New To App Inventor?

You've just heard about App Inventor and don't know where to start. Use the table below for links to great resources for newbies like yourself.

Question(s) Resource Name Description
What is App Inventor? What is App Inventor A brief overview and introduction to App Inventor using text and images
How do I get started? Setup Guide| Getting Started Guide A helpful guide on how to setup your device and computer to use MIT App Inventor and a guide on how to understand different components, blocks, and concepts.
How do I build an app? Tutorials Learn how to make apps by completing our intro tutorials to learn the basics. We recommend that you start by completing HelloPurr, Magic 8 Ball, MoleMash, & PaintPot.
What are blocks and components? Understanding Blocks | Reference Documentation
Support pages that guide new users on App Inventor terminology and essential parts.
What materials can I use with students? Curricula | Concept Cards A set of flashcards with intro to App Inventor coding excerpts and programming concepts