Extending Leaflet package

The Leaflet Javascript library has a plethora of plugins available that extend the functionality of the core package. We have incorporated a chosen few in the R package. It may be desirable to use plugins availble outside of what are supported by this pakage.

The way to achieve that is by extending the Leaflet package. By extending we mean writing your own code/package that incorporate your desired leaflet plugins and hook into the leaflet package.

Certain functions have been made available for you to use in your code while extending Leaflet.


These functions can be used to extract point or shape (polygon/line/circle/rectangle) data from a data.frame or a spatial object from the sp package. It tries to auto determine the latitude/longitude colnames if not specified or use user supplied column mappings.


evalFormula is used to evaluate a formula on a given data and return the results. e.g. leaflet(some.data.frame) %>% addMarkers(label=~name) internally uses evalFormula to calculate the correct label values from the data using the ~name formula.


You can call expandLimits to make sure that your map’s view is just enough to show every point/shape in your data. This way you don’t have to determine the exact bounds for your map.


Often when passing a list from R to Javascript it is desirable to remove any null elements, and that’s exactly what filterNULL does.


Accesses the data object passed when calling leaflet() funtion.


The glue between the R code and Javascript code. Requires a corresponding method on the Javascript side.


Here is a small example which shows how you can integrate the Bing.com basemap layer plugin


bingPlugin <- htmlDependency(
  "leaflet.plugins", "2.0.0",
  src = normalizePath("./js"),
  script = "Bing.min.js"

registerPlugin <- function(map, plugin) {
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, list(plugin))

leaflet() %>% setView(-122.23, 37.75, zoom = 10) %>%
  registerPlugin(bingPlugin) %>%
  onRender("function(el, x) {
    var imagerySet = 'Aerial';
    var bing = new L.BingLayer('LfO3DMI9S6GnXD7d0WGs~bq2DRVkmIAzSOFdodzZLvw~Arx8dclDxmZA0Y38tHIJlJfnMbGq5GXeYmrGOUIbS2VLFzRKCK0Yv_bAl6oe-DOc',
         {type: imagerySet});

The "leaflet" R package is copyright © 2014-2016 RStudio, Inc.
The Leaflet JavaScript library is © 2010–2016 Vladimir Agafonkin, 2010–2011 CloudMade.
Maps © OpenStreetMap contributors unless otherwise noted.

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