What’s new in the Villa

So here is an update on the project:

  • March 23rd I went to the Villa’s Social Friday and in a group of about 12-15 people I introduced the documentary and April 4th’s timeline workshop. I asked them to please bring pictures, videos, or tokens that are special memories of their time in the community
  • March 23rd I submitted a fellowship application to obtain funding for the project
  • March ~26th Rogelio helped me gain access to the filming material in the media studies group. We now know was is available and we are looking to determine when they will be needed.
  • April 2nd I am meeting with the community committee who will serve as the quasi board for the documentary project. It is composed of IBA staff, community residents, and myself
  • April 4th we are having our first workshop: timeline event. We will be shooting with the community as we go through the exercise of chronicling the history of villa victoria, the history of boston, and each person’s own moments that they want to share. this will allow us to start talking about the origin and direction that the community has taken
  • Next steps: determine schedule for remaining workshops, confirm that smart phone recorders are enough for first round interviews, gather archive material, and being to reach out to area historians for potential interviews

Right now I am trying to get a hold of the Director of social events so that we are all coordinated for Wednesday. I will be bringing some pupusas so that we can all break bread, enjoy each other’s company, and hopefully learn about our community in the process. Wish us luck!