Villa Victoria Committee Meeting (5/18/12)

Today I met the newest addition to the Villa Victoria Documentary committee member. She works in the VV Center for the Arts and has film-making experience. It is exciting to bring her on to the project.

Below is the general agenda of the meeting:

  • I gave our newest member a brief overview of the genesis of the project, myself, and current status of the project.
  • We reviewed the edited MOU
  • We discussed the total cameras that IBA has in its possession that we can use for the project
  • We discussed what to do with the taped recordings of all channel 6 footage (the station that IBA used to run for the community)
  • I informed them of the tapes I collected from the Colab interviews conducted in 2006, but now I have to find a video player to see them.
  • We discussed the fellowship I have to fund the project this summer with the end goal of the trailer
  • We identified where I can work in the office during the summer months
  • We set the next few meeting dates and the expected goals for the next meeting (e.g. watch a couple of sample documentaries, finish the MOU, and confirm the date of the next workshop)

Obviously this project will continue and so will my blog postings. However I have created a blog specifically for the project. If you are interested in this project and would like to stay connected please refer to this site: Villa Victoria- Documentary Project

I can’t wait for the summer. It will be a great time to get to know the people and community even more, while getting some good work done on the project. Wish us luck! 🙂Â