#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' a really really basic EPG for TVHeadend Main information: https://github.com/speculatrix/tvh_epg Chromecast information: https://github.com/speculatrix/tvh_epg/blob/master/CHROMECAST.md note that not only do you need to download pychromecast from https://github.com/balloob/pychromecast and put it into a subdirectory alongside this cgi-bin, but you need to pip install zeroconf to get it to work. ''' import cgi import cgitb import codecs import configparser import datetime import hashlib import json import os import stat import sys import time import collections import socket import urllib import requests from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth # chromecast support is optional, and since it needs manually installing # have to not die if it can't be found try: import pychromecast CAST_SUPPORT = True except ImportError: CAST_SUPPORT = False # pylint:disable=global-statement # requires making code less readable: # pylint:disable=too-many-branches # pylint:disable=too-many-lines # pylint:disable=too-many-locals # pylint:disable=too-many-nested-blocks # pylint:disable=too-many-statements # broken in pylint3: # pylint:disable=global-variable-not-assigned ########################################################################################## URL_GITHUB_HASH_SELF = 'https://api.github.com/repos/speculatrix/tvh_epg/contents/tvh_epg.py' TS_URL_CHN = 'api/channel/grid' TS_URL_CTG = 'api/channeltag/grid' TS_URL_CBE = 'api/dvr/entry/create_by_event' TS_URL_DCG = 'api/dvr/config/grid' TS_URL_DEG = 'api/dvr/entry/grid_finished' TS_URL_EPG = 'api/epg/events/grid' TS_URL_STC = 'api/status/connections' TS_URL_STI = 'api/status/inputs' TS_URL_SVI = 'api/serverinfo' TS_URL_STR = 'stream/channel' TS_URL_DVF = 'dvrfile/' CGI_PARAMS = cgi.FieldStorage() SECS_P_PIXEL = 10 # how many seconds per pixel #MAX_FUTURE = 28800 # 8 hours - how far into the future to show a prog #MAX_FUTURE = 18000 # 5 hours - how far into the future to show a prog MAX_FUTURE = 14400 # 4 hours - how far into the future to show a prog #MAX_PAST = 900 # 15 mins - how much of past programs to show MAX_PAST = 720 # 12 mins - how much of past programs to show #MAX_PAST = 400 # 15 mins - how much of past programs to show CHAN_TABLE_COLUMNS = 4 INPUT_FORM_ESCAPE_TABLE = { '"': """, # "'": "’", # thanks DavidG "&": "&", } URL_ESCAPE_TABLE = { " ": "%20", } TD_EMPTY_CELL = ' ' # state files, queues, logs and so on are stored in this directory CONTROL_DIR = '/var/lib/tvh_epg' # the settings file is stored in the control directory SETTINGS_FILE = 'tvh_epg_settings.ini' SETTINGS_SECTION = 'user' CHAN_COLUMNS = 'channel_column_count' MAX_CHANS = 'max_chans' SH_LOGO = 'sh_ch_logo' TS_AUTH = 'auth_plain_digest' TS_PASS = 'ts_pass' TS_PAUTH = 'ts_pauth' TS_PROF_STRM = 'profile_strm' TS_PROF_CAST = 'profile_chromecasting' TS_URL = 'ts_url' TS_URL_ICONS = 'ts_url_icons' TS_URL_CAST = 'ts_url_icon_cast' TS_USER = 'ts_user' TITLE = 'title' DFLT = 'default' TYPE = 'type' LOCAL_ICON_DIR = 'local_icon_dir' ICON_WIDTH = 'forced_icon_width' ICON_HEIGHT = 'forced_icon_height' BG_COL_PAGE = 'bg_col_page' BG_COL_INPUT = 'bg_col_input' BG_COL_DEF_PAGE = 'f4f4f4' BG_COL_DEF_INPUT = 'f8f8f8' # default values of the settings when being created SETTINGS_DEFAULTS = { TS_URL: { TITLE: 'URL of TV Headend Server', DFLT: 'http://tvh.example.com:9981', TYPE: 'text', }, TS_URL_ICONS: { TITLE: 'URL to picons', DFLT: 'http://tvh.example.com/TVLogos/', TYPE: 'text', }, LOCAL_ICON_DIR: { TITLE: 'Local icon directory, if set, checks icon file exists
(to avoid broken images)', DFLT: '/home/hts/TVLogos/', TYPE: 'text', }, TS_URL_CAST: { TITLE: 'URL to chromecast icon', DFLT: 'http://tvh.example.com/ic_cast_connected_white_24dp.png', TYPE: 'text', }, TS_USER: { TITLE: 'Username on TVH server', DFLT: TS_USER, TYPE: 'text', }, TS_PASS: { TITLE: 'Password on TVH server', DFLT: TS_PASS, TYPE: 'password', }, TS_AUTH: { TITLE: 'Authentication, plain or digest', DFLT: 'plain', TYPE: 'text' }, TS_PAUTH: { TITLE: 'Persistent Auth Token', DFLT: TS_PAUTH, TYPE: 'password', }, TS_PROF_STRM: { TITLE: 'profile for streaming', DFLT: 'default', TYPE: 'text', }, TS_PROF_CAST: { TITLE: 'profile for chromecasting', DFLT: 'chromecast', TYPE: 'text', }, SH_LOGO: { TITLE: 'Show Channel Logos', DFLT: '0', TYPE: 'text', }, MAX_CHANS: { TITLE: 'Maximum Number Of Channels', DFLT: '500', TYPE: 'text', }, CHAN_COLUMNS: { TITLE: 'Columns In Channel Table', DFLT: '4', TYPE: 'text', }, ICON_HEIGHT: { TITLE: 'Force icon height to this, 0 for off', DFLT: '64', TYPE: 'text', }, ICON_WIDTH: { TITLE: 'Force icon width to this, 0 for off', DFLT: '80', TYPE: 'text', }, BG_COL_PAGE: { TITLE: 'page background colour', DFLT: BG_COL_DEF_PAGE, TYPE: 'text', }, BG_COL_INPUT: { TITLE: 'input