Caffe2 - Python API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
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caffe2.python.modeling.compute_statistics_for_blobs.ComputeStatisticsForBlobs Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for caffe2.python.modeling.compute_statistics_for_blobs.ComputeStatisticsForBlobs:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, blobs, logging_frequency)
def modify_net (self, net, init_net=None, grad_map=None, blob_to_device=None)
def field_name_suffix (self)
- Public Member Functions inherited from caffe2.python.modeling.net_modifier.NetModifier
def __init__ (self)
def modify_net (self, net, init_net=None, grad_map=None, blob_to_device=None)
def __call__ (self, net, init_net=None, grad_map=None, blob_to_device=None)

Detailed Description

This class modifies the net passed in by adding ops to compute statistics
for certain blobs. For each blob in the list, its min, max, mean and standard
deviation will be computed.

    blobs: list of blobs to compute norm for
    logging_frequency: frequency for printing norms to logs

Definition at line 12 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: