How to Multi-Sign

Multi-signing is one of three ways to authorize transactions for the Ripple Consensus Ledger, alongside signing with regular keys and master keys. You can configure your address to allow any combination of the three methods to authorize transactions.

Benefits of multi-signing include:

  • You can require keys from different devices, so that a malicious actor must compromise multiple machines to send transactions on your behalf.
  • You can share custody of an address between multiple people, each of whom only has one of several keys necessary to send transactions from that address.
  • You can delegate the power to send transactions from your address to a group of people, who can control your address if you are unavailable or unable to sign normally.
  • ... and more.

To use multi-signing:

  1. The Ripple peer-to-peer network must have multi-signing enabled.
  2. Set up a list of signers on your account.
  3. Send transactions using multiple signatures.

Availability of Multi-Signing

Multi-signing has been enabled by an Amendment to the Ripple Consensus Protocol since 2016-06-27.

If you want to use multi-signing with rippled with a fresh ledger in stand-alone mode, you must force the MultiSign feature to be enabled. You can check the status of the MultiSign amendment using the feature command.

To force the multi-signing feature to be enabled, add the following stanza to your rippled.cfg:


Setting up Multi-Signing

To multi-sign transactions from a particular address, you must create a list of addresses that can contribute to a multi-signature for your address. This list is stored in the Ripple Consensus Ledger as a SignerList node. The following procedure demonstrates how to set up a SignerList for your address:

1. Prepare a funded address

You need a Ripple address that can send transactions, and has enough XRP available. Multi-signing requires more than the usual amount of XRP for the account reserve and transaction cost, increasing with the number of signers and signatures you use.

If you started rippled in stand-alone mode with a new genesis ledger, you must:

  1. Generate keys for a new address, or reuse keys you already have.
  2. Submit a Payment transaction to fund the new address from the genesis account. (Send at least 100,000,000 drops of XRP.)
  3. Manually close the ledger.

2. Prepare member keys

You need several sets of Ripple keys (address and secret) to include as members of your SignerList. These can be funded addresses that exist in the ledger, or you can generate new addresses using the wallet_propose command. For example:

$ rippled wallet_propose
Loading: "/home/mduo13/.config/ripple/rippled.cfg"
Connecting to
    "result" : {
        "account_id" : "rnRJ4dpSBKDR2M1itf4Ah6tZZm5xuNZFPH",
        "key_type" : "secp256k1",
        "master_seed" : "snheH5UUjU4CWqiNVLny2k21TyKPC",
        "master_seed_hex" : "A9F859765EB8614D26809836382AFB82",
        "public_key" : "aBR4hxFXcDNHnGYvTiqb2KU8TTTV1cYV9wXTAuz2DjBm7S8TYEBU",
        "public_key_hex" : "03C09A5D112B393D531E4F092E3A5769A5752129F0A9C55C61B3A226BB9B567B9B",
        "status" : "success"

Take note of the account_id (Ripple Address) and master_seed (Ripple secret key) for each one you generate.

3. Send SignerListSet transaction

Sign and submit a SignerListSet transaction in the normal (single-signature) way. This associates a SignerList with your Ripple address, so that a combination of signatures from the members of that SignerList can multi-sign later transactions on your behalf.

In this example, the SignerList has 3 members, with the weights and quorum set up such that multi-signed transactions need a signature from rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW plus at least one signature from the other two members of the list.

Caution: Never submit a secret key to a server you do not control. Do not send a secret key unencrypted over the network.

$ rippled submit shqZZy2Rzs9ZqWTCQAdqc3bKgxnYq '{
>     "Flags": 0,
>     "TransactionType": "SignerListSet",
>     "Account": "rnBFvgZphmN39GWzUJeUitaP22Fr9be75H",
>     "Fee": "10000",
>     "SignerQuorum": 3,
>     "SignerEntries": [
>         {
>             "SignerEntry": {
>                 "Account": "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
>                 "SignerWeight": 2
>             }
>         },
>         {
>             "SignerEntry": {
>                 "Account": "rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v",
>                 "SignerWeight": 1
>             }
>         },
>         {
>             "SignerEntry": {
>                 "Account": "raKEEVSGnKSD9Zyvxu4z6Pqpm4ABH8FS6n",
>                 "SignerWeight": 1
>             }
>         }
>     ]
> }'
Loading: "/home/mduo13/.config/ripple/rippled.cfg"
Connecting to
   "result" : {
      "engine_result" : "tesSUCCESS",
      "engine_result_code" : 0,
      "engine_result_message" : "The transaction was applied. Only final in a validated ledger.",
      "status" : "success",
      "tx_blob" : "12000C2200000000240000000120230000000368400000000000271073210303E20EC6B4A39A629815AE02C0A1393B9225E3B890CAE45B59F42FA29BE9668D74473045022100BEDFA12502C66DDCB64521972E5356F4DB965F553853D53D4C69B4897F11B4780220595202D1E080345B65BAF8EBD6CA161C227F1B62C7E72EA5CA282B9434A6F04281142DECAB42CA805119A9BA2FF305C9AFA12F0B86A1F4EB1300028114204288D2E47F8EF6C99BCC457966320D12409711E1EB13000181147908A7F0EDD48EA896C3580A399F0EE78611C8E3E1EB13000181143A4C02EA95AD6AC3BED92FA036E0BBFB712C030CE1F1",
      "tx_json" : {
         "Account" : "rnBFvgZphmN39GWzUJeUitaP22Fr9be75H",
         "Fee" : "10000",
         "Flags" : 0,
         "Sequence" : 1,
         "SignerEntries" : [
               "SignerEntry" : {
                  "Account" : "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
                  "SignerWeight" : 2
               "SignerEntry" : {
                  "Account" : "rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v",
                  "SignerWeight" : 1
               "SignerEntry" : {
                  "Account" : "raKEEVSGnKSD9Zyvxu4z6Pqpm4ABH8FS6n",
                  "SignerWeight" : 1
         "SignerQuorum" : 3,
         "SigningPubKey" : "0303E20EC6B4A39A629815AE02C0A1393B9225E3B890CAE45B59F42FA29BE9668D",
         "TransactionType" : "SignerListSet",
         "TxnSignature" : "3045022100BEDFA12502C66DDCB64521972E5356F4DB965F553853D53D4C69B4897F11B4780220595202D1E080345B65BAF8EBD6CA161C227F1B62C7E72EA5CA282B9434A6F042",
         "hash" : "3950D98AD20DA52EBB1F3937EF32F382D74092A4C8DF9A0B1A06ED25200B5756"

Make sure that the Transaction Result is tesSUCCESS. Otherwise, the transaction failed. If you encounter a problem in stand-alone mode or a non-production network, check that multi-sign is enabled.

Note: The more members in the SignerList, the more XRP your address must have for purposes of the owner reserve. If your address does not have enough XRP, the transaction fails with tecINSUFFICIENT_RESERVE. See also: SignerLists and Reserves.

4. Close the ledger

On the live network, you can wait 4-7 seconds for the ledger to close automatically.

If you're running rippled in stand-alone mode, use the ledger_accept command to manually close the ledger:

$ rippled ledger_accept
Loading: "/home/mduo13/.config/ripple/rippled.cfg"
Connecting to
   "result" : {
      "ledger_current_index" : 6,
      "status" : "success"

5. Confirm the new signer list

Use the account_objects command to confirm that the SignerList is associated with the address in the latest validated ledger.

Normally, an account can own many objects of different types (such as trust lines and offers). If you funded a new address for this tutorial, the SignerList is the only object in the response.

$ rippled account_objects rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC validated
Loading: "/home/mduo13/.config/ripple/rippled.cfg"
Connecting to
   "result" : {
      "account" : "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
      "account_objects" : [
            "Flags" : 0,
            "LedgerEntryType" : "SignerList",
            "OwnerNode" : "0000000000000000",
            "PreviousTxnID" : "8FDC18960455C196A8C4DE0D24799209A21F4A17E32102B5162BD79466B90222",
            "PreviousTxnLgrSeq" : 5,
            "SignerEntries" : [
                  "SignerEntry" : {
                     "Account" : "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
                     "SignerWeight" : 2
                  "SignerEntry" : {
                     "Account" : "raKEEVSGnKSD9Zyvxu4z6Pqpm4ABH8FS6n",
                     "SignerWeight" : 1
                  "SignerEntry" : {
                     "Account" : "rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v",
                     "SignerWeight" : 1
            "SignerListID" : 0,
            "SignerQuorum" : 3,
            "index" : "79FD203E4DDDF2EA78B798C963487120C048C78652A28682425E47C96D016F92"
      "ledger_hash" : "56E81069F06492FB410A70218C08169BE3AB3CFD5AEA20E999662D81DC361D9F",
      "ledger_index" : 5,
      "status" : "success",
      "validated" : true