field background colour', DFLT: BG_COL_DEF_INPUT, TYPE: 'text', }, } DOCROOT_DEFAULT = '/home/hts' ########################################################################################## def check_load_config_file(): # pylint:disable=too-many-return-statements '''check there's a config file which is writable; returns 0 if OK, -1 if the rest of the page should be aborted, > 0 to trigger rendering of the settings page''' global CONFIG_FILE_NAME global MY_SETTINGS # who am i? my_euser_id = os.geteuid() my_egroup_id = os.getegid() config_bad = 1 ################################################ # verify that CONTROL_DIR exists and is writable try: cdir_stat = os.stat(CONTROL_DIR) except OSError: error_text = f'''Error, directory "{CONTROL_DIR }" doesn\'t appear to exist. Please do the following - needs root: \tsudo mkdir "{ CONTROL_DIR }" && sudo chgrp { str(my_egroup_id) } "{ CONTROL_DIR }" && sudo chmod g+ws "{ CONTROL_DIR }"''' config_bad = -1 return (config_bad, error_text) # error so severe, no point in continuing # owned by me and writable by me, or same group as me and writable through that group? if ((cdir_stat.st_uid == my_euser_id and (cdir_stat.st_mode & stat.S_IWUSR) != 0) or (cdir_stat.st_gid == my_egroup_id and (cdir_stat.st_mode & stat.S_IWGRP) != 0)): #print 'OK, %s exists and is writable' % CONTROL_DIR config_bad = 0 else: error_text = '''Error, won\'t be able to write to directory "%s". Please do the following: \tsudo chgrp %s "%s" && sudo chmod g+ws "%s"''' \ % (CONTROL_DIR, str(my_egroup_id), CONTROL_DIR, CONTROL_DIR, ) return (-1, error_text) # error so severe, no point in continuing ######## # verify the settings file exists and is writable if not os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILE_NAME): error_text = '''Error, can\'t open "%s" for reading. Please do the following - needs root: \tsudo touch "%s" && sudo chgrp %s "%s" && sudo chmod g+w "%s"''' \ % (CONFIG_FILE_NAME, CONFIG_FILE_NAME, str(my_egroup_id), CONFIG_FILE_NAME, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) return (-1, error_text) # owned by me and writable by me, or same group as me and writable through that group? config_stat = os.stat(CONFIG_FILE_NAME) if ((config_stat.st_uid == my_euser_id and (config_stat.st_mode & stat.S_IWUSR) != 0) or (config_stat.st_gid == my_egroup_id and (config_stat.st_mode & stat.S_IWGRP) != 0)): config_bad = 0 else: error_text = '''Error, won\'t be able to write to file "%s" Please do the following - needs root: \tsudo chgrp %s "%s" && sudo chmod g+w %s''' \ % (CONFIG_FILE_NAME, CONFIG_FILE_NAME, my_egroup_id, CONFIG_FILE_NAME, ) return (-1, error_text) # file is zero bytes? if config_stat.st_size == 0: error_text = 'Config file is empty, please go to settings and submit to save\n' return (1, error_text) if not MY_SETTINGS.read(CONFIG_FILE_NAME): error_text = ('Error, failed to open and read config file "%s"' \ % (CONFIG_FILE_NAME, )) return (-1, error_text) return (0, 'OK') ########################################################################################## def get_github_hash_self(): """calculates the git hash of the version of this script in github""" gh_resp = requests.get(URL_GITHUB_HASH_SELF) gh_json = gh_resp.json() return gh_json['sha'] ########################################################################################## def get_githash_self(): """calculates the git hash of the running script""" # stat this file fullfile_name = __file__ fullfile_stat = os.stat(fullfile_name) # read this entire file into memory fullfile_content = '' with open(fullfile_name, 'rb') as fullfile_fh: fullfile_content = fullfile_fh.read() # do what "git hash-object" does sha_obj = hashlib.sha1() sha_obj.update(b'blob %d\0' % fullfile_stat.st_size) sha_obj.update(fullfile_content) return sha_obj.hexdigest() ########################################################################################## def epoch_to_human_duration(epoch_time): '''takes numeric sec since unix epoch and returns humanly readable time''' #return time.asctime(time.localtime(epoch_time)) human_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time) return human_dt.strftime("%H:%M") ########################################################################################## def epoch_to_human_date(epoch_time): '''takes numeric sec since unix epoch and returns humanly readable time''' #return time.asctime(time.localtime(epoch_time)) human_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time) return human_dt.