Install via pip or conda#


If you’re unfamiliar with Python, we recommend using our MNE-Python installers instead.

MNE-Python requires Python version 3.10 or higher. If you need help installing Python, please refer to our Installing Python guide.

Installing MNE-Python with all dependencies#

If you use Anaconda, we suggest installing MNE-Python into its own conda environment.

First, please ensure you’re using a recent version of conda. Run in your terminal:

$ conda update --name=base conda  # update conda
$ conda --version

The installed conda version should be 23.10.0 or newer.

Now, you can install MNE-Python:

$ conda create --channel=conda-forge --strict-channel-priority --name=mne mne

This will create a new conda environment called mne (you can adjust this by passing a different name via --name) and install all dependencies into it.

If you need to convert structural MRI scans into models of the scalp, inner/outer skull, and cortical surfaces, you will also need to install FreeSurfer.

Installing MNE-Python with core dependencies#

If you only need MNE-Python’s core functionality, which includes 2D plotting (but does not support 3D visualization), install via pip:

$ pip install mne

or via conda:

$ conda create --channel=conda-forge --strict-channel-priority --name=mne mne-base

This will create a new conda environment called mne (you can adjust this by passing a different name via --name).

This minimal installation requires only a few dependencies. If you need additional functionality later on, you can install individual packages as needed.

Installing MNE-Python with HDF5 support#

If you plan to use MNE-Python’s functions that require HDF5 I/O (this includes,, and others), you should run via pip:

$ pip install "mne[hdf5]"

or via conda:

$ conda create --override-channels --channel=conda-forge --name=mne mne-base h5io h5py pymatreader

This will create a new conda environment called mne (you can adjust this by passing a different name via --name).

If you have already installed MNE-Python with core dependencies (e.g. via pip install mne), you can install these two packages to unlock HDF5 support:

$ pip install h5io pymatreader

Installing MNE-Python for other scenarios#

The Advanced setup page has additional tips and tricks for special situations (servers, notebooks, CUDA, installing the development version, etc). The Contributing guide has additional installation instructions for (future) contributors to MNE-Python (e.g, extra dependencies for running our tests and building our documentation).