Qeo Open Source Project Documentation : REST API Reference Documentation

Required Reading

It is important to understand the Qeo concepts and principles. For this, read the Qeo System Description. Developers should also know how Qeo Security works. For that, read the Introduction to Qeo Security and the Security Management Procedures


Take note of the following general requirements:

  • SSL only

    All requests must be send over SSL.


  • Authorization token
    All requests require a valid authorization code in the HTTP header (with the format "Bearer authorization_code") see  Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Qeo Rest API for more details on how to obtain a valid authorization code, e.g.  HTTP header:UTF-8 encoding

    • Field name: Authorization.

    • Value: Bearer 5d9e5ce3e7f66ad2a4c3c249e5a6744269c8f7637356fedfdf87eb21121cf525f0a6a86dcc8d1b49.


  • String values used/returned by the REST API must be encoded in UTF-8.

General Information    

Version numbers

The current REST API version is v1 and it is included in every request.

Error handling

Errors are returned using the standard HTTP error code syntax, with a more detailed description in the returned body. The body will be in JSON format, with the HTTP Content-Type set to "application/json".

Base URL

The base URL of the REST API can be discovered in the Qeo Root Resource, under "management" > "href".

REST API Methods

 Realm Methods
Users Methods
 Device Methods
Policy Methods
 Error Methods
  • Error list

    List of all possible errors that can be returned