only symmetrically distinct species and coords should be provided. All equivalent sites are generated from the spacegroup operations. Args: sg (str/int): The spacegroup. If a string, it will be interpreted as one of the notations supported by pymatgen.symmetry.groups.Spacegroup. E.g., "R-3c" or "Fm-3m". If an int, it will be interpreted as an international number. lattice (Lattice/3x3 array): The lattice, either as a :class:`pymatgen.core.lattice.Lattice` or simply as any 2D array. Each row should correspond to a lattice vector. E.g., [[10,0,0], [20,10,0], [0,0,30]] specifies a lattice with lattice vectors [10,0,0], [20,10,0] and [0,0,30]. Note that no attempt is made to check that the lattice is compatible with the spacegroup specified. This may be introduced in a future version. species ([Specie]): Sequence of species on each site. Can take in flexible input, including: i. A sequence of element / specie specified either as string symbols, e.g. ["Li", "Fe2+", "P", ...] or atomic numbers, e.g., (3, 56, ...) or actual Element or Specie objects. ii. List of dict of elements/species and occupancies, e.g., [{"Fe" : 0.5, "Mn":0.5}, ...]. This allows the setup of disordered structures. coords (Nx3 array): list of fractional/cartesian coordinates of each species. coords_are_cartesian (bool): Set to True if you are providing coordinates in cartesian coordinates. Defaults to False. site_properties (dict): Properties associated with the sites as a dict of sequences, e.g., {"magmom":[5,5,5,5]}. The sequences have to be the same length as the atomic species and fractional_coords. Defaults to None for no properties. tol (float): A fractional tolerance to deal with numerical precision issues in determining if orbits are the same. """ from pymatgen.symmetry.groups import SpaceGroup try: i = int(sg) sgp = SpaceGroup.from_int_number(i) except ValueError: sgp = SpaceGroup(sg) if isinstance(lattice, Lattice): latt = lattice else: latt = Lattice(lattice) if not sgp.is_compatible(latt): raise ValueError( "Supplied lattice with parameters %s is incompatible with " "supplied spacegroup %s!" % (latt.parameters, sgp.symbol) ) if len(species) != len(coords): raise ValueError( "Supplied species and coords lengths (%d vs %d) are " "different!" % (len(species), len(coords)) ) frac_coords = np.array(coords, dtype=np.float) if not coords_are_cartesian else \ latt.get_fractional_coords(coords) props = {} if site_properties is None else site_properties all_sp = [] # type: List[Union[str, Element, Specie, DummySpecie, Composition]] all_coords = [] # type: List[List[float]] all_site_properties = collections.defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, List] for i, (sp, c) in enumerate(zip(species, frac_coords)): cc = sgp.get_orbit(c, tol=tol) all_sp.extend([sp] * len(cc)) all_coords.extend(cc) for k, v in props.items(): all_site_properties[k].extend([v[i]] * len(cc)) return cls(latt, all_sp, all_coords, site_properties=all_site_properties)
[docs] @classmethod def from_magnetic_spacegroup( cls, msg: Union[str, 'MagneticSpaceGroup'], # type: ignore # noqa: F821 lattice: Union[List, np.ndarray, Lattice], species: Sequence[Union[str, Element, Specie, DummySpecie, Composition]], coords: Sequence[Sequence[float]], site_properties: Dict[str, Sequence], coords_are_cartesian: bool = False, tol: float = 1e-5): """ Generate a structure using a magnetic spacegroup. Note that only symmetrically distinct species, coords and magmoms should be provided.] All equivalent sites are generated from the spacegroup operations. Args: msg (str/list/:class:`pymatgen.symmetry.maggroups.MagneticSpaceGroup`): The magnetic spacegroup. If a string, it will be interpreted as one of the notations supported by MagneticSymmetryGroup, e.g., "R-3'c" or "Fm'-3'm". If a list of two ints, it will be interpreted as the number of the spacegroup in its Belov, Neronova and Smirnova (BNS) setting. lattice (Lattice/3x3 array): The lattice, either as a :class:`pymatgen.core.lattice.Lattice` or simply as any 2D array. Each row should correspond to a lattice vector. E.g., [[10,0,0], [20,10,0], [0,0,30]] specifies a lattice with lattice vectors [10,0,0], [20,10,0] and [0,0,30]. Note that no attempt is made to check that the lattice is compatible with the spacegroup specified. This may be introduced in a future version. species ([Specie]): Sequence of species on each site. Can take in flexible input, including: i. A sequence of element / specie specified either as string symbols, e.g. ["Li", "Fe2+", "P", ...] or atomic numbers, e.g., (3, 56, ...) or actual Element or Specie objects. ii. List of dict of elements/species and occupancies, e.g., [{"Fe" : 0.5, "Mn":0.5}, ...]. This allows the setup of disordered structures. coords (Nx3 array): list of fractional/cartesian coordinates of each species. site_properties (dict): Properties associated with the sites as a dict of sequences, e.g., {"magmom":[5,5,5,5]}. The sequences have to be the same length as the atomic species and fractional_coords. Unlike Structure.from_spacegroup(), this argument is mandatory, since magnetic moment information has to be included. Note that the *direction* of the supplied magnetic moment relative to the crystal is important, even if the resulting structure is used for collinear calculations. coords_are_cartesian (bool): Set to True if you are providing coordinates in cartesian coordinates. Defaults to False. tol (float): A fractional tolerance to deal with numerical precision issues in determining if orbits are the same. """ from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Magmom from pymatgen.symmetry.maggroups import MagneticSpaceGroup if 'magmom' not in site_properties: raise ValueError('Magnetic moments have to be defined.') magmoms = [Magmom(m) for m in site_properties['magmom']] if not isinstance(msg, MagneticSpaceGroup): msg = MagneticSpaceGroup(msg) # type: ignore if isinstance(lattice, Lattice): latt = lattice else: latt = Lattice(lattice) if not msg.is_compatible(latt): raise ValueError( "Supplied lattice with parameters %s is incompatible with " "supplied spacegroup %s!" % (latt.parameters, msg.sg_symbol) ) if len(species) != len(coords): raise ValueError( "Supplied species and coords lengths (%d vs %d) are " "different!" % (len(species), len(coords)) ) if len(species) != len(magmoms): raise ValueError( "Supplied species and magmom lengths (%d vs %d) are " "different!" % (len(species), len(magmoms)) ) frac_coords = coords if not coords_are_cartesian else latt.get_fractional_coords(coords) all_sp = [] # type: List[Union[str, Element, Specie, DummySpecie, Composition]] all_coords = [] # type: List[List[float]] all_magmoms = [] # type: List[float] all_site_properties = collections.defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, List] for i, (sp, c, m) in enumerate(zip(species, frac_coords, magmoms)): cc, mm = msg.get_orbit(c, m, tol=tol) all_sp.extend([sp] * len(cc)) all_coords.extend(cc) all_magmoms.extend(mm) for k, v in site_properties.items(): if k != 'magmom': all_site_properties[k].extend([v[i]] * len(cc)) all_site_properties['magmom'] = all_magmoms return cls(latt, all_sp, all_coords, site_properties=all_site_properties)
@property def charge(self): """ Overall charge of the structure """ if self._charge is None: return super().charge return self._charge @property def distance_matrix(self): """ Returns the distance matrix between all sites in the structure. For periodic structures, this should return the nearest image distance. """ return self.lattice.get_all_distances(self.frac_coords, self.frac_coords) @property def sites(self): """ Returns an iterator for the sites in the Structure. """ return self._sites @property def lattice(self): """ Lattice of the structure. """ return self._lattice @property def density(self): """ Returns the density in units of g/cc """ m = Mass(self.composition.weight, "amu") return"g") / (self.volume * Length(1, "ang").to("cm") ** 3)
[docs] def get_space_group_info(self, symprec=1e-2, angle_tolerance=5.0): """ Convenience method to quickly get the spacegroup of a structure. Args: symprec (float): Same definition as in SpacegroupAnalyzer. Defaults to 1e-2. angle_tolerance (float): Same definition as in SpacegroupAnalyzer. Defaults to 5 degrees. Returns: spacegroup_symbol, international_number """ # Import within method needed to avoid cyclic dependency. from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer a = SpacegroupAnalyzer(self, symprec=symprec, angle_tolerance=angle_tolerance) return a.get_space_group_symbol(), a.get_space_group_number()
[docs] def matches(self, other, anonymous=False, **kwargs): """ Check whether this structure is similar to another structure. Basically a convenience method to call structure matching. Args: other (IStructure/Structure): Another structure. **kwargs: Same **kwargs as in :class:`pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher.StructureMatcher`. Returns: (bool) True is the structures are similar under some affine transformation. """ from pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher import StructureMatcher m = StructureMatcher(**kwargs) if not anonymous: return, other) return m.fit_anonymous(self, other)
def __eq__(self, other): if other is self: return True if other is None: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.lattice != other.lattice: return False for site in self: if site not in other: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): # For now, just use the composition hash code. return self.composition.__hash__() def __mul__(self, scaling_matrix): """ Makes a supercell. Allowing to have sites outside the unit cell Args: scaling_matrix: A scaling matrix for transforming the lattice vectors. Has to be all integers. Several options are possible: a. A full 3x3 scaling matrix defining the linear combination the old lattice vectors. E.g., [[2,1,0],[0,3,0],[0,0, 1]] generates a new structure with lattice vectors a' = 2a + b, b' = 3b, c' = c where a, b, and c are the lattice vectors of the original structure. b. An sequence of three scaling factors. E.g., [2, 1, 1] specifies that the supercell should have dimensions 2a x b x c. c. A number, which simply scales all lattice vectors by the same factor. Returns: Supercell structure. Note that a Structure is always returned, even if the input structure is a subclass of Structure. This is to avoid different arguments signatures from causing problems. If you prefer a subclass to return its own type, you need to override this method in the subclass. """ scale_matrix = np.array(scaling_matrix, np.int16) if scale_matrix.shape != (3, 3): scale_matrix = np.array(scale_matrix * np.eye(3), np.int16) new_lattice = Lattice(, self._lattice.matrix)) f_lat = lattice_points_in_supercell(scale_matrix) c_lat = new_lattice.get_cartesian_coords(f_lat) new_sites = [] for site in self: for v in c_lat: s = PeriodicSite( site.species, site.coords + v, new_lattice,, coords_are_cartesian=True, to_unit_cell=False, skip_checks=True) new_sites.append(s) new_charge = self._charge * np.linalg.det(scale_matrix) if self._charge else None return Structure.from_sites(new_sites, charge=new_charge) def __rmul__(self, scaling_matrix): """ Similar to __mul__ to preserve commutativeness. """ return self.__mul__(scaling_matrix) @property def frac_coords(self): """ Fractional coordinates as a Nx3 numpy array. """ return np.array([site.frac_coords for site in self._sites]) @property def volume(self): """ Returns the volume of the structure. """ return self._lattice.volume
[docs] def get_distance(self, i, j, jimage=None): """ Get distance between site i and j assuming periodic boundary conditions. If the index jimage of two sites atom j is not specified it selects the jimage nearest to the i atom and returns the distance and jimage indices in terms of lattice vector translations if the index jimage of atom j is specified it returns the distance between the i atom and the specified jimage atom. Args: i (int): Index of first site j (int): Index of second site jimage: Number of lattice translations in each lattice direction. Default is None for nearest image. Returns: distance """ return self[i].distance(self[j], jimage)
