Welcome to the SageMath Calculus Tutorial! From initial concepts to increasingly complex techniques and applications, this tutorial is meant to accompany a high school- or college-level beginning calculus course. You'll learn how to interact with the incredibly robust, yet free and open-source, SageMath Computer Algebra System.
No previous experience with SageMath or calculus is necessary, though you will need to either download SageMath or work online at CoCalc in order to participate actively in the following lessons.
If you know little or nothing about writing code - don't despair! Below most code snippets you will find a blue "Toggle Explanation" link, which when clicked will explain line-by-line how the code works. If you would first like to brush up on some pre-calculus and trigonometry concepts, this review may be of help. To bookmark a dynamic link to your last visited page, right click here: SageMath Calculus Tutorial - Last Visited, then select "Bookmark This Link" or your browser's equivalent.
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For any comments, suggestions, or questions, please write to Elliott Brossard, the author of this tutorial, at elliottb@u.washington.edu.
A growing number of people have contributed their insight and advice to this tutorial. Not only does this give the tutorial greater polish; it encourages me, your author, to keep writing. Thank you!