Convert an ee$Image into a raster object

  region = NULL,
  dsn = NULL,
  via = "getInfo",
  scale = NULL,
  maxPixels = 1e+09,
  container = "rgee_backup",
  quiet = FALSE,



ee$Image to be converted into a raster object


EE Geometry (ee$Geometry$Polygon) which specify the region to export. CRS needs to be the same that the x argument otherwise it will be forced. If not specified image bounds will be taken.


Character. Output filename. If missing, ee_as_raster will create a temporary file.


Character. Method to fetch data about the object. Three methods are implemented: "getInfo", "drive", "gcs". See details.


Numeric. The resolution in meters per pixel. Defaults to the native resolution of the image asset.


Numeric. The maximum allowed number of pixels in the exported image. The task will fail if the exported region covers more pixels in the specified projection. Defaults to 100,000,000.


Character. Name of the folder ('drive') or bucket ('gcs') to be exported into (ignored if via is not defined as "drive" or "gcs").


Logical. Suppress info message


Extra exporting argument. See ee_image_to_drive and ee_image_to_gcs.


A RasterStack object


ee_as_raster supports the download of ee$Image by three different options: "getInfo", "drive", and "gcs". When "getInfo" is set in the via argument, ee_as_stars will make a REST call to retrieve all the known information about the object. The advantage of using "getInfo" is performing a quick download. However, there is a limitation of 262144 pixels by request which makes it not recommendable for large images. Instead of "getInfo", the options: "drive" and "gcs" are suitable for large collections since they use an intermediate web store service. Before using any of these options, it is necessary previously to install the R packages googledrive and googleCloudStorageR. For getting more information about exporting data from Earth Engine, take a look at the Google Earth Engine Guide - Export data.

See also

Other image download functions: ee_as_stars(), ee_as_thumbnail(), ee_imagecollection_to_local()


if (FALSE) {

ee_Initialize(drive = TRUE, gcs = TRUE)

# Define an image.
img <- ee$Image("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR/LC08_038029_20180810")$
  select(c("B4", "B3", "B2"))$

# OPTIONAL display it using Map
Map$centerObject(eeObject = img)
Map$addLayer(eeObject = img, visParams = list(max = 0.4,gamma=0.1))

# Define an area of interest.
geometry <- ee$Geometry$Rectangle(
  coords = c(-110.8, 44.6, -110.6, 44.7),
  proj = "EPSG:4326",
  geodesic = FALSE

## getInfo - Option 01
img_01 <- ee_as_raster(
  image = img,
  region = geometry,
  via = "getInfo"

## drive - Method 02
img_02 <- ee_as_raster(
  image = img,
  region = geometry,
  via = "drive"

## gcs - Method 03
# img_03 <- ee_as_raster(
#   image = img,
#   region = geometry,
#   container = "rgee_dev",
#   via = "gcs"
# )

# OPTIONAL: Delete containers
# ee_clean_container(name = "rgee_backup", type = "drive")
# ee_clean_container(name = "rgee_dev", type = "gcs")