Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
Data Structures | Public Types | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes
caffe2::AbstractReduceBackDef< T, Context, ReducerDef > Struct Template Reference

Data Structures

struct  GetGradient

Public Types

using OpDef = ReducerDef
using ReducerGradient = typename ReducerDef::template ReducerGradient< T, Context >
using ForwardOp = AbstractReduceFrontOrBackOp< T, Context, typename ReducerDef::template Reducer< T, Context >, false >
using BackwardOp = AbstractReduceFrontOrBackGradientOp< T, Context, ReducerGradient, false >

Static Public Member Functions

static void PopulateSchema (OpSchema &schema)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr const char * basename = "ReduceBack"
static constexpr const char * doc

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename Context, typename ReducerDef>
struct caffe2::AbstractReduceBackDef< T, Context, ReducerDef >

Definition at line 498 of file segment_reduction_op.h.

Field Documentation

template<typename T , typename Context , typename ReducerDef >
constexpr const char* caffe2::AbstractReduceBackDef< T, Context, ReducerDef >::doc
Initial value:
= R"DOC(
Reduces the input tensor along the last dimension of the input tensor by
applying '{op}'. This op acts in a similar way to SortedSegment{op} and
UnsortedSegment{op} but as if all input slices belong to a single segment.

Definition at line 501 of file segment_reduction_op.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: