Splittable Order Items

MLMulti-language MSMulti-store MCMulti-currency

B2B customers usually purchase large volumes of products selecting specific measuring and packaging units relevant for their orders. In B2B eCommerce shops, some products, for example in pallets, might contain hundreds or even thousands and millions of items in them. Buying such products generally results in creation of hundreds, thousands etc. sales order items in the database, and this might affect the system performance. Also, the customer ends up with a huge list of products on the checkout and order overview pages, which creates a bad buying experience. The Splittable Order Items feature allows you to avoid long lists of sales order items, as you can choose not to split product concretes into separate sales items upon order.


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Enable Splittable Order Items in your project View splittable and non-splittable orders in the Administration Interface

Integrate the Quick Add to Cart + Non-splittable Products feature v. 201903.0 into your project