Shared Cart


The easy-to-access and multifunctional shopping carts are one of the most important components of an e-commerce application. In most cases, retail shopping carts do not address specialized business needs, and this capability gap can potentially cost merchants money in lost orders and productivity.

In the B2B business model, shopping carts are often created and used not by one and the same person all the time, therefore for most companies, it is vital to be able to share shopping carts among company users. For example, a chief may create a shopping cart and include the products necessary for their HR department and might want to share with all or individual business unit members, granting them different levels of access rights. In this way, business unit members can extend the cart with additional items and define the exact amount of items they need. Spryker Shared Shopping Carts feature allows you to share shopping carts within an entire business unit or with individual users belonging to the business unit. Moreover, business units and its members can be granted different privileges on the shopping cart: no access at all, read-only or full access.


If you are a:


Shop Administrator

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Module Guide: SharedCart


Module Guide: SharedCartDataImport


Module Guide: SharedCartPage


Module Guide: SharedCartWidget