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M") ########################################################################################## #def load_channel_dict_from_cache(): # '''load channel dict from cache file - FIXME''' # ########################################################################################## #def save_channel_dict_to_cache(): # '''saves channel dict to cache file - FIXME''' # ########################################################################################## def get_channeltag_grid(): '''gets the channeltag/grid values''' global MY_SETTINGS ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) ts_auth = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_AUTH) ts_user = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER) ts_pass = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS) ts_query = f'{ ts_url }/{ TS_URL_CTG }' if ts_auth == 'plain': ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=(ts_user, ts_pass)) else: ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(ts_user, ts_pass)) print(f'') if ts_response.status_code != 200: print(f'
Error code { ts_response.status_code }\n{ ts_response.content }
') return {} ts_json = json.loads(ts_response.text, strict=False) #print('
' % json.dumps(ts_json, sort_keys=True, \ # indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) ) return ts_json ########################################################################################## def get_channel_dict(): '''gets the channel listing and generats an ordered dict by name''' global MY_SETTINGS ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) ts_auth = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_AUTH) ts_user = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER) ts_pass = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS) ts_max_ch = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, MAX_CHANS) ts_query = f'{ ts_url }/{ TS_URL_CHN }?limit={ ts_max_ch }' if ts_auth == 'plain': ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=(ts_user, ts_pass)) else: ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(ts_user, ts_pass)) print(f'') if ts_response.status_code != 200: print(f'
Error code { ts_response.status_code }\n{ ts_response.content }
') return {} ts_text = ts_response.text #print(f'
Extreme Debug!\n\n{ ts_text }\n
    ts_json = json.loads(ts_text, strict=False)
' % json.dumps(ts_json, sort_keys=True, \ # indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) ) channel_map = {} # full channel info channel_list = [] # build a list of channel names ordered_channel_map = collections.OrderedDict() if 'entries' in ts_json: # grab all channel info name_unknown = 0 number_unknown = -1 for entry in ts_json['entries']: # start building a dict with channel name as key if 'name' in entry: channel_name = entry['name'] else: channel_name = 'unknown ' + str(name_unknown) name_unknown += 1 channel_list.append(channel_name) if channel_name not in channel_map: channel_map[channel_name] = {} # store the channel specific info ch_map = channel_map[channel_name] if 'tags' in entry: ch_map['tags'] = entry['tags'] if 'number' in entry: ch_map['number'] = entry['number'] else: ch_map['number'] = number_unknown name_unknown -= 1 ch_map['uuid'] = entry['uuid'] if 'icon_public_url' in entry: ch_map['icon_public_url'] = entry['icon_public_url'] channel_list_sorted = sorted(channel_list, key=lambda s: s.casefold()) # case insensitive sort of channel list for chan in channel_list_sorted: # ... produces an ordered dict #print('adding %s
' % (chan, )) ordered_channel_map[chan] = channel_map[chan] return ordered_channel_map ########################################################################################## def get_dvr_config_grid(): '''gets the dvr/config/grid dict''' global MY_SETTINGS ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) ts_auth = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_AUTH) ts_user = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER) ts_pass = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS) ts_query = '%s/%s' % ( ts_url, TS_URL_DCG, ) if ts_auth == 'plain': ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=(ts_user, ts_pass)) else: ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(ts_user, ts_pass)) print(f'') ts_json = json.loads(ts_response.text, strict=False) #print('
' % json.dumps(ts_json, sort_keys=True, \ # indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) ) return ts_json ########################################################################################## def html_page_footer(): '''no surprises''' print(''' ''') ########################################################################################## def input_form_escape(text): """escape special characters into html input forms""" return "".join(INPUT_FORM_ESCAPE_TABLE.get(c, c) for c in text) ########################################################################################## def page_channel_table(): '''prints the channel table to stdout''' global MY_SETTINGS if 'tag' in CGI_PARAMS: p_tag = CGI_PARAMS.getlist('tag') else: p_tag = [] print('


