Interface IndexedCollection<O>

    • Method Detail

      • retrieve

        ResultSet<O> retrieve​(Query<O> query,
                              QueryOptions queryOptions)
        Retrieves a ResultSet which provides objects matching the given query, additionally accepting QueryOptions which can specify ordering of results, deduplication strategy etc.
        Specified by:
        retrieve in interface QueryEngine<O>
        query - A query representing some assertions which sought objects must match
        queryOptions - Optional parameters for the query
        A ResultSet which provides objects matching the given query
      • update

        boolean update​(Iterable<O> objectsToRemove,
                       Iterable<O> objectsToAdd)
        Removes or adds objects to/from the collection and indexes in bulk.

        Note that although this method accepts either Iterables or Collections for its objectsToRemove and objectsToAdd parameters, there are pros and cons of each:

        • If an Iterable is supplied, updates to indexes will be applied in a streaming fashion. This allows the application and CQEngine to avoid buffering many updates in memory as a batch, but requires more round trips to update indexes, which might hurt performance for indexes where making many round trips is expensive. This is typically fine for on-heap indexes, but less so for off-heap or on-disk indexes.
        • If a Collection is supplied, updates to indexes will be applied as a single batch. This might improve performance for indexes where making many round trips is expensive. Ordinarily this implies that the application needs to assemble a batch into a collection before calling this method. However for applications where the source of updates is computed lazily or originates from a stream, but yet where it is desirable to apply the updates as a batch anyway, the application can wrap the stream as a lazy collection (extend AbstractCollection) so that CQEngine will behave as above.
          • Note also that some off-heap and on-disk indexes support a fast "bulk import" feature which can be used in conjunction with this. For details on how to perform a bulk import, see SQLiteIndexFlags.BULK_IMPORT.
        objectsToRemove - The objects to remove from the collection
        objectsToAdd - The objects to add to the collection
        True if the collection was modified as a result, false if it was not
      • update

        boolean update​(Iterable<O> objectsToRemove,
                       Iterable<O> objectsToAdd,
                       QueryOptions queryOptions)
        Removes or adds objects to/from the collection and indexes in bulk.

        Note that although this method accepts either Iterables or Collections for its objectsToRemove and objectsToAdd parameters, there are pros and cons of each:

        • If an Iterable is supplied, updates to indexes will be applied in a streaming fashion. This allows the application and CQEngine to avoid buffering many updates in memory as a batch, but requires more round trips to update indexes, which might hurt performance for indexes where making many round trips is expensive. This is typically fine for on-heap indexes, but less so for off-heap or on-disk indexes.
        • If a Collection is supplied, updates to indexes will be applied as a single batch. This might improve performance for indexes where making many round trips is expensive. Ordinarily this implies that the application needs to assemble a batch into a collection before calling this method. However for applications where the source of updates is computed lazily or originates from a stream, but yet where it is desirable to apply the updates as a batch anyway, the application can wrap the stream as a lazy collection (extend AbstractCollection) so that CQEngine will behave as above.
          • Note also that some off-heap and on-disk indexes support a fast "bulk import" feature which can be used in conjunction with this. For details on how to perform a bulk import, see SQLiteIndexFlags.BULK_IMPORT.
        objectsToRemove - The objects to remove from the collection
        objectsToAdd - The objects to add to the collection
        queryOptions - Optional parameters for the update
        True if the collection was modified as a result, false if it was not
      • removeIndex

        void removeIndex​(Index<O> index,
                         QueryOptions queryOptions)
        Removes the given index from the collection.
        Specified by:
        removeIndex in interface QueryEngine<O>
        index - The index to remove
        queryOptions - Optional parameters for the index
      • getMetadataEngine

        MetadataEngine<O> getMetadataEngine()
        Returns the MetadataEngine, which can retrieve metadata and statistics from indexes on the distribution of attribute values in the collection.