Agent Assist

MLMulti-language MSMulti-store MCMulti-currency

Even though popularity of online shopping continues to grow, many buyers still lack "human touch" in online stores, as they prefer human advise as to which product to choose, or seek assistance with the order fulfillment process. This is when e-commerce business owners might want or even need e-commerce shop assistants, or agents. The agent in the e-commerce is a person who assists customers in an online shop in various ways. On one hand, this is someone with unrivaled product knowledge who can advise the best fit your customers and thus give them confidence to make the purchase. On the other hand, the agent can perform various activities in an online store on behalf of a customer: make a purchase, create and share shopping lists or even register a company etc. The later is achieved through agent's login to the store, choosing a necessary customer in a dedicated area and performing actions on their behalf. These all makes agent a real asset for customers looking for personalized experiences as well as for those who for some reason cannot perform certain actions in online store and need assistance. The ability to have an agent who not only can give advice, but also make purchases and all the activities in your shop for customers seeking assistance, results in more sales, higher conversion rates and increased number of happy customers who come back to your shop.

Check out this video tutorial on setting up Agent Assist user in the company account.