If the SignerList is present with the expected contents, then your address is ready to multi-sign.

6. Further steps

At this point, your address is ready to send a multi-signed transaction. You may also want to:

Sending a Multi-Signed Transaction

Before you can multi-sign a transaction, first set up multi-signing for your address. The following procedure demonstrates how to create, sign, and submit a multi-signed transaction.

1. Create the transaction

Create a JSON object that represents the transaction you want to submit. You have to specify everything about this transaction, including Fee and Sequence. Also include the field SigningPubKey as an empty string, to indicate that the transaction is multi-signed.

Keep in mind that the Fee for multi-signed transactions is significantly higher than for regularly-signed transactions. It should be at least (N+1) times the normal transaction cost, where N is the number of signatures you plan to provide. Since it sometimes takes a while to collect signatures from multiple sources, you may want to specify more than the current minimum, in case the transaction cost increases in that time.

Here's an example transaction ready to be multi-signed:

    "TransactionType": "TrustSet",
    "Account": "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
    "Flags": 262144,
    "LimitAmount": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "issuer": "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
        "value": "100"
    "Sequence": 2,
    "SigningPubKey": "",
    "Fee": "30000"

(This transaction creates an accounting relationship from rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC to rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh with a maximum balance of 100 USD.)

2. Get one signature

Use the sign_for command with the secret key and address of one of the members of your SignerList to get a signature for that member.

Caution: Never submit a secret key to a server you do not control. Do not send a secret key unencrypted over the network.

$ rippled sign_for rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW <rsA2L..'s secret> '{
>     "TransactionType": "TrustSet",
>     "Account": "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
>     "Flags": 262144,
>     "LimitAmount": {
>         "currency": "USD",
>         "issuer": "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
>         "value": "100"
>     },
>     "Sequence": 2,
>     "SigningPubKey": "",
>     "Fee": "30000"
> }'
Loading: "/home/mduo13/.config/ripple/rippled.cfg"
Connecting to
   "result" : {
      "status" : "success",
      "tx_blob" : "1200142200040000240000000263D5038D7EA4C680000000000000000000000000005553440000000000B5F762798A53D543A014CAF8B297CFF8F2F937E868400000000000753073008114A3780F5CB5A44D366520FC44055E8ED44D9A2270F3E010732102B3EC4E5DD96029A647CFA20DA07FE1F85296505552CCAC114087E66B46BD77DF744730450221009C195DBBF7967E223D8626CA19CF02073667F2B22E206727BFE848FF42BEAC8A022048C323B0BED19A988BDBEFA974B6DE8AA9DCAE250AA82BBD1221787032A864E58114204288D2E47F8EF6C99BCC457966320D12409711E1F1",
      "tx_json" : {
         "Account" : "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
         "Fee" : "30000",
         "Flags" : 262144,
         "LimitAmount" : {
            "currency" : "USD",
            "issuer" : "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
            "value" : "100"
         "Sequence" : 2,
         "Signers" : [
               "Signer" : {
                  "Account" : "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
                  "SigningPubKey" : "02B3EC4E5DD96029A647CFA20DA07FE1F85296505552CCAC114087E66B46BD77DF",
                  "TxnSignature" : "30450221009C195DBBF7967E223D8626CA19CF02073667F2B22E206727BFE848FF42BEAC8A022048C323B0BED19A988BDBEFA974B6DE8AA9DCAE250AA82BBD1221787032A864E5"
         "SigningPubKey" : "",
         "TransactionType" : "TrustSet",
         "hash" : "A94A6417D1A7AAB059822B894E13D322ED3712F7212CE9257801F96DE6C3F6AE"

Save the tx_json field of the response: it has the new signature in the Signers field. You can discard the value of the tx_blob field.