[docs] def get_sites_in_sphere(self, pt: np.array, r: float, include_index: bool = False, include_image: bool = False) \ -> List[Tuple[PeriodicSite, float, Optional[int], Optional[Tuple[int]]]]: """ Find all sites within a sphere from the point, including a site (if any) sitting on the point itself. This includes sites in other periodic images. Algorithm: 1. place sphere of radius r in crystal and determine minimum supercell (parallelpiped) which would contain a sphere of radius r. for this we need the projection of a_1 on a unit vector perpendicular to a_2 & a_3 (i.e. the unit vector in the direction b_1) to determine how many a_1"s it will take to contain the sphere. Nxmax = r * length_of_b_1 / (2 Pi) 2. keep points falling within r. Args: pt (3x1 array): cartesian coordinates of center of sphere. r (float): Radius of sphere. include_index (bool): Whether the non-supercell site index is included in the returned data include_image (bool): Whether to include the supercell image is included in the returned data Returns: [(site, dist) ...] since most of the time, subsequent processing requires the distance. """ site_fcoords = np.mod(self.frac_coords, 1) neighbors = [] # type: List[Tuple[PeriodicSite, float, Optional[int], Optional[Tuple[int]]]] for fcoord, dist, i, img in self._lattice.get_points_in_sphere( site_fcoords, pt, r): nnsite = PeriodicSite(self[i].species, fcoord, self._lattice, properties=self[i].properties, skip_checks=True) # Get the neighbor data nn_data = (nnsite, dist) if not include_index else (nnsite, dist, i) # type: ignore if include_image: nn_data += (img, ) # type: ignore neighbors.append(nn_data) # type: ignore return neighbors
[docs] def get_neighbors(self, site: PeriodicSite, r: float, include_index: bool = False, include_image: bool = False) \ -> List[PeriodicNeighbor]: """ Get all neighbors to a site within a sphere of radius r. Excludes the site itself. Args: site (Site): Which is the center of the sphere. r (float): Radius of sphere. include_index (bool): Deprecated. Now, the non-supercell site index is always included in the returned data. include_image (bool): Deprecated. Now the supercell image is always included in the returned data. Returns: [PeriodicNeighbor] where PeriodicNeighbor is a namedtuple containing (site, distance, index, image). """ return self.get_all_neighbors(r, include_index=include_index, include_image=include_image, sites=[site])[0]
@deprecated(get_neighbors, "This is retained purely for checking purposes.") def get_neighbors_old(self, site, r, include_index=False, include_image=False): """ Get all neighbors to a site within a sphere of radius r. Excludes the site itself. Args: site (Site): Which is the center of the sphere. r (float): Radius of sphere. include_index (bool): Whether the non-supercell site index is included in the returned data include_image (bool): Whether to include the supercell image is included in the returned data Returns: [PeriodicNeighbor] where PeriodicNeighbor is a namedtuple containing (site, distance, index, image). """ nn = self.get_sites_in_sphere(site.coords, r, include_index=include_index, include_image=include_image) return [d for d in nn if site != d[0]] def _get_neighbor_list_py(self, r: float, sites: List[PeriodicSite] = None, numerical_tol: float = 1e-8, exclude_self: bool = True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]: """ A python version of getting neighbor_list. The returned values are a tuple of numpy arrays (center_indices, points_indices, offset_vectors, distances). Atom `center_indices[i]` has neighbor atom `points_indices[i]` that is translated by `offset_vectors[i]` lattice vectors, and the distance is `distances[i]`. Args: r (float): Radius of sphere sites (list of Sites or None): sites for getting all neighbors, default is None, which means neighbors will be obtained for all sites. This is useful in the situation where you are interested only in one subspecies type, and makes it a lot faster. numerical_tol (float): This is a numerical tolerance for distances. Sites which are < numerical_tol are determined to be conincident with the site. Sites which are r + numerical_tol away is deemed to be within r from the site. The default of 1e-8 should be ok in most instances. exclude_self (bool): whether to exclude atom neighboring with itself within numerical tolerance distance, default to True Returns: (center_indices, points_indices, offset_vectors, distances) """ neighbors = self.get_all_neighbors_py(r=r, include_index=True, include_image=True, sites=sites, numerical_tol=1e-8) center_indices = [] points_indices = [] offsets = [] distances = [] for i, nns in enumerate(neighbors): if len(nns) > 0: for n in nns: if exclude_self and (i == n.index) and (n.nn_distance <= numerical_tol): continue center_indices.append(i) points_indices.append(n.index) offsets.append(n.image) distances.append(n.nn_distance) return tuple((np.array(center_indices), np.array(points_indices), np.array(offsets), np.array(distances)))
[docs] def get_neighbor_list(self, r: float, sites: List[PeriodicSite] = None, numerical_tol: float = 1e-8, exclude_self: bool = True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]: """ Get neighbor lists using numpy array representations without constructing Neighbor objects. If the cython extension is installed, this method will be orders of magnitude faster than `get_all_neighbors`. The returned values are a tuple of numpy arrays (center_indices, points_indices, offset_vectors, distances). Atom `center_indices[i]` has neighbor atom `points_indices[i]` that is translated by `offset_vectors[i]` lattice vectors, and the distance is `distances[i]`. Args: r (float): Radius of sphere sites (list of Sites or None): sites for getting all neighbors, default is None, which means neighbors will be obtained for all sites. This is useful in the situation where you are interested only in one subspecies type, and makes it a lot faster. numerical_tol (float): This is a numerical tolerance for distances. Sites which are < numerical_tol are determined to be conincident with the site. Sites which are r + numerical_tol away is deemed to be within r from the site. The default of 1e-8 should be ok in most instances. exclude_self (bool): whether to exclude atom neighboring with itself within numerical tolerance distance, default to True Returns: (center_indices, points_indices, offset_vectors, distances) """ try: from pymatgen.optimization.neighbors import find_points_in_spheres # type: ignore except ImportError: return self._get_neighbor_list_py(r, sites, exclude_self=exclude_self) else: if sites is None: sites = self.sites site_coords = np.array([site.coords for site in sites], dtype=float) cart_coords = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(self.cart_coords), dtype=float) lattice_matrix = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(self.lattice.matrix), dtype=float) r = float(r) center_indices, points_indices, images, distances = \ find_points_in_spheres(cart_coords, site_coords, r=r, pbc=np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype=int), lattice=lattice_matrix, tol=numerical_tol) cond = np.array([True] * len(center_indices)) if exclude_self: self_pair = (center_indices == points_indices) & (distances <= numerical_tol) cond = ~self_pair return tuple((center_indices[cond], points_indices[cond], images[cond], distances[cond]))
[docs] def get_all_neighbors(self, r: float, include_index: bool = False, include_image: bool = False, sites: List[PeriodicSite] = None, numerical_tol: float = 1e-8) -> List[List[PeriodicNeighbor]]: """ Get neighbors for each atom in the unit cell, out to a distance r Returns a list of list of neighbors for each site in structure. Use this method if you are planning on looping over all sites in the crystal. If you only want neighbors for a particular site, use the method get_neighbors as it may not have to build such a large supercell However if you are looping over all sites in the crystal, this method is more efficient since it only performs one pass over a large enough supercell to contain all possible atoms out to a distance r. The return type is a [(site, dist) ...] since most of the time, subsequent processing requires the distance. A note about periodic images: Before computing the neighbors, this operation translates all atoms to within the unit cell (having fractional coordinates within [0,1)). This means that the "image" of a site does not correspond to how much it has been translates from its current position, but which image of the unit cell it resides. Args: r (float): Radius of sphere. include_index (bool): Deprecated. Now, the non-supercell site index is always included in the returned data. include_image (bool): Deprecated. Now the supercell image is always included in the returned data. sites (list of Sites or None): sites for getting all neighbors, default is None, which means neighbors will be obtained for all sites. This is useful in the situation where you are interested only in one subspecies type, and makes it a lot faster. numerical_tol (float): This is a numerical tolerance for distances. Sites which are < numerical_tol are determined to be conincident with the site. Sites which are r + numerical_tol away is deemed to be within r from the site. The default of 1e-8 should be ok in most instances. Returns: [PeriodicNeighbor] where PeriodicNeighbor is a namedtuple containing (site, distance, index, image). """ if sites is None: sites = self.sites center_indices, points_indices, images, distances = \ self.get_neighbor_list(r=r, sites=sites, numerical_tol=numerical_tol) if len(points_indices) < 1: return [[]] * len(sites) f_coords = self.frac_coords[points_indices] + images neighbor_dict: Dict[int, List] = collections.defaultdict(list) lattice = self.lattice atol = Site.position_atol all_sites = self.sites for cindex, pindex, image, f_coord, d in zip(center_indices, points_indices, images, f_coords, distances): psite = all_sites[pindex] csite = sites[cindex] if (d > numerical_tol or # This simply compares the psite and csite. The reason why manual comparison is done is # for speed. This does not check the lattice since they are always equal. Also, the or construct # returns True immediately once one of the conditions are satisfied. psite.species != csite.species or (not np.allclose(psite.coords, csite.coords, atol=atol)) or (not == neighbor_dict[cindex].append(PeriodicNeighbor( species=psite.species, coords=f_coord, lattice=lattice,, nn_distance=d, index=pindex, image=tuple(image))) neighbors: List[List[PeriodicNeighbor]] = [] for i in range(len(sites)): neighbors.append(neighbor_dict[i]) return neighbors
[docs] def get_all_neighbors_py(self, r: float, include_index: bool = False, include_image: bool = False, sites: List[PeriodicSite] = None, numerical_tol: float = 1e-8) \ -> List[List[PeriodicNeighbor]]: """ Get neighbors for each atom in the unit cell, out to a distance r Returns a list of list of neighbors for each site in structure. Use this method if you are planning on looping over all sites in the crystal. If you only want neighbors for a particular site, use the method get_neighbors as it may not have to build such a large supercell However if you are looping over all sites in the crystal, this method is more efficient since it only performs one pass over a large enough supercell to contain all possible atoms out to a distance r. The return type is a [(site, dist) ...] since most of the time, subsequent processing requires the distance. A note about periodic images: Before computing the neighbors, this operation translates all atoms to within the unit cell (having fractional coordinates within [0,1)). This means that the "image" of a site does not correspond to how much it has been translates from its current position, but which image of the unit cell it resides. Args: r (float): Radius of sphere. include_index (bool): Deprecated. Now, the non-supercell site index is always included in the returned data. include_image (bool): Deprecated. Now the supercell image is always included in the returned data. sites (list of Sites or None): sites for getting all neighbors, default is None, which means neighbors will be obtained for all sites. This is useful in the situation where you are interested only in one subspecies type, and makes it a lot faster. numerical_tol (float): This is a numerical tolerance for distances. Sites which are < numerical_tol are determined to be conincident with the site. Sites which are r + numerical_tol away is deemed to be within r from the site. The default of 1e-8 should be ok in most instances. Returns: [PeriodicNeighbor] where PeriodicNeighbor is a namedtuple containing (site, distance, index, image). """ if sites is None: sites = self.sites site_coords = np.array([site.coords for site in sites]) point_neighbors = get_points_in_spheres(self.cart_coords, site_coords, r=r, pbc=True, numerical_tol=numerical_tol, lattice=self.lattice) neighbors: List[List[PeriodicNeighbor]] = [] for point_neighbor, site in zip(point_neighbors, sites): nns: List[PeriodicNeighbor] = [] if len(point_neighbor) < 1: neighbors.append([]) continue for n in point_neighbor: coord, d, index, image = n if (d > numerical_tol) or (self[index] != site): neighbor = PeriodicNeighbor( species=self[index].species, coords=coord, lattice=self.lattice, properties=self[index].properties, nn_distance=d, index=index, image=tuple(image) ) nns.append(neighbor) neighbors.append(nns) return neighbors
