SoMove: Update #4

This past week we continued to heavily discuss what kind of content to include on our website.  Puck provided us documents with specific events of infiltration – these are the stories we thought we would focus on towards the beginning of CoDesign.  However, after looking at the different personas of users and our timeline, we decided we wanted to make the interface more interactive than a display of information.

We’d like people to be able to submit their own stories online, and we want to be able to display those stories in an accessible way.  We are thinking of having people tag their stories with certain key words that will allow us to categorize events by date, location, target group, infiltrator, and so on.  Also, stories do not have to be just text based – people can submit audio files, videos, or other forms of media as well.

We are currently finalizing a timeline for all of our plans and completing our proposal and working agreement.  Next on the todo list is coming up with creative layouts for the interactive site, and then hopefully choosing the best elements to stick with.