') channel_dict = get_channel_dict() channel_tag = get_channeltag_grid() cdl = len(channel_dict) print(f'''

Channel count: { cdl }

Maximum number of channels viewable in settings is { MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, MAX_CHANS) }

Note, the channel links are the streams; to play, save the m3u and open in a player like VLC, you can also you can drag and drop the link into a VLC window.

The ↥ character means you can hover the mouse and see the secondary title of the programme.

''') # channel labels if cdl: print('
') print("Tag filters:") for tag in channel_tag['entries']: if tag['uuid'] in p_tag: checked = ' checked' else: checked = '' print(f'{ tag["name"] }  ') print('''
''') ##################################################################### # channel table # index required to make table rows print(''' ''') for _column_num in range(0, int(MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, CHAN_COLUMNS))): if int(MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, SH_LOGO)) != 0: print(' ') print(''' ''') print(' ') #ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) icon_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL_ICONS) icon_width = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, ICON_WIDTH) icon_height = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, ICON_HEIGHT) chan_idx = 0 for chan_name in channel_dict: chan = channel_dict[chan_name] # check channel isn't filtered out by tags show_channel = 0 if 'tags' not in chan or len(p_tag) == 0: show_channel = 1 else: for tag in p_tag: if tag in chan['tags']: show_channel = 1 if show_channel: if chan_idx % (int(MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, CHAN_COLUMNS))) == 0: print(' ') if int(MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, SH_LOGO)) != 0: if 'icon_public_url' in channel_dict[chan_name]: # chop +1 channel names for icons if chan_name[-2:] == '+1': chan_name_ref = chan_name[:-2] else: chan_name_ref = chan_name # it might be possible to skip broken picons if they # are on the same server and we know where they are skip_icon = False if MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, LOCAL_ICON_DIR) != '': icon_file_name = f'{ MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, LOCAL_ICON_DIR) }/{ chan_name_ref }.png' if not os.path.exists(icon_file_name): skip_icon = True print(' ') else: print(' ') play_url = f'?page=m3u&uuid={ TS_URL_STR }/{chan["uuid"] }' direct_url = uuid_to_url(f'{ TS_URL_STR }/{chan["uuid"]}') print(f' \n') chan_idx += 1 # if we're about to start a new row, close the row if chan_idx % (int(MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, CHAN_COLUMNS))) == 0: print(' ') else: print(' ') # don't leave a row hanging if chan_idx % (int(MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, CHAN_COLUMNS))) != 0: print(' ') print('
Channel LogoNumber: Name  
', end='') if skip_icon: print(' ', end='') else: chan_img_url = f'{ icon_url }/{ input_form_escape(chan_name_ref) }.png' print(f'channel icon', end='') print(' ' f'{ chan["number"] }:  { input_form_escape(chan_name) }' ) if CAST_SUPPORT: print('  ' f'chromecast icon' , end='' ) print(f'
\nm3u' f'  ' f'raw' ) print('
') ########################################################################################## def page_chromecast(p_uri, p_cast_device): '''chromecast "pop up" uri is /dvrfile/aaaaaaa... or /stream/channel/aaaaaa and missing the httpX://hostname:port bit ''' global MY_SETTINGS # start the scanning and hope it'll be done soon chromecasts = pychromecast.get_chromecasts(1, 0, 15) # tries, retry_wait, timeout if isinstance(chromecasts, tuple): chromecasts, browser = chromecasts if TS_PROF_CAST in MY_SETTINGS[SETTINGS_SECTION] and MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PROF_CAST) != '': ts_profile = f'?profile={ MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PROF_CAST) }' else: ts_profile = '' # split the TVH server URL up so we can get its IP address ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) try: ts_url_parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(ts_url) except urllib.error.URLError as url_excpt: ##print(str(url_excpt)) print(f'

Error parsing { str(url_excpt) }

') return print(f'

hostname { ts_url_parsed.hostname }, netloc { ts_url_parsed.netloc }

') #print('

Debug: uri "%s"
' % (p_uri, )) # now for abominable hacks ts_ip = socket.gethostbyname(ts_url_parsed.hostname) if TS_URL_DVF in p_uri: # recordings need to get a username/password full_url = '%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s%s' \ % (ts_url_parsed.scheme, MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER), MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS), ts_ip, ts_url_parsed.port, p_uri, ts_profile, ) else: # live streams use persistent auth full_url = '%s://%s:%s%s%s&AUTH=%s' \ % (ts_url_parsed.scheme, ts_ip, ts_url_parsed.port, p_uri, ts_profile, MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PAUTH), ) #print('fullurl is "%s"
' % full_url) print("

Please be patient, scanning for chromecast devices can take up to ten seconds

") pychromecast.discovery.stop_discovery(browser) #### # user must choose a device to cast to if p_cast_device == '': print('
\n' '\n' '' % (p_uri, )) print('Select device') print('
''') return #### # find the cast device which user chose from friendly name print('
Debug, finding device with friendly name "%s"
' % (p_cast_device, )) cast = None for cast_dev in chromecasts: if cast_dev.device.friendly_name == p_cast_device: #if cast_dev.friendly_name == p_cast_device: cast = cast_dev if cast is None: print('Error, couldn\'t find the cast device
') return #### # can now actually get the chromecast to do the streaming #return # stop the actual casting cast.wait() print('chromecast page completed