@deprecated(get_all_neighbors, "This is retained purely for checking purposes.") def get_all_neighbors_old(self, r, include_index=False, include_image=False, include_site=True): """ Get neighbors for each atom in the unit cell, out to a distance r Returns a list of list of neighbors for each site in structure. Use this method if you are planning on looping over all sites in the crystal. If you only want neighbors for a particular site, use the method get_neighbors as it may not have to build such a large supercell However if you are looping over all sites in the crystal, this method is more efficient since it only performs one pass over a large enough supercell to contain all possible atoms out to a distance r. The return type is a [(site, dist) ...] since most of the time, subsequent processing requires the distance. A note about periodic images: Before computing the neighbors, this operation translates all atoms to within the unit cell (having fractional coordinates within [0,1)). This means that the "image" of a site does not correspond to how much it has been translates from its current position, but which image of the unit cell it resides. Args: r (float): Radius of sphere. include_index (bool): Whether to include the non-supercell site in the returned data include_image (bool): Whether to include the supercell image in the returned data include_site (bool): Whether to include the site in the returned data. Defaults to True. Returns: [Neighbor] where Neighbor is a namedtuple containing (site, distance, index, image). """ # Use same algorithm as get_sites_in_sphere to determine supercell but # loop over all atoms in crystal recp_len = np.array( maxr = np.ceil((r + 0.15) * recp_len / (2 * math.pi)) nmin = np.floor(np.min(self.frac_coords, axis=0)) - maxr nmax = np.ceil(np.max(self.frac_coords, axis=0)) + maxr all_ranges = [np.arange(x, y) for x, y in zip(nmin, nmax)] latt = self._lattice matrix = latt.matrix neighbors = [list() for _ in range(len(self._sites))] all_fcoords = np.mod(self.frac_coords, 1) coords_in_cell =, matrix) site_coords = self.cart_coords indices = np.arange(len(self)) for image in itertools.product(*all_ranges): coords =, matrix) + coords_in_cell all_dists = all_distances(coords, site_coords) all_within_r = np.bitwise_and(all_dists <= r, all_dists > 1e-8) for (j, d, within_r) in zip(indices, all_dists, all_within_r): if include_site: nnsite = PeriodicSite(self[j].species, coords[j], latt, properties=self[j].properties, coords_are_cartesian=True, skip_checks=True) for i in indices[within_r]: item = [] if include_site: item.append(nnsite) item.append(d[i]) if include_index: item.append(j) # Add the image, if requested if include_image: item.append(image) neighbors[i].append(item) return neighbors
[docs] def get_neighbors_in_shell(self, origin, r, dr, include_index=False, include_image=False): """ Returns all sites in a shell centered on origin (coords) between radii r-dr and r+dr. Args: origin (3x1 array): Cartesian coordinates of center of sphere. r (float): Inner radius of shell. dr (float): Width of shell. include_index (bool): Deprecated. Now, the non-supercell site index is always included in the returned data. include_image (bool): Deprecated. Now the supercell image is always included in the returned data. Returns: [NearestNeighbor] where Nearest Neighbor is a named tuple containing (site, distance, index, image). """ outer = self.get_sites_in_sphere(origin, r + dr, include_index=include_index, include_image=include_image) inner = r - dr return [t for t in outer if t[1] > inner]
[docs] def get_sorted_structure(self, key=None, reverse=False): """ Get a sorted copy of the structure. The parameters have the same meaning as in list.sort. By default, sites are sorted by the electronegativity of the species. Args: key: Specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each list element: key=str.lower. The default value is None (compare the elements directly). reverse (bool): If set to True, then the list elements are sorted as if each comparison were reversed. """ sites = sorted(self, key=key, reverse=reverse) return self.__class__.from_sites(sites, charge=self._charge)
[docs] def get_reduced_structure(self, reduction_algo: str = "niggli"): """ Get a reduced structure. Args: reduction_algo (str): The lattice reduction algorithm to use. Currently supported options are "niggli" or "LLL". """ if reduction_algo == "niggli": reduced_latt = self._lattice.get_niggli_reduced_lattice() elif reduction_algo == "LLL": reduced_latt = self._lattice.get_lll_reduced_lattice() else: raise ValueError("Invalid reduction algo : {}" .format(reduction_algo)) if reduced_latt != self.lattice: return self.__class__( # type: ignore reduced_latt, self.species_and_occu, self.cart_coords, coords_are_cartesian=True, to_unit_cell=True, site_properties=self.site_properties, charge=self._charge) return self.copy()
[docs] def copy(self, site_properties=None, sanitize=False): """ Convenience method to get a copy of the structure, with options to add site properties. Args: site_properties (dict): Properties to add or override. The properties are specified in the same way as the constructor, i.e., as a dict of the form {property: [values]}. The properties should be in the order of the *original* structure if you are performing sanitization. sanitize (bool): If True, this method will return a sanitized structure. Sanitization performs a few things: (i) The sites are sorted by electronegativity, (ii) a LLL lattice reduction is carried out to obtain a relatively orthogonalized cell, (iii) all fractional coords for sites are mapped into the unit cell. Returns: A copy of the Structure, with optionally new site_properties and optionally sanitized. """ props = self.site_properties if site_properties: props.update(site_properties) if not sanitize: return self.__class__(self._lattice, self.species_and_occu, self.frac_coords, charge=self._charge, site_properties=props) reduced_latt = self._lattice.get_lll_reduced_lattice() new_sites = [] for i, site in enumerate(self): frac_coords = reduced_latt.get_fractional_coords(site.coords) site_props = {} for p in props: site_props[p] = props[p][i] new_sites.append(PeriodicSite(site.species, frac_coords, reduced_latt, to_unit_cell=True, properties=site_props, skip_checks=True)) new_sites = sorted(new_sites) return self.__class__.from_sites(new_sites, charge=self._charge)
[docs] def interpolate(self, end_structure, nimages: Union[int, Iterable] = 10, interpolate_lattices: bool = False, pbc: bool = True, autosort_tol: float = 0): """ Interpolate between this structure and end_structure. Useful for construction of NEB inputs. Args: end_structure (Structure): structure to interpolate between this structure and end. nimages (int,list): No. of interpolation images or a list of interpolation images. Defaults to 10 images. interpolate_lattices (bool): Whether to interpolate the lattices. Interpolates the lengths and angles (rather than the matrix) so orientation may be affected. pbc (bool): Whether to use periodic boundary conditions to find the shortest path between endpoints. autosort_tol (float): A distance tolerance in angstrom in which to automatically sort end_structure to match to the closest points in this particular structure. This is usually what you want in a NEB calculation. 0 implies no sorting. Otherwise, a 0.5 value usually works pretty well. Returns: List of interpolated structures. The starting and ending structures included as the first and last structures respectively. A total of (nimages + 1) structures are returned. """ # Check length of structures if len(self) != len(end_structure): raise ValueError("Structures have different lengths!") if not (interpolate_lattices or self.lattice == end_structure.lattice): raise ValueError("Structures with different lattices!") if not isinstance(nimages, images = np.arange(nimages + 1) / nimages else: images = nimages # Check that both structures have the same species for i, site in enumerate(self): if site.species != end_structure[i].species: raise ValueError("Different species!\nStructure 1:\n" + str(self) + "\nStructure 2\n" + str(end_structure)) start_coords = np.array(self.frac_coords) end_coords = np.array(end_structure.frac_coords) if autosort_tol: dist_matrix = self.lattice.get_all_distances(start_coords, end_coords) site_mappings = collections.defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[int, List[int]] unmapped_start_ind = [] for i, row in enumerate(dist_matrix): ind = np.where(row < autosort_tol)[0] if len(ind) == 1: site_mappings[i].append(ind[0]) else: unmapped_start_ind.append(i) if len(unmapped_start_ind) > 1: raise ValueError("Unable to reliably match structures " "with auto_sort_tol = %f. unmapped indices " "= %s" % (autosort_tol, unmapped_start_ind)) sorted_end_coords = np.zeros_like(end_coords) matched = [] for i, j in site_mappings.items(): if len(j) > 1: raise ValueError("Unable to reliably match structures " "with auto_sort_tol = %f. More than one " "site match!" % autosort_tol) sorted_end_coords[i] = end_coords[j[0]] matched.append(j[0]) if len(unmapped_start_ind) == 1: i = unmapped_start_ind[0] j = list(set(range(len(start_coords))).difference(matched))[0] # type: ignore sorted_end_coords[i] = end_coords[j] end_coords = sorted_end_coords vec = end_coords - start_coords if pbc: vec -= np.round(vec) sp = self.species_and_occu structs = [] if interpolate_lattices: # interpolate lattice matrices using polar decomposition from scipy.linalg import polar # u is unitary (rotation), p is stretch u, p = polar(, np.linalg.inv(self.lattice.matrix.T))) lvec = p - np.identity(3) lstart = self.lattice.matrix.T for x in images: if interpolate_lattices: l_a = + x * lvec, lstart).T lat = Lattice(l_a) else: lat = self.lattice fcoords = start_coords + x * vec structs.append(self.__class__(lat, sp, fcoords, site_properties=self.site_properties)) # type: ignore return structs
[docs] def get_miller_index_from_site_indexes(self, site_ids, round_dp=4, verbose=True): """ Get the Miller index of a plane from a set of sites indexes. A minimum of 3 sites are required. If more than 3 sites are given the best plane that minimises the distance to all points will be calculated. Args: site_ids (list of int): A list of site indexes to consider. A minimum of three site indexes are required. If more than three sites are provided, the best plane that minimises the distance to all sites will be calculated. round_dp (int, optional): The number of decimal places to round the miller index to. verbose (bool, optional): Whether to print warnings. Returns: (tuple): The Miller index. """ return self.lattice.get_miller_index_from_coords( self.frac_coords[site_ids], coords_are_cartesian=False, round_dp=round_dp, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def get_primitive_structure(self, tolerance=0.25, use_site_props=False, constrain_latt=None): """ This finds a smaller unit cell than the input. Sometimes it doesn"t find the smallest possible one, so this method is recursively called until it is unable to find a smaller cell. NOTE: if the tolerance is greater than 1/2 the minimum inter-site distance in the primitive cell, the algorithm will reject this lattice. Args: tolerance (float), Angstroms: Tolerance for each coordinate of a particular site. For example, [0.1, 0, 0.1] in cartesian coordinates will be considered to be on the same coordinates as [0, 0, 0] for a tolerance of 0.25. Defaults to 0.25. use_site_props (bool): Whether to account for site properties in differntiating sites. constrain_latt (list/dict): List of lattice parameters we want to preserve, e.g. ["alpha", "c"] or dict with the lattice parameter names as keys and values we want the parameters to be e.g. {"alpha": 90, "c": 2.5}. Returns: The most primitive structure found. """ if constrain_latt is None: constrain_latt = [] def site_label(site): if not use_site_props: return site.species_string d = [site.species_string] for k in sorted( d.append(k + "=" + str([k])) return ", ".join(d) # group sites by species string sites = sorted(self._sites, key=site_label) grouped_sites = [ list(a[1]) for a in itertools.groupby(sites, key=site_label)] grouped_fcoords = [np.array([s.frac_coords for s in g]) for g in grouped_sites] # min_vecs are approximate periodicities of the cell. The exact # periodicities from the supercell matrices are checked against these # first min_fcoords = min(grouped_fcoords, key=lambda x: len(x)) min_vecs = min_fcoords - min_fcoords[0] # fractional tolerance in the supercell super_ftol = np.divide(tolerance, super_ftol_2 = super_ftol * 2 def pbc_coord_intersection(fc1, fc2, tol): """ Returns the fractional coords in fc1 that have coordinates within tolerance to some coordinate in fc2 """ d = fc1[:, None, :] - fc2[None, :, :] d -= np.round(d) np.abs(d, d) return fc1[np.any(np.all(d < tol, axis=-1), axis=-1)] # here we reduce the number of min_vecs by enforcing that every # vector in min_vecs approximately maps each site onto a similar site. # The subsequent processing is O(fu^3 * min_vecs) = O(n^4) if we do no # reduction. # This reduction is O(n^3) so usually is an improvement. Using double # the tolerance because both vectors are approximate for g in sorted(grouped_fcoords, key=lambda x: len(x)): for f in g: min_vecs = pbc_coord_intersection(min_vecs, g - f, super_ftol_2) def get_hnf(fu): """ Returns all possible distinct supercell matrices given a number of formula units in the supercell. Batches the matrices by the values in the diagonal (for less numpy overhead). Computational complexity is O(n^3), and difficult to improve. Might be able to do something smart with checking combinations of a and b first, though unlikely to reduce to O(n^2). """ def factors(n): for i in range(1, n + 1): if n % i == 0: yield i for det in factors(fu): if det == 1: continue for a in factors(det): for e in factors(det // a): g = det // a // e yield det, np.array( [[[a, b, c], [0, e, f], [0, 0, g]] for b, c, f in itertools.product(range(a), range(a), range(e))]) # we cant let sites match to their neighbors in the supercell grouped_non_nbrs = [] for gfcoords in grouped_fcoords: fdist = gfcoords[None, :, :] - gfcoords[:, None, :] fdist -= np.round(fdist) np.abs(fdist, fdist) non_nbrs = np.any(fdist > 2 * super_ftol[None, None, :], axis=-1) # since we want sites to match to themselves np.fill_diagonal(non_nbrs, True) grouped_non_nbrs.append(non_nbrs) num_fu = functools.reduce(math.gcd, map(len, grouped_sites)) for size, ms in get_hnf(num_fu): inv_ms = np.linalg.inv(ms) # find sets of lattice vectors that are are present in min_vecs dist = inv_ms[:, :, None, :] - min_vecs[None, None, :, :] dist -= np.round(dist) np.abs(dist, dist) is_close = np.all(dist < super_ftol, axis=-1) any_close = np.any(is_close, axis=-1) inds = np.all(any_close, axis=-1) for inv_m, m in zip(inv_ms[inds], ms[inds]): new_m =, self.lattice.matrix) ftol = np.divide(tolerance, np.sqrt(np.sum(new_m ** 2, axis=1))) valid = True new_coords = [] new_sp = [] new_props = collections.defaultdict(list) for gsites, gfcoords, non_nbrs in zip(grouped_sites, grouped_fcoords, grouped_non_nbrs): all_frac =, m) # calculate grouping of equivalent sites, represented by # adjacency matrix fdist = all_frac[None, :, :] - all_frac[:, None, :] fdist = np.abs(fdist - np.round(fdist)) close_in_prim = np.all(fdist < ftol[None, None, :], axis=-1) groups = np.logical_and(close_in_prim, non_nbrs) # check that groups are correct if not np.all(np.sum(groups, axis=0) == size): valid = False break # check that groups are all cliques for g in groups: if not np.all(groups[g][:, g]): valid = False break if not valid: break # add the new sites, averaging positions added = np.zeros(len(gsites)) new_fcoords = all_frac % 1 for i, group in enumerate(groups): if not added[i]: added[group] = True inds = np.where(group)[0] coords = new_fcoords[inds[0]] for n, j in enumerate(inds[1:]): offset = new_fcoords[j] - coords coords += (offset - np.round(offset)) / (n + 2) new_sp.append(gsites[inds[0]].species) for k in gsites[inds[0]].properties: new_props[k].append(gsites[inds[0]].properties[k]) new_coords.append(coords) if valid: inv_m = np.linalg.inv(m) new_l = Lattice(, self.lattice.matrix)) s = Structure(new_l, new_sp, new_coords, site_properties=new_props, coords_are_cartesian=False) # Default behavior p = s.get_primitive_structure( tolerance=tolerance, use_site_props=use_site_props, constrain_latt=constrain_latt ).get_reduced_structure() if not constrain_latt: return p # Only return primitive structures that # satisfy the restriction condition p_latt, s_latt = p.lattice, self.lattice if type(constrain_latt).__name__ == "list": if all([getattr(p_latt, p) == getattr(s_latt, p) for p in constrain_latt]): return p elif type(constrain_latt).__name__ == "dict": if all([getattr(p_latt, p) == constrain_latt[p] for p in constrain_latt.keys()]): return p return self.copy()
def __repr__(self): outs = ["Structure Summary", repr(self.lattice)] if self._charge: if self._charge >= 0: outs.append("Overall Charge: +{}".format(self._charge)) else: outs.append("Overall Charge: -{}".format(self._charge)) for s in self: outs.append(repr(s)) return "\n".join(outs) def __str__(self): outs = ["Full Formula ({s})".format(s=self.composition.formula), "Reduced Formula: {}".format(self.composition.reduced_formula)] def to_s(x): return "%0.6f" % x outs.append("abc : " + " ".join([to_s(i).rjust(10) for i in])) outs.append("angles: " + " ".join([to_s(i).rjust(10) for i in self.lattice.angles])) if self._charge: if self._charge >= 0: outs.append("Overall Charge: +{}".format(self._charge)) else: outs.append("Overall Charge: -{}".format(self._charge)) outs.append("Sites ({i})".format(i=len(self))) data = [] props = self.site_properties keys = sorted(props.keys()) for i, site in enumerate(self): row = [str(i), site.species_string] row.extend([to_s(j) for j in site.frac_coords]) for k in keys: row.append(props[k][i]) data.append(row) outs.append(tabulate(data, headers=["#", "SP", "a", "b", "c"] + keys, )) return "\n".join(outs)
[docs] def as_dict(self, verbosity=1, fmt=None, **kwargs): """ Dict representation of Structure. Args: verbosity (int): Verbosity level. Default of 1 includes both direct and cartesian coordinates for all sites, lattice parameters, etc. Useful for reading and for insertion into a database. Set to 0 for an extremely lightweight version that only includes sufficient information to reconstruct the object. fmt (str): Specifies a format for the dict. Defaults to None, which is the default format used in pymatgen. Other options include "abivars". **kwargs: Allow passing of other kwargs needed for certain formats, e.g., "abivars". Returns: JSON serializable dict representation. """ if fmt == "abivars": """Returns a dictionary with the ABINIT variables.""" from import structure_to_abivars return structure_to_abivars(self, **kwargs) latt_dict = self._lattice.as_dict(verbosity=verbosity) del latt_dict["@module"] del latt_dict["@class"] d = {"@module": self.__class__.__module__, "@class": self.__class__.__name__, "charge": self._charge, "lattice": latt_dict, "sites": []} for site in self: site_dict = site.as_dict(verbosity=verbosity) del site_dict["lattice"] del site_dict["@module"] del site_dict["@class"] d["sites"].append(site_dict) return d
[docs] def as_dataframe(self): """ Returns a Pandas dataframe of the sites. Structure level attributes are stored in DataFrame.attrs. Example: Species a b c x y z magmom 0 (Si) 0.0 0.0 0.000000e+00 0.0 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5 1 (Si) 0.0 0.0 1.000000e-07 0.0 -2.217138e-07 3.135509e-07 -5 """ data = [] site_properties = self.site_properties prop_keys = list(site_properties.keys()) for site in self: row = [site.species] + list(site.frac_coords) + list(site.coords) for k in prop_keys: row.append( data.append(row) import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Species", "a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"] + prop_keys) df.attrs["Reduced Formula"] = self.composition.reduced_formula df.attrs["Lattice"] = self.lattice return df
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d, fmt=None): """ Reconstitute a Structure object from a dict representation of Structure created using as_dict(). Args: d (dict): Dict representation of structure. Returns: Structure object """ if fmt == "abivars": from import structure_from_abivars return structure_from_abivars(cls=cls, **d) lattice = Lattice.from_dict(d["lattice"]) sites = [PeriodicSite.from_dict(sd, lattice) for sd in d["sites"]] charge = d.get("charge", None) return cls.from_sites(sites, charge=charge)
[docs] def to(self, fmt=None, filename=None, **kwargs): r""" Outputs the structure to a file or string. Args: fmt (str): Format to output to. Defaults to JSON unless filename is provided. If fmt is specifies, it overrides whatever the filename is. Options include "cif", "poscar", "cssr", "json". Non-case sensitive. filename (str): If provided, output will be written to a file. If fmt is not specified, the format is determined from the filename. Defaults is None, i.e. string output. **kwargs: Kwargs passthru to relevant methods. E.g., This allows the passing of parameters like symprec to the CifWriter.__init__ method for generation of symmetric cifs. Returns: (str) if filename is None. None otherwise. """ filename = filename or "" fmt = "" if fmt is None else fmt.lower() fname = os.path.basename(filename) if fmt == "cif" or fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.cif*"): from import CifWriter writer = CifWriter(self, **kwargs) elif fmt == "mcif" or fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.mcif*"): from import CifWriter writer = CifWriter(self, write_magmoms=True, **kwargs) elif fmt == "poscar" or fnmatch(fname, "*POSCAR*"): from import Poscar writer = Poscar(self, **kwargs) elif fmt == "cssr" or fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.cssr*"): from import Cssr writer = Cssr(self, **kwargs) elif fmt == "json" or fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.json"): s = json.dumps(self.as_dict()) if filename: with zopen(filename, "wt") as f: f.write("%s" % s) return s elif fmt == "xsf" or fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.xsf*"): from import XSF s = XSF(self).to_string() if filename: with zopen(fname, "wt", encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(s) return s elif fmt == 'mcsqs' or fnmatch(fname, "**") \ or fnmatch(fname, "**") \ or fnmatch(fname, "*bestsqs*"): from import Mcsqs s = Mcsqs(self).to_string() if filename: with zopen(fname, "wt", encoding='ascii') as f: f.write(s) return s elif fmt == 'prismatic' or fnmatch(fname, "*prismatic*"): from import Prismatic s = Prismatic(self).to_string() return s elif fmt == "yaml" or fnmatch(fname, "*.yaml*") or fnmatch(fname, "*.yml*"): import ruamel.yaml as yaml if filename: with zopen(filename, "wt") as f: yaml.safe_dump(self.as_dict(), f) return None return yaml.safe_dump(self.as_dict()) else: raise ValueError("Invalid format: `%s`" % str(fmt)) if filename: writer.write_file(filename) return None return writer.__str__()
