Interface FilterQuery<O,​A>

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface FilterQuery<O,​A>
    extends Query<O>
    Extracting a value from an object via an Attribute can sometimes be expensive, for example if the attribute is virtual wherein the data it reads is not already stored in memory, but has to be uncompressed or decoded on-the-fly, or if it reads the data on-the-fly from a remote datasource.

    Often there may be an index on such attributes available locally, wherein a copy of the attribute values would be available locally in already-decoded form. Indexes would typically report that they can accelerate standard CQEngine queries on those attributes. However some queries cannot be accelerated by indexes in a straightforward manner; for example queries which perform regular expressions or some other function on the raw data. Indexes are unlikely to report that they can natively accelerate regular expression queries, because regular expressions must be evaluated by filtering. Therefore CQEngine will typically fall back to evaluating regular expression queries on the fly by filtering values returned by the attribute from which the query reads. If reading from the attribute is expensive, then it makes sense to allow the query to filter data from the index instead.

    Queries which implement this interface are evaluated by filtering the data contained in an index built on the attribute, as opposed to the data returned by the attribute.

    Note that most standard CQEngine queries do not implement this interface, because CQEngine cannot know how expensive user-defined attributes are (plus, ordinarily reading from attributes is cheap). If the application requires this behaviour for some queries, it can subclass some of the existing queries and have them implement this interface, or it can define custom queries which implement this interface.

    Note that the existing StringMatchesRegex and StringEndsWith queries are already compatible with this interface. To have those queries answered by filtering data in an index instead of from an attribute, subclass those queries and declare that they implement this interface. They already implement the required matchesValue(Object, QueryOptions) method.

    Silvano Riz
    • Method Detail

      • matchesValue

        boolean matchesValue​(A value,
                             QueryOptions queryOptions)
        Asserts the value matches the query.
        value - The value to check. It can come from an Attribute or from any other source, for example an Index
        queryOptions - The QueryOptions
        true if the value matches the query, false otherwise