') pychromecast.discovery.stop_discovery(browser) ########################################################################################## def page_list_chans_epg(show_epg): '''prints the cnannel list with/out EPG to stdout''' global MY_SETTINGS if 'tag' in CGI_PARAMS: p_tag = CGI_PARAMS.getlist('tag') else: p_tag = [] print('


') epoch_time = time.time() channel_dict = get_channel_dict() channel_tag = get_channeltag_grid() cdl = len(channel_dict) if cdl: print("

Tag filters:

") print('
') for tag in channel_tag['entries']: if tag['uuid'] in p_tag: checked = ' checked' else: checked = '' print(f'
{ tag["name"] }  
' ) print('''
''') #


Channel count: { cdl }

Maximum number of channels viewable in settings is { MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, MAX_CHANS) }

Note, the channel links are the streams; to play, save the m3u and open in a player like VLC, you can also you can drag and drop the link into a VLC window.

The ↥ character means you can hover the mouse and see the secondary title of the programme.

''') # print the table/page header if show_epg: print(' \n ') else: print('
\n ') if int(MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, SH_LOGO)) != 0: print(' ') print(' ') if show_epg: print(' ') print(' ') ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) icon_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL_ICONS) ts_auth = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_AUTH) ts_user = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER) ts_pass = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS) icon_width = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, ICON_WIDTH) icon_height = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, ICON_HEIGHT) # iterate through the channel list by name for chan_name in channel_dict: chan = channel_dict[chan_name] show_channel = 0 if 'tags' not in chan or len(p_tag) == 0: show_channel = 1 else: for tag in p_tag: if tag in chan['tags']: show_channel = 1 if show_channel: print(' ') if int(MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, SH_LOGO)) != 0: if 'icon_public_url' in chan: # chop +1 channel names for icons if chan_name[-2:] == '+1': chan_name_ref = chan_name[:-2] else: chan_name_ref = chan_name # it might be possible to skip broken picons if they # are on the same server and we know where they are skip_icon = False if MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, LOCAL_ICON_DIR) != '': icon_file_name = f'{ MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, LOCAL_ICON_DIR) }/{ chan_name_ref }.png' if not os.path.exists(icon_file_name): skip_icon = True print('') else: print('') play_url = f'?page=m3u&uuid={ TS_URL_STR }/{ chan["uuid"] }' print(f' ') if show_epg: # grab the EPG data for the channel ts_query = f'{ ts_url }/{ TS_URL_EPG }?limit=10&channel={ chan["uuid"] }' print(f' ') if ts_auth == 'plain': ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=(ts_user, ts_pass)) else: ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(ts_user, ts_pass)) print(f' ') ts_text = ts_response.text #print('' % (ts_text,)) ts_json = json.loads(ts_text, strict=False) if len(ts_json['entries']): #chan[EPG] = ts_json['entries'] print( ' ') else: print(' ') print(' ') print('
') if skip_icon: print(' ') else: chan_img_url = f'{ icon_url }/{ input_form_escape(chan_name_ref) }.png' print(f'') print(' { input_form_escape(chan_name) }   ({ chan["number"] })' ) if CAST_SUPPORT: print('
\n ' f'chromecast icon' ) print('
Extreme Debug!\n\n%s\n
' ) #current_left_time = MAX_PAST / SECS_P_PIXEL # starts at zero secs current_left_time = 0 entry_num = 0 for entry in ts_json['entries']: entry_num += 1 time_start = int(entry['start']) time_stop = int(entry['stop']) if entry_num == 9999: time_start += 600 # fake a gap time_stop -= 600 # fake a gap duration = time_stop - time_start #print(f'
epoch_time { epoch_time }
time_start { time_start }' # f'
time stop { time_stop }
duration { duration }
') # prevent past programs from showing if time_stop <= epoch_time: print('
past program
') continue # prevent far future programs making page too wide by ending the row if time_start - epoch_time >= MAX_FUTURE: continue # prevent overly long program making page too wide by narrowing #if time_stop - epoch_time >= MAX_FUTURE: # time_stop = epoch_time + MAX_FUTURE # duration = time_stop - time_start title = entry['title'] if 'title' in entry else 'Untitled' subtitle = entry['subtitle'] if 'subtitle' in entry else '' time_until = time_start - epoch_time time_used = epoch_time - time_start time_left = time_stop - epoch_time #print(f'
duration { duration },
time used { time_used },
time_left { time_left }
') if time_until > current_left_time: # gap until next program box_width = (time_until - current_left_time) / SECS_P_PIXEL current_left_time = time_until print(f'
') # print the boxes containing each program if time_used > 0: # playing item time_used = MAX_PAST # used time is a fixed width time_start = epoch_time - MAX_PAST duration = time_stop - time_start # make box narrower, not interested in distant past #if time_used > MAX_PAST: #time_used = MAX_PAST # used time is a fixed width #duration = time_stop - time_start #print(f'
duration { duration },
time used { time_used },
time_left { time_left }
') #time_used = 10 box_width = duration / SECS_P_PIXEL current_left_time += duration # box for things already started print('
' , end='') else: # future item time_left = duration box_width = duration / SECS_P_PIXEL current_left_time += duration print('
' , end='') # print the programme details #record_this = (f'' # '® ') record_this = (f'
') if subtitle != '': print(f'{ record_this }
' f'↥{ input_form_escape(title) }' f'{ input_form_escape(title) }
{ input_form_escape(subtitle) }
' , end='') else: print(f'{ record_this }{ input_form_escape(title) }', end='') if time_used > 0: print(f'
end { epoch_to_human_duration(time_stop) }' f'
left { secs_to_human(time_left) }') else: print(f'
   start { epoch_to_human_duration(time_start) }' f'
length { secs_to_human(duration) }') #print(f'
current_left_time will be { int(current_left_time) }
entry_num {entry_num}') print('
') print('
') ########################################################################################## def page_error(error_text): '''prints error page contents''' global MY_SETTINGS print('


