
Welcome to App Inventor's official tutorials!

Below is a list of tutorials to help you learn about App Inventor and its various components. You can use use the filter below to sort through tutorial topics by simply checking the appropriate boxes and clicking "Filter". To restore the default sorting, click "Reset".

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PicCall illustrates how to create applications that use the phone's functionality. This application lets you select people from your contact list and display their pictures. When you press a picture picture, the phone calls that person.

PaintPot (Part 2) for App Inventor 2

This is a continuation of Paint Pot (Part 1). Be sure to complete that tutorial before attempting this one.

PaintPot (Part 1) for App Inventor 2

PaintPot lets you scribble in different colors by touching the screen to draw dots and lines. Concepts introduced in this project include: Canvas components for drawing; event handlers that take arguments, including touch and drag events; and Arrangement components for controlling screen layout. Part 2 extends the project to draw dots of different sizes, as an introduction to global variables. Variation: PaintPic extends this app to use the camera component to take a new picture for drawing upon. This version of the tutorial is for use with App Inventor 2.

PaintPot (Part 1)

PaintPot lets you scribble in different colors by touching the screen to draw dots and lines. Concepts introduced in this project include: Canvas components for drawing; event handlers that take arguments, including touch and drag events; and Arrangement components for controlling screen layout. Part 2 extends the project to draw dots of different sizes, as an introduction to global variables. Variation: PaintPic extends this app to use the camera component to take a new picture for drawing upon.

No Text While Driving (Part 2)

You know that texting while driving is dangerous, so you've created and installed the No Text While Driving app on your phone. Now, when you drive you open that app and let it auto-respond to incoming texts. But the jingle of the texts coming in is killing you with curiosity-- wouldn't it be great if you could hear the texts spoken aloud? With Part II of the tutorial, you'll extend the app so that it speaks out both the message and who sent it. And since you're making some changes anyway, you'll modify the auto-response so it reports your whereabouts in the reply: "Sorry, I'm driving and I'm at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue". Before completing this tutorial you should complete part I.

No Text While Driving

This tutorial demonstrates how an app can respond to text messages automatically. You'll build an app that sends back a response when a text message is received. The idea for the app came from University of San Franciso student Daniel Finnegan.

MoleMash for App Inventor 2

In the arcade game Whac-a-Mole TM , a "mole" pops up at random positions on a playing field, and the user score points by hitting the mole with a mallet. This is a similar game that uses the touchscreen. This tutorial introduces: image sprites, timers, and procedures.

MoleMash 2 for App Inventor 2

MoleMash2 provides an alternative implementation of the classic boardwalk game that demonstrates how to use the Advanced features in the Blocks Editor and how to layer Sprites.

MoleMash 2

MoleMash2 provides an alternative implementation of the classic boardwalk game that demonstrates how to use the Advanced features in the Blocks Editor and how to layer Sprites.


In the arcade game Whac-a-Mole TM , a "mole" pops up at random positions on a playing field, and the user score points by hitting the mole with a mallet. This is a similar game that uses the touchscreen. This tutorial introduces: image sprites, timers, and procedures.

