Hacking the Archives: Co-designing the next 50 years of social action

Team METCO poses for a picture at the Hacking the Archives hackathon on May 4th, 2019.

The Hacking the Archives project is an ongoing collaboration between MIT students, MIT faculty, and several community partner organizations. Its aim is twofold. The first goal is to co-design a hackathon bringing these organizations together with each other, with archivists, with MIT affiliates, and with local youths and community members. This hackathon took place in May 2019. The second goal, currently in progress, is to continue several of those projects over the summer in engagement with local youth. This paper represents a case study from the perspective of two co-designers, Annie Wang and Ben Silverman, reflecting on the background and process of putting together the Hacking the Archives hackathon, primarily through their collaboration with the community organization METCO, Inc.

Link to case study: Here

Link to slide deck: Here