vispy.visuals.text.text module#
- class vispy.visuals.text.text.FontManager(method='cpu')#
Helper to create TextureFont instances and reuse them when possible
- get_font(face, bold=False, italic=False)#
Get a font described by face and size
- class vispy.visuals.text.text.SDFRendererCPU#
Render SDFs using the CPU.
- render_to_texture(data, texture, offset, size)#
- class vispy.visuals.text.text.TextVisual(text=None, color='black', bold=False, italic=False, face='OpenSans', font_size=12, pos=[0, 0, 0], rotation=0.0, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center', method='cpu', font_manager=None, depth_test=False)#
Visual that displays text
- Parameters:
- textstr | list of str
Text to display. Can also be a list of strings. Note: support for list of str might be removed soon in favor of text collections.
- colorinstance of Color
Color to use.
- boldbool
Bold face.
- italicbool
Italic face.
- facestr
Font face to use.
- font_sizefloat
Point size to use.
- postuple | list of tuple
Position (x, y) or (x, y, z) of the text. Can also be a list of tuple if text is a list.
- rotationfloat
Rotation (in degrees) of the text clockwise.
- anchor_xstr
Horizontal text anchor.
- anchor_ystr
Vertical text anchor.
- methodstr
Rendering method for text characters. Either ‘cpu’ (default) or ‘gpu’. The ‘cpu’ method should perform better on remote backends. The ‘gpu’ method should produce higher quality results.
- font_managerobject | None
Font manager to use (can be shared if the GLContext is shared).
- depth_testbool
Whether to apply depth testing. Default False. If False, the text behaves like an overlay that does not get hidden behind other visuals in the scene.
- property anchors#
- property bold#
- property color#
The color of the text
- property face#
- property font_size#
The font size (in points) of the text
- property italic#
- property pos#
The position of the text anchor in the local coordinate frame
- property rotation#
The rotation of the text (clockwise, in degrees)
- property text#
The text string
- class vispy.visuals.text.text.TextureFont(font, renderer)#
Gather a set of glyphs relative to a given font name and size
This currently stores characters in a TextureAtlas object which uses a 2D RGB texture to store unsigned 8-bit integer data. In the future this could be changed to a
texture instead of RGB when OpenGL ES 3.0+ is standard. Since VisPy tries to stay compatible with OpenGL ES 2.0 we are using anRGB
texture. Using a single channel texture should improve performance by requiring less data to be sent to the GPU and to remote backends (jupyter notebook).- Parameters:
- fontdict
Dict with entries “face”, “size”, “bold”, “italic”.
- rendererinstance of SDFRenderer
SDF renderer to use.
- property ratio#
Ratio of the initial high-res to final stored low-res glyph
- property slop#
Extra space along each glyph edge due to SDF borders