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, input_string, fmt, primitive=False, sort=False, merge_tol=0.0): """ Reads a structure from a string. Args: input_string (str): String to parse. fmt (str): A format specification. primitive (bool): Whether to find a primitive cell. Defaults to False. sort (bool): Whether to sort the sites in accordance to the default ordering criteria, i.e., electronegativity. merge_tol (float): If this is some positive number, sites that are within merge_tol from each other will be merged. Usually 0.01 should be enough to deal with common numerical issues. Returns: IStructure / Structure """ from import CifParser from import Poscar from import Cssr from import XSF from import Mcsqs fmt = fmt.lower() if fmt == "cif": parser = CifParser.from_string(input_string) s = parser.get_structures(primitive=primitive)[0] elif fmt == "poscar": s = Poscar.from_string(input_string, False, read_velocities=False).structure elif fmt == "cssr": cssr = Cssr.from_string(input_string) s = cssr.structure elif fmt == "json": d = json.loads(input_string) s = Structure.from_dict(d) elif fmt == "yaml": import ruamel.yaml as yaml d = yaml.safe_load(input_string) s = Structure.from_dict(d) elif fmt == "xsf": s = XSF.from_string(input_string).structure elif fmt == "mcsqs": s = Mcsqs.structure_from_string(input_string) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized format `%s`!" % fmt) if sort: s = s.get_sorted_structure() if merge_tol: s.merge_sites(merge_tol) return cls.from_sites(s)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, primitive=False, sort=False, merge_tol=0.0): """ Reads a structure from a file. For example, anything ending in a "cif" is assumed to be a Crystallographic Information Format file. Supported formats include CIF, POSCAR/CONTCAR, CHGCAR, LOCPOT, vasprun.xml, CSSR, Netcdf and pymatgen's JSON serialized structures. Args: filename (str): The filename to read from. primitive (bool): Whether to convert to a primitive cell Only available for cifs. Defaults to False. sort (bool): Whether to sort sites. Default to False. merge_tol (float): If this is some positive number, sites that are within merge_tol from each other will be merged. Usually 0.01 should be enough to deal with common numerical issues. Returns: Structure. """ filename = str(filename) if filename.endswith(".nc"): # Read Structure from a netcdf file. from import structure_from_ncdata s = structure_from_ncdata(filename, cls=cls) if sort: s = s.get_sorted_structure() return s from import LMTOCtrl from import Vasprun, Chgcar from import ExcitingInput fname = os.path.basename(filename) with zopen(filename, "rt") as f: contents = if fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.cif*") or fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.mcif*"): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="cif", primitive=primitive, sort=sort, merge_tol=merge_tol) if fnmatch(fname, "*POSCAR*") or fnmatch(fname, "*CONTCAR*") or fnmatch(fname, "*.vasp"): s = cls.from_str(contents, fmt="poscar", primitive=primitive, sort=sort, merge_tol=merge_tol) elif fnmatch(fname, "CHGCAR*") or fnmatch(fname, "LOCPOT*"): s = Chgcar.from_file(filename).structure elif fnmatch(fname, "vasprun*.xml*"): s = Vasprun(filename).final_structure elif fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.cssr*"): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="cssr", primitive=primitive, sort=sort, merge_tol=merge_tol) elif fnmatch(fname, "*.json*") or fnmatch(fname, "*.mson*"): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="json", primitive=primitive, sort=sort, merge_tol=merge_tol) elif fnmatch(fname, "*.yaml*"): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="yaml", primitive=primitive, sort=sort, merge_tol=merge_tol) elif fnmatch(fname, "*.xsf"): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="xsf", primitive=primitive, sort=sort, merge_tol=merge_tol) elif fnmatch(fname, "input*.xml"): return ExcitingInput.from_file(fname).structure elif fnmatch(fname, "**") \ or fnmatch(fname, "**") \ or fnmatch(fname, "*bestsqs*"): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="mcsqs", primitive=primitive, sort=sort, merge_tol=merge_tol) elif fnmatch(fname, "CTRL*"): return LMTOCtrl.from_file(filename=filename).structure else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized file extension!") if sort: s = s.get_sorted_structure() if merge_tol: s.merge_sites(merge_tol) s.__class__ = cls return s
[docs]class IMolecule(SiteCollection, MSONable): """ Basic immutable Molecule object without periodicity. Essentially a sequence of sites. IMolecule is made to be immutable so that they can function as keys in a dict. For a mutable molecule, use the :class:Molecule. Molecule extends Sequence and Hashable, which means that in many cases, it can be used like any Python sequence. Iterating through a molecule is equivalent to going through the sites in sequence. """ def __init__(self, species: Sequence[Union[str, Element, Specie, DummySpecie, Composition]], coords: Sequence[Sequence[float]], charge: float = 0.0, spin_multiplicity: float = None, validate_proximity: bool = False, site_properties: dict = None): """ Creates a Molecule. Args: species: list of atomic species. Possible kinds of input include a list of dict of elements/species and occupancies, a List of elements/specie specified as actual Element/Specie, Strings ("Fe", "Fe2+") or atomic numbers (1,56). coords (3x1 array): list of cartesian coordinates of each species. charge (float): Charge for the molecule. Defaults to 0. spin_multiplicity (int): Spin multiplicity for molecule. Defaults to None, which means that the spin multiplicity is set to 1 if the molecule has no unpaired electrons and to 2 if there are unpaired electrons. validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check if there are sites that are less than 1 Ang apart. Defaults to False. site_properties (dict): Properties associated with the sites as a dict of sequences, e.g., {"magmom":[5,5,5,5]}. The sequences have to be the same length as the atomic species and fractional_coords. Defaults to None for no properties. """ if len(species) != len(coords): raise StructureError(("The list of atomic species must be of the", " same length as the list of fractional ", "coordinates.")) sites = [] for i in range(len(species)): prop = None if site_properties: prop = {k: v[i] for k, v in site_properties.items()} sites.append(Site(species[i], coords[i], properties=prop)) self._sites = tuple(sites) if validate_proximity and not self.is_valid(): raise StructureError(("Molecule contains sites that are ", "less than 0.01 Angstrom apart!")) self._charge = charge nelectrons = 0.0 for site in sites: for sp, amt in site.species.items(): if not isinstance(sp, DummySpecie): nelectrons += sp.Z * amt # type: ignore nelectrons -= charge self._nelectrons = nelectrons if spin_multiplicity: if (nelectrons + spin_multiplicity) % 2 != 1: raise ValueError( "Charge of %d and spin multiplicity of %d is" " not possible for this molecule" % (self._charge, spin_multiplicity)) self._spin_multiplicity = spin_multiplicity else: self._spin_multiplicity = 1 if nelectrons % 2 == 0 else 2 @property def charge(self): """ Charge of molecule """ return self._charge @property def spin_multiplicity(self): """ Spin multiplicity of molecule. """ return self._spin_multiplicity @property def nelectrons(self): """ Number of electrons in the molecule. """ return self._nelectrons @property def center_of_mass(self): """ Center of mass of molecule. """ center = np.zeros(3) total_weight = 0 for site in self: wt = site.species.weight center += site.coords * wt total_weight += wt return center / total_weight @property def sites(self): """ Returns a tuple of sites in the Molecule. """ return self._sites
[docs] @classmethod def from_sites(cls, sites, charge=0, spin_multiplicity=None, validate_proximity=False): """ Convenience constructor to make a Molecule from a list of sites. Args: sites ([Site]): Sequence of Sites. charge (int): Charge of molecule. Defaults to 0. spin_multiplicity (int): Spin multicipity. Defaults to None, in which it is determined automatically. validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check that atoms are too close. """ props = collections.defaultdict(list) for site in sites: for k, v in props[k].append(v) return cls([site.species for site in sites], [site.coords for site in sites], charge=charge, spin_multiplicity=spin_multiplicity, validate_proximity=validate_proximity, site_properties=props)
[docs] def break_bond(self, ind1, ind2, tol=0.2): """ Returns two molecules based on breaking the bond between atoms at index ind1 and ind2. Args: ind1 (int): Index of first site. ind2 (int): Index of second site. tol (float): Relative tolerance to test. Basically, the code checks if the distance between the sites is less than (1 + tol) * typical bond distances. Defaults to 0.2, i.e., 20% longer. Returns: Two Molecule objects representing the two clusters formed from breaking the bond. """ sites = self._sites clusters = [[sites[ind1]], [sites[ind2]]] sites = [site for i, site in enumerate(sites) if i not in (ind1, ind2)] def belongs_to_cluster(site, cluster): for test_site in cluster: if CovalentBond.is_bonded(site, test_site, tol=tol): return True return False while len(sites) > 0: unmatched = [] for site in sites: for cluster in clusters: if belongs_to_cluster(site, cluster): cluster.append(site) break else: unmatched.append(site) if len(unmatched) == len(sites): raise ValueError("Not all sites are matched!") sites = unmatched return (self.__class__.from_sites(cluster) for cluster in clusters)
[docs] def get_covalent_bonds(self, tol=0.2): """ Determines the covalent bonds in a molecule. Args: tol (float): The tol to determine bonds in a structure. See CovalentBond.is_bonded. Returns: List of bonds """ bonds = [] for site1, site2 in itertools.combinations(self._sites, 2): if CovalentBond.is_bonded(site1, site2, tol): bonds.append(CovalentBond(site1, site2)) return bonds
def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False if self.charge != other.charge: return False if self.spin_multiplicity != other.spin_multiplicity: return False for site in self: if site not in other: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): # For now, just use the composition hash code. return self.composition.__hash__() def __repr__(self): outs = ["Molecule Summary"] for s in self: outs.append(s.__repr__()) return "\n".join(outs) def __str__(self): outs = ["Full Formula (%s)" % self.composition.formula, "Reduced Formula: " + self.composition.reduced_formula, "Charge = %s, Spin Mult = %s" % ( self._charge, self._spin_multiplicity), "Sites (%d)" % len(self)] for i, site in enumerate(self): outs.append(" ".join([str(i), site.species_string, " ".join([("%0.6f" % j).rjust(12) for j in site.coords])])) return "\n".join(outs)
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Json-serializable dict representation of Molecule """ d = {"@module": self.__class__.__module__, "@class": self.__class__.__name__, "charge": self._charge, "spin_multiplicity": self._spin_multiplicity, "sites": []} for site in self: site_dict = site.as_dict() del site_dict["@module"] del site_dict["@class"] d["sites"].append(site_dict) return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ Reconstitute a Molecule object from a dict representation created using as_dict(). Args: d (dict): dict representation of Molecule. Returns: Molecule object """ sites = [Site.from_dict(sd) for sd in d["sites"]] charge = d.get("charge", 0) spin_multiplicity = d.get("spin_multiplicity") return cls.from_sites(sites, charge=charge, spin_multiplicity=spin_multiplicity)
[docs] def get_distance(self, i, j): """ Get distance between site i and j. Args: i (int): Index of first site j (int): Index of second site Returns: Distance between the two sites. """ return self[i].distance(self[j])
[docs] def get_sites_in_sphere(self, pt, r): """ Find all sites within a sphere from a point. Args: pt (3x1 array): Cartesian coordinates of center of sphere r (float): Radius of sphere. Returns: [Neighbor] since most of the time, subsequent processing requires the distance. """ neighbors = [] for i, site in enumerate(self._sites): dist = site.distance_from_point(pt) if dist <= r: neighbors.append(Neighbor(site.species, site.coords,, dist, i)) return neighbors
[docs] def get_neighbors(self, site, r): """ Get all neighbors to a site within a sphere of radius r. Excludes the site itself. Args: site (Site): Site at the center of the sphere. r (float): Radius of sphere. Returns: [(site, dist) ...] since most of the time, subsequent processing requires the distance. """ nns = self.get_sites_in_sphere(site.coords, r) return [nn for nn in nns if nn != site]
[docs] def get_neighbors_in_shell(self, origin, r, dr): """ Returns all sites in a shell centered on origin (coords) between radii r-dr and r+dr. Args: origin (3x1 array): Cartesian coordinates of center of sphere. r (float): Inner radius of shell. dr (float): Width of shell. Returns: [(site, dist) ...] since most of the time, subsequent processing requires the distance. """ outer = self.get_sites_in_sphere(origin, r + dr) inner = r - dr return [nn for nn in outer if nn.nn_distance > inner]
