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Compiling takes a long time on classroom computers; you should only compile the code yourself after you have finished the basic lessons.


Compiling WRFDA for 3DVAR

Get the WRFDA zipped tar file from /kumquat/wrfhelp/SOURCE_CODE/WRFDA

cd /kumquat/users/${USER}/DA

cp /kumquat/wrfhelp/SOURCE_CODE/WRFDA/WRFDA_V3.6.tar.gz .

Unzip and untar the file:

tar -zxf WRFDA_V3.6.tar.gz

You should now see the directory WRFDA, which contains the WRFDA source code.

To reduce compilation time you can compile in parallel (this is a separate process from deciding to run WRFDA in serial or parallel mode). You can do this by setting the environment variable J="-j #", where "#" is the number of processors.

setenv J "-j 4"

Configure and compile

cd /kumquat/users/${USER}/DA/WRFDA

setenv BUFR 1

Only one radiative transfer model is necessary, but WRFDA can be compiled with both, so set the CRTM and/or RTTOV environment variables as below

setenv CRTM 1
setenv RTTOV /kumquat/wrfhelp/WRFDA/external/rttov11

./configure wrfda

Choose 50 for pgf90/pgcc, dmpar

./compile all_wrfvar >& compile_3dvar.log &

Compiling WRFPLUS

WRFPLUS contains both the non-linear and the tangent-linear/adjoint WRF code. It is needed for 4DVAR and Forecast Sensitivity to Observations (FSO).

Get the WRFPLUS zipped tar file from /kumquat/wrfhelp/SOURCE_CODE/WRFDA

cd /kumquat/users/$USER/DA

cp /kumquat/wrfhelp/SOURCE_CODE/WRFDA/WRFPLUS_V3.6_r7153.tar.gz .

Set "J" to compile in parallel

setenv J "-j 4"

Unzip and untar the file

tar -zxf WRFPLUS_V3.6_r7153.tar.gz


cd /kumquat/users/$USER/DA/WRFPLUSV3

./configure wrfplus

Choose 26 for pgf90/pgcc, dmpar


./compile em_real >& compile_wrfplus.log &

Compiling WRFDA for 4DVAR

To compile WRFDA for 4DVAR, you should have already compiled WRFPLUS (see above).

Get the WRFDA zipped tar file from /kumquat/wrfhelp/SOURCE_CODE/WRFDA

cd /kumquat/users/$USER/DA

cp /kumquat/wrfhelp/SOURCE_CODE/WRFDA/WRFDA_V3.6.tar.gz .

If you have already built WRFDA in this directory for 3DVAR, be sure to rename that directory first.

mv /kumquat/users/$USER/DA/WRFDA /kumquat/users/$USER/DA/WRFDA_3DVAR

Unzip and untar the file

tar -zxf WRFDA_V3.6.tar.gz

Configure and Compile

cd /kumquat/users/${USER}/DA/WRFDA

./clean -a

Only one radiative transfer model is necessary, but WRFDA can be compiled with both, so set the CRTM and/or RTTOV environment variables as below

setenv BUFR 1
setenv CRTM 1
setenv RTTOV /kumquat/wrfhelp/WRFDA/external/rttov11

Set the environment variable WRFPLUS_DIR to point to the WRFPLUS build you just installed

setenv WRFPLUS_DIR /kumquat/users/$USER/DA/WRFPLUSV3

./configure 4dvar

Choose 26 for pgf90/pgcc, dmpar

./compile all_wrfvar >& compile_4dvar.log &


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