Introduction to the YUI

So what is the YUI then?

The YUI is the Yahoo User Interface library? It's a:

  • CSS framework,
  • JavaScript library
  • Set of widgets to build RUIs.

The whole lot is licensed with FreeBSD and yours to take and use for whatever you please.

The Yahoo! Developer Network

The Yahoo! Developer Network (or YDN for short) has all the documentation and other information you'll need from Yahoo! on their developer resources. This includes APIs, a pattern library and news about future development. Visit the YDN.

The YUI Blog

The Yahoo! User Interface blog has the latest information on all things YUI and scripting. Visit the YUI Blog.

The YDN JavaScript Mailing List

Got stuck with a YUI problem? Sign up to the mailing list / forum and get thousands of developers help you out. Visit the YDN JavaScript mailing list.

All content by Chris Heilmann