[docs] def get_boxed_structure(self, a, b, c, images=(1, 1, 1), random_rotation=False, min_dist=1, cls=None, offset=None, no_cross=False, reorder=True): """ Creates a Structure from a Molecule by putting the Molecule in the center of a orthorhombic box. Useful for creating Structure for calculating molecules using periodic codes. Args: a (float): a-lattice parameter. b (float): b-lattice parameter. c (float): c-lattice parameter. images: No. of boxed images in each direction. Defaults to (1, 1, 1), meaning single molecule with 1 lattice parameter in each direction. random_rotation (bool): Whether to apply a random rotation to each molecule. This jumbles all the molecules so that they are not exact images of each other. min_dist (float): The minimum distance that atoms should be from each other. This is only used if random_rotation is True. The randomized rotations are searched such that no two atoms are less than min_dist from each other. cls: The Structure class to instantiate (defaults to pymatgen structure) offset: Translation to offset molecule from center of mass coords no_cross: Whether to forbid molecule coords from extending beyond boundary of box. reorder: Whether to reorder the sites to be in electronegativity order. Returns: Structure containing molecule in a box. """ if offset is None: offset = np.array([0, 0, 0]) coords = np.array(self.cart_coords) x_range = max(coords[:, 0]) - min(coords[:, 0]) y_range = max(coords[:, 1]) - min(coords[:, 1]) z_range = max(coords[:, 2]) - min(coords[:, 2]) if a <= x_range or b <= y_range or c <= z_range: raise ValueError("Box is not big enough to contain Molecule.") lattice = Lattice.from_parameters(a * images[0], b * images[1], c * images[2], 90, 90, 90) nimages = images[0] * images[1] * images[2] coords = [] centered_coords = self.cart_coords - self.center_of_mass + offset for i, j, k in itertools.product(list(range(images[0])), list(range(images[1])), list(range(images[2]))): box_center = [(i + 0.5) * a, (j + 0.5) * b, (k + 0.5) * c] if random_rotation: while True: op = SymmOp.from_origin_axis_angle( (0, 0, 0), axis=np.random.rand(3), angle=random.uniform(-180, 180)) m = op.rotation_matrix new_coords =, centered_coords.T).T + box_center if no_cross: x_max, x_min = max(new_coords[:, 0]), min(new_coords[:, 0]) y_max, y_min = max(new_coords[:, 1]), min(new_coords[:, 1]) z_max, z_min = max(new_coords[:, 2]), min(new_coords[:, 2]) if x_max > a or x_min < 0 or y_max > b or y_min < 0 or z_max > c or z_min < 0: raise ValueError("Molecule crosses boundary of box.") if len(coords) == 0: break distances = lattice.get_all_distances( lattice.get_fractional_coords(new_coords), lattice.get_fractional_coords(coords)) if np.amin(distances) > min_dist: break else: new_coords = centered_coords + box_center if no_cross: x_max, x_min = max(new_coords[:, 0]), min(new_coords[:, 0]) y_max, y_min = max(new_coords[:, 1]), min(new_coords[:, 1]) z_max, z_min = max(new_coords[:, 2]), min(new_coords[:, 2]) if x_max > a or x_min < 0 or y_max > b or y_min < 0 or z_max > c or z_min < 0: raise ValueError("Molecule crosses boundary of box.") coords.extend(new_coords) sprops = {k: v * nimages for k, v in self.site_properties.items()} if cls is None: cls = Structure if reorder: return cls(lattice, self.species * nimages, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True, site_properties=sprops).get_sorted_structure() else: return cls(lattice, self.species * nimages, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True, site_properties=sprops)
[docs] def get_centered_molecule(self): """ Returns a Molecule centered at the center of mass. Returns: Molecule centered with center of mass at origin. """ center = self.center_of_mass new_coords = np.array(self.cart_coords) - center return self.__class__(self.species_and_occu, new_coords, charge=self._charge, spin_multiplicity=self._spin_multiplicity, site_properties=self.site_properties)
[docs] def to(self, fmt=None, filename=None): """ Outputs the molecule to a file or string. Args: fmt (str): Format to output to. Defaults to JSON unless filename is provided. If fmt is specifies, it overrides whatever the filename is. Options include "xyz", "gjf", "g03", "json". If you have OpenBabel installed, any of the formats supported by OpenBabel. Non-case sensitive. filename (str): If provided, output will be written to a file. If fmt is not specified, the format is determined from the filename. Defaults is None, i.e. string output. Returns: (str) if filename is None. None otherwise. """ from import XYZ from import GaussianInput from import BabelMolAdaptor fmt = "" if fmt is None else fmt.lower() fname = os.path.basename(filename or "") if fmt == "xyz" or fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.xyz*"): writer = XYZ(self) elif any([fmt == r or fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.{}*".format(r)) for r in ["gjf", "g03", "g09", "com", "inp"]]): writer = GaussianInput(self) elif fmt == "json" or fnmatch(fname, "*.json*") or fnmatch(fname, "*.mson*"): if filename: with zopen(filename, "wt", encoding='utf8') as f: return json.dump(self.as_dict(), f) else: return json.dumps(self.as_dict()) elif fmt == "yaml" or fnmatch(fname, "*.yaml*"): import ruamel.yaml as yaml if filename: with zopen(fname, "wt", encoding='utf8') as f: return yaml.safe_dump(self.as_dict(), f) else: return yaml.safe_dump(self.as_dict()) else: m ="\.(pdb|mol|mdl|sdf|sd|ml2|sy2|mol2|cml|mrv)", fname.lower()) if (not fmt) and m: fmt = writer = BabelMolAdaptor(self) return writer.write_file(filename, file_format=fmt) if filename: writer.write_file(filename) return str(writer)
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, input_string, fmt): """ Reads the molecule from a string. Args: input_string (str): String to parse. fmt (str): Format to output to. Defaults to JSON unless filename is provided. If fmt is specifies, it overrides whatever the filename is. Options include "xyz", "gjf", "g03", "json". If you have OpenBabel installed, any of the formats supported by OpenBabel. Non-case sensitive. Returns: IMolecule or Molecule. """ from import XYZ from import GaussianInput if fmt.lower() == "xyz": m = XYZ.from_string(input_string).molecule elif fmt in ["gjf", "g03", "g09", "com", "inp"]: m = GaussianInput.from_string(input_string).molecule elif fmt == "json": d = json.loads(input_string) return cls.from_dict(d) elif fmt == "yaml": import ruamel.yaml as yaml d = yaml.safe_load(input_string) return cls.from_dict(d) else: from import BabelMolAdaptor m = BabelMolAdaptor.from_string(input_string, file_format=fmt).pymatgen_mol return cls.from_sites(m)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): """ Reads a molecule from a file. Supported formats include xyz, gaussian input (gjf|g03|g09|com|inp), Gaussian output (.out|and pymatgen's JSON serialized molecules. Using openbabel, many more extensions are supported but requires openbabel to be installed. Args: filename (str): The filename to read from. Returns: Molecule """ filename = str(filename) from import GaussianOutput with zopen(filename) as f: contents = fname = filename.lower() if fnmatch(fname, "*.xyz*"): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="xyz") if any([fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.{}*".format(r)) for r in ["gjf", "g03", "g09", "com", "inp"]]): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="g09") if any([fnmatch(fname.lower(), "*.{}*".format(r)) for r in ["out", "lis", "log"]]): return GaussianOutput(filename).final_structure if fnmatch(fname, "*.json*") or fnmatch(fname, "*.mson*"): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="json") if fnmatch(fname, "*.yaml*"): return cls.from_str(contents, fmt="yaml") from import BabelMolAdaptor m ="\.(pdb|mol|mdl|sdf|sd|ml2|sy2|mol2|cml|mrv)", filename.lower()) if m: new = BabelMolAdaptor.from_file(filename, new.__class__ = cls return new raise ValueError("Cannot determine file type.")
[docs]class Structure(IStructure, """ Mutable version of structure. """ __hash__ = None # type: ignore def __init__(self, lattice: Union[List, np.ndarray, Lattice], species: Sequence[Union[str, Element, Specie, DummySpecie, Composition]], coords: Sequence[Sequence[float]], charge: float = None, validate_proximity: bool = False, to_unit_cell: bool = False, coords_are_cartesian: bool = False, site_properties: dict = None): """ Create a periodic structure. Args: lattice: The lattice, either as a pymatgen.core.lattice.Lattice or simply as any 2D array. Each row should correspond to a lattice vector. E.g., [[10,0,0], [20,10,0], [0,0,30]] specifies a lattice with lattice vectors [10,0,0], [20,10,0] and [0,0,30]. species: List of species on each site. Can take in flexible input, including: i. A sequence of element / specie specified either as string symbols, e.g. ["Li", "Fe2+", "P", ...] or atomic numbers, e.g., (3, 56, ...) or actual Element or Specie objects. ii. List of dict of elements/species and occupancies, e.g., [{"Fe" : 0.5, "Mn":0.5}, ...]. This allows the setup of disordered structures. coords (Nx3 array): list of fractional/cartesian coordinates of each species. charge (int): overall charge of the structure. Defaults to behavior in SiteCollection where total charge is the sum of the oxidation states. validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check if there are sites that are less than 0.01 Ang apart. Defaults to False. to_unit_cell (bool): Whether to map all sites into the unit cell, i.e., fractional coords between 0 and 1. Defaults to False. coords_are_cartesian (bool): Set to True if you are providing coordinates in cartesian coordinates. Defaults to False. site_properties (dict): Properties associated with the sites as a dict of sequences, e.g., {"magmom":[5,5,5,5]}. The sequences have to be the same length as the atomic species and fractional_coords. Defaults to None for no properties. """ super().__init__( lattice, species, coords, charge=charge, validate_proximity=validate_proximity, to_unit_cell=to_unit_cell, coords_are_cartesian=coords_are_cartesian, site_properties=site_properties) self._sites = list(self._sites) # type: ignore def __setitem__(self, i, site): """ Modify a site in the structure. Args: i (int, [int], slice, Specie-like): Indices to change. You can specify these as an int, a list of int, or a species-like string. site (PeriodicSite/Specie/Sequence): Three options exist. You can provide a PeriodicSite directly (lattice will be checked). Or more conveniently, you can provide a specie-like object or a tuple of up to length 3. Examples: s[0] = "Fe" s[0] = Element("Fe") both replaces the species only. s[0] = "Fe", [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] Replaces site and *fractional* coordinates. Any properties are inherited from current site. s[0] = "Fe", [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], {"spin": 2} Replaces site and *fractional* coordinates and properties. s[(0, 2, 3)] = "Fe" Replaces sites 0, 2 and 3 with Fe. s[0::2] = "Fe" Replaces all even index sites with Fe. s["Mn"] = "Fe" Replaces all Mn in the structure with Fe. This is a short form for the more complex replace_species. s["Mn"] = "Fe0.5Co0.5" Replaces all Mn in the structure with Fe: 0.5, Co: 0.5, i.e., creates a disordered structure! """ if isinstance(i, int): indices = [i] elif isinstance(i, (str, Element, Specie)): self.replace_species({i: site}) return elif isinstance(i, slice): to_mod = self[i] indices = [ii for ii, s in enumerate(self._sites) if s in to_mod] else: indices = list(i) for ii in indices: if isinstance(site, PeriodicSite): if site.lattice != self._lattice: raise ValueError("PeriodicSite added must have same lattice " "as Structure!") if len(indices) != 1: raise ValueError("Site assignments makes sense only for " "single int indices!") self._sites[ii] = site else: if isinstance(site, str) or ( not isinstance(site, self._sites[ii].species = site else: self._sites[ii].species = site[0] if len(site) > 1: self._sites[ii].frac_coords = site[1] if len(site) > 2: self._sites[ii].properties = site[2] def __delitem__(self, i): """ Deletes a site from the Structure. """ self._sites.__delitem__(i) @property def lattice(self): """ :return: Lattice assciated with structure. """ return self._lattice @lattice.setter def lattice(self, lattice): self._lattice = lattice for site in self._sites: site.lattice = lattice
[docs] def append(self, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=False, validate_proximity=False, properties=None): """ Append a site to the structure. Args: species: Species of inserted site coords (3x1 array): Coordinates of inserted site coords_are_cartesian (bool): Whether coordinates are cartesian. Defaults to False. validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check if inserted site is too close to an existing site. Defaults to False. properties (dict): Properties of the site. Returns: New structure with inserted site. """ return self.insert(len(self), species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=coords_are_cartesian, validate_proximity=validate_proximity, properties=properties)