If you encounter a problem in stand-alone mode or a non-production network, check that multi-sign is enabled.

3. Get additional signatures

You can collect additional signatures in parallel or in serial:

  • In parallel: Use the sign_for command with the original JSON for the transaction. Each response has a single signature in the Signers array.
  • In serial: Use the sign_for command with the tx_json value from the previous sign_for response. Each response adds a new signature to the existing Signers array.

Caution: Never submit a secret key to a server you do not control. Do not send a secret key unencrypted over the network.

$ rippled sign_for rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v <rUpy..'s secret> '{
>    "Account" : "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
>    "Fee" : "30000",
>    "Flags" : 262144,
>    "LimitAmount" : {
>       "currency" : "USD",
>       "issuer" : "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
>       "value" : "100"
>    },
>    "Sequence" : 2,
>    "Signers" : [
>       {
>          "Signer" : {
>             "Account" : "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
>             "SigningPubKey" : "02B3EC4E5DD96029A647CFA20DA07FE1F85296505552CCAC114087E66B46BD77DF",
>             "TxnSignature" : "30450221009C195DBBF7967E223D8626CA19CF02073667F2B22E206727BFE848FF42BEAC8A022048C323B0BED19A988BDBEFA974B6DE8AA9DCAE250AA82BBD1221787032A864E5"
>          }
>       }
>    ],
>    "SigningPubKey" : "",
>    "TransactionType" : "TrustSet",
>    "hash" : "A94A6417D1A7AAB059822B894E13D322ED3712F7212CE9257801F96DE6C3F6AE"
> }'
Loading: "/home/mduo13/.config/ripple/rippled.cfg"
Connecting to
   "result" : {
      "status" : "success",
      "tx_blob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
      "tx_json" : {
         "Account" : "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
         "Fee" : "30000",
         "Flags" : 262144,
         "LimitAmount" : {
            "currency" : "USD",
            "issuer" : "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
            "value" : "100"
         "Sequence" : 2,
         "Signers" : [
               "Signer" : {
                  "Account" : "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
                  "SigningPubKey" : "02B3EC4E5DD96029A647CFA20DA07FE1F85296505552CCAC114087E66B46BD77DF",
                  "TxnSignature" : "30450221009C195DBBF7967E223D8626CA19CF02073667F2B22E206727BFE848FF42BEAC8A022048C323B0BED19A988BDBEFA974B6DE8AA9DCAE250AA82BBD1221787032A864E5"
               "Signer" : {
                  "Account" : "rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v",
                  "SigningPubKey" : "028FFB276505F9AC3F57E8D5242B386A597EF6C40A7999F37F1948636FD484E25B",
                  "TxnSignature" : "30440220680BBD745004E9CFB6B13A137F505FB92298AD309071D16C7B982825188FD1AE022004200B1F7E4A6A84BB0E4FC09E1E3BA2B66EBD32F0E6D121A34BA3B04AD99BC1"
         "SigningPubKey" : "",
         "TransactionType" : "TrustSet",
         "hash" : "BD636194C48FD7A100DE4C972336534C8E710FD008C0F3CF7BC5BF34DAF3C3E6"

Depending on the SignerList you configured, you may need to repeat this step several times to get signatures from all the necessary parties.

4. Combine signatures and submit

If you collected the signatures in serial, the tx_json from the last sign_for response has all the signatures assembled, so you can use that as the argument to the submit_multisigned command.

If you collected the signatures in parallel, you must manually construct a tx_json object with all the signatures included. Take the Signers arrays from all the sign_for responses, and combine their contents into a single Signers array that has each signature. Add the combined Signers array to the original transaction JSON value, and use that as the argument to the submit_multisigned command.

