Description:  Retrieve the policy of a single user in the realm of a Qeo administrator
URL Structure:{id}/policy?users={id}
HTTP Method:  GET

HTTP Authorization

Path parameters:
    1. identifier of the realm to be interrogated (value is of type long)
    2. identifier of a user in the realm to be interrogated (value is of type long)


Request Example  

Content-Type: application/json

Body: Contains a list of users with their list of policy rules and associated access rights in JSON format:
                                                     "write_access":{"users":[...]} },{...}]}

          The returned parameters on user level: 
              "user"   : value of type long, representing the user identifier
              "type"   : type of object returned (always "user")
              "policy" : list of policy rules applicable for the specified user

          The returned parameters on policy level:
              "name" : UTF-8 string representing the policy rule
              "type"   : type of object returned (always "policy_rule")
              "users" : list of users identifiers (values of type long), where the policy rule belongs to
              "realm" : value of type long, represents the realm identifier
              "read_access" : determines read access of users on the policy rule
                        null     : no read access for the policy rule
                       "users" : list of user identifiers of type long
                                    possible values: null : no read access for the policy rule
                                                                [] : empty array: coarse grained read access for the policy rule
                                                            [1,3] : filled array: fine grained read access for the policy rule
              "write_access" : determines write access of users on the policy rule
                        null     : no write access for the policy rule
                       "users" : list of user identifiers of type long
                                    possible values: null : no write access for the policy rule
                                                                [] : empty array: coarse grained write access for the policy rule
                                                            [1,3] : filled array: fine grained write access for the policy rule

Response Example