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QScrollBar Class Reference
[QtGui module]




Detailed Description


滚动条是一个控制,使用户能够访问一个文件,比用于显示它的插件较大的部件。它提供的文档中的用户的当前位置的视觉指示,并且是可见的文档的量。滚动条通常配有其他的控制,使更精确的导航。 Qt的滚动显示的方式,适用于每个平台吧。


Scroll bars typically include four separate controls: a slider, scroll arrows, and a page control.
  • a. The slider provides a way to quickly go to any part of the document, but does not support accurate navigation within large documents.
  • b. The scroll arrows are push buttons which can be used to accurately navigate to a particular place in a document. For a vertical scroll bar connected to a text editor, these typically move the current position one "line" up or down, and adjust the position of the slider by a small amount. In editors and list boxes a "line" might mean one line of text; in an image viewer it might mean 20 pixels.
  • c. The page control is the area over which the slider is dragged (the scroll bar's background). Clicking here moves the scroll bar towards the click by one "page". This value is usually the same as the length of the slider.

每个捲轴都有一个值,指示多远滑块是滚动条的开始,这是与获得value( ),并设置用setValue( ) 。此值始终在滚动条中定义的值的范围之内在于,从minimum()maximum()包容性。可接受的值的范围可以从被设置setMinimum()和setMaximum( ) 。在最小值时,滑块(对于垂直滚动条)或左边缘(对于水平滚动条)的顶部边缘将在顶部(或左)滚动条的末端。在最大值,底部(或右)的滑块的边缘将在底部(或右)滚动条的末端。

滑块的长度通常是关系到页步长的值,并且通常表示在滚动视图所示的文件区域的比例。在网页的步骤是量,当用户按下由值的变化Page UpPage Down键,并且设置有setPageStep( ) 。由行步中定义的值较小的更改,可使用光标键做,并且这个数量被设置setSingleStep()


滚动条中指定的值的范围往往决定不同,以这些为QSlider因为需要将滑块的长度来加以考虑。如果我们有一个100行的文件,我们只能显示一个小部件20行,我们不妨来构造一个滚动条与20页的步骤,为0的最小值, 80最大值。这将使我们有五个“页面”一个滚动条。

The relationship between a document length, the range of values used in a scroll bar, and the page step is simple in many common situations. The scroll bar's range of values is determined by subtracting a chosen page step from some value representing the length of the document. In such cases, the following equation is useful: document length = maximum() - minimum() + pageStep().



滚动条可以通过键盘来控制,但它有一个缺省focusPolicy的( )Qt.NoFocus。使用setFocusPolicy( )来启用键盘交互使用滚动条:



Screenshot of a Macintosh style scroll bar A scroll bar shown in the Macintosh widget style.
Screenshot of a Windows XP style scroll bar A scroll bar shown in the Windows XP widget style.
Screenshot of a Plastique style scroll bar A scroll bar shown in the Plastique widget style.

Method Documentation

QScrollBar.__init__ (self, QWidget parent = None)




minimum缺省值为0 ,则maximum为99,用singleStep1尺寸和pageStep10的尺寸,和一个初始value0 。

QScrollBar.__init__ (self, Qt.Orientation orientation, QWidget parent = None)




minimum缺省值为0 ,则maximum为99,用singleStep1尺寸和pageStep10的尺寸,和一个初始value0 。

QScrollBar.contextMenuEvent (self, QContextMenuEvent)

从重新实现QWidget.contextMenuEvent( ) 。

bool QScrollBar.event (self, QEvent event)

从重新实现QObject.event( ) 。

QScrollBar.hideEvent (self, QHideEvent)

从重新实现QWidget.hideEvent( ) 。

QScrollBar.initStyleOption (self, QStyleOptionSlider option)


See also QStyleOption.initFrom( ) 。

QScrollBar.mouseMoveEvent (self, QMouseEvent)

从重新实现QWidget.mouseMoveEvent( ) 。

QScrollBar.mousePressEvent (self, QMouseEvent)

从重新实现QWidget.mousePressEvent( ) 。

QScrollBar.mouseReleaseEvent (self, QMouseEvent)

从重新实现QWidget.mouseReleaseEvent( ) 。

QScrollBar.paintEvent (self, QPaintEvent)

从重新实现QWidget.paintEvent( ) 。

QSize QScrollBar.sizeHint (self)

从重新实现QWidget.sizeHint( ) 。

QScrollBar.sliderChange (self, QAbstractSlider.SliderChange change)

从重新实现QAbstractSlider.sliderChange( ) 。

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