
     The Sabarimala Temple is located atop the Mount Sabari - about 3000 feet above sea level is open to mankind, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, social status or nationality. People from all over India and from abroad make their annual pilgrimage to Sabarimala for a holy darshan of the lord. After 41 days of fasting and praying, he is ready to embark on the journey. He carries with him specially designed cloth bag called the "Irumudi" with two compartments in which coconuts filled with ghee are placed. The bag is divided into two by a knot at the middle which balances the weight of pooja items.

    An Ayyappa pilgrim is never called by his name and every pilgrim is a "Ayyappa Swamy". One has to lead a disciplined, austere life of abstinence for 41 days to proceed to the temple. The requirements are that he should be a strict vegetarian, do not smoke or drink liquor, wear a necklace of rudraksha beads and wear only simple cotton clothes in black. He must not cut any hair and go barefoot. When they reach the foothills, they have to go barefoot and climb the hill to reach the 18 vertical steps to the temple for a darshan of the Lord.

     The shrine is open only during specific period every year, based on the Malayalam Calendar, and usually between November and January. The temple is also open on the first five days of every month of the Malayalam Calendar

     In ancient times, the trek to the temple used to be extremely risky as the pilgrims had to trudge through dense forests filled with wild animals including leopards, bears and elephants. In those days, pilgrims would take leave from their family to go on the pilgrimage with no guarantee of returning home. Today, with modern transportation, the travel has become so much safer.


Daily Temple Timings
Morning Evening
5:30 AM
10:00 AM
5:30 PM
8:45 PM
Sunday &
Public Holidays
5:30 AM
11:00 AM
5:30 PM
9:00 PM