Lesson 2: Paint Pic - Teacher's Guide

This lesson has three sections plus a discussion guide: Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Discussion Guide | Teacher Guide

Teacher Notes

Students should be encouraged to play around and try their own ideas out (e.g., adding more colors or using different pictures etc). They do not have to follow this tutorial to the letter. Ask them to extend the app in some way and let them try to implement their own ideas.

Suggestions for further exploration

  • Use the light sensor to clear the canvas
  • Send the painted image through SMS by using the Texting component under the Social palette in the Designer
  • Use the Camera component to have the app take a new picture and use it as the canvas

Similar apps to try

  • American Flag: This interactive drawing app is similar to Paint Pot or Paint Me with additional features.
  • Summation App: This simple calculation app uses basic conditionals and math components.
  • Quiz Me: This is a trivia game about baseball, but you can use it as a template to build quizzes on any topic. It is a little bit more advanced than the example apps above.

Example Curriculum

Paint Pot chapter in the Six-week High School Curriculum.

Solution for the Challenge

To change the default color of the Canvas, you need to change it in the Designer.

Highlight the DrawingCanvas component under the Components palette (#1), and change the PaintColor to be pink or any color you like (#2).

Done! Test the app out with your phone.

Return to module one.