') print('

Something went wrong

') print(f'
{ error_text }
') print(f'
settings sections: { MY_SETTINGS.sections() }
') ########################################################################################## def uuid_to_url(p_uuid): '''generates an uuid given the channel uuid''' global MY_SETTINGS if TS_PROF_STRM in MY_SETTINGS[SETTINGS_SECTION] and MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PROF_STRM) != '': ts_profile = f'?profile={ MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PROF_STRM) }' else: ts_profile = '' if TS_PAUTH in MY_SETTINGS[SETTINGS_SECTION]: ts_pauth = f'&AUTH={ MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PAUTH) }' else: ts_pauth = '' # split the TVH server URL up so we can get its IP address ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) try: ts_url_parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(ts_url) except urllib.error.URLError as url_excpt: ##print(str(url_excpt)) print(f'

Error parsing { str(url_excpt) }

') return if TS_URL_DVF in p_uuid: # need very specific form of URL to allow user:pass auth to work full_url = '%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s%s' \ % (ts_url_parsed.scheme, MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER), MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS), ts_url_parsed.hostname, ts_url_parsed.port, p_uuid, ts_profile, ) else: # live streams use persistent auth full_url = '%s://%s:%s/%s%s%s' \ % (ts_url_parsed.scheme, ts_url_parsed.hostname, ts_url_parsed.port, p_uuid, ts_profile, ts_pauth, ) return full_url ########################################################################################## def page_m3u(p_uuid): '''generates an m3u file to be played in e.g. vlc''' print('#EXTM3U') print(uuid_to_url(p_uuid)) ########################################################################################## def page_record(p_event_id, p_profile): '''checks the recording param and generated DVR record''' global MY_SETTINGS print('

Record Item

') if p_profile == '': dcg_json = get_dvr_config_grid() if 'entries' in dcg_json: # if multiple profiles, ask the user if len(dcg_json['entries']) > 1: print('
') print('') print('') print('' % (p_event_id, )) print('') print( '' ) print('
') # if only one profile, just select it else: p_profile = dcg_json['entries'][0]['profile'] else: print('

Error, there were no DCG profiles

') if p_profile != '': print('Generating DVR record...') print('

Work In Progress

') ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) ts_auth = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_AUTH) ts_user = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER) ts_pass = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS) ts_query = '%s/%s?config_uuid=%s&event_id=%s' % \ (ts_url, TS_URL_CBE, p_profile, p_event_id,) if ts_auth == 'plain': ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=(ts_user, ts_pass)) else: ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(ts_user, ts_pass)) print(f'') ts_json = json.loads(ts_response.text, strict=False) #print('
' % json.dumps(ts_json, sort_keys=True, \ # indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) ) if 'uuid' in ts_json: print('


') else: print('


') print('') print( '' ) print('') ########################################################################################## def page_recordings(): '''prints the status information, useful to check the API call is working at all''' global MY_SETTINGS print('


') ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) ts_auth = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_AUTH) ts_user = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER) ts_pass = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS) ts_query = '%s/%s' % ( ts_url, TS_URL_DEG, ) if ts_auth == 'plain': ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=(ts_user, ts_pass)) else: ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(ts_user, ts_pass)) print(f'') if ts_response.status_code != 200: print('

HTTP error response %d' '- does configured user have admin rights?