$ rippled submit_multisigned '{
>              "Account" : "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
>              "Fee" : "30000",
>              "Flags" : 262144,
>              "LimitAmount" : {
>                 "currency" : "USD",
>                 "issuer" : "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
>                 "value" : "100"
>              },
>              "Sequence" : 2,
>              "Signers" : [
>                 {
>                    "Signer" : {
>                       "Account" : "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
>                       "SigningPubKey" : "02B3EC4E5DD96029A647CFA20DA07FE1F85296505552CCAC114087E66B46BD77DF",
>                       "TxnSignature" : "30450221009C195DBBF7967E223D8626CA19CF02073667F2B22E206727BFE848FF42BEAC8A022048C323B0BED19A988BDBEFA974B6DE8AA9DCAE250AA82BBD1221787032A864E5"
>                    }
>                 },
>                 {
>                    "Signer" : {
>                       "Account" : "rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v",
>                       "SigningPubKey" : "028FFB276505F9AC3F57E8D5242B386A597EF6C40A7999F37F1948636FD484E25B",
>                       "TxnSignature" : "30440220680BBD745004E9CFB6B13A137F505FB92298AD309071D16C7B982825188FD1AE022004200B1F7E4A6A84BB0E4FC09E1E3BA2B66EBD32F0E6D121A34BA3B04AD99BC1"
>                    }
>                 }
>              ],
>              "SigningPubKey" : "",
>              "TransactionType" : "TrustSet",
>              "hash" : "BD636194C48FD7A100DE4C972336534C8E710FD008C0F3CF7BC5BF34DAF3C3E6"
>           }'
Loading: "/home/mduo13/.config/ripple/rippled.cfg"
Connecting to
    "result": {
        "engine_result": "tesSUCCESS",
        "engine_result_code": 0,
        "engine_result_message": "The transaction was applied. Only final in a validated ledger.",
        "status": "success",
        "tx_blob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
        "tx_json": {
            "Account": "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
            "Fee": "30000",
            "Flags": 262144,
            "LimitAmount": {
                "currency": "USD",
                "issuer": "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
                "value": "100"
            "Sequence": 2,
            "Signers": [{
                "Signer": {
                    "Account": "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
                    "SigningPubKey": "02B3EC4E5DD96029A647CFA20DA07FE1F85296505552CCAC114087E66B46BD77DF",
                    "TxnSignature": "30450221009C195DBBF7967E223D8626CA19CF02073667F2B22E206727BFE848FF42BEAC8A022048C323B0BED19A988BDBEFA974B6DE8AA9DCAE250AA82BBD1221787032A864E5"
            }, {
                "Signer": {
                    "Account": "rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v",
                    "SigningPubKey": "028FFB276505F9AC3F57E8D5242B386A597EF6C40A7999F37F1948636FD484E25B",
                    "TxnSignature": "30440220680BBD745004E9CFB6B13A137F505FB92298AD309071D16C7B982825188FD1AE022004200B1F7E4A6A84BB0E4FC09E1E3BA2B66EBD32F0E6D121A34BA3B04AD99BC1"
            "SigningPubKey": "",
            "TransactionType": "TrustSet",
            "hash": "BD636194C48FD7A100DE4C972336534C8E710FD008C0F3CF7BC5BF34DAF3C3E6"

Take note of the hash value from the response so you can check the results of the transaction later. (In this case, the hash is BD636194C48FD7A100DE4C972336534C8E710FD008C0F3CF7BC5BF34DAF3C3E6.)

5. Close the ledger

If you are using the live network, you can wait 4-7 seconds for the ledger to close automatically.

If you're running rippled in stand-alone mode, use the ledger_accept command to manually close the ledger:

$ rippled ledger_accept
Loading: "/home/mduo13/.config/ripple/rippled.cfg"
Connecting to
   "result" : {
      "ledger_current_index" : 7,
      "status" : "success"

6. Confirm transaction results

Use the hash value from the response to the submit_multisigned command to look up the transaction using the tx command. In particular, check that the TransactionResult is the string tesSUCCESS.

On the live network, you must also confirm that the validated field is set to the boolean true. If the field is not true, you might need to wait longer for the consensus process to finish; or your transaction may be unable to be included in a ledger for some reason.

In stand-alone mode, the server automatically considers a ledger to be validated if it has been manually closed.

