Youth Radio's Mobile Action Lab: An Emerging Curriculum

We are Youth Radio's Mobile Action Lab, a 2010 winner of the MacArthur Foundation's Digital Media and Learning global competition.

Our charge: Oakland, California based young people partner with pro developers and entrepreneurs to propose, design, develop, and market apps that serve community needs.

At Youth Radio, we wanted to build on what we’re best known for: producing award-winning media stories by young people for global outlets including , The Huffington Post, and iTunes’ Public Radio Player. Our Lab's approach applies everything we've learned from working with youth to produce stories. That means young people drive the creative process, and youth-adult collaboration is key. We believe that it’s not enough for young people to use existing digital platforms. They need to be the ones creating the online and mobile tools that increasingly determine who knows what, how news travels, and what makes change possible. That’s the basis of our work and this curriculum.

Grade Level: 

  • 9-12

Difficulty Level: 

  • Basic
  • Intermediate


  • Computer Science
  • Entrepreneurship

Resource Type: 

  • Curriculum