Help test the MIT prototype App Inventor Service

The Center for Mobile Learning is planning to deploy a public App Inventor service some time in the first quarter of 2012, to replace the service that Google will be turning off at the end of December. We've just launched an experimental prototype, and we're looking for people to help test the service. We'll start by opening the service to a small number of testers, and we'll add more testers as we gain experience over the next several weeks.

Keep in mind that this is an experimental prototype, not suitable for serious use like teaching classes in the interim period before the MIT service is formally released. For that kind of interim use, please see Running Your own App Inventor Service.

We expect the prototype service to be up and down without warning, and to be unreliable about saving user apps. If you can tolerate that kind of unreliability, we'd appreciate you helping us test. The better we test, the sooner we can make the new service publicly available.

To apply to be a tester, please fill out this form.