$ rippled tx BD636194C48FD7A100DE4C972336534C8E710FD008C0F3CF7BC5BF34DAF3C3E6
Loading: "/home/mduo13/.config/ripple/rippled.cfg"
Connecting to
    "result": {
        "Account": "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
        "Fee": "30000",
        "Flags": 262144,
        "LimitAmount": {
            "currency": "USD",
            "issuer": "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
            "value": "100"
        "Sequence": 2,
        "Signers": [{
            "Signer": {
                "Account": "rsA2LpzuawewSBQXkiju3YQTMzW13pAAdW",
                "SigningPubKey": "02B3EC4E5DD96029A647CFA20DA07FE1F85296505552CCAC114087E66B46BD77DF",
                "TxnSignature": "30450221009C195DBBF7967E223D8626CA19CF02073667F2B22E206727BFE848FF42BEAC8A022048C323B0BED19A988BDBEFA974B6DE8AA9DCAE250AA82BBD1221787032A864E5"
        }, {
            "Signer": {
                "Account": "rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v",
                "SigningPubKey": "028FFB276505F9AC3F57E8D5242B386A597EF6C40A7999F37F1948636FD484E25B",
                "TxnSignature": "30440220680BBD745004E9CFB6B13A137F505FB92298AD309071D16C7B982825188FD1AE022004200B1F7E4A6A84BB0E4FC09E1E3BA2B66EBD32F0E6D121A34BA3B04AD99BC1"
        "SigningPubKey": "",
        "TransactionType": "TrustSet",
        "date": 512172510,
        "hash": "BD636194C48FD7A100DE4C972336534C8E710FD008C0F3CF7BC5BF34DAF3C3E6",
        "inLedger": 6,
        "ledger_index": 6,
        "meta": {
            "AffectedNodes": [{
                "ModifiedNode": {
                    "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
                    "LedgerIndex": "2B6AC232AA4C4BE41BF49D2459FA4A0347E1B543A4C92FCEE0821C0201E2E9A8",
                    "PreviousTxnID": "B7E1D33DB7DEA3BB65BFAB2C80E02125F47FCCF6C957A7FDECD915B3EBE0C1DD",
                    "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 4
            }, {
                "CreatedNode": {
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                    "LedgerIndex": "93E317B32022977C77810A2C558FBB28E30E744C68E73720622B797F957EC5FA",
                    "NewFields": {
                        "Balance": {
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "issuer": "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji",
                            "value": "0"
                        "Flags": 2162688,
                        "HighLimit": {
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "issuer": "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
                            "value": "0"
                        "LowLimit": {
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "issuer": "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
                            "value": "100"
            }, {
                "ModifiedNode": {
                    "FinalFields": {
                        "Account": "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
                        "Balance": "999960000",
                        "Flags": 0,
                        "OwnerCount": 6,
                        "Sequence": 3
                    "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
                    "LedgerIndex": "A6B1BA6F2D70813100908EA84ABB7783695050312735E2C3665259F388804EA0",
                    "PreviousFields": {
                        "Balance": "999990000",
                        "OwnerCount": 5,
                        "Sequence": 2
                    "PreviousTxnID": "8FDC18960455C196A8C4DE0D24799209A21F4A17E32102B5162BD79466B90222",
                    "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 5
            }, {
                "ModifiedNode": {
                    "FinalFields": {
                        "Flags": 0,
                        "Owner": "rEuLyBCvcw4CFmzv8RepSiAoNgF8tTGJQC",
                        "RootIndex": "C2728175908D82FB1DE6676F203D8D3C056995A9FA9B369EF326523F1C65A1DE"
                    "LedgerEntryType": "DirectoryNode",
                    "LedgerIndex": "C2728175908D82FB1DE6676F203D8D3C056995A9FA9B369EF326523F1C65A1DE"
            }, {
                "CreatedNode": {
                    "LedgerEntryType": "DirectoryNode",
                    "LedgerIndex": "D8120FC732737A2CF2E9968FDF3797A43B457F2A81AA06D2653171A1EA635204",
                    "NewFields": {
                        "Owner": "rHb9CJAWyB4rj91VRWn96DkukG4bwdtyTh",
                        "RootIndex": "D8120FC732737A2CF2E9968FDF3797A43B457F2A81AA06D2653171A1EA635204"
            "TransactionIndex": 0,
            "TransactionResult": "tesSUCCESS"
        "status": "success",
        "validated": true