Intro: benjamin melançon of Agaric

I’m a member of Agaric, a worker-owned, cooperatively-run web development company which uses and contributes to Free Software, mostly Drupal and Django.  I’m not a designer and look forward to improving my design-writ-large skills in this course.  I am not an MIT student or alum, having attended the the University of Massachusetts at Amherst studying journalism, economics, political science, and information technology and never completing a thesis called “Economics for a Better World”.  Still want to.

Justice, liberty, and the self-organization we need for both drive me in most of my involvements, including the support authentic news, especially public interest sources, such as Boston Institute for Non-profit Journalism most recently.  I helped form a nonprofit organization called, by, and for, People Who Give a Damn.  Some time pretty soon PWGD will finally get around to building tools to give equal access to, and control of, communication to everybody.

I can be found online most places as mlncn.

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About mlncn

Justice, liberty, and the self-organization we need for both drive me to support authentic news, especially public interest sources, such as most recently. Using Free Software, mostly Drupal and Django, the other members of Agaric - - a worker-owned, cooperatively-run company, and I build web sites with Free Software. I helped form a nonprofit organization called, by, and for, People Who Give a Damn. Some time pretty soon PWGD will finally get around to building tools to give equal access to, and control of, communication to everybody. Sign up at to get updates on when we can see our visions unite unmediated, perchance to become collective action.