Default line types based on a set supplied by Richard Pearson, University of Manchester. Continuous values can not be mapped to line types.
scale_linetype(..., na.value = "blank") scale_linetype_continuous(...) scale_linetype_discrete(..., na.value = "blank")
... | common discrete scale parameters: |
na.value | The linetype to use for |
# See scale_manual for more flexibility # Common line types ---------------------------- df_lines <- data.frame( linetype = factor( 1:4, labels = c("solid", "longdash", "dashed", "dotted") ) ) ggplot(df_lines) + geom_hline(aes(linetype = linetype, yintercept = 0), size = 2) + scale_linetype_identity() + facet_grid(linetype ~ .) + theme_void(20)#> Warning: partial match of 'y' to 'yintercept'