' % (ts_response.status_code, )) return ts_json = ts_response.json() if 'entries' in ts_json: print( '' ) for entry in ts_json['entries']: print('') if 'channelname' in entry: print('' % (entry['channelname'], )) else: print(TD_EMPTY_CELL) if 'title' in entry and 'eng' in entry['title']: print('') else: print(TD_EMPTY_CELL) if 'start' in entry: print(f'') else: print(TD_EMPTY_CELL) if 'summary' in entry and 'eng' in entry['title']: print(f'') elif 'subtitle' in entry and 'eng' in entry['title']: print(f'') else: print(TD_EMPTY_CELL) print('') print('
Channel NameTitleDateSummary
%s%s' % (entry['url'], input_form_escape(entry['title']['eng']), )) if CAST_SUPPORT: print('
chromecast icon' % \ (entry['url'], MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL_CAST), )) print('
{ epoch_to_human_date(entry["start"]) }{ entry["summary"]["eng"] }{ entry["subtitle"]["eng"] }
') print('
' % json.dumps( ts_json, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) ######################################################################################### def page_serverinfo(): '''prints the server information, useful to check the API call is working at all''' global MY_SETTINGS print('

Server Info

') ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) ts_auth = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_AUTH) ts_user = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER) ts_pass = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS) ts_query = f'{ ts_url }/{ TS_URL_SVI }' print(f'') if ts_auth == 'plain': ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=(ts_user, ts_pass)) else: ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(ts_user, ts_pass)) ts_json = ts_response.json() print('
' % json.dumps( ts_json, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) ########################################################################################## def page_settings(): '''the configuration page''' global CONFIG_FILE_NAME global MY_SETTINGS # the check load config function doesn't populate an empty file if SETTINGS_SECTION not in MY_SETTINGS.sections(): print(f'

Warning, a settings file could not be loaded, the settings section { SETTINGS_SECTION } was not found, please edit and save the config.

') MY_SETTINGS.add_section(SETTINGS_SECTION) # attempt to find the value of each setting, either from the params # submitted by the browser, or from the file, or from the defaults for setting in sorted(SETTINGS_DEFAULTS): setting_value = '' # get the value if possible from the URL/form cgi_param_name = 'c_' + setting if cgi_param_name in CGI_PARAMS: setting_value = CGI_PARAMS.getvalue(cgi_param_name) else: # otherwise get it from the config file try: setting_value = str(MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, setting)) except configparser.NoOptionError: #except configparser.NoOptionError as noex: #print(f'

Exception "{ noex }"
') #print('failed getting value for setting "%s" from config, ' # 'using default

' % (SETTINGS_DEFAULTS[setting][TITLE], )) if DFLT in SETTINGS_DEFAULTS[setting]: setting_value = SETTINGS_DEFAULTS[setting][DFLT] else: setting_value = '' MY_SETTINGS.set(SETTINGS_SECTION, setting, setting_value) print('
' \ '' \ '' \ ' ' \ #' ' \ ' ' \ ' ' \ ' \n' \ ' ') for setting in sorted(SETTINGS_DEFAULTS): print(' ') #print(f' ') print(f' ') if setting in MY_SETTINGS[SETTINGS_SECTION]: setting_value = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, setting) else: setting_value = SETTINGS_DEFAULTS[setting][DFLT] print(' ' \ % (SETTINGS_DEFAULTS[setting][TYPE], setting, setting_value, )) print(f' ') print(' ') print('''
{ setting }  { SETTINGS_DEFAULTS[setting][TITLE] }   { SETTINGS_DEFAULTS[setting][DFLT] }

The hostname in the URL for the TVHeadend receiver will be automatically turned into an IP address when chromecasting because chromecast devices go direct to Google's DNS servers and thus private DNS is ignored. ''') config_file_handle = open(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, 'w') if config_file_handle: MY_SETTINGS.write(config_file_handle) else: print(f'Error, failed to open and write config file "{ CONFIG_FILE_NAME }"') ########################################################################################## def page_status(): '''prints the status information, useful to check the API call is working at all''' global MY_SETTINGS print('''

Server Status

Input Status

''') ts_url = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_URL) ts_auth = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_AUTH) ts_user = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_USER) ts_pass = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, TS_PASS) ts_query = f'{ ts_url }/{ TS_URL_STI }' if ts_auth == 'plain': ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=(ts_user, ts_pass)) else: ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(ts_user, ts_pass)) print('' % (ts_query, )) if ts_response.status_code == 200: ts_json = ts_response.json() print('
' % json.dumps( ts_json, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) else: print(f'

HTTP error response { ts_response.status_code }' '- does configured user have admin rights?

') print('

Connection Status

') ts_query = '%s/%s' % ( ts_url, TS_URL_STC, ) if ts_auth == 'plain': ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=(ts_user, ts_pass)) else: ts_response = requests.get(ts_query, auth=HTTPDigestAuth(ts_user, ts_pass)) #print('' % (ts_query, )) if ts_response.status_code == 200: ts_json = ts_response.json() print('
' % json.dumps( ts_json, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) else: print('

HTTP error response %d' '- does configured user have admin rights?

