MNE-Python installers#

MNE-Python installers are the easiest way to install MNE-Python and all dependencies. They also provide many additional Python packages and tools. Got any questions? Let us know on the MNE Forum!

Platform-specific installers#

  Download for Linux

Supported platforms: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) and newer

Run the installer in a terminal via:

$ sh ./

  Download for macOS (Intel)

Supported platforms: macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and newer

  Download for macOS (Apple Silicon)

Supported platforms: macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and newer

  Download for Windows

Supported platforms: Windows 10 and newer

First steps#

The installer adds menu entries on Linux and Windows, and several application bundles to the Applications folder on macOS.

  •   Set up Visual Studio Code or another IDE (instructions here) to start writing your own analysis scripts right away, or to run one of our examples from this website.

  •   With System Info, list the versions of all installed MNE-Python-related packages.

  •   The Prompt drops you into a command line interface with a properly activated MNE-Python environment.


  Depending on your system, it may take a little while for these applications to start, especially on the very first run – which may take particularly long on Apple Silicon-based computers. Subsequent runs should usually be much faster.


To remove the MNE-Python distribution provided by our installers above:

  1. Remove relevant lines from your shell initialization scripts if you added them at installation time. To do this, you can run from the MNE Prompt:

    $ conda init --reverse

    Or you can manually edit shell initialization scripts, e.g., ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.

  2. Follow the instructions below to remove the MNE-Python conda installation for your platform:

    In a BASH terminal you can do:

    $ which python
    $ rm -Rf /home/$USER/mne-python
    $ rm /home/$USER/.local/share/applications/mne-python-*.desktop

    You can simply drag the MNE-Python folder to the trash in the Finder.

    Alternatively, you can do something like:

    $ which python
    $ rm -Rf /Users/$USER/Applications/MNE-Python  # if user-specific
    $ rm -Rf /Applications/MNE-Python              # if system-wide

    To uninstall MNE-Python, you can remove the application using the Windows Control Panel.