[docs] def insert(self, i, species, coords, coords_are_cartesian=False, validate_proximity=False, properties=None): """ Insert a site to the structure. Args: i (int): Index to insert site species (species-like): Species of inserted site coords (3x1 array): Coordinates of inserted site coords_are_cartesian (bool): Whether coordinates are cartesian. Defaults to False. validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check if inserted site is too close to an existing site. Defaults to False. properties (dict): Properties associated with the site. Returns: New structure with inserted site. """ if not coords_are_cartesian: new_site = PeriodicSite(species, coords, self._lattice, properties=properties) else: frac_coords = self._lattice.get_fractional_coords(coords) new_site = PeriodicSite(species, frac_coords, self._lattice, properties=properties) if validate_proximity: for site in self: if site.distance(new_site) < self.DISTANCE_TOLERANCE: raise ValueError("New site is too close to an existing " "site!") self._sites.insert(i, new_site)
[docs] def replace(self, i, species, coords=None, coords_are_cartesian=False, properties=None): """ Replace a single site. Takes either a species or a dict of species and occupations. Args: i (int): Index of the site in the _sites list. species (species-like): Species of replacement site coords (3x1 array): Coordinates of replacement site. If None, the current coordinates are assumed. coords_are_cartesian (bool): Whether coordinates are cartesian. Defaults to False. properties (dict): Properties associated with the site. """ if coords is None: frac_coords = self[i].frac_coords elif coords_are_cartesian: frac_coords = self._lattice.get_fractional_coords(coords) else: frac_coords = coords new_site = PeriodicSite(species, frac_coords, self._lattice, properties=properties) self._sites[i] = new_site
[docs] def substitute(self, index, func_grp, bond_order=1): """ Substitute atom at index with a functional group. Args: index (int): Index of atom to substitute. func_grp: Substituent molecule. There are two options: 1. Providing an actual Molecule as the input. The first atom must be a DummySpecie X, indicating the position of nearest neighbor. The second atom must be the next nearest atom. For example, for a methyl group substitution, func_grp should be X-CH3, where X is the first site and C is the second site. What the code will do is to remove the index site, and connect the nearest neighbor to the C atom in CH3. The X-C bond indicates the directionality to connect the atoms. 2. A string name. The molecule will be obtained from the relevant template in func_groups.json. bond_order (int): A specified bond order to calculate the bond length between the attached functional group and the nearest neighbor site. Defaults to 1. """ # Find the nearest neighbor that is not a terminal atom. all_non_terminal_nn = [] for nn, dist, _, _ in self.get_neighbors(self[index], 3): # Check that the nn has neighbors within a sensible distance but # is not the site being substituted. for inn, dist2, _, _ in self.get_neighbors(nn, 3): if inn != self[index] and \ dist2 < 1.2 * get_bond_length(nn.specie, inn.specie): all_non_terminal_nn.append((nn, dist)) break if len(all_non_terminal_nn) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't find a non-terminal neighbor to attach" " functional group to.") non_terminal_nn = min(all_non_terminal_nn, key=lambda d: d[1])[0] # Set the origin point to be the coordinates of the nearest # non-terminal neighbor. origin = non_terminal_nn.coords # Pass value of functional group--either from user-defined or from # functional.json if isinstance(func_grp, Molecule): func_grp = func_grp else: # Check to see whether the functional group is in database. if func_grp not in FunctionalGroups: raise RuntimeError("Can't find functional group in list. " "Provide explicit coordinate instead") func_grp = FunctionalGroups[func_grp] # If a bond length can be found, modify func_grp so that the X-group # bond length is equal to the bond length. try: bl = get_bond_length(non_terminal_nn.specie, func_grp[1].specie, bond_order=bond_order) # Catches for case of incompatibility between Element(s) and Specie(s) except TypeError: bl = None if bl is not None: func_grp = func_grp.copy() vec = func_grp[0].coords - func_grp[1].coords vec /= np.linalg.norm(vec) func_grp[0] = "X", func_grp[1].coords + float(bl) * vec # Align X to the origin. x = func_grp[0] func_grp.translate_sites(list(range(len(func_grp))), origin - x.coords) # Find angle between the attaching bond and the bond to be replaced. v1 = func_grp[1].coords - origin v2 = self[index].coords - origin angle = get_angle(v1, v2) if 1 < abs(angle % 180) < 179: # For angles which are not 0 or 180, we perform a rotation about # the origin along an axis perpendicular to both bonds to align # bonds. axis = np.cross(v1, v2) op = SymmOp.from_origin_axis_angle(origin, axis, angle) func_grp.apply_operation(op) elif abs(abs(angle) - 180) < 1: # We have a 180 degree angle. Simply do an inversion about the # origin for i, fg in enumerate(func_grp): func_grp[i] = (fg.species, origin - (fg.coords - origin)) # Remove the atom to be replaced, and add the rest of the functional # group. del self[index] for site in func_grp[1:]: s_new = PeriodicSite(site.species, site.coords, self.lattice, coords_are_cartesian=True) self._sites.append(s_new)
[docs] def remove_species(self, species): """ Remove all occurrences of several species from a structure. Args: species: Sequence of species to remove, e.g., ["Li", "Na"]. """ new_sites = [] species = [get_el_sp(s) for s in species] for site in self._sites: new_sp_occu = {sp: amt for sp, amt in site.species.items() if sp not in species} if len(new_sp_occu) > 0: new_sites.append(PeriodicSite( new_sp_occu, site.frac_coords, self._lattice, self._sites = new_sites
[docs] def remove_sites(self, indices): """ Delete sites with at indices. Args: indices: Sequence of indices of sites to delete. """ self._sites = [s for i, s in enumerate(self._sites) if i not in indices]
[docs] def apply_operation(self, symmop, fractional=False): """ Apply a symmetry operation to the structure and return the new structure. The lattice is operated by the rotation matrix only. Coords are operated in full and then transformed to the new lattice. Args: symmop (SymmOp): Symmetry operation to apply. fractional (bool): Whether the symmetry operation is applied in fractional space. Defaults to False, i.e., symmetry operation is applied in cartesian coordinates. """ if not fractional: self._lattice = Lattice([symmop.apply_rotation_only(row) for row in self._lattice.matrix]) def operate_site(site): new_cart = symmop.operate(site.coords) new_frac = self._lattice.get_fractional_coords(new_cart) return PeriodicSite(site.species, new_frac, self._lattice,, skip_checks=True) else: new_latt =, self._lattice.matrix) self._lattice = Lattice(new_latt) def operate_site(site): return PeriodicSite(site.species, symmop.operate(site.frac_coords), self._lattice,, skip_checks=True) self._sites = [operate_site(s) for s in self._sites]
@deprecated(message="Simply set using Structure.lattice = lattice. This will be removed in pymatgen v2020.") def modify_lattice(self, new_lattice): """ Modify the lattice of the structure. Mainly used for changing the basis. Args: new_lattice (Lattice): New lattice """ self._lattice = new_lattice for site in self._sites: site.lattice = new_lattice
[docs] def apply_strain(self, strain): """ Apply a strain to the lattice. Args: strain (float or list): Amount of strain to apply. Can be a float, or a sequence of 3 numbers. E.g., 0.01 means all lattice vectors are increased by 1%. This is equivalent to calling modify_lattice with a lattice with lattice parameters that are 1% larger. """ s = (1 + np.array(strain)) * np.eye(3) self.lattice = Lattice(, s).T)
[docs] def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False): """ Sort a structure in place. The parameters have the same meaning as in list.sort. By default, sites are sorted by the electronegativity of the species. The difference between this method and get_sorted_structure (which also works in IStructure) is that the latter returns a new Structure, while this just sorts the Structure in place. Args: key: Specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each list element: key=str.lower. The default value is None (compare the elements directly). reverse (bool): If set to True, then the list elements are sorted as if each comparison were reversed. """ self._sites.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
[docs] def translate_sites(self, indices, vector, frac_coords=True, to_unit_cell=True): """ Translate specific sites by some vector, keeping the sites within the unit cell. Args: indices: Integer or List of site indices on which to perform the translation. vector: Translation vector for sites. frac_coords (bool): Whether the vector corresponds to fractional or cartesian coordinates. to_unit_cell (bool): Whether new sites are transformed to unit cell """ if not isinstance(indices, indices = [indices] for i in indices: site = self._sites[i] if frac_coords: fcoords = site.frac_coords + vector else: fcoords = self._lattice.get_fractional_coords( site.coords + vector) if to_unit_cell: fcoords = np.mod(fcoords, 1) self._sites[i].frac_coords = fcoords
[docs] def rotate_sites(self, indices=None, theta=0, axis=None, anchor=None, to_unit_cell=True): """ Rotate specific sites by some angle around vector at anchor. Args: indices (list): List of site indices on which to perform the translation. theta (float): Angle in radians axis (3x1 array): Rotation axis vector. anchor (3x1 array): Point of rotation. to_unit_cell (bool): Whether new sites are transformed to unit cell """ from numpy.linalg import norm from numpy import cross, eye from scipy.linalg import expm if indices is None: indices = range(len(self)) if axis is None: axis = [0, 0, 1] if anchor is None: anchor = [0, 0, 0] anchor = np.array(anchor) axis = np.array(axis) theta %= 2 * np.pi rm = expm(cross(eye(3), axis / norm(axis)) * theta) for i in indices: site = self._sites[i] coords = ((, np.array(site.coords - anchor).T)).T + anchor).ravel() new_site = PeriodicSite( site.species, coords, self._lattice, to_unit_cell=to_unit_cell, coords_are_cartesian=True,, skip_checks=True) self._sites[i] = new_site
[docs] def perturb(self, distance, min_distance=None): """ Performs a random perturbation of the sites in a structure to break symmetries. Args: distance (float): Distance in angstroms by which to perturb each site. min_distance (None, int, or float): if None, all displacements will be equal amplitude. If int or float, perturb each site a distance drawn from the uniform distribution between 'min_distance' and 'distance'. """ def get_rand_vec(): # deals with zero vectors. vector = np.random.randn(3) vnorm = np.linalg.norm(vector) dist = distance if isinstance(min_distance, (float, int)): dist = np.random.uniform(min_distance, dist) return vector / vnorm * dist if vnorm != 0 else get_rand_vec() for i in range(len(self._sites)): self.translate_sites([i], get_rand_vec(), frac_coords=False)
[docs] def make_supercell(self, scaling_matrix, to_unit_cell=True): """ Create a supercell. Args: scaling_matrix: A scaling matrix for transforming the lattice vectors. Has to be all integers. Several options are possible: a. A full 3x3 scaling matrix defining the linear combination the old lattice vectors. E.g., [[2,1,0],[0,3,0],[0,0, 1]] generates a new structure with lattice vectors a' = 2a + b, b' = 3b, c' = c where a, b, and c are the lattice vectors of the original structure. b. An sequence of three scaling factors. E.g., [2, 1, 1] specifies that the supercell should have dimensions 2a x b x c. c. A number, which simply scales all lattice vectors by the same factor. to_unit_cell: Whether or not to fall back sites into the unit cell """ s = self * scaling_matrix if to_unit_cell: for site in s: site.to_unit_cell(in_place=True) self._sites = s.sites self._lattice = s.lattice
[docs] def scale_lattice(self, volume): """ Performs a scaling of the lattice vectors so that length proportions and angles are preserved. Args: volume (float): New volume of the unit cell in A^3. """ self.lattice = self._lattice.scale(volume)
