Awesome Markers
These examples demonstrate the use of addAwesomeMarkers
to easily add customizable markers, using the Leaflet.awesome-markers plugin.
Simple markers
Use makeAwesomeIcon
with addAwesomeMarkers
to specify a single icon that should be used for all markers.
# An icon using the Font Awesome library
icon.fa <- makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "flag", markerColor = "red",
library="fa", iconColor = "black")
leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>%
lng=-118.456554, lat=34.078039,
label="This is a label",
icon = icon.fa)
# An icon using the ionicons library
icon.ion <- makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "home", markerColor = "green",
# Marker + static label using custom label options
leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>%
lng=-118.456554, lat=34.078039,
label="This is a static label",
labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T),
icon = icon.ion)
Lists of icons with awesomeIcons()
Use awesomeIcons
instead of makeAwesomeIcon
to create icons that are identical in most aspects but vary by one or a couple of parameters.
cities <- read.csv(textConnection("
New York City,40.7127,-74.0059,8406000
icon.pop <- awesomeIcons(icon = "users",
markerColor = ifelse(cities$Pop<500000,"blue","red"),
library = "fa",
iconColor = "black"
leaflet(cities) %>% addTiles() %>%
addAwesomeMarkers(lng = ~Long, lat = ~Lat,
label = ~City,
icon = icon.pop)
Lists of icons with awesomeIconList()
Finally, you may want to use awesomeIconList
instead of awesomeIcons
or makeAwesomeIcon
if you have two or more very different icons, that you want to select from using a column from your data.
# Make a list of icons (from two different icon libraries).
# We'll index into it based on name.
popIcons <- awesomeIconList(
blue = makeAwesomeIcon(icon="person", library="ion", markerColor="blue"),
red = makeAwesomeIcon(icon="users", library="fa", markerColor="red")
cities <- cities %>% mutate(PopCat = ifelse(Pop<500000,"blue","red"))
leaflet(cities) %>% addTiles() %>%
addAwesomeMarkers(lng = ~Long, lat = ~Lat,
label = ~City,
labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = TRUE),
icon = ~popIcons[PopCat])