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Hog Wild for App Inventor!

Hello App Inventors, Things are moving right along here at the MIT Center for Mobile Learning. The community continues to grow and we have now topped the 90,000 mark for the number unique accounts on the App Inventor service! We have several initiatives underway to bring you new materials and learning opportunities. Stay tuned to this blog and to our Educators' forum for updates. Today I'd like to share an entertaining story...

"A science lab doesn't need to have a ceiling... a science lab doesn't even need to have walls!"... Gina Hall McCarley, an Alabama high school teacher, shared a wonderful story highlighting the usefulness of App Inventor as a tool for science exploration: tracking wildlife in a local forest. Using App Inventor, students programmed a simple data collection tool for documenting wild hog populations, to help scientists better understand a local environmental issue that has real-world implications.

Read more on the App Inventor stories pages, share these stories with other educators, and become inspired to help students create their own mobile tools for deepening learning across the curriculum. Do you have a story to share? Send it to us!