' % (ts_response.status_code, )) ########################################################################################## def page_upgrade_check(): '''the upgrade check page''' ################################################ # see if this script is up to date githash_self = get_githash_self() githubhash_self = get_github_hash_self() print(f'

github hash of this file { githubhash_self }
\n') print(f'git hash of this file { githash_self, }br>\n') print('

') if githubhash_self == githash_self: print( 'Great, this program is the same as the version on github.\n
\n' ) else: print( 'This program appears to be out of date, please update it.\n
\n' ) print('

') ########################################################################################## def m3u_page_header(): '''page header for m3u playlists''' print('Content-Type: audio/x-mpegurl\n') ########################################################################################## def html_page_header(): '''standard html page header''' global MY_SETTINGS bg_col_page = BG_COL_DEF_PAGE bg_col_input = BG_COL_DEF_INPUT if MY_SETTINGS and SETTINGS_SECTION in MY_SETTINGS: if BG_COL_PAGE in MY_SETTINGS[SETTINGS_SECTION] and MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, BG_COL_PAGE) != '': bg_col_page = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, BG_COL_PAGE) if BG_COL_INPUT in MY_SETTINGS[SETTINGS_SECTION] and MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, BG_COL_INPUT) != '': bg_col_input = MY_SETTINGS.get(SETTINGS_SECTION, BG_COL_INPUT) # finalise tcp header #print('Content-Type: text/plain\n') # plain text for extreme debugging print('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n') # begin html page # #print(''' print(''' tvh_epg.py ''' % (bg_col_page, bg_col_input, bg_col_page, )) print('

' '/python_errors (new window)

') print('''

Menu: EPG    Channel List    Channel Table    Recordings    Server Info    Settings    Status    Upgrade Check    About (new window)   

''') ########################################################################################## def secs_to_human(t_secs): '''turns a duration in seconds into Xd HH:MM:SS''' #t_secs = 86400 + 4000 + 120 + 5 t_mins = int(t_secs / 60) t_hours = int(t_mins / 60) t_days = int(t_hours / 24) r_days = t_days r_hours = t_hours - r_days * 24 r_mins = t_mins - r_days * 24 * 60 - r_hours * 60 #r_secs = t_secs - r_days * 24 * 60 * 60 - r_hours * 60 * 60 - r_mins * 60 h_days = '' if r_days > 0: h_days = f'{ r_days }d, ' #h_time = '%s%02d:%02d:%02d' % ( h_time = '%s%02d:%02d' % ( # pylint:disable=consider-using-f-string h_days, r_hours, r_mins, #r_secs, ) return h_time ########################################################################################## def url_escape(text): """escape special characters for URL""" return "".join(URL_ESCAPE_TABLE.get(c, c) for c in text) ########################################################################################## def web_interface(): '''provides web interface''' global CONFIG_FILE_NAME global MY_SETTINGS # process the CGI params if 'event_id' in CGI_PARAMS: p_event_id = CGI_PARAMS.getvalue('event_id') else: p_event_id = '' if 'profile' in CGI_PARAMS: p_profile = CGI_PARAMS.getvalue('profile') else: p_profile = '' if 'uri' in CGI_PARAMS: p_uri = CGI_PARAMS.getvalue('uri') else: p_uri = '' if 'cast_device' in CGI_PARAMS: p_cast_device = CGI_PARAMS.getvalue('cast_device') else: p_cast_device = '' #illegal_param_count = 0 error_text = 'Unknown error' (config_bad, error_text) = check_load_config_file() if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE_NAME) or config_bad < 0: p_page = 'settings' #elif config_bad > 0: # p_page = 'settings' elif 'page' in CGI_PARAMS: p_page = CGI_PARAMS.getvalue('page') else: # set the default page if none provided p_page = 'channel_table' if p_page == 'error': html_page_header() page_error(error_text) html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'epg': html_page_header() page_list_chans_epg(True) html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'channel_list': html_page_header() page_list_chans_epg(False) html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'channel_table': html_page_header() page_channel_table() html_page_footer() elif CAST_SUPPORT and p_page == 'chromecast': html_page_header() page_chromecast(p_uri, p_cast_device) html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'm3u': if 'uuid' in CGI_PARAMS: p_uuid = CGI_PARAMS.getvalue('uuid') m3u_page_header() page_m3u(p_uuid) else: html_page_header() page_error('missing uuid for m3u generator') html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'record': html_page_header() page_record(p_event_id, p_profile) html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'recordings': html_page_header() page_recordings() html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'serverinfo': html_page_header() page_serverinfo() html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'status': html_page_header() page_status() html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'settings': html_page_header() page_settings() html_page_footer() elif p_page == 'upgrade_check': html_page_header() page_upgrade_check() html_page_footer() else: html_page_header() #page_error('no page selected') html_page_footer() #illegal_param_count += 1 ########################################################################################## # main # a few globals #PATH_OF_SCRIPT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) CONFIG_FILE_NAME = os.path.join(CONTROL_DIR, SETTINGS_FILE) MY_SETTINGS = configparser.ConfigParser() if len(sys.argv) <= 1: sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout.detach()) DOCROOT = os.environ.get('DOCUMENT_ROOT', DOCROOT_DEFAULT) cgitb.enable(display=0, logdir=DOCROOT + '/python_errors', format='html') web_interface() else: print('Failed') sys.exit(1) # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4