[docs] def merge_sites(self, tol=0.01, mode="sum"): """ Merges sites (adding occupancies) within tol of each other. Removes site properties. Args: tol (float): Tolerance for distance to merge sites. mode (str): Three modes supported. "delete" means duplicate sites are deleted. "sum" means the occupancies are summed for the sites. "average" means that the site is deleted but the properties are averaged Only first letter is considered. """ mode = mode.lower()[0] from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster, linkage d = self.distance_matrix np.fill_diagonal(d, 0) clusters = fcluster(linkage(squareform((d + d.T) / 2)), tol, 'distance') sites = [] for c in np.unique(clusters): inds = np.where(clusters == c)[0] species = self[inds[0]].species coords = self[inds[0]].frac_coords props = self[inds[0]].properties for n, i in enumerate(inds[1:]): sp = self[i].species if mode == "s": species += sp offset = self[i].frac_coords - coords coords = coords + ((offset - np.round(offset)) / (n + 2)).astype( coords.dtype) for key in props.keys(): if props[key] is not None and self[i].properties[key] != props[key]: if mode == 'a' and isinstance(props[key], float): # update a running total props[key] = props[key] * (n + 1) / (n + 2) + self[i].properties[key] / (n + 2) else: props[key] = None warnings.warn("Sites with different site property %s are merged. " "So property is set to none" % key) sites.append(PeriodicSite(species, coords, self.lattice, properties=props)) self._sites = sites
[docs] def set_charge(self, new_charge: float = 0.): """ Sets the overall structure charge Args: new_charge (float): new charge to set """ self._charge = new_charge
[docs]class Molecule(IMolecule, """ Mutable Molecule. It has all the methods in IMolecule, but in addition, it allows a user to perform edits on the molecule. """ __hash__ = None # type: ignore def __init__(self, species: Sequence[Union[str, Element, Specie, DummySpecie, Composition]], coords: Sequence[Sequence[float]], charge: float = 0.0, spin_multiplicity: float = None, validate_proximity: bool = False, site_properties: dict = None): """ Creates a MutableMolecule. Args: species: list of atomic species. Possible kinds of input include a list of dict of elements/species and occupancies, a List of elements/specie specified as actual Element/Specie, Strings ("Fe", "Fe2+") or atomic numbers (1,56). coords (3x1 array): list of cartesian coordinates of each species. charge (float): Charge for the molecule. Defaults to 0. spin_multiplicity (int): Spin multiplicity for molecule. Defaults to None, which means that the spin multiplicity is set to 1 if the molecule has no unpaired electrons and to 2 if there are unpaired electrons. validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check if there are sites that are less than 1 Ang apart. Defaults to False. site_properties (dict): Properties associated with the sites as a dict of sequences, e.g., {"magmom":[5,5,5,5]}. The sequences have to be the same length as the atomic species and fractional_coords. Defaults to None for no properties. """ super().__init__(species, coords, charge=charge, spin_multiplicity=spin_multiplicity, validate_proximity=validate_proximity, site_properties=site_properties) self._sites = list(self._sites) # type: ignore def __setitem__(self, i, site): """ Modify a site in the molecule. Args: i (int, [int], slice, Specie-like): Indices to change. You can specify these as an int, a list of int, or a species-like string. site (PeriodicSite/Specie/Sequence): Three options exist. You can provide a Site directly, or for convenience, you can provide simply a Specie-like string/object, or finally a (Specie, coords) sequence, e.g., ("Fe", [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]). """ if isinstance(i, int): indices = [i] elif isinstance(i, (str, Element, Specie)): self.replace_species({i: site}) return elif isinstance(i, slice): to_mod = self[i] indices = [ii for ii, s in enumerate(self._sites) if s in to_mod] else: indices = list(i) for ii in indices: if isinstance(site, Site): self._sites[ii] = site else: if isinstance(site, str) or ( not isinstance(site, self._sites[ii].species = site else: self._sites[ii].species = site[0] if len(site) > 1: self._sites[ii].coords = site[1] if len(site) > 2: self._sites[ii].properties = site[2] def __delitem__(self, i): """ Deletes a site from the Structure. """ self._sites.__delitem__(i)
[docs] def append(self, species, coords, validate_proximity=True, properties=None): """ Appends a site to the molecule. Args: species: Species of inserted site coords: Coordinates of inserted site validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check if inserted site is too close to an existing site. Defaults to True. properties (dict): A dict of properties for the Site. Returns: New molecule with inserted site. """ return self.insert(len(self), species, coords, validate_proximity=validate_proximity, properties=properties)
[docs] def set_charge_and_spin(self, charge: float, spin_multiplicity: Optional[float] = None): """ Set the charge and spin multiplicity. Args: charge (int): Charge for the molecule. Defaults to 0. spin_multiplicity (int): Spin multiplicity for molecule. Defaults to None, which means that the spin multiplicity is set to 1 if the molecule has no unpaired electrons and to 2 if there are unpaired electrons. """ self._charge = charge nelectrons = 0.0 for site in self._sites: for sp, amt in site.species.items(): if not isinstance(sp, DummySpecie): nelectrons += sp.Z * amt nelectrons -= charge self._nelectrons = nelectrons if spin_multiplicity: if (nelectrons + spin_multiplicity) % 2 != 1: raise ValueError( "Charge of {} and spin multiplicity of {} is" " not possible for this molecule".format( self._charge, spin_multiplicity)) self._spin_multiplicity = spin_multiplicity else: self._spin_multiplicity = 1 if nelectrons % 2 == 0 else 2
[docs] def insert(self, i, species, coords, validate_proximity=False, properties=None): """ Insert a site to the molecule. Args: i (int): Index to insert site species: species of inserted site coords (3x1 array): coordinates of inserted site validate_proximity (bool): Whether to check if inserted site is too close to an existing site. Defaults to True. properties (dict): Dict of properties for the Site. Returns: New molecule with inserted site. """ new_site = Site(species, coords, properties=properties) if validate_proximity: for site in self: if site.distance(new_site) < self.DISTANCE_TOLERANCE: raise ValueError("New site is too close to an existing " "site!") self._sites.insert(i, new_site)
[docs] def remove_species(self, species): """ Remove all occurrences of a species from a molecule. Args: species: Species to remove. """ new_sites = [] species = [get_el_sp(sp) for sp in species] for site in self._sites: new_sp_occu = {sp: amt for sp, amt in site.species.items() if sp not in species} if len(new_sp_occu) > 0: new_sites.append(Site(new_sp_occu, site.coords, self._sites = new_sites
[docs] def remove_sites(self, indices): """ Delete sites with at indices. Args: indices: Sequence of indices of sites to delete. """ self._sites = [self._sites[i] for i in range(len(self._sites)) if i not in indices]
[docs] def translate_sites(self, indices=None, vector=None): """ Translate specific sites by some vector, keeping the sites within the unit cell. Args: indices (list): List of site indices on which to perform the translation. vector (3x1 array): Translation vector for sites. """ if indices is None: indices = range(len(self)) if vector is None: vector == [0, 0, 0] for i in indices: site = self._sites[i] new_site = Site(site.species, site.coords + vector, self._sites[i] = new_site
[docs] def rotate_sites(self, indices=None, theta=0, axis=None, anchor=None): """ Rotate specific sites by some angle around vector at anchor. Args: indices (list): List of site indices on which to perform the translation. theta (float): Angle in radians axis (3x1 array): Rotation axis vector. anchor (3x1 array): Point of rotation. """ from numpy.linalg import norm from numpy import cross, eye from scipy.linalg import expm if indices is None: indices = range(len(self)) if axis is None: axis = [0, 0, 1] if anchor is None: anchor = [0, 0, 0] anchor = np.array(anchor) axis = np.array(axis) theta %= 2 * np.pi rm = expm(cross(eye(3), axis / norm(axis)) * theta) for i in indices: site = self._sites[i] s = ((, (site.coords - anchor).T)).T + anchor).ravel() new_site = Site(site.species, s, self._sites[i] = new_site
[docs] def perturb(self, distance): """ Performs a random perturbation of the sites in a structure to break symmetries. Args: distance (float): Distance in angstroms by which to perturb each site. """ def get_rand_vec(): # deals with zero vectors. vector = np.random.randn(3) vnorm = np.linalg.norm(vector) return vector / vnorm * distance if vnorm != 0 else get_rand_vec() for i in range(len(self._sites)): self.translate_sites([i], get_rand_vec())
[docs] def apply_operation(self, symmop): """ Apply a symmetry operation to the molecule. Args: symmop (SymmOp): Symmetry operation to apply. """ def operate_site(site): new_cart = symmop.operate(site.coords) return Site(site.species, new_cart, self._sites = [operate_site(s) for s in self._sites]
[docs] def copy(self): """ Convenience method to get a copy of the molecule. Returns: A copy of the Molecule. """ return self.__class__.from_sites(self)
[docs] def substitute(self, index, func_grp, bond_order=1): """ Substitute atom at index with a functional group. Args: index (int): Index of atom to substitute. func_grp: Substituent molecule. There are two options: 1. Providing an actual molecule as the input. The first atom must be a DummySpecie X, indicating the position of nearest neighbor. The second atom must be the next nearest atom. For example, for a methyl group substitution, func_grp should be X-CH3, where X is the first site and C is the second site. What the code will do is to remove the index site, and connect the nearest neighbor to the C atom in CH3. The X-C bond indicates the directionality to connect the atoms. 2. A string name. The molecule will be obtained from the relevant template in func_groups.json. bond_order (int): A specified bond order to calculate the bond length between the attached functional group and the nearest neighbor site. Defaults to 1. """ # Find the nearest neighbor that is not a terminal atom. all_non_terminal_nn = [] for nn in self.get_neighbors(self[index], 3): # Check that the nn has neighbors within a sensible distance but # is not the site being substituted. for nn2 in self.get_neighbors(nn, 3): if nn2 != self[index] and nn2.nn_distance < 1.2 * get_bond_length(nn.specie, nn2.specie): all_non_terminal_nn.append(nn) break if len(all_non_terminal_nn) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't find a non-terminal neighbor to attach" " functional group to.") non_terminal_nn = min(all_non_terminal_nn, key=lambda nn: nn.nn_distance) # Set the origin point to be the coordinates of the nearest # non-terminal neighbor. origin = non_terminal_nn.coords # Pass value of functional group--either from user-defined or from # functional.json if isinstance(func_grp, Molecule): func_grp = func_grp else: # Check to see whether the functional group is in database. if func_grp not in FunctionalGroups: raise RuntimeError("Can't find functional group in list. " "Provide explicit coordinate instead") func_grp = FunctionalGroups[func_grp] # If a bond length can be found, modify func_grp so that the X-group # bond length is equal to the bond length. bl = get_bond_length(non_terminal_nn.specie, func_grp[1].specie, bond_order=bond_order) if bl is not None: func_grp = func_grp.copy() vec = func_grp[0].coords - func_grp[1].coords vec /= np.linalg.norm(vec) func_grp[0] = "X", func_grp[1].coords + float(bl) * vec # Align X to the origin. x = func_grp[0] func_grp.translate_sites(list(range(len(func_grp))), origin - x.coords) # Find angle between the attaching bond and the bond to be replaced. v1 = func_grp[1].coords - origin v2 = self[index].coords - origin angle = get_angle(v1, v2) if 1 < abs(angle % 180) < 179: # For angles which are not 0 or 180, we perform a rotation about # the origin along an axis perpendicular to both bonds to align # bonds. axis = np.cross(v1, v2) op = SymmOp.from_origin_axis_angle(origin, axis, angle) func_grp.apply_operation(op) elif abs(abs(angle) - 180) < 1: # We have a 180 degree angle. Simply do an inversion about the # origin for i, fg in enumerate(func_grp): func_grp[i] = (fg.species, origin - (fg.coords - origin)) # Remove the atom to be replaced, and add the rest of the functional # group. del self[index] for site in func_grp[1:]: self._sites.append(site)
[docs]class StructureError(Exception): """ Exception class for Structure. Raised when the structure has problems, e.g., atoms that are too close. """ pass
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "func_groups.json"), "rt") as f: FunctionalGroups = {k: Molecule(v["species"], v["coords"]) for k